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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - MathiasCZR - 09-02-2012

>>>>( [color=#FFCC00]Incoming Transmission )<<<<
>>>>( Link Established )<<<<

Source: Battleship Westfalen , Hamburg System
Encryption: Light
Submitter: Leutant Alois Dermen
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: A soldier's Return

[Image: 220px-Wilhelm_Crinius.jpg]

Gutgen Tag, mein Kameraden!

It is good to see all again! I have returned from my boring retirement in Hamburg. To once again serve in the calling hours of our Great Fatherland! For those of you who do not personally know me I 'am Leutant Alois Dermen, I have fought, bleed and sacrificed much to defend this Nation! And I shall do so again! I' am eager to see everyone back in action. As well as myself.

<div align="right]Dermen, Out!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - MathiasCZR - 09-03-2012

>>>>( [color=#FFCC00]Incoming Transmission )<<<<
>>>>( Link Established )<<<<

Source: Battleship Westfalen , Hamburg System
Encryption: Very High
Submitter: Leutant Alois Dermen
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Nomad Incrusion Report 29

[Image: 220px-Wilhelm_Crinius.jpg]

Hail High Command!

I have an interesting report in store. Around 08:00 hours comm scan detected several Nomad warships entering the Hamburg system via Frankfurt. Our defense force intercepted the Aliens in the Alsterfeld. It appeard the Alien's destination was directed for the Hudson system. But no matter, our strike force engaged the Nomad forces and one of their warships were destroyed, we were able to obtain Alien material from the wreckage our force continued to purse the hostiles into the Hudson system and onward to the Texas system. There we were able to obliterate another War Vessel and obtain it's Alien samples as well. The remaining two Nomad Vessels escaped into Liberty. But the samples we collected from the battle should be of use to the Research Administration, all of the data and Alien Samples have been turned over to the BDM. That is All!

<div align="right]Dermen, Out!

Recorded Images
First Image
Second Image
Third Image
Fourth Image
Fifth Image
Sixth Image
Seventh Image
Eighth Image

Confirmed Kills
Nomad Battleship Killed By BDM|RNC-Brynhildr
Nomad Battleship Killed By KAV-Sinatra

Confirmed Causalities

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Vitus - 09-03-2012


[font=Impact]SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig System.

[Image: annemarie.jpg]
[font=Verdana]SUBMITTER: Feldwebel Annemarie Franck
SUBJECT: Patrol Report 11

Report on Mission[color=#FFFFFF] Nr.14-030912

[color=#99FF99]::: Loading Mission File from Database :::

Mission Profile:

Mission Type: Generous Rheinland Patrol
Mission Codename: - none -
Mission Start: 9th September 819 A.S.
Preforming Elements:
Vessel 1: Wraith - 90-ARKM-N45 Rheinland Very Heavy Fighter
Piloted by: Fw. Annemarie Franck
- Preform a free roaming patrol through Rheinland Core Systems.

- Mark any incidents of your patrol in the mission file sheet. and add a report to the incidents.

Good Luck.

Incident Locations:
Planet Hamburg - Hamburg System Incident: #1
Planet Hamburg - Hamburg System Incident: #2
Dortmund Station - New Berlin System Incident: #3

As my patrol led me into the vicinity of Planet Hamburg, i've encountered a pair of Libertonian Light Fighters. Brand new, only lightly armored, and clearly flown by freelancing Pilots having L4WL-Syndrome. i've scanned the ships and gave them the order to Halt, yet they both did not respond but docked with their libertonian Fighter vessels on Planet Hamburg.

Just as i thought local police catched them during their attemt to reach the landing pads and as i've turned my attenion to a Zoner Transport of the DL Series i've picked up, being inbound to Hamburg Planet with its belly full of contraband, the two libertonian Light Fighters shot out of Hamburgs Atmosphere again. Seems like they've fled from local authorities.

Being totally overwhelmed with the Situation, taking care of not less than three suspects at a time, i've decided to call in Leutnant Dermen over Fleet comms. Upon his arrival we first took care of the smuggling vessel, and kept the Libertonians halted until then.

[#1] The smuggler we've catched up, was a Zoner DL Series Vessel, piloted by an Artificial Intelligence. The AI told us that it intended to "seed" lifeless planets with those Alien Organism. Very strange thing if you ask me. We've ordered the AI vessel to unload it's cargo into space and destroyed the Contraband . Since fining a Vessel steered by a Computer is somewhat impossible, i've asked the AI to whom it belongs. And luckily we've managed to get some information out it. The former owner was known as "Akado Tachi". Maybe thats the adress to deliver a fine to? Anyways I'd suggest to forward this incident to the MND aswell as flying computers, seeding planets with alien organism is probably the strangest thing i've seen.

Attached Files: X, X, X, X, X, X, X,

[#2] As we were finished with the AI Vessel, we've again requested the immediate retreat into Libertonian Space from the two Libertonian Light Fighters. Probably the 4th time at all. As we've already picked out our targets on comm as they were both not cooperative, one of the Freelancers engaged me without notification. We've returned fire and made a nice little depris field out of them.

Attached Files: X, X, X, X, X, X, X,

[#3] On our trip back to Battleship Moselle we've picked up a Red Hessian Fighter Pilot "patroling" New Berlin and spreading out Hessian Propaganda. As he refused to leave the System we've removed him by force. The Leuntant eager to see my flying skills, let me go in alone, and even tho i've struggled with the expierienced RHA Pilot i've been somewhat a competition. As the fight streched toward the 5 minute mark, i've ran out of regens and gave the Leutnant the sign that he can come in an assist me. I first tried to disengage and let the Leutnant handle the crippled RHA Pilot. As he continued offensive against me tho, i've turned back and assisted the Leutnant, and i luckily managed to score a mine on him before he was able to send out his nanobots.

Attached Files: X, X, X

Fw. Annemarie Franck
[color=#99FF99]::: Updating Mission File into Database :::


[font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - ChillerMiller - 09-09-2012


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00][color=#999999]Schlachtschiff Strausberg, New Berlin System.
[font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#999999]Medium, port RM-HC-SD-KFZ-186


[Image: Larissafinal.jpg]

[font=Verdana][color=#C0C0C0]SUBMITTER: [color=#999999]Generalleutnant Larissa Schmitt, Rheinland Military.

[color=#C0C0C0]RECIPIENT: [color=#999999]Rheinland Military Patrol Database
[color=#C0C0C0]SUBJECT: [color=#999999]Battle Report

[color=#FFFFFF]Yesterday our forces were involved in a battle against the Red Hessian Army and their allies. A patrol wing, including Feldwebel Franck, Leutnant Dermen, Leutnant Sittlingen, a pilot from the secondary fleet and myself spotted a hessian fighter force in the Stuttgart system.

In the following battle, a large number of hessian fighters were shot down, while the losses on our side were kept to a minimum. It should be noted that our enemy had way more pilots than we did, but our soldiers fought bravely and ensured our victory.

X | X | X | X | X | X

[Image: UIYPK.png]
Rheinwehr Hauptflotte.


[color=#666666][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#C0C0C0]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kopesh - 09-10-2012

SENDER:Erick Frickhoffer
LOCATION:Planet New Berlin

[font=Lucida Console][color=#33FF33]
Guten Tag Meine herren!

I took off from Brandenburg and started my daily patrool.I found a Millitary ship with strange weaponry mounted near Bonn stations.After a quick scan I realised it was part of the traitorous group called Wilde.Immediately I opened fire and shreded his ship apart.While I was fighting him,he called for help,that being another pilot fron the wilde.He engaged me too,but it was to no avail,my superiour skill allowed me to scare the hell out of both pilots and put them on the run.After receiving heavy damage,while me receiving in return only minor scratches,they started running,and I followed in pursuit.Unfortunately I have lost them in Stuttgard system,so I had to call it off to avoid sailing into a trap.
That would be all for today.

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Vitus - 09-10-2012


[font=Impact]SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig System.

[Image: annemarie2.jpg]
[font=Verdana]SUBMITTER: Feldwebel Annemarie Franck
SUBJECT: Intercept Scramble

Report on Scramble[color=#FFFFFF] Nr.04-1009819

Today i've got scrambled to reinforce a Patrol by Leutnant v. Sittlingen and Austerlitz who run into an VWA Patrol near Planet Holstein. As i've reached the scene, the VWA vessels have already been engaged, and moved up to cover the area for any more contacts inbound.

As a third hostlie vessel entered the combat, i've engaged to assist the Leutnants. We've managed to destroy one Vessel, and drain the hull of another one, before they started to run toward Sigma-13 Jumphole. We followed them into Sigma-13 where we destroyed the second and the third vessel.

No Rheinwehr vessel had been lost during that engagement.

[color=#FFFFFF]Attached Files:

Fw. Annemarie Franck


[font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Weser - 09-17-2012

:::: Incomming Transmission ::::

Source : Schlachtschiff Westfalen , Hamburg System
Verschlüsselung : Medium

[Image: FrederickZoller.jpg]

Submitter : Flieger Sven Diederichs

Subject : Patrol / Combat Report

Guten Tag Kameraden of the Rheinwehr Oberkommando .

Yesterday i were on Patrol with Leutnant Sittlingen und Feldwebel Franck we checked the Frankfurt System and secured all ways in and out of the System without getting trouble . After we checked the Frankfurt System we went back to Neu Berlin where we found and single Pirate at Bonn Station however he didn't ran away . Leutnant Sittlingen ordered me to arrest the Pirate who opened fire upon me with the help of Feldwebel Franck we managed to Destroy the Pirate Ship . In the following Battle against Pilots of the LWB and some Bundschuh rebels my ship got damaged and i was forced to return to Base .

Attachments : [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*]

Hochachttungsvoll .

Sven Diederichs

:::: Transmission Terminated ::::

Rheinland Military Message Dump - aerelm - 09-18-2012

SOURCE: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin System.
ENCRYPTION: Medium, port RM-AE-12-VPR-SN2
  • >>> Receiving...
    >> Decrypting...
    > Opening...
[Image: adrianwiesen.png]
SUBMITTER: Gefreiter Adrian Wiesen
RECIPIENT: Rheinwehr Secured Comm-Link
SUBJECT: Patrol Report [9]

  • Meine Damen und Herren,
    After two years of office work after that certain incident that left me rather uncertain of flying a spaceship again, I have finally decided to rejoin our forces in space, and I want to thank the members of high command for giving me the chance to once again have the opportunity of protecting our house in the actual battlefield, rather than from behind a desk. I, obviously, had to go through the trainings again, which helped with getting a hang of a combat ship again. Needless to say my absence for 2 years earned me a demotion to gefreiter, but I'll be going to work my way back up to my old rank again, which hopefully won't take long.

    Unnecessary chatter aside, on my first patrol which started from Planet New Berlin, I picked up two Hessian bombers not far from the planet soon after undocking, both flying Thor class bombers. Both the hostiles tried to flee but as I managed to disrupt one of them the other one also came back, and despite the uneven odds and lack of practice for two years, I managed to take both of them out with no trouble. Guncams and scan logs related to these two hostiles can be found in the attachments.

    After resupplying at New Berlin, I joined Major Harkonnen, and soon after Leutnant Sittlingen for a regular patrol through western Rheinland borders. Despite the unusual quiet in Stuttgart and Omega-7, we heard reports of Hessians activity in the Dresden system and set course to that system. Once in Dresden, we picked up 3 Hessian Odins, two with [RHA] transponders and one with their regular transmitter codes. Sadly, not long after we engaged the hostiles, the whole system was hit by an Ion Storm and all our systems were disabled for a few minutes. Once we came back, our ships had drifted to different corners of the system and either the same had happened to the Hessians or they had used the opportunity to flee.

    Either way, rallying up at Pirna after the storms had cleared out, we headed back to Strausberg and ended the patrol.

    Gefreiter Adrian Wiesen over and out.

[ Attachments ]

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - aerelm - 09-21-2012

SOURCE: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin System.
ENCRYPTION: Medium, port RM-AE-12-VPR-SN2
  • >>> Receiving...
    >> Decrypting...
    > Opening...
[Image: adrianwiesen.png]
SUBMITTER: Gefreiter Adrian Wiesen
RECIPIENT: Rheinwehr Secured Comm-Link
SUBJECT: Patrol Report [10]

  • I joined Leutnant Sittlingen for a regular patrol today, which turned out to be more than an everyday lane sweeping. We were supposed to rendezvous at Hamburg jumphole and start the patrol from there, but we picked up a Zoner capital vessel right next to Essen, with no response from its captain. I did as ordered by the Leutnant and moved back to Planet New Berlin and switched to my bomber in case things got out of hand. After returning to the location of the capital vessel and firing a few warning shots, the captain finally responded and pretending to be unaware of the laws regarding foreign capital ships within Rheinland space, he finally agreed to being escorted out of Rheinland territory.

    However, despite looking cooperative at first, captain of the capital vessel started arguing and refusing orders once we reached Frankfurt jumpgate. So, after an actually unneeded argument we decided to escort the vessel to Sigma-13 jumphole on the captain's persistence. No more than 10 klicks from the jumphole though, with no previous sign of malfunction, the vessel starts dropping out of cruise over and over, as a fighter class Zoner vessel closes by.

    The fighter, who claimed to be the captain's brother, was the one who started the actual disagreement with Leutnant Sittlingen, and even resorted to insults despite clearly knowing the law said capital vessel was violating. As the last straw, with clearly hostile intentions, he ordered the capital ship to return to Essen and open fire if the Military tries to stop it. Disobeying an official order given out by a Military officer however, is sure isn't a bright move, and as we had no other choice but to use force against the violators, the fighter vessel was destroyed within seconds and the cruiser started shooting back.

    Sadly, during an engine malfunction Leutnant Sittlingen's ship was destroyed, but I managed to tractor in the escape pod and he's in perfect shape, and with the help of RNC-Pinneberg who answered to our distress call, moving in to the combat zone under cloak, we managed to catch the Zoner capital ship by surprise and the ship was destroyed before having another chance to flee.

    After making sure the area was clear, I returned to New Berlin and ended the patrol.

    Gefreiter Adrian Wiesen over and out.

[ Attachments ]

[ | | | ]



RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - aerelm - 09-28-2012

SOURCE: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin System.
ENCRYPTION: Medium, port RM-AE-12-VPR-SN2
  • >>> Receiving...
    >> Decrypting...
    > Opening...
[Image: adrianwiesen.png]
SUBMITTER: Gefreiter Adrian Wiesen
RECIPIENT: Rheinwehr Secured Comm-Link
SUBJECT: Patrol Report [11]

  • We received a distress call from one of our patrols about two hostile vessels at the lane from Planet New Berlin to Brandenburg Border Station. Admiral Weismann and I enrouted to the reported location and there indeed were two [RHA] fighters not far from the lane. Intercepting the hostiles, herr Admiral decided to reason with them first, which unsurprisingly enough failed, as those Hessians are far too brainwashed to be reasoned with. As the engagement broke out, the third Hessian joined them and soon after Fraulein Schmitt was in the location to assist us.

    As the fight went on, a Heimdall-class gunboat joined the Hessian side, and for some reason the captain of the boat decided to drop approximately 130 nanobots into open space, which all of the ships from both sides beamed in, and the fight pretty much "started over". Because of this, the gunboat was asked to leave by the Hessian side as the captain was apparently known for friendly-fire as well.. Can't expect much from Hessians.

    Meanwhile, herr Admiral contacted a BDM U-Boat in the system and soon after the gunboat was with us, intercepting the Heimdall which was taken care of easily, and as the other Hessian ships went down one after another, I was asked to take care of the last one as our other two fighters pulled out. The Odin pilot wasn't any good so the fight wasn't much of a challenge even though I had ran out of both disruptors and mines earlier in the fight, I managed to take care of the last Odin with ease.

    After the area was secured, we returned to Strausberg to refill and refuel.

    Gefreiter Adrian Wiesen over and out.

[ Attachments ]

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