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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Ruud - 11-05-2012

Flieger Rudolph von Limburg meldet sich!

Note: all times are in GMT+2 (Berlin, summertime)

Report 2012-10-12

I started my patrol on 19:10 and went to Dresden. I only encountered two freighters, both carrying only legal cargo. Checking Chat I noticed three people with suspicious names:
- Rip.Red.Rory
- <spanish name>
- TheBlackBaron
I forgot to note the names at that time, won't happen again.

Immediatly after entering the system I got attacked by three AI RedHessians and they kept me busy for some minutes. Arriving at Stuttgart I noticed Rip.Red.Rory and <spanish name> in red on my scanner. I reported their presence over SKYPE.
Unfortunately they disappeared from my scanner in seconds. Next I got a message from a [H&K] freighter reporting a Corsair near Freiburg Station. So I went to FS. During this trip he passed me in the other lane. Going back to Stuttgart he passed me again. He had noticed me too because he mentioned this on the system chat. He also immediatly mentioned that he was going to leave the system. And he did.

Next I started to patrol the system to find the other two. At 20:45 I ran into RNC-Manul near Baden-Baden. I followed him to Battleship Karlsruhe where he docked. I decided to wait here a bit and to check all passing ships. At 20:50 RNC-Manul undocked and moved into the direction of B. Altenburg. And their he got attacked by Rip.Red.Rory. I went to the aid but was shot down in a matter of seconds.

On SKYPE I was informed that this guy was flying a Gunboat and next time the only thing I should do was to run. Lesson for me: find out first with the scanner what type of ship the opponent is flying.

Regarding TheBlackBaron, I haven't seen or heard anything from him during the time in Stuttgart.

After respawing I went to Dresden again: completely nothing. So I went to Hamburg and stationed myself above Altona Station to scan all passing ships. Here I met RNC-Manul and RNC-Gepard who asked me to join them on a raid to Texas. Thinking that these were higher ranks I followed them but reported this over SKYPE. Here I was told that RNC wasn't part of [RM] so I returned immediatly. I only can report that in total five RNC ships went to New York.

After returning to Altona I ended my Patrol.

Report 2012-10-13

I started my patrol at Altona. But I soon was ordered by Major von Sittlingen to come to Braunschweig where I was given lessons in regrouping the weapons and flying. The flying included 'boxing' and using the 'Kill engine' switch.

Report 2012-10-14

I was just about having lessons with Major von Sittlingen when he received a report about troubles in Stuttgart, near the Omega-7 gate. We flew to Stuttgart, investigated the system but found nothing. After questioning the reporter of the trouble, Herr major decided to check Omega-7 and Omega-11 as well. We went through various gates and holes but nothing was found. After a two hours search we returned to New Berlin.

Report 2012-10-25

I just started patrol when I got orders to go to Planet New Berlin. Apperently there was some trouble in Stuttgart and under command of Major von Sittlingen we went off. In the mean time we were acompanied by RNC-Aesir. On the way to Planet Stuttgart things went teribly wrong: flying in formation with Major von Sittlingen I got hit by RNC-Aesir somehow and died in the following explosion.
After respawning and on the way to Stuttgart again, we got orders to find a guy named Project:"Dragon". We found him in D2, near the gate of Hamburg. It seemed that this guy was flying a KU battleship using Rheinland technology with the means of using it against Liberty. Herr Admiral himself was on the spot to deal with this matter. This all can be read in the logs filed by the higher ranks.
At the end a shoot out started. But this guy managed to cloak him self and to disappear through the Hamburg jump gate. From then on he hasn't been seen again.


Flieger Rudolph van Limburg

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Ruud - 11-06-2012

Flieger Rudolph von Limburg meldet sich!

Note: all times are in GMT+1 (Berlin, wintertime)

Report 2012-11-06

I started my patrol at 20:25. I went from Vierlande, Hamburg, to meet Gefreiter Kreutzer at Pl. New Berlin as ordered. In the lane to NB I was attacked by three NPC-Unioners, which I defeated of course.

From NB we went to Franfurt for a patrol because Ge.Kreutzer received a report that there had been some illegal Kusari elements seen. Nothing found. Here we also met recruit Freyan who joined us from then on.

The three of us patrolled Dresden and Stuttgart, nothing going on. Ge.Kreutzer and I then went to Koeln. Here we got a message from Flieger Clegane that he stumbled on some smugglers in NB and needed assistance. Once arrived in D3 we were attacked by several several crafts which were defeated. The main target, a freighter named F212 Bjoernstal, type unkown to me, was killed in the end as well by the well placed shots of all participants.

Ge.Kreutzer decided to have a look in Hamburg. On the way he discovered I had made four prisoners, two Junkers and two Hessians, and decided to go to Vierlande to deliver them there. Having done that we went to Frankfurt again.

During the attack of the Unioners my board computer must have been damaged in some way. During the patrol, especially when flying in formation, I was was kicked out of lanes without any reason. Sometimes it took seconds before I could dock into a lane.
When wanting to dock the jump gate to Frankfurt, nothing happened. The board computer also started to spit out messages that had been received earlier. Just when I decided to go back to PLanet NB, the gate opened and I was hauled in. But inside the gate nothing happened at all and I had to reset the complete computer system to get out again. So I decided again to go back to NB to have a complete check of my Wraith. I reported the situation over the SKYPE channel.


Flieger Rudolph van Limburg

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Ruud - 11-11-2012

Flieger Rudolph von Limburg meldet sich!

Note: all times are in GMT+1 (Berlin, wintertime)

Report 2012-11-08

This is going to be a very short report. I started my patrol from Dortmund Station and noticed there were three RHAs in the system. They had noticed me too and informed over the system channel that "they wanted to meet me". I informed High Command over the Skype channel. Unfortunately there wasn't any back-up possible at that moment. I decided to travel the system to find out at least where they were, starting with going to Planet New Berlin first. Unfortunately they were at the end of the lane near NB. They disrupted the lane and attacked. I got shot down by [RHA]-Otto.Kittel. Fortunately I managed to escape in my escape pod was brought to Berlin by a passing police patrol.


Flieger Rudolph van Limburg

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Ruud - 11-11-2012

Gefreiter Rudolph von Limburg meldet sich!

Note: all times are in GMT+1 (Berlin, wintertime)

Report 2012-11-09

We were ordered to go to Texas to after some Libertonian snubs who had invaded our space. Our pack was leaded by Major von Sittlingen. There was a heavy good fight but then the Libertonians brought in a cruiser: LNS-Vega. I didn't notice until it was too late: I was shot down by it. Fortunately I managed to escape and brought back by a Kamerad Flieger to fly more missions for the glorious Rheinland!


Gefreiter Rudolph van Limburg

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Ruud - 11-12-2012

Gefreiter Rudolph von Limburg meldet sich!

Note: all times are in GMT+1 (Berlin, wintertime)

Report 2012-11-10

When patrolling through New Berlin I met "Herr Schweiner", flying a RM-cruiser. While discussing things like joining [RM], we were attacked by a Hessian gunboat (?) with captain Orsilocus. He went for me but, as adviced, I flew away and parked my ship between the self defence system of Planet New Berlin. For one or other reason he didn't notice Herr Schweiner. To make a long story short, trapped between the self defence system, the cruiser of Herr Schweiner and my Wraith, Orsilocus was finished very quickly. In this case the credit goes to Herr Schweiner.
Unfortunately I didn't think of making a pictures of the whole.


Gefreiter Rudolph van Limburg

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Smokingbarrels - 11-12-2012


<:| Source: Planet Hamburg |:>
<:| Subject: Patrol |:>
<:| Pilot: Friedrich Kreutzer |:>
<:| Rank: Gefreiter |:>

I started my patrol from Planet Hamburg, when i had patroled the system i continued into the New Berlin system and did a sweep. The only presence i dectected was a few traders, with legal goods as far as my scans showed.

I then continued into the Frankfurt system, the system was fairly quiet with no traffic. I then decided to do some fighter and bomber training.
After that i returned to the Hamburg system to enforce the embargo.

There were two transports that turned around back to New Berlin. I stayed for awhile. Then Gefreiter Limburg joined me at planet Hamburg.
There was an Libertonian capital ship that came into scanner range, but retreated back to the Bering system rather quickly.

I then docked to file my report.

Friedrich Kreutzer


RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Smokingbarrels - 11-13-2012


<:| Source: Planet Hamburg |:>
<:| Subject: Patrol |:>
<:| Pilot: Friedrich Kreutzer |:>
<:| Rank: Gefreiter |:>

Guten abend.
I started my patrol with Feldwebel Adrian Wiesen in the Hamburg system, on our patrol there we encountered an freelance transport that seemed like it was going to smuggle cargo into liberty. However the freelancer got away before we could take any evidence of him breaking the embargo.
After this we continued into the Stuttgart system. There we were joined with Major Theo Sittlingen.
As we were about to start our patrol, the Feldwebel had an engine failure and had to dock on battleship Karlsruhe.
Me and Major Sittlingen then continued the patrol towards planet Badenbaden.
Right in the middle of the lane to Badenbaden we encountered three Hessians that had set up an ambush. The Hessian pilots were [RHA]SOA-Gunther.Hoerst , [RHA]SOA-Felix.Jaeger and [RHA]SOA-Schwarzengel.
Luckily BHG|Steve.holloway were nearby and helped us even the odds.
The fighting began almost directly. It was a fierce battle that was hard and long. But in the end we stood victorius. Unfortunatly Major Sittlingens ship was destroyed but only after he took down one of the Hessians.
The Major was tracktored into my cargo hold and brought to battleship Karlsruhe.
Attached files:
#File 1
#File 2
#File 3
Friedrich Kreutzer


RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Ruud - 11-14-2012

Gefreiter Rudolph von Limburg meldet sich!

Note: all times are in GMT+1 (Berlin, wintertime)

Report 2012-11-11

We were ordered on patrol over the Skype channel because of some Libertonians in the Hudson system threatening Hamburg. Due to some refuelling problems I wasn't able to join the patrol immediatly. At 17:15 Berlin time I entered the Hudson system and landed straight in the middle of a fight.
Five minutes later I went into a fight with [LN]-Natalie.Cahoone. The fight lasted at least ten minutes. Then I got hit by something, probably a mine, and the Libertonian fineshed the job. Fortunately I managed to save the ship and bring it back to Planet Hamburg.

While I had to wait for the repair, I traded goods with my freighter. During my run from Koeln to Hamburg, Feldwebel Sarah Braun passed me at Dortmund Station while shouting "Krieg!" over the system channel. As my Wraith was on Hamburg and as it was my destination anyway, I decided to park my Firefly there. That was not the best decision as I ran straight into the fight. I managed to park the Firefly and to get out in the Wraith again.
The fight itself was one big turmoil. In the mean time we were joined by RNC and even a Hessian! On itself great but also introduced two problems:
- taking care not being shot by one of the caps by accident
- taking not to shoot the Hessian as the board computer marked him as "Hostile"
After a some time I noticed [LN]-Hunshooter who was persuing Feldwebel Braun. So I persued him on my turn. The persuit went on for quite some time but at the end he was shot down by one of our Leutnants but I have no idea who; things went too fast. Then, within a minute, the fight was over: all Libertonians either dead or flown.

Next we were ordered to Bering to persue the Libertonians. Here things went wrong in a very clumsy way: I suddenly came under fire of an unknown Libertonian vessel. But pulling hard up I flew full into a big rock. Next moment I got hit by a shot from that Libertonian. Totally wrecked I managed to get back to Hamburg using my emergency energy packs.


Gefreiter Rudolph van Limburg

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Ruud - 11-15-2012

Gefreiter Rudolph von Limburg meldet sich!

Note: all times are in GMT+1 (Berlin, wintertime)

Report 2012-11-12

At 20:45 I went on Patrol in Hamburg, together with Gefreiter Kreutzer. Because the long range scanner showed nothing of importance, we shortly discussed what to do. We decided to patrol in Stuttgart. But just at the moment we entered the gate lane, USS-Bender.Rodriges popped up on the short range scanner. Because of the short time between the long and short range scan, the enemy could only be in the gate lane to JG Bering. A short run in a 90 degree angle on the lane confirmed the situation. We decided to engage him and entered the lane towards Bering. At the same moment Polizist BDM|Ons-Heinrich.Schmid popped out the gate lane from New Berlin. Probably seeing he was outnumbered, the enemy fled and went through JG Bering at the end.
I was never near enough him to perform a cargo scan but only had a short visual glimps the moment the gate lane activated. IMHO it was a gunboat but no proof in whatever form.

After this incident it was end of duty for Gefreiter Kreutzer so Polizist Schmid and I decided to go on patrol to Stuttgart together. But arriving at JG New Berlin we ran into the freighter StrikTheTrader and his guard Gate. After scanning his cargo and some interogation we found out has was bringing passengers to Planet Curacao. So Polizist Schmid asked him if the trader was aware of the trade embargo. He wasn't. In fact, he didn't even know about the war between Rheinland and Liberty.
To make a long story short, Polizist Schmid fined the trader with $100.000 and the guard with $45.000. The trader paid and went off. But the guard seems to have problems with his bank account.

At that moment a Libertonian police in a Bretonian Clydesdale popped out of gate lane and wanted to enter the jump gate. I was so suprised that the only thing I could do was giving some shots for the bow. This person, freelancer Schooott, wasn't aware at all of his affiliation with the Libertonian police and was more than eager to follow our advice to change it. His intention was to sell his cargo, helium, to The Ring. We found out that Schooott wasn't aware of the embargo as well. We told him that if he wanted to sell Libertonian helium, he could do it everywhere except in Rheinland. We didn't fine him but I escorted him to JG Bering.
After seeing him disappear through the jump gate, I went back to Altona Station to park my Wraith. End of duty.


Gefreiter Rudolph van Limburg

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - abysswolf - 11-16-2012

[Image: 308141_461153087241056_1888146360_n.jpg]

From: Flieger Alexander Lenaghcra

Subject: Patrol along with the BDM

I started mein patrol labour as usually from die munich system, and i reported myself to die officei in the BDM|RNC-Brynhildr he gave me orders to follow him into a patrol in liberty territories, however reasons wheren't disclosed and where classified, as a Flieger i only recieved orders and proceed to follow ze fuhrer as depicted next

Media stream link

we headed into the border system of bering without much resistance but i was surprised that the cruiser had some kind of deflecting device that made the automatic defences to not shooting him instead they focused in die flieger

media stream link

then we headed into die Texas system and

---DELETED CONTENT--- and then ---DELETED CONTENT--- it was very impressive to see ---DELETED CONTENT---

and that pretty much settle it...

Alexander Lenaghcra
Flieger of die Rheinmilitar


edited by die bureau of marine inteligence