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What's wrong with my font? - Printable Version

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RE: What's wrong with my font? - Hell Hunter - 07-20-2013

Wat do? None of these are working, even that link I retried to be sure.
And I CANT reinstall, I dont know where my FL CD is

RE: What's wrong with my font? - Error - 07-20-2013

Here are the three required fonts from my FL install CD.

Win 7: To install them manually, just unzip the file somewhere and open the .ttf (font) files one by one using "Windows Font Installer", and click "Install" in the top-left corner.

Win XP:

RE: What's wrong with my font? - Hell Hunter - 07-20-2013

[Window Title]
Compressed (zipped) Folders Error

Windows cannot open the folder.

The Compressed (zipped) Folder 'C:\Users\####\Downloads\' is invalid.


Even if I preview, or redownload it. or move it out of downloads. what.
able to reupload those in a file?
(FYI I have win7)

RE: What's wrong with my font? - Error - 07-20-2013

Can't get it to work here either. Odd. Looks like something went wrong while it was being uploaded - here's a new archive.

And in case that doesn't work either:

RE: What's wrong with my font? - Hell Hunter - 07-20-2013

Alright, thread can be closed. I was given a font via skype. It was Arialuni that was missing.