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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wesker - 05-05-2017

Message Class: Video/Audio with subtitles

Encryption: High
To: BAF HC/Ministry of Defense
From: Commander Nicole Brennan, BAF

[Image: ln7IFGS.gif]
After recieving word from the HMS-Gwent that a Corsair fleet was massing in Omega-3, I moved to the scene in my templar. Alongside us was the HMS-Thunderer commanded by Admiral Hall, and later the HMS-Indomitable. I was given command of the fighter squadrons under the supervision of Commodore Dagon, after witnessing the Imperials gather in Omega-3, I was ordered to attack. The HMS-Thunderer and HMS-Indomitable prevailed in taking down 1 Legate class dreadnought, and 1 Murmillo class Battleship. Under my command, the enemy fighters were quickly dispatched, including Hector Beltan, a suspected elder of the Corsair Empire. After receiving damage, he decided to attempt a planetary entry without a docking ring, the results were fatal to his health. With all the enemy vessels eliminated we returned to the Gwent for a debrief.


Nicole Brennan
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 05-07-2017


Rank Changes:

Commander Nicole Brennan has been promoted to Captain. You appear to have learned from your mistakes. Do not allow yourself to repeat them, because you will not get another chance.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Admiralty Board

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wesker - 05-08-2017

Message Class: Video/Audio with subtitles

Encryption: High
To: BAF HC/Ministry of Defense
From: Captain Nicole Brennan, BAF

[Image: ln7IFGS.gif]
After receiving word from an Outcast warship, the MNS-Cittadella, that several Valor class warships had made their way to Magellan, I left aboard the HMS-Aegis to asses and handle the situation myself. However, by the time I had arrived on the scene the Gallic fleet had made way into California, I decided to pursue them. Upon arriving at planet Mojave alongside the MNS-Cittadella, it appeared the Libretonian fleet was asleep, and the Gallic fleet had positioned itself near planet Mojave. The MNS-Cittadella was quick to open fire on the Gallic warships, after receiving fire from one of the Valors, the Aegis returned fire. As the battle went on a Libretonian class warship and ESRD pilot came to our aid. Within minutes one of the valors, the RNS-Sacre_Bleu, fell victim to the guns of the Aegis. Upon the destruction of the Sacre Bleu, another Valor class warship, the RNS-Meduse, decloaked behind the Aegis and opened fire. After making distance, the HMS-Aegis returned fire while the MNS-Cittadella distracted another valor, the RNS-Montmorency. After a few minutes the Libertonian class warship was destroyed, but another siege cruiser came to our aid, as well as the HMS-Fortitude and the HMS-Isaac.Brook. Shortly after the arrival of the second siege cruise, the RNS-Meduse was destroyed. After the destruction of the RNS-Meduse, the HMS-Aegis moved to support the MNS-Cittadella against the RNS-Montmorency, the RNS-Montmorency was quickly disposed of, however, upon destroying -what seemed like- the final Valor, another appeared on scanner. It quickly opened fire on the HMS-Isaac.Brook and the HMS-Aegis, both us and our allied forces returned fire and disposed of the vessel. The MNS-Cittadella then made way before more Libretonian authorities arrived.


Nicole Brennan
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wesker - 05-11-2017

Message Class: Video/Audio with subtitles

Encryption: High
To: BAF HC/Ministry of Defense
From: Captain Nicole Brennan, BAF

[Image: ln7IFGS.gif]
Today, the HMS-Enterprise accompanied by the HMS-Endeavour responded to a distress call from an Outcast warship, the MNS-Cittadella. The same vessel that had accompanied the HMS-Aegis to Califronia, we encoutered two Valor class warships escorted by a single bomber. Without hesitation the HMS-Enterprise and the HMS-Endeavour moved in swiftly to disable the first valor, the RNS-Flandre. While isolated, the vessel made the foolish decision of cruising close to both Dunkirks, within the seconds the dreadnought was obliterated. As the HMS-Enterprise, HMS-Endeavour, and MNS-Cittadella moved on the final valor, it fled towards Betheny.

Nicole Brennan
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wesker - 05-25-2017

Message Class: Video/Audio with subtitles

Encryption: High
To: BAF HC/Ministry of Defense
From: Captain Nicole Brennan, BAF

[Image: RqtxZBu.gif]
Within the past few weeks I've collected some evidence of hostile entities of Bretonia taking refuge at the Battleship Hood, an IMG installation. The groups the said individuals belong to are the Mollys and a subdivision of the Gallic Royal Navy. The HMS-Aegis arrived late on the scene in the encounter with the Royal Navy, however BPA officer John Steiner and Cpt Cuttingham can both confirm the vessels undocking from the station and using it as cover. Visual evidence can be seen below.

Nicole Brennan
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Victor Steiner - 05-27-2017

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Alpine
From: LtCdr Victor Steiner

*BlackWatch Patrol Report*

Good Evening
The following contains evidence regarding today's events in Planet Darlington. Given the nature of report and Darlington itself this report is hereby

At 15:31 today, two ALG ships were spotted outside Sunderland Research Station. I apporached and made contact with these pilots who claimed they were only there due to orders given to them by a third party. Said third party was identified by them as 'Cirrus', a transport who was moving a research team to Sunderland. They were arreted and detained on arrival. I asked them a few more questions before it became apparent that they did not know what was going on at all. About that time Commander Graham and Captain McKinley arrived. We waited for a few more minutes for a decent explanation and for the arrival of 'Cirrus' (who was reportedly still on Sunderland). No contact was recieved from the trasport and the two escort pilots surrendered. Commander Graham ordered their ships destroyed, which was done.

Logs can be provided upon request.

Nothing further to report.

Victor Steiner
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Backo - 06-10-2017

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: High
Priority: Medium
From: Lieutenant Commander Thomas Murphy

Lieutenant Commander Murphy reporting,

I began my patrol out of planet New London at around 15:10 SMT. Almost immediately I was greeted by a BPA inspector by the name of John Steiner who decided to stereotype me as a pub drunkard because of my surname and because apparently I was not around to help him with a Hessian issue in the Cambridge system in time. Personally I consider people who put down a man because of his ethnics and ancestors to be despicable and sincerely hope this incident will not be repeated. Either way I took note of his statement about Cambridge and decided to make my patrol into Southern Bretonia. I jumped into Cambridge via the jump gate and made my way towards the Norfolk. Soon after I was facing the Omega-3 gate and there were no enemies of the Crown thus far so I jumped into the next system. There near the Freeport I found a single Hessian fighter who I quickly engaged before he had the chance to run off to the Zoner pacifists. He was a tough nut to crack but eventually I got him. My ship had sustained considerable damage from the fight as my opponent was rather skilled so I retreated back into Bretonia for repairs.

Thomas Murphy
Lieutenant Commander
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - AlphaWolf215 - 06-16-2017

[Image: H05dXRr.png]

Let us take a moment to celebrate those listed below. Rank adjustments are as follows:

Lieutenant Commanders Fire S, and Steiner V
Your superiors have spoken highly of your performance. We are proud of your development, and have seen fit to elevate you both to the rank of COMMANDER, effective immediately. Report to your Quartermaster for your new uniform. The Requisitions office now offers you command responsibilities for Destroyers. Check with your fleet command for full listings, and to submit any command requests.

Captain McKinley, P,
I have reviewed your service as Admiral Halls aid. I am satisfied with your progress thus far, and would like to offer you further opportunities. You are formally elevated to the position of COMMODORE, effective immediately. Your current posting is the 4th Assault Fleet, and your headquarters will be the Battleship Norfolk. Report to Wellington Base for your personal briefing with me.

Admiral Sir G R Hall,
I had hoped this wouldn't happen, however I have reviewed the letter you addressed to me, and have reached a conclusion. Your formal resignation of command is hereby accepted. Command is sad to see you step back, and I have decided to reassign you at the rank of Captain, under Commodore McKinley. You will be able to help him adjust to his new position. Good luck George, I will miss our battles of wit.

Look to those noted here today, and honour their service, and sacrifices. Each and every one has earned our respect.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix,

Michelle O'Brian, Admiral of the Fleet,
First Sea Lord
Bretonian Command

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 06-21-2017

[Image: V75QyWP.gif]
Good evening, DIS.

I am filling a raid report that was executed in the East Leeds smog cloud. Successfully baiting a battlegroup consisting of two Valors and a Perilous gunboat into the cloud, we executed a bait and switch since we know the Valor commanders tend to favour the cloaking approach. I, the single snub in the taskforce, kept the only visible Valor pinned while getting shot by the Perilous gunboat. Captain Brennan, in the Entreprise coordinated the capital engagement, as I was obviously focused in staying alive and keeping the Valor without cruise engines. Needless to say, it went on perfectly.

After some long range shots and closing in the distance to the first Valor, the second Valor de-cloaked not twenty meters of the expected point. It went down without even managing a decent show of force. The second one, tanked by the Enterprise and the Conclusive from the Auxiliary Fleet, went down even faster as the foci of it was the expeditionary Overlord LNS South Carolina from the Liberty Secondary Fleet.

Leaving finally the Perilous at our mercy. After I punished its shields, Captain Brennan executed a magnificent manoeuvre and opened fire, close range. I finished it up with an anti-matter shot to the bridge of the gunboat.

No losses on our side. Two Valors and a gunboat destroyed and lost within the cloud.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix,
Commodore Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 06-29-2017


Fleet Command Changes:

Commodore Kaze Dagon is now the Commanding Officer of the 4th Defence Fleet, Battleship Norfolk. The 8th Resistance Fleet, Battleship York, returns to direct command of Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian.
Commodore Paul McKinley is now in command of [CLASSIFIED].

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Admiralty Board