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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Victor Steiner - 11-10-2016

Good Evening Gentlemen

I bring a report of activity from the Omega 3 system and (to a lesser extent) the Cambridge system. You will have to forgive me, but due to the unorthodox nature of today's activity I am unable to provide full and accurate times. Suffice to say that our patrol began at 5 bells (10:30 PM) and ended at 2 bells the next morning (1 am).

Our members were:
Myself (Lt Cdr Victor Steiner)
HMS-Black Claymore
BPA) Officer Waldorf Salad
BMF|FS The Anvil (Name of Pilot still unknown).

The patrol started as any normal day would, we were keeping the Corsairs down in Omega 3 when we received a message from the Poseidon (Who was in New London at the time) that a Hessian had somehow managed to sneak its way into New London. It did not take us long to chase it out into the border worlds. At that time an Ion Storm was expected so I called off the hunt and all ships to dock. Following the Ion storm we returned to space and were immediately greeted by the sight of another Hessian (Cruiser) legging its way past Planet Sprague. We gave chase, but unfortunately the hessian had too greater lead on us and we lost it.

A moments peace was broken when the HMS-Black Claymore reported that there was a BDM Vessel by the Freeport. As the ranking officer I went over to have a word with our Rhineland friend. He argued that he was in Omega 3 for the purposes of tracking and killing Hessians. He also Believed that the Hessians may have a base in either O-3 or Cambridge. I informed him that such activity would need to be cleared by either the Bretonian Government or by a ranking member of BAF High Command. He gave me some line about ''The process of doing which may void the element required in spotting the convoys that will lead me to their installation.''
Oddly, as soon as he said that a Hessian undocked from the Freeport and we gave chase, HMS-Poseidon and HMS-Black Claymore were sent into Cambridge to deal with the Hessian cruiser who came back. After a brief chase, the BDM and I had a short skirmish with the Hessian before he retreated into the Omega 9 system. The BDM gave chase and destroyed the hessian soon after. He returned to O-3 where I took his details.

Name: Operative Nachteule (Last name Unknown/not given)
Rank: Special Agent.
Gender: Male
Shortly after the Rheinlander left, the HMS-Black Claymore came across an arms smuggler by the name of ''Plymouth''. I made contact with the vessel and ordered him to drop his cargo, twice. He refused, twice, and was therefore shot down. Credit for the Kill goes to the HMS-Black Claymore.
The claymore and I then re-joined our fellows HMS-Poseidon and the BMF ship. No sooner had we done so, our radar showed the Hessians back in O-3. I called in support to track their movements by contacting BPA) officer Waldorf Salad who came out from New London. When he arrived he managed to locate the Hessian Cruiser ''Vandal'' but was promptly destroyed. The rest of us, including a FL-ER pilot by the name of Jethro Gibbs engaged the target, killing him (Killed by HMS-Poseidon). Pilot Gibbs was given payment for his assistance. Sometime later, the other Hessian, going by the name of ''Huligan'' was located by the Black Claymore and Killed as well.
Following these events Omega-3 is quiet. Although I am somewhat concerned that such activity happened all at once. But I leave this knowledge of events in your care.

Yours in service:
Lt Cdr Victor Steiner.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 11-26-2016

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Medium
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall

The System of New London was apparently a popular target during the last two days.
An Auxesian patrol spotted no less than three Order Osiris-class not far from the Planet itself two days ago. It might be that they had managed to sneak past the defenses using cloaking devices. As the Auxesians were only snub craft. there was little they could do, but they managed to keep the Order ships on the spot until I arrived aboard the Sovereign. I attempted hailing the Order ships, but I received no response. Then I ordered the Sovereign to engage. As the Order were apparently very uneducated about how to fight a Dunkirk-class, and as I received a couple of bombers' reinforcements, we were able to disable them all. The scrap metal should be recycled by Southampton, after which what cannot be recycled will be sent back to the Order as a warning message.

What could have been the reason of the Order's presence might possibly be the Nomads, although I received no information whatsoever from either of the three. Namely, the very same place was attacked by two Marduk-class yesterday. The Planet was defended by two carriers, the Black Claymore and the Holy Diver. The Nomads attacked before the Sovereign could arrive from Magellan, and the Holmfirth from Omega-3. The carriers were adamant about staying at their posts, and would not abandon them even under the threat of certain death. This cost us the Black Claymore, but the Holy Diver managed to hold out for long enough, and was quickly relieved by the Holmfirth and us. We would have benefited more if the Order simply informed us of what was about to happen, than if they sneaked three warships in, as they did. Nevertheless, we were still able to fight off both enemies with only one unit lost.

The Gallic Royal Navy Command might have, on the contrary, thought those battles had cost us more dearly, so they launched an attack from Leeds. Even more unfortunately for them, the Liberty Navy Command probably thought the same, and sent us three Overlord-class and a captured Osiris-class, as well as four snub craft. Despite this, their fleet scattered and routed at the sight of the Gauls and, although an Overlord and the Osiris managed to escape, two Overlords were disabled, and later a bomber of theirs and another of ours as well. By the time the Sovereign arrived from Magellan, the Gallic Royal Navy controlled the space around Southampton. Nevertheless, we met up with the Navy, boosted their morale, and headed forth. When we reached Southampton, we noticed that the Gallic fleet had dispersed, as out of three Valors and two Obstinates, only a Valor and an Obstinate were there, along with some snub craft. I decided that we should use the circumstance, which we did. The first Valor, the Ressentiment, was already heavily damaged when the second arrived, that one being the Royal Vauquelin. We were able to destroy the Ressentiment, but then we lost one of our own, the Osiris-class Amenhotep, which was cruised at by the Royal Vauquelin, which then immediately switched fire to the Odyssey, an Overlord-class. When their Valor's hull was about to breach, I ordered the Sovereign straight towards them, to draw fire from the Odyssey, which was having problems. This we did successfully, having managed to reach the Valor's blind spot at the bottom. The Sovereign's hull was bestowed the shower of the Royal Vauquelin's debris, at least one of which I intend to keep as a trophy. This left their Obstinate, the Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier, alone against two battleships. I trusted the Odyssey was equipped well enough for the challenge after I halved the Lavoisier's hull integrity with two Heavy Mortar hits, but the Libertonian captain appeared to use cruiser tactics on a dreadnought. This prompted the Sovereign to engage again, in which we were successful. We managed to score several Heavy Mortar and secondary turret hits on its hull, as well as one by our Razor. This left little difference between the Lavoisier's remnants of hull and the nearby debris field.
The battle happened nearby a shipyard, which was a very convenient circumstance when we wanted to repair our ships. I have not yet been informed if the Amenhotep has been reassembled, but what matters is that a significant portion of the crew have not suffered any permanent injuries.
It is important to also note that Battlegroup Auxesia aided us against the Gauls with at least two snub craft.
Additionally and very worth a mention, a Junker pointed out to the vicinity of their Trafalgar Base to the battlefield, which, as it appears, has had some influence on our luck. Fortunately the commanding officer survived, for a difference. That would be me, of course.

Allied Units Disabled:
1) HMS-Black.Claymore (Invincible)
2) 5th|LNS-North.Carolina (Overlord)
3) [LN]-LNS-Florida.Keys (Overlord)
4) 5th|LNS-Amenhotep (Osiris)
5) BAF|Lt.Cdr.Victor.Steiner (Fighter/Bomber)
6) [LN]ESRD Fighter/Bomber
7) [LN]ESRD Fighter/Bomber

Enemy Units Disabled:
1) Sobek (Osiris)
2) unknown. (Osiris)
3) shadowkika (Osiris)
4) K'Hara|Innana (Marduk)
5) K'Hara|Saturnia (Marduk)
6) RNS-Ressentiment (Valor)
7) GRN|RNS-Royal.Vauquelin (Valor)
8) RNS-Antoine.L.Lavoisier (Obstinate)
9) Isere (Cougar)

Camera Shots:

Sir George R. Hall
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Victor Steiner - 12-01-2016

An interesting day in New London today. I had only just undocked from New London when I received a message from Sapphire Raven calling my attention to an Infected pilot near the Cambridge jump gate. Upon arriving and seeing that Miss raven had already engaged I joined the fray. Shortly after a bounty hunter came along and also joined and then not long after an outcast, who promptly joined the infected in fighting myself and the other two. Both the infected and outcast were destroyed.

Not long after an LN fighter started asking questions regarding the nation's defence, Nomads and other such things. I find it strange that the LN would bother to be here without being called, even more so that they would ask such questions. I simply stated that the house was bloodied, but not broken and that the answers to those questions could only be given by the Admirals.

While this was going on, miss raven (who had taken up residence by Waterloo station) started making all manner of strange noises. I am uncertain what it was.....I am also fairly certain I don't want to know as I do suspect there was more than just her in the cabin. However I did ask if she was well, she claimed she was, despite my believing otherwise. Another Auxesia vessel was present and effectively told me to mind my own business. Which is strange because ensuring the safety and wellbeing of Bretonia's citizens is my concern. Nonetheless, if miss raven was in trouble, she refused assistance, thus, since there was little i could do, i returned to Wellington.

In service

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Spectre - 12-03-2016

-={Starting Message Transfer}=-

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]
Comm ID]: Commander William Reginald Sutton III
Receiver ID]: BAF Defense Intelligence Staff
Location]: Battleship Ark Royal, Newcastle System.

Encryption]: Medium
Priority]: Medium

Good-morrow chaps and guvs. Commander Sutton here,

I received a transmission from a fellow pilot about a Border Worlds Exports vessel hauling a large quantity of Azurite Gas. I'm aware that Auxesia is big into this material, and showed signs of uneasiness with the transport there.

The captain, one Bobby_Fletcher, explained to me that his destination was Sunderland in Newcastle. I took scans on the ship's hold in anticipation of the gas being whitelisted, but upon a thorough check of the public law and the Authority's restricted goods page, I found no specific display of the gas being restricted. If at all possible, I suggest we get this clarified if the law truly does label the gas as restricted. I'd suggest it is, but I'm one pilot.

Afterwards, I flew to the Ark Royal and landed, refueling for any further runs.

I'd ask if the gas is classed as a restricted good. The scans can be sent to the Authority to deal with his case should they be. Otherwise, one cannot do their job without clarification.

That is all.

Long live Queen Carina, and bless her Armed Forces.
May the tea we drink choke the enemies of our realm.

William Reginald Sutton III
Bretonian Armed Forces

-={Message Tranfer Complete}=-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Piombo65 - 12-06-2016

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Very high
Priority: High
From: Lieutenant Commander Sid Fire

Good day BAF DIS,

I Send here the report of the recent battle in New London system.

Sid Fire
Lieutenant Commander
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - AlphaWolf215 - 12-10-2016

[Image: ykmlrhz.png]

Fleet Adjustments

Admiral Charles Davis

-Admiral Davis is placed on Indefinite Leave. Family illness has drawn him away. We wish him and his family a speedy recovery.
-Admiral Davis is relieved of command of the 10th Defence Fleet, headed by the Battleship MacDuff, and the 9th Mobile Assault Fleet, headed by the Battleship Ark Royal.

Admiral Jacob McIntire

-Admiral McIntire is relieved of command of the 6th Counter Fleet, headed by Battleship Essex.
-Admiral McIntire is appointed command of the 10th Defence Fleet, headed by the Battleship MacDuff, and the 9th Mobile Assault Fleet, headed by the Battleship Ark Royal.

Admiral Evyn Wildcat

-Admiral Wildcat is reappointed active status, effective immediately.
-Admiral Wildcat is appointed command of the 6th Counter Fleet, headed by the Battleship Essex.

Office of the Admiral of the Fleet

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cybertron - 12-10-2016

-Incoming Transmission-
[Image: Captain_zpsa25cf4fd.png]
Rank: Captain
Name: Robert Dzeferson
Subject: The return of the Captain

Good day gentleman, this is Captain Robert speaking.

I wish to inform you that I, Robert, hereby officially announce that my specialization is complete. I have finished my studies, and I must say they took quite some time. I have been absent for 2 years now. I hope I will catch up as much as I can, but I also hope you haven't touched my tea reserves! Those are only for black days! Anyway, I have specialized myself in infantry tactics, weapons and ground forces maneuver since we have an assumption that our new targets will be planets which are being held by ground forces and troops and our ships wont have such great effect after all. But neither myself or anyone else has the privilege to say that they are prophets. So the time will show us if I am right or not, and also I hope I am right, since I placed a bet on my racing Challenger that I am right.. Such a foolish bet. Gentleman I will submit my papers on the expertise and specialization if needed, just leave me a message in comm's and I'll upload the link.

With all due respect, Dzeferson out.

-Ending Transmission-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - ASimpleMan - 12-11-2016

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Low
Priority: Low
From: Lieutenant Arthur Cuttingham

Good day BAF DIS,

Pilots, ensigns, commanders, admirals, and all the rest. If you noticed, I had been absent from the fleet for about three months. Admiral Hall has cleared my absence and I am cleared for combat starting today. I had started a side job on New London about a year ago; a high quality metalworking business. It is joint–stock, and so the other owner will take management of the job from me for a certain set of dates. We had agreed to a four year business in a contract signed last year. The reason is because my wife cannot support my kids on her own, and so we need a little more money until we send the chaps out into the world. This will be my active service schedule for the next two years until BMM buys our business.

December 23rd until January 10th.

April 3rd until April 10th.

June 8th until late August.

Tallyho chaps!

Arthur Cuttingham
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 12-11-2016

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Medium
To: Captain Robert Dzeferson, Lieutenant Arthur Cuttingham
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall


You have been reinstated into service. You are to be aboard the Harlow for briefing at your earliest convenience. Captain Dzeferson now serves with the rank of Commander, until he regains his skill at fighting in space. He is advised not to wear his armour in all occasions, as it is difficult to clean, and not cleaning it might lead to the Commander being mistaken for a Gaul.

Sir George R. Hall
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - ASimpleMan - 12-12-2016

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Low
From: Lieutenant Arthur Cuttingham

Good day BAF DIS,

Gentlemen. I would like to report of a recent scrap in New London. I was taking the Kensington Shipyard tradelane to the Cambridge Jumpgate and the lane stopped. A Corsair had made himself present. I tried to get him to leave the system but he persisted on killing me, and so I did. Well, sort of. I fired a Cruise Disruptor at him as he launched a mine, vaporizing him and his ship. I came out with just a few bruises. The Corsairs are getting more audacious, attacking New London.

Kill Confirmation

Tallyho chaps!

Arthur Cuttingham
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies