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RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kreuzritter - 02-09-2013


SOURCE: Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig System.
ENCRYPTION: Low, port RM-FH-721-L-3


[Image: fuchs1_zpsc6ec7c3f.jpg]

SUBMITTER: Gefreiter Albrecht Fuchs
RECIPIENT: Rheinwehr Oberkommando
SUBJECT: Escort duty

Geehrtes Oberkommando,

Today I was following a distress call by Major Hermann, who informed me that a Bowex convoy was under attack in Stuttgart near the Omega-7 gate. Arriving at the scene, the action was already over, unfortunately - the few corsair fighters and bombers had been destroyed or driven off successfully.

After securing the perimeter we made our way to New Berlin with the Bowex transports, who were scheduled to meet up with a Daumann Heavy Construction convoy before leaving for Bretonia again. During this we were joined by the BDM cruiser Brynhildr, who was flying close escort for the leading vessels. We took guard positions near the Strausberg and joined the large group of vessels on their way back. I must say, it was a rather magnificent sight seeing so many ships in one place, but I am trailing off - there have been no notable incidents up to Aland shipyard in Omega-3, where we broke off and headed back to the Karlsruhe.

Fuchs Ende.

Waiting at the Strausberg
Convoy leaving Neu Berlin
Traffic jam in Stuttgart
A magnificent sight
Waiting in line
Permission to enter Omega-3
Thankful transport Kapitäne
Back to the Vaterland



RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Vrabcek - 02-15-2013


SOURCE: Battleship Altenburg, Dresden System.
ENCRYPTION: Low, port RM-FH-721-L-3


[Image: austerlitzzpse5a80a9e.jpg]

SUBMITTER: Leutnant Sarah Austerlitz
RECIPIENT: Rheinland military report database
SUBJECT: Patrol report

Guten Tag,

On the 12th of February, I have received a distress message from Feldwebel Sarah Braun. The message was clear, two red hessian bombers and one fighter are trying to damage Krupp munitions.

I have made my way there from the Battleship Altenburg. At least the feldwebel could draw their attention so they could not deal much damage to the instalation.

When I came there I immediatelly ordered the feldwebel to start shooting at the hostile ships. The fight wasn't really easy considering their supernova antimatter shots were flying around our ships.

Sadly the feldwebel did not tell me that one of almost destroyed bomber, what was already in flames, is starting its cruise engines while I was targeted by the rest of their wing, so we were unable to destroy that one.

Even though the red hessians were using dirty tricks, we were able to neutralise the remaining bomber and the fighter.

When the fight was about to end a LWB ship entered the area and tried to help out the remaining red hessian bomber. Without success...

Feldwebel Sarah Braun had proven being a worthy wingmate and with her help we were able to succeed with three destroyed enemy vessels.

The bomber supernova destroyed the guncam so i was unable to get his explosion on a picture

Red Hessian destroyed



RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kreuzritter - 02-20-2013


SOURCE: Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig System.
ENCRYPTION: Medium, port RM-GL-Y8-RHK-562


[Image: jD3qWBY.gif]

SUBMITTER: Vizeadmiral Theodor Wilhelm Falk von und zu Sittlingen
RECIPIENT: Rheinwehr Database
SUBJECT: Patrol report

Meine Herren,
I am just reporting back from todays elongated patrol. The Vaterland has been rather quiet and no notable enemy forces have been encountered, however, quite a bit of civilian trade passed through Rheinland.

About half-way through a checkup of Omega-7, I encountered a Bowex vessel, the Bowex)Raleigh, jumping in from Omega-3 at the respective Jump Gate. The Kapitän was on the way to Munich with a hold full of gold ore. Seeing that his route roughly coincided with the systems left in my patrol specifications, I offered to function as an escort, which was gladly taken by the Kapitän.

[Image: Escort1_zps49f870fc.png]

We proceeded through Omega-7 without any further incidents, however, shortly before jumping to Stuttgart, a transmission from a Daumann Heavy Construction vessel headed the same way, the DHC-Wangen, came in. We halted at the Ulm Border Station until the DHC vessel managed to catch up, ultimately joining the small convoy.

[Image: Escort2_zps6f5009f8.png]

I continued to scout ahead for both trade vessels until we finally reached Munich. The DHC vessel made it's way to Planet Nuremberg to unload Ship Hull Panels, while the Bowex transport headed to Augsburg with the load full of gold ore. I myself used the opportunity to refuel at the Battleship Regensburg.

[Image: Escort3_zps4ab4b84a.png]

As I launched into space again to continue my patrol, the Bowex transport crossed my way again, heading back to Bretonia with it's cargohold filled with cigars. Having enough time left on my shift, I decided to provide safety on it's way back up to the Bretonian border. However, as expected, this would not have been necessary, seeing that no notable incidents occured until we reached the Omega-3 Gate in Omega-7. The transport jumped and I made my way back to Planet Stuttgart where I signed off.

[Image: Escort5_zpscbb072af.png]

On an additional note, during conversation on our way to Omega-7 the Kapitän revealed some insights on the Bretonian military situation on the Gallic front, namely Libertonian support for the hard-pressed Bretonians.

[Image: Escort4_zps00222930.png]

This is no surprise, taking into account that DHC vessels have already reported the same, however, it is still worthy to mention in this report.

Vizeadmiral Theodor Wilhelm Falk von und zu Sittlingen, Rheinwehr Hauptflotte.



RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kreuzritter - 02-21-2013


SOURCE: Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig System.
ENCRYPTION: Medium, port RM-GL-Y8-RHK-562


[Image: jD3qWBY.gif]

SUBMITTER: Vizeadmiral Theodor Wilhelm Falk von und zu Sittlingen
RECIPIENT: Rheinwehr Database

Meine Herren,

Updates from the situation today ahead. Because of the sheer mass of incidents and the time that passed between, I will split this report into three parts.

The first part deals with a simple escort duty provided for a DHC vessel through Stuttgart and Omega-7. I met the DHC-Wangen near Planet Stuttgart and informed it's Kapitän that hostile contacts have been reported in Omega-7 - he was all to eager to take the offer for an escort and so we proceeded, myself scouting ahead. However, it turned out to be rather uneventful - no hostiles have been encountered up to the Omega-3 gate in Omega-7. The Kapitän was thankful for the protection nonetheless.

[Image: DHCescort1_zpsec1a753c.jpg]

[Image: DHCescort2_zps8e1e5670.png]

As uneventful as the escort has been, the second part of today's happenings made all but up for it. Later this day I received a distress call about three Hessian vessels that had been spotted in Neu Berlin. Naturally, I immediately made my way to their last reported location - about ten clicks away from Planet Neu Berlin. They were either very bold or very foolish to stay in that place this long, but nevermind, upon my arrival all three vessels were still in the area. I started to engage the three Thor bombers together with a Kamerad from the Sekundärflotte and soon after a DHC vessel came to our aid. Luckily, the bombers didn't pose much of a threat and could be dispatched quickly.

[Image: MDCross_zpsb8519bc9.png] | [Image: MDCross_zpsb8519bc9.png] | [Image: MDCross_zpsb8519bc9.png]

[Image: MDCross_zpsb8519bc9.png] | [Image: MDCross_zpsb8519bc9.png] | [Image: MDCross_zpsb8519bc9.png]

The last part of todays report deals with a rather curious incursion of Libertonian forces into Neu Berlin itself. As soon as the reports came in late this evening, I took command of the RNC Altenau and made my way to Hamburg, where the enemy forces were already advancing to the Neu Berlin Gate. We regrouped at Dortmund and lured them away from the Hamburg Gate until we decided to strike. The battle was fierce and the Libertonian capital ships provided heavy resistance. In the end, however, their entire force was annihilated without friendly losses - quite a sight to see their carriers burst into flames. A glorious day for the Vaterland. Curiously enough, a battlegroup of Hessians that was in the area came to our aid against the foreign invaders - at least they got this priority right.

[Image: MDCross_zpsb8519bc9.png]

As soon as the threat in Hamburg was dispatched, we gathered snubcraft for a counter-attack alongside our own capital vessel. Having hopped inside a Wraith, I made my way to Texas together with Leutnant Austerlitz and Feldwebel Braun. Our capital ships moved to retaliate against the Libertonian fleet while our fighter wing engaged a bold Guardian that was all to eager for a fight. Not having seen the Feldwebel's combat performance, I deemed it appropriate to let her have this annoyance for her own. She managed to gain the upper hand on the Libertonian, which most likely made him desparate for an easier target - so he began to engage the bystanding Leutnant. This, however, proved to be a grave mistake. With the Leutnant now taking over, the threat was dispatched quickly, just in time our capital ships reported back, also announcing their victory.

[Image: MDCross_zpsb8519bc9.png]

[Image: MDCross_zpsb8519bc9.png]

After there was nothing left to do, we returned back to the Vaterland. Well, Leutnant Austerlitz did, at least. Feldwebel Braun and I had a conversation with some Reavers who were present as well as with, lets call it 'local elements'. It is not needed to go into detail of what transpired during that - the only thing I am going to divulge is that the Feldwebel's behaviour has not changed. Take that as you will.

But anyway, we headed back after these....talks...and I dismissed the Feldwebel at Planet Hamburg, signing off there myself.

Vizeadmiral Theodor Wilhelm Falk von und zu Sittlingen, Rheinwehr Hauptflotte.



RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kreuzritter - 02-24-2013


SOURCE: Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig System.
ENCRYPTION: Medium, port RM-GL-Y8-RHK-562


[Image: jD3qWBY.gif]

SUBMITTER: Vizeadmiral Theodor Wilhelm Falk von und zu Sittlingen
RECIPIENT: Rheinwehr Database

Meine Herren,

I am reporting back from a simple escort mission today. After a standard patrol of Stuttgart together with Major Hermann and a Sondereinsatzkommando Bergelmir bomber, we picked up an incoming DHC transport from the Omegas. Said vessel, the DHC-Puttgarden, was enroute to Dortmund to unload a cargohold full of ore. From there it was to proceed to Raubling station in Munich with freshly loaded consumer goods. The Major and I decided to function as escorts from Planet Stuttgart to Dortmund and then from there up to Raubling, so that the vessels cargo reaches it's destination safely. Safe to say - the route has been quiet and no hostiles were encountered along the way. The Kapitaen of the Puttgarden was thankful nonetheless.

[Image: Escort1_zps3089ac36.png]

[Image: Escort2_zps42ece1c7.png]

Vizeadmiral Theodor Wilhelm Falk von und zu Sittlingen, Rheinwehr Hauptflotte.



RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kreuzritter - 03-02-2013


SOURCE: Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig System.
ENCRYPTION: Medium, port RM-GL-Y8-RHK-562


[Image: jD3qWBY.gif]

SUBMITTER: Vizeadmiral Theodor Wilhelm Falk von und zu Sittlingen
RECIPIENT: Rheinwehr Database

Meine Herren,

Reporting in a destroyed corsair vessel after yesterday's patrol with Gefreiter von Reims. We were called upon by a Daumann employee, telling us that some illegal miners had been spotted in Munich. However, before we could make our way there, we intercepted an Imperator-class gunboat near the New Berlin gate in Frankfurt. Gefreiter von Reims and I managed to dispatch it quickly, only to be informed that the supposedly illegal miners were in fact belonging to a subcontracting firm of Daumann Heavy Construction. With the situation cleared up we moved to Sigma-13 for a routine checkup on Helgoland. No further notable incidents occured and we headed back to Rheinland proper.

[Image: MDCross_zpsb8519bc9.png] | [Image: MDCross_zpsb8519bc9.png]

Vizeadmiral Theodor Wilhelm Falk von und zu Sittlingen, Rheinwehr Hauptflotte.



RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kreuzritter - 03-03-2013


SOURCE: Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig System.
ENCRYPTION: Medium, port RM-GL-Y8-RHK-562


[Image: jD3qWBY.gif]

SUBMITTER: Vizeadmiral Theodor Wilhelm Falk von und zu Sittlingen
RECIPIENT: Rheinwehr Database

Meine Herren,

I am reporting in yesterday's engagement in Neu Berlin. At first we were called upon by a Daumann vessel, supposedly under attack by a Red Hessian cruiser in Planet Neu Berlin's orbit. As our forces arrived, the cruiser fled - utilising cloaking technology. We spread out and covered choke points in the system to cut off it's escape routes. During this, we encountered two Bundschuh vessels and a Jormundgand-class battleship near Kreuzberg. One Bundschuh vessel fled, while the other could be destroyed in combat against my Bergelmir and a Sekundärflotte Fafnir. The Jormundgand, well, seeked shelter at Kreuzberg before it could be efficiently engaged.

I made my way back to Planet Neu Berlin afterwards to investigate another contact, but the cruiser we were originally chasing dropped out of cloak directly on top of me - opening fire immediately. I could just eject in time to see my Bergelmir being blown to pieces.

[Image: MDCross_zpsb8519bc9.png] | [Image: MDCross_zpsb8519bc9.png] | [Image: MDCross_zpsb8519bc9.png] | [Image: MDCross_zpsb8519bc9.png]

Vizeadmiral Theodor Wilhelm Falk von und zu Sittlingen, Rheinwehr Hauptflotte.



RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kreuzritter - 03-03-2013


SOURCE: Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig System.
ENCRYPTION: Medium, port RM-GL-Y8-RHK-562


[Image: jD3qWBY.gif]

SUBMITTER: Vizeadmiral Theodor Wilhelm Falk von und zu Sittlingen
RECIPIENT: Rheinwehr Database

Meine Herren,

Just reporting in from a major engagement against Hessian forces in Neu Berlin. We stumbled upon their strike group near the Stuttgart Gate, where they were obviously preying on unsuspecting trade vessels. A fight ensued and we managed to down three fighters in total before their reinforcements, as well as our own losses, forced us to retreat. In total there were about thirteen ships involved in the whole engagement, consisting of Hauptflotte, Bundespolizei and Bundesgrenzschutz vessels on our, as well as Rote Hessen Armee primary and secondary vessels on their side. During the engagement Leutnant Wiesen had to fall back due to problems with his Wraith and one Bundespolizei Mjölnir fell to enemy fire - no additional losses were recorded on our side as long as I was part of the engagement.

Scan 1 | Scan 2 | Scan 3 | Scan 4
Kill 1 | Kill 2 | Kill 3

Vizeadmiral Theodor Wilhelm Falk von und zu Sittlingen, Rheinwehr Hauptflotte.



RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Auriec - 03-10-2013


Decrypting message
[||||||||||||||||||||] 100%

Sender IDFlieger Michael Schmidt
LocationBattleship Moselle, Braunschweig

Guten Tag,

my Wraith and Bergelmir are ready to use for combat. I started a patrol in the New Berlin system yesterday, when I received a call that there were military units under attack near Brandenburg. I headed there and spotted Leutnant Wiesen and a member of the KSK attacking a Hessian Thor bomber and an Unioner Arbeiter fighter. The Leutnant told me to stand down, as the situation was in control.
A little later another hessian, this time a fighter. The Leutnant told me to jump in, and the fight reached the orbit of New Berlin eventually. With a little mine trap I almost managed to get the Odin down, but it was not enough.
Unfortunately, the ship of the KSK pilot eventually blew up, but it seems he got out of there alive.

In the evening, Major Hermann called me to come to the front of New Berlin. He showed me around a little bit and we had a patrol through New Berlin, Stuttgart and Koeln, though Koeln was limited to the ALG and CMB Station, aswell as explaining and clarifying important subjects. Afterwards, we had some training in Braunschweig where I saw, that concerning fighter battles I still have to practice, as my accuracy with using a Wraith is still off.

Flieger Michael Schmidt, Rheinwehr Hauptflotte

* | * | *


RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Auriec - 03-16-2013


Decrypting message
[||||||||||||||||||||] 100%

Sender IDFlieger Michael Schmidt
LocationBattleship Moselle, Braunschweig
SubjectPatrol report

Guten Tag,

Today began with a patrol through Hamburg, New Berlin and Frankfurt. I spotted a convoy of Republican Shipping, taking the jumphole in the Westerwald cloud of Frankfurt. After telling them that the cloud is a restricted area and guiding them to Planet Hamburg, I went for some embargo duty to Planet Hamburg. Nothing unusual happened there.
However, after a while, I received an urgent distress call from secondary fleet captain of the Koblenz about red hessians sieging a base in Omega-7. It seemed that our forces were outnumbered, as there were 3 hessian battleships, a hessian cruiser and two hessian bombers. Despite knowing that I don't have an actual permission to get to O-7, I went there and spotted a huge hessian fleet with few ships of ours. Later, more reinforcements joined in.

After a while, we managed to take out a few battleships of them with no losses on our side. =[ * | * | * | * | * | * ]=

When the battle was under control, I headed to the sieged base. Major Hermann told me it is unregistered, so I provide some evidence shots here with base location, information and so on. =[ * | * | * | * ]=

A little later again checking ships in Hamburg, when I spot an artifact smuggler. I unfortunately couldn't catch the camara freighter in time, though I have shots with his callsign and his artifact cargo. Something for the criminal database, I guess. =[ * ]=

Flieger Michael Schmidt, Rheinwehr Hauptflotte