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Announcing Before you attack... - Printable Version

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Announcing Before you attack... - n00bl3t - 07-07-2008

' Wrote:I was attacked several times by OC and Hessians just as I was leaving the dock no announcement or nothing.

You've done the same to others as well.:P

Announcing Before you attack... - Telbasta - 07-07-2008

I really think whether you announce or not highly depends on the situation and what faction you're a part of (as well as who you're attacking).

I think most military and lawful groups should always announce before attacking, especially with large vessels like capships. Something like "Power up weapons and engage (targetname)" sounds in-character and also gives the target a little warning. Most lawful groups tend to want their targets either evicted from the area or captured alive, rather than just opening fire and destroying every trace of it.

The 'cockier' unlawful groups should announce their presence as well, through an in-character threat or bragging line. Something like "Ah, the little piggies have come out to play! Rip 'em apart boys!" sounds like something a rogue or xeno would say.

Sneakier, more 'intelligent' criminal types would not announce an attack because it would give their enemy an advantage in combat. This could be applied to some groups like outcasts and corsairs in specific situations - such as setting up an ambush for enemy forces, or engaging an enemy that's already occupied in combat. It's far more effective to make a surprise attack than it is to waste time telling the enemy that you're there. Not announcing your attack would also be more in-character for groups like the nomads, who tend to have their own agenda and arent concerned with 'bragging' or 'honor' - they just want you dead.

Announcing Before you attack... - timmychen - 07-07-2008

Gray area. Not against the rules, just considered common courtesy. It's been discussed before.

Announcing Before you attack... - CusoJR - 07-07-2008

A little off topic but... I had a nomad (not a keeper) announce himself In delta asking me if I was hostile or not from 50k away. He followed me all the way back to gamma but never got within 3k. Wouldn't been easier for him to get within 10k and see my tag? As if the [OPG] in front of my name wasn't enough. New player I guess.

Announcing Before you attack... - X-Lancer - 07-07-2008

depends..if you want to "knife" someone from the back..u dont tell them...because u want to kill him without he knows u are there.but say something in RP after u get the kill is always nice..if it's in a formal battle...yes..u proberbly need to say something first...example: Die u inferior scum...

Announcing Before you attack... - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 07-07-2008

' Wrote:You've done the same to others as well.:P
I've stopped that a while back.

Announcing Before you attack... - Raekur - 07-07-2008

' Wrote:I was attacked several times by OC and Hessians just as I was leaving the dock no announcement or nothing.

I have had the same problem with the Corsair NPC's.
Maybe someone needs to inform them that its nice to say something first.

Announcing Before you attack... - ryoken - 07-07-2008

Fighter on fighter i have no issue with just attacking. Same as fighter on cap as they will not do a ton of damage. Thing i hate is being in a fighter,or small cap like GB, and suddenly a BC/BS open's up on you with it's mortar's. That to me is just a player with absolutely no care for fair or fun play. Had 2 Liberty BC's kill my fighter without warning just yesterday coming out of JG. It is really annoying. Then had them say in main, your dead leave NY.

Announcing Before you attack... - Guyton - 07-07-2008

Its good roleplay to simply announce before you attack.

Announcing Before you attack... - pim - 07-07-2008

I say, even in a enemy faction's fight, a little "die" before going at contact, or a "enemy spotted, engaging" if you are far enough can't be really armful, and is always a pleasure...

I'm merc and don't personally love them. But when I start chasing a bounty, I alway say "there is a bounty on you" in private before chasing, even if I'm not in the same sys...

When I'm protecting a trader, we have a fire protocol : if he shots : warn, if he continues : prevention shots, if he doesn't stop : kill.