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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gagadug. - 04-21-2017

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Standart Encryption =-

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Priority: Medium
To: Admiralty Board
From: Admiral Jacob McIntire, BAF
Location: HMS Ark Royal, Newcastle

Gentlemen and Ladies,

This report will provide you the summary of my meeting with Ezrael Vertiga with the topic of the Apahanta and possible ways to make its stay in Bretonia benefitial for both parties.

Mister Vertiga proposed another system for his stay in the communication with em before, the Cortez system, more precisely around planet Curacao wich apparently is his place of origin.
He offered to, in return, support our defenses of the planet against the Gallic advance into the system, wich seemed to be a proposal worth talking about, the least to me.

The meeting took place near the Ark Royal, on board of the CV-Apotheosis, a Gunboat of Vertigas. Commodore Dagon was present as well by coincidence but not unwelcome.
We started our talks with questions about the Apahantas way after it left the Core and wich parties helped it stay floating since I had suspicions of who might have helped them, namely the Corsairs or the Order, since those come to mind first when thinking of groups who hate the Core and have the logistical capacity to keep a Battleship in check.
Apparently they were without ground, the Zoners of Livadia helped them. Coincidentally the only party whos involvement doesnt raise too many concerns for me.
After this I tried to get as much information as possible about the crew of the ship and those going in and out on it, whereafter Vertiga provided me a list wich will be forwarded to you as attachment.

The next topic was the political situation in Cortez and the need to ask the Libertonian and Crayter authorities for allowance to stay as well, according to the treaty of Curacao.
Moving on we talked about the Core and the captains reason to leave them, along with some informations about the general political situation in the Omicrons and the way he managed to get away.

Last but not least I mentioned the Coalitions intend to take over Gran Canaria, since Vertiga spends a lot of time there, and hinted that, if the Zoners were to take up arms, they might find friends in the north.
He was surprised by the news, what made me wonder, since the people on Gran Canaria should be the first to be interested in this, but he seemed convinced the Zoners will not give the planet up without a fight.

This would be all, the list of individuals can be found in the attachment:

yours sincerely
Jacob McIntire

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 04-21-2017

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: BAF Admiralty Board Closed Encryption
Priority: High
To: Lieutenant Commander Victor Steiner
From: Commodore Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon

Good day Lieutenant Commander,

I will need that Gallic identification beacon and board, for an operation.
I do hope that it is in a safe location.

With regards,

Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gagadug. - 04-22-2017

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Standart Encryption =-

Priority: Medium
To: Admirality Board of the Armed Forces
From: Commander Ian Graham
Location: Southampton Shipyard, New London

Honorable members of the Admiralty Board,

Today I, accompanied by LtCdr Steiner, set out for a patrol of the main trade routes. Everything seemed calm till we recieved a distress call from New London of all places that a Gallic capital group had entered the system and headed for Southampton.
Of course we turned around immediately and called for reinforcements. Sadly it seems most of our men had a free day, but gladly the "Executioner", an Imperial Kusarian destroyer, answered our calls for help.
I swiftly got onboard of the Victoria then while Steiner kept the Gallics busy.
The following fight was quite a tense one, first we skirmished with the way tankier gallic ships, to slowly whittle them down.
Once their Battleship, the Tonnant (once again) went down, the remaining Battlecruiser attempted to bring my ship down in close combat, in wich he failed.
Overall a decisive victory, no losses on our side, no survivors on theirs. I'll attach a guncam of the Victoria.


Ian Graham

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 04-24-2017


Rank Changes:

Commander Arthur Cuttingham has been promoted to Captain. You are expected to be a stalwart example to the ones you will command, Captain. Thusly, the Admiralty Board will keep a close eye upon your actions in the coming months. Be strong, Captain, and unrelenting.

Ensign Isaac Lance has been promoted to Lieutenant. You have shown the will to surpass your limitations. Make it so ever forward, Lieutenant. But be mindful of your opponents, for there is always someone better than us, at any given time, so do not explode yourself prematurely.

Ensign Michael Hastings has been promoted to Lieutenant. The records show you performed to the level, but the Admiralty Board expects more and more from the brave men and women that fight in our ranks. You are one of them. Take more hours in the simulator and keep following your orders. And don't forget to brush.

Lieutenant Commander Sid Fire has garnered the position of Secretary of the Board. Your commitment to paperwork has not gone unnoticed. You gained access to the Admiralty private bathrooms and a new stamp for your hand-written letters. Keep making us proud.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Admiralty Board

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Backo - 04-24-2017

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: High
Priority: Medium
From: Lieutenant Commander Thomas Murphy

Lieutenant Commander Murphy reporting,

I got called as backup in the Cambridge system to assist the forces deployed there against a Hessian fighter pilot. By the time I arrived there Her Majesty's Ship Loxley had already pinned the vessel - a Red Hessian Army Odin pilot. The commander of the Loxley offered the Hessian a chance to leave in peace to the alternative of facing the superior force on our side. At first the Hessian vessel seemed to comply and powered it's engines towards the trade lane so I followed him through it, making sure he does not stray. Once I was out of range of the Loxley though the Hessian pilot turned around and attacked me without warning. Gladly luck was on my side today and I was the one to emerge victorious. After dispatching the enemy pilot I quickly retreated to Cambridge as my ship had already sustained heavy damage from the fight.

Thomas Murphy
Lieutenant Commander
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 04-28-2017

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Earl Grey
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall

This is a report about the action that took place yesterday in Magellan's middle-northern sector.

The resistance observation posts on Planet Leeds spotted two unescorted Valor-class heading in the direction of the East Smog Cloud, either to Magellan or Manchester. Commodore Dagon, who happened to be on the surface, launched with her Toketsu and followed them. Meanwhile, I prepared the Sovereign for battle. When it was clear that they would jump to Magellan, I steered the ship there and called for help from the Liberty Navy, who could only spare an Upholder at the time for whatever reason.

When they entered Magellan, in a hurry to catch them before their escorts could arrive, I steered the Sovereign north of what has remained of Freeport 4 and past the lonely Carcassonne, towards the Leeds jump hole. Commodore Dagon had meanwhile been doing her job well, so the Gallic battleships, the Meduse and the Phantom, were pinned. I proceeded to attack the Meduse, which was about ahead of the Phantom. Their numerous missiles were quick to work through our shield, and so were our pulse cannons through theirs. However, while we could evade their artillery, their thick hull kept absorbing our heavy mortars. The Phantom then attempted to cruise onto us, but the commodore was quick to stop them. This left the Meduse unchecked, albeit only for seconds due to the timely arrival of the Liberty Navy bomber. I arranged each of the bombers to monitor one battleship. The Meduse then reversed in order to recover, and the Phantom pressed forward. Then we redirected fire at the Phantom.

The sudden arrival of another Valor-class from the direction of the Carcassonne rearranged the setting again. We were, at the time, heading straight towards them, so we had to take a turn to starboard, which directed us towards the Wendell Ice Field. The Liberty bomber then stopped the cruise drive of the arriving battleship, whose name was the Faileas. Under our continuous fire, unable to score a hit and facing an asteroid field, the Phantom reversed. The Meduse then took their place, with the fresh Faileas in support. The Faileas, however, was kept out of range, so we were only under fire by the Meduse. The gigantic battleship, once looking at us with with such vanity, was then humbled by a simple asteroid. With them rendered immovable and facing us with a blind spot, I exploited the situation, closed the Sovereign up and dealt the finishing blow.

With the Meduse burning and the Phantom in retreat, this left us only one battleship to deal with, and that in a surrounding more favourable for us than for them. They appeared to be focused more on resetting their course every time an asteroid happened to be ahead, than on firing at us. Their hull was also thick, but it also buckled over time. Confident that we had dealt enough damage and in a hurry to reach the retreating Phantom as well, I headed the Sovereign right towards them and, with them so desperate that they had quit even firing at us, but were firing at the Liberty bomber instead, hurled two heavy mortars into their forward gun, which caused all of their lights, turrets and engines to instantly go off. They were then lit by the fires of their own fuel. The lucky members of their crew ended up in our brig and our medical bay.

The Phantom, woefully damaged and being pinned by the commodore all the time, meanwhile managed to reach the cover of the Carcassonne, where they cloaked. Believing that the enemy fleet had been defeated, the Liberty bomber headed back to California and the commodore back to Manchester, with us following behind. However, precisely at the moment when both of them were far and we were preparing to take the trade lane to the Manchester Jump Gate, the Phantom revealed themselves, somehow already fully repaired, and without any warning, hurled three trebuchet shells at us. We were surprised and our shield was wiped out in a moment. As well as their element of surprise. I steered the ship into fire exchange position and rallied the crew again. After calling the commodore back, we promptly returned fire. But the enemy was, as it seemed, also attacking our internal systems, causing our radar to conflict with the visual, so it was challenging to evade their fire. Nonetheless, despite their ship possessing more modern technology, their captain was but a mere reservist, and could not stand alone against am admiral and a commodore of the Armed Forces. Only a torpedo away from suffering the same fate as the prior ones, according to our estimation, the battleship turned us their back again. Unfortunately, the commodore had run out of cruise disruptors, so this allowed the enemy to escape our mercy. Whether or not they will get any from their King when they tell him the tidings, I do not know, but I am sure that if they live, they have lived to surrender another day.

After that we truly headed to Manchester, The Sovereign had to make a stop at Sheffield as the ship was shaking too much due to the damage she had withstood, in order to allow tea to be served. I then headed her to Birmingham, where she is still under repairs.

Allied Units:
1) BAF|HMS-Sovereign (Dunkirk)
2) [LN]-ESRD|Seagull (Upholder)
3) BAF|Cdre.Kaze'Dagon (Toketsu)

Enemy Units:
1) RNS-Meduse (Valor; destroyed)
2) *RNS-Faileas (Valor; destroyed)
3) RNS-Phantom*** (Valor; destroyed)

Camera Shots:

Sir George R. Hall
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Victor Steiner - 04-29-2017

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Alpine
From: LtCdr Victor Steiner

*BlackWatch Patrol Report*

Good evening.
This patrol report is in regards to yesterday evening.
At roughly 3 bells yesterday evening, a signal was sent from New London about 2 Maltese capital ships entering Bretonia without permission. I and the Dunkirk HMS-Fortitude were dispatched to find the vessel's. We encountered them in Leeds, their arrival was largely unintened and they were unaware of the formalities they had to go through. As a result they were fined for breach, one of the vessels, the Acheron, had 10 slaves in his possession, dispite claiming to be freeing them, I took them and fined the captain. All said and done, Fortitude and I escorted the two ships from Bretonian borders.

At that time, reports of poole indicated a Corsair capital ship was in the system and so we diverted from Leeds to find it. Foritude found the ship first and I arrived not long after (having turned the slaves over at Suffork I went via Dublin and arrived a little later). According to Captain Beck, the Corsair vessel said nothing but opened fire without warning. We returned fire and did considerable damaged before the Corsair up and docked onto the nearby Battleship Fes.


Commodore Dagon, the Gallic Identification has been turned over to the Master-At-Arms on Battleship Harlow, she has been informed that you will retrieve it at your nearest convenience.

Victor Steiner
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wesker - 04-29-2017

Message Class: Video/Audio with subtitles

Encryption: High
To: BAF HC/Ministry of Defense
From: Commander Nicole Brennan, BAF

[Image: ln7IFGS.gif]
During an LLS supply operation to Newcastle I received word that the two transports and their escorts were cut off by two Perilous gunboats wearing Royal Navy IFFs. I responded aboard the HMS-Royal.Enfield, a crecy class destroyer and moved to the scene alongside Commodore Dagon and Commander Graham. While we were en-route the LLS transports astonishingly managed to disable one of the Gunboats, leaving just one for us to deal with. As the Royal Enfield arrived on the scene the gunboat was stopped and fell victim to the guns of the Royal Enfield which can be seen here. Allied forces suffered no casualties and the LLS vessels suffered minimal damage from the gunboats.

Nicole Brennan
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 04-30-2017

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Pranava Mantra
From: Captain John Khatri

This is Captain John Khatri reporting about my safe arrival to Alabama Shipyard, and of the Arbitrator's.

I took over from Commander Seeley French, who could not exit Bretonia, above Sprague yesterday at 7 PM. It took the Core escorts a long time to arrive. While waiting, I greeted a civilian Stargazer by the name of Petrobras, at which I accidentally fired a cruise disruptor, but the civilian forgave me after I had apologized.

The Core escorts came with the delay of 52 minutes. They caught me unprepared, as I was praying to Shiva for mercy on our perilous journey, but that lasted no longer than a few minutes. Before me stood the WV Damocles, Thresher-class, captained by no other than Guildmistress Nova Hawken herself. My other escorts were Core|Reaper, a bomber piloted by a woman from Liberty called Silver, Core|Jackson.Clyde and a Manta by the name of Loyalist_Commander. I must add that Silver was not exactly polite to me, but everyone else treated me with respect, albeit apparently not noticing Silver's lack of manners.

We departed at once and were quick to traverse all the Omegas on our way. When we entered Omicron Gamma, I suggested radio silence, but the Core were confident enough to dismiss my advice. It happened to be our lucky day, as the Corsairs were, at that time, fighting it out with the Outcasts, a small part of which I recorded from the distance. We reached the Omicron Kappa jump hole without any incidents. It was guarded by a Core reserve fleet Bullhead-class named the WV Echelon. Before jumping, my radio operator took the communications without authorization and shouted "Bretonia rules the space" before we exited Gamma. I will do with him what the Admiralty orders.

We traversed trough both Kappa and Delta without any events whatsoever, except that we passed dangerously close to a Corsair base in Kappa, named Cituadella. The jump hole to Rho lead us into the planetary disk of Rio, a blue gas giant. The sight looked miraculous. Unfortunately, Alabama was tens of K-s away, so we had to move. I took the Guildmistress' instructions of which drydock to moor the Arbitrator in when we reached the shipyard, and of who was in charge aboard, that person being a certain Peter Lambrecht, who I have not yet had the pleasure to meet. I took a photograph of us all and the shipyard with a drone camera, and then proceeded to moor. My escorts then left to do their duties. The mission was a success so far, and it seems that my prayers to Shiva have paid off.

Camera Shots:

जॉन खत्री
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 05-03-2017

[Image: V75QyWP.gif]
Good evening, DIS.

I am here to sum up the happenings of the past few days. Between raids on Leeds and Mollies stirring up in Dublin, we had a nomad incursion today near Planet New London. And some more dire news, regarding that particular situation. So from last to first, I commandeered the Enfield, since Commander Brennan was on her off-duty hours, in order to have the amount of firepower needed to deal with the nomad threat. It consisted of four waves, brought by a singularity, sector unknown. A BPA officer was on site when it happened, and I am waiting on his report to pinpoint the exact location.

But apart from your 'ordinary' nomad signatures, the SO of the Enfield detected another set of signatures in the middle of the last wave, attacking us. Bretonian ships. With Bretonian tech. Several B-1290's acompanied by two 'Crecy' class destroyers. I issued the orders to attack them, against our safety, and destroyed both capital assets on my own, with the Enfield sustaining considerable damage. Even so, Bretonia was not safe, and as the safety crews tried to put down several fires inside, I urged the Enfield to press on into the attack, regrouping with the main combat group, and at last, the biggest threat was put down by our combined fire. The logistical officer on board managed however to catch quite the treasure trove, that is now resting in our quarantine area, being analyzed by our Sunderland experts.

I must affirm my belief that we must identify the bretonian signatures to know what happened to them and why were they acting alongside the nomad threat.

Moving on, to Dublin. We had also a slight Molly show-off that ended with two downed B-1290's on our end and a Werewolf and a Scylla on their end. Apart from needing a translator to understand their gibberish, it ended as it always ends. They use capital assets to shoot our snubforce. We use ours to grind theirs to a fine gold dust.

To end, another raid we executed in Leeds. Two Perilous gunboats destroyed. None lost on our end. I had to pull away one of the Perilous from the main combat zone, and was forced to.. remind myself of the old days, so that our capital assets could move in and the Valor battlegroup. The Valor escaped, and two cruisers moored with Planet Leeds before we could move in. But their mobile assets were destroyed.
All in all, a successful raid.

For Bretonia,
Commodore Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon.