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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Baron Snow - 12-16-2016

Message Class: Textual
From:Ensign Richard Mace
Location:New London Sistem

From Richard's Diary. Star date is 16.12.823 A.S . Supplement.
"This evening I made patrolling of Cambridge Sistem. Suddenly, I received a message from my command that in New London Sistem is seen a ship which transports contraband, but belonging to Daumann Heavy Construction. I was ordered to intercept the ship. I immediately went to New London.

Find this ship was simply . Certainly, these people had very little experience in this .. Cargo hold of the ship was filled with Nucklear Devices. As soon as smugglers saw me, they started to run away in asteroid field. I started to persecution.

I made contact with the ship and asked a pilots know about this fact that they are carrying a contraband? I did not get a clear explanation. The ship's captain told me that he needs to feed his family. I was sorry for him, but I had to perform my duty to the Bretonia (maybe captain was just a terrorist!). The captain refused to turn off the engines.

When I went to a sufficient distance, I fired a missile from Cruise Disruptor. The smuggler's ship was stopped. I gave a final warning to ship which name was "C308". My requirements were not met.
The enemy opened fire on me.

After a short battle the enemy freighter was destroyed. The cargo was confiscated.

It looks like it's a difficult case of smuggling, because the ship had Daumann ID. However, the rest is not in my competence. I have fulfilled duty to the country."

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Spectre - 12-17-2016

-={Starting Message Transfer}=-

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]
Comm ID]: Commander William Reginald Sutton III
Receiver ID]: BAF Defense Intelligence Staff
Location]: Battleship Norfolk, Cambridge System

Encryption]: Medium
Priority]: Medium

Good-morrow chaps and guvs. Commander Sutton here,

Today started off swimingly as Admiral Hall aboard the HMS Thunderer, myself and four more of our lads convened at Freeport 1 to deal with a Zoner Carrier that had stopped there for repairs. What ensued was a rather long chat between Admiral Hall and the ship's AI, a mistress named Iona. Under escort by another Zoner ship, we followed suit as the ship, I-401, was escorted to the Omega-9 anomaly where she was released back towards the Omicrons.

On our way back, Admiral Hall pulled the Thunderer near Sprague as myself, Lieutenant Cuttingham, Lieutenant Commanders Steiner and Jefferson, and Ensign Winters removed a rather annoying Hessian gunboat from the Kingdom's space. Once finished, we wrapped up at the Freeport and returned home for tea and celebratory darts.

Friendly Units____________
- BAF|HMS-Thunderer - Stayed out of the engagement. Wouldn't want to pester the dear Admiral with a gunboat.
- BAF|Lt.A_Cuttingham
- BAF|LtCdr.V.Steiner
- BAF|Havoc.IV - Piloted by Lieutenant Commander Noa Jefferson
- BAF|Ens.Ryan.Winters:
- A/)-Saphir - Auxesian bomber who was momentarily involved.

Hostile Units____________
- [RHA]SOA-Saufeder - A small gunboat who never made it back to Ms. Heinrich.

Long live Queen Carina, and bless her Armed Forces.
May the tea we drink choke the enemies of our realm.

William Reginald Sutton III
Bretonian Armed Forces

-={Message Tranfer Complete}=-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - SMI-Great.Fox - 12-20-2016

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Primary Fleet Register
Encryption: High
Priority: High
To: BAF Defense Intelligence Staff
From: Admiral Evyn Wildcat, BAF

The following details are hearby classified and any release will be met with immediate court martial and arrest.

The following vessels involved are as follows:


On Friday, December 16th of 822 A.S. The vessels BRF|HMS-Endeavor along with HMS-Black Claymore and LtCdr Steiner detected a possible anomaly within Bretonia's borderlands. They had already begun scans of the Omega 3 system and had turned up nothing. I therefore within all reasoning decided for an immediate search of several other accessible borderworld systems under Bretonia's ownership.

Surprisingly enough we were met up with Liberty Primary fleet members Sentinel and Phoenix on deployment for the same thing and had decided to join us. After searching the Magellan system with no luck, we were met up by the 404 Operative 'Speedster'. I had an interaction with the same operative while in discussion with the 5th Fleet in California the month prior.

Our searches of both Cortez and Inverness however turned up empty as well, however before I was to suspend the search, the 404 Operative disclosed an unidentified jump hole in the Inverness system. While met by resistance to jumping into the system by our Libertonian allies. I gave clearance for a 5 minute time allowance into the system.

The following Images are hereby restricted to the rank of Commodore and above.

Classified System - Designation "Drake"

We were met with heavy resistance upon entering the system and thanks to the HMS Endeavour and HMS Black Claymore, all others involved were relatively unscathed.

Suggest that current request of Auxeria purchasing the Inverness system to be DENIED due to the discovery of this system.

Evyn 'Thorn' Wildcat
Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Luka - 12-21-2016

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Primary Fleet Register
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Low
To: BAF Defense Intelligence Staff
From: Ensign Ryan Winters

Reporting from an encounter during a threat call in the Cambridge system.
During my flight there, I ran into a scientist who had a question to make to me; however a gaian bomber entered the area before the man of science even made his inquiry, so I had to put him on hold before scrambling over to confront the outlaw.

I informed the bomber pilot about his status as a law-violating individual due to the affiliation both his transponder and vessel expressed, but the pilot did not cooperate with my requests for him to stand down, forcing me to enter in combat with him. Lieutenant Cuttingham arrived to the scene in the middle of the fight, offering assistance in the event that the situation began to lose control. Thankfully, the terrorist vessel was taken out shortly later.

After the incident, the scientist was informed about further ways to contact us for the discussion of his requests, hopefully assisting him better with contacting specialized personnel given their technical nature.

Ryan Winters
Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 12-23-2016


Rank Changes:

Lieutenant-Commander Noa Jefferson has been promoted to Commander. More experienced pilots should take higher positions. Responsibility implies.

Lieutenant Arthur Cuttingham has been promoted to Lieutenant-Commander. You have shown that you are ready for this duty with your performance on the field. Do not disappoint.

Ensign Ryan Winters has been promoted to Lieutenant. Keep positively surprising the admiralty board. Unless they are drinking tea at the moment, of course. Please do not surprise them in any way at that time.

Command Changes:

Captain Paul McKinley has been assigned to the position of Executive Officer aboard the HMS Gwent in Omega-3. The control over the ship is his, but the BPA retains command over their staff, and the 4th Norfolk Assault Fleet Headquarters retain overall command over the ship and any BAF units in the sector. This means that Captain McKinley's duty will be micromanaging. Although the Gwent carries a somewhat lower priority than most of Her Majesty's Dunkirks, no less than excellence is still expected. More would be welcome, to compensate.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Admiralty Board

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Piombo65 - 12-31-2016

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Very high
Priority: High
From: Lieutenant Commander Sid Fire

Good day BAF DIS,

I Send here the report of the recent battle in Omega-3 system.

Sid Fire
Lieutenant Commander
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Hubjump - 01-03-2017

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: High
From: Flag Officer Garret.J.Winters, Royal Fleet

Garret.J.Winters of the Conclusive, Royal fleet

Yesterday the armed forces made a call to arms apon hearing of an imminent corsair invasion of the planet Sprague in Omega-3
Our forces were slightly advantageous: We had a few extra hired arms and assistance from a Rhineland cruiser, RWK-Hilden, not to mention our fantastic repair ship, Pssstrepairs, And the arrival of unexpected reinforcements mid engagement.

We had before the arrival of the 'Sairs, two Dunkirks and three gunboats not to mention RWK-Hildens Donau and an array of snub craft.
The corsairs arrived with two Legates, one Murmillo which was unarmoured, One gunboat and slightly less snubcraft then us.

The 'Sairs made the first move, The fighters and gunboats engaged instantly where as us captains of capital ships began a poking war until they focused HMS-Thunderer with all 3 capital vessels, I saw this from my own vessel the HMS-Conclusive after pulling away failing to draw their attention and noticed the heavy damage on the Murmillo, It swiftly fell,Both legates seemed to have broke off HMS-Thunderer as the sudden and spontaneous arrival of HMS-BlackClaymore, A Carrier, rushed both Legates head on, I and Sir Hall were a little confused by this random event that took place and the BlackClaymore fell after delivering more damage then expected, We then took the advantage presenting its self with both mine and the HMS-Thunderers power cores able to deliver at 100% I rushed in to look like a life ready for the taking, Essentially acting as bait to open both legates to heavy fire, This worked,My Vessel had taken heavy yet not critical damage but both Legates fell, Peaceful Explorer noticed the trap too late to escape.

I can not say much for the smaller craft's fight as i was not involved much at all ,As both me and Sir Hall focused on the capital ship advantage. But they preformed outstandingly as said by Sir Hall him self with our losses being but one gunboat and the surprising arrival of the carrier.

All 'Sair forces were eliminated.

Flag Officer
Bretonian Armed Forces

Si vis pacem, para bellum

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Victor Steiner - 01-12-2017

Greetings my fellow officers

Recently, I have been receiving reports from a few transports about IMG raiding in Omega-3. Such reports incriminate 2 IMG pilots going by the names ''Novawerfer'' and ''AncientPower''. They have apparently attacked both BMM and BMF transpots when they passed Aland shipyard.

As such, Commander Talbot, BPA) officer Homeros and myself decided to investigate these events ourselves. We met NovaWerfer by Aland and questioned him of his activities in Omega-3. Given that no solid proof could be presented, we had to let him go with a warning. I dare say we will be keeping a closer eye on events in O-3 in future.

Shortly after our conversation with the IMG pilot, commander Talbot ordered a sweep of the system and Officer Homeros spotted a Corsair cruiser fleeing the system, continuing our patrol we ran into a independent pirate. Despite his claims of only pirating Rheinlanders, the Commander saw fit to charge him with a fine, at which point he fled. He was later intercepted and destroyed by one of our Gunboat patrols.

With the Admirals permission, I request leave to preform random patrols in O-3 to ensure the safety of our transports. While no steadfast evidence has been presented against the IMG, I feel it wise to ensure that some reassurance is given to our citizens, to show that we do indeed take piracy seriously even in these dark times.

In service
LtCdr V. Steiner

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Victor Steiner - 01-19-2017

Good afternoon Gentlemen

At 2 bells this afternoon I was patrolling the Barrier Ice field in Newcastle I encountered a Freelancer who was carrying all manner of odd items. He had in his hold 46 Wilde pilots and 7 nomad blasters (adapted). He also freely admitted to flying through the drake system. He surrendered all his items to me upon request and mentioned his intention to leave Bretonia to join the Zoner faction. Given he was unaware of House law and cooperated Fully with my demands, I simply asked him to Leave the system and we would think no more of it. He did so and that was that. I have taken these items to a secure location in Newcastle. I believe I do not need to elaborate as to where this location is.

In Service
LtCdr V.S
(// To clarify what happened, the guy did not Role play what so ever, not that he was rude or aggressive Its just that he didn't understand that the server is RP. Furthermore he was having difficulty with his ID because he was very new and didn't quite get how things work. Taking all that into account, I don't think it would have been fair to charge him credits.)

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Backo - 01-24-2017

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Medium
From: Ensign Thomas Murphy

Ensign Thomas Murphy reporting,

On 23.1.824A.S. at 22:00 SMT while me and Captain Dagon were escorting HMS-Sovereign, the Captain received a distress message about Corsair activity in New London and so we broke formation and headed there with utmost hate. While making our way to New London our frequencies were joined by Commander Seeley French who was apparently already in New London on his Challanger-class bomber. We chased the enemy combatants, a Titan, a Corsair Train and a Gunboat into Cambridge. I only got visuals on one of them when I was nearing Norfolk, a Titan fighter to be more precise. I chased it towards the Omega-3 gate alongside Captain Dagon but once in Omega-3 they managed to slip us and escape into a jumphole which the Captain described as leading to Omega-5. Being out of our jurisdiction we returned back to Bretonian space and headed to New London.

At roughly 22:40 SMT we received another distress call about Corsair forces gathering in Omega-3 again so me and the Captain departed yet again there. This time we had the pilot of Havoc IV, Lieutenant Commander Cuttingham and Lieutenant Graves with us. We arrived in Omega-3 and found the enemy forces gathering near planet Sprague. 5 Titans along a Corsair Gunboat by the callsign C::CNS-Perseus were there. Luckly we got more reinforcements - Admiral Evyn Wildcat in her Guardian and Captain Brennan in another Templar. Seeing that with our reinforcements we can match their strength we quickly engaged the enemy forces. Our orders were to focus on the Gunboat as it was a priority target. We successfully chased it off to Omega-5 inflicting heavy, but not critical enough damage to neutralize it. In the mean time Captain Dagon was under heavy fire from the Corsair forces, but lucky two Auxesians showed up (callsign Pezhetairos and callsign Krauklis) to try and relief the pressure off the Captain. The Admiral ordered us to split up and provide as much cover to Dagon as possible, but her craft was already heavily damaged beyond what the nanobots could repair and we couldn't relieve the pressure off her from the Corsair pilots in time. At 21:12 SMT she was forced to eject but things soon after turned in our favor. One of the Titans split away from the fight as me and Captain Brennan alongside a single Auxesian chased it off. I managed to take it down with a reckless torpedo attack and apparently, judging by the damage my Templar sustained and the the Corsair fighter left in a in a complete wreck, either two torpedoes colliding or my torpedo hitting her mine. We then returned to the main fight where the rest of the Corsairs were being hit hard. Soon after another Titan was eliminated by it's damaged nuclear mine dropper malfunctioning and causing an explosion. What followed was a really brave move by the pilot of Havoc IV where he rammed another Titan and discharged it's anti-capital weaponry leading nothing but smoldering dust of the unfortunate Corsair. The last Corsair standing fled to the Omega-5 system and so I was forced to disengage.

This engagement left us with one Templar turned into a wreck and light to medium damage on the rest of our fighters. The Corsair side suffered heavy but not fatal damage to the Gunboat and 3 destroyed Titans with 2 forced to reroute back to Omega-5.

Following this engagement I requested from the the engineers at Ark Royal to switch one of my EMP guns on my Templar with a "Enfield PB4" as the engagement showed that EMP capacity was of lesser importance than hull damage in the fight against their heavily armored ships. I'll see how this new loadout performs in future engagements and adjust accordingly if needed.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Thomas Murphy
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies