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Why no snipers? - Printable Version

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RE: Why no snipers? - Cris - 07-04-2013

(07-03-2013, 06:47 PM)Spike Seadra Wrote: Civlians don't have any good guns


RE: Why no snipers? - Knjaz - 07-04-2013

Pro bombers effortlessly SNAC'ing 70% of the playerbase is already bad enough.

RE: Why no snipers? - JayDee Kasane - 07-04-2013

(07-03-2013, 11:48 PM)Sheaim Wrote: They could add a new, beam - type weapons. They would have near - infinite projectile speed, long range and huge hull damage, but virtually no shield damage, unbelievable refire rate and huge energy usage.
Proposal for such a gun (just an idea):

"Scorcher" Neutrinum Cannon [class 10 fighter gun]
Hull damage: 12000/round
Energy damage: 10/round
Refire rate: 0.1/sec
Power usage: 600/round
Damage type: Neutrinium (reduced damage to all shields)
Speed: 150000 m/sec
Travel range: 1500m
Lifetime: 0.001 sec

Something like that. Respectively lower damage and range for lower - class guns. This could allow some really interesting long range fighter - to - fighter fights, and, since it outranges nearly all other weapons in the game would make even light fighter viable against gunship - class ships... If you can take their shields out first.

Just a wild idea, first thing that came to mind...

that will instakill most of things on server. I dont want such a thing. is proper ballanced it might be good idea for sniper things. but well, ballance is real problem around here.

RE: Why no snipers? - Narcotic - 07-04-2013

We already have 'sniper' weapons, called "Razors".

There even exists the definition of "sniping" people with mini razors (snubs) or battle razors (caps).

Oh and speaking about battle razors shooting at snubs:

[Image: 1344277944_kid_gets_hit_in_the_face_with...e_ball.gif]

RE: Why no snipers? - Yber - 07-04-2013

(07-03-2013, 11:48 PM)Sheaim Wrote: They could add a new, beam - type weapons. They would have near - infinite projectile speed, long range and huge hull damage, but virtually no shield damage, unbelievable refire rate and huge energy usage.
Proposal for such a gun (just an idea):

"Scorcher" Neutrinum Cannon [class 10 fighter gun]
Hull damage: 12000/round
Energy damage: 10/round
Refire rate: 0.1/sec
Power usage: 600/round
Damage type: Neutrinium (reduced damage to all shields)
Speed: 150000 m/sec
Travel range: 1500m
Lifetime: 0.001 sec

Something like that. Respectively lower damage and range for lower - class guns. This could allow some really interesting long range fighter - to - fighter fights, and, since it outranges nearly all other weapons in the game would make even light fighter viable against gunship - class ships... If you can take their shields out first.

Just a wild idea, first thing that came to mind...

RE: Why no snipers? - Calmodulin - 07-04-2013

Have you thought the effect it's gonna have on the RP as well?
If you don't get close to your target, you don't RP with him.
And a sniper announcing himself to his victims is a little counter-intuitive imho.

RE: Why no snipers? - sindroms - 07-04-2013

I think snipers do quite well to announce themselves via bullet to the head.

RE: Why no snipers? - Sheaim - 07-04-2013

The effect on RP? Well - let's restrict this to special forces ships - hunting pirates, bounties and such.

Besides - we already have things that insta - kill things. Not long ago my Hegemon with class 9 shield and class 5 armor got killed in 5 seconds (I used EVERYTHING) by a single bomber. The balance is already broken, things like this (i think it was about 500 k damage) shouldn't happen. That craft should NEVER posess this kind of firepower. Adding snipers to couter bombers is a good idea imho, they could work as long-range fighter/bomber suppresion + some fire support. Add to that an escape mechanism (5 second charging 400 speed cruise or some cloaking) and voila - you have the ultimate anti - craft fighter. Of course it would be nearly useless without shield busting support, but still - I think it's not such a bad idea.

RE: Why no snipers? - Tachyon - 07-04-2013

Trying to imagine a quake-railgun in disco.



Balance (and) qq.

RE: Why no snipers? - EisenSeele - 07-04-2013

With regards to "sniping weapons" and RP requirements prior to combat, it would be best for snipers to be deployed with a group. Since most combat ends up close range, a lone sniper would be screwed anyway.

Also, lol@fighter/gunboat/cruiser/BS razors. They're mostly ONLY useful for close range, unless kiting a larger target.