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RE: About a Gaming PC - Lythrilux - 08-26-2013

Holy cow, I didn't think it'd be that demanding.

RE: About a Gaming PC - Anaximander - 08-26-2013

Ye it is, also Gov is right you might as well just run out and grab some DDR3 RAM now while its dirt cheap, it will come in handy and prices are going to go up at some point soon.

They're making a point out of making SC as taxing as possible because PC fanboys get boners when they get told they are super special and their hardware sooooo much better compared to console fanboys Big Grin

RE: About a Gaming PC - Balaerus - 08-26-2013

(08-26-2013, 01:30 PM)Govedo13 Wrote: Some trolls of our IT blocked Star Citizen Cite so I cannot link you but if you check the Hangar mode minimal requirements you would notice the 8 GB ram there set as minimum. The rest is up to you, I like to build feature proof systems not something that I need to change in 1 year, it should be ok at least for 2 years time.

(08-26-2013, 06:22 PM)Anaximander Wrote: Ye it is, also Gov is right you might as well just run out and grab some DDR3 RAM now while its dirt cheap, it will come in handy and prices are going to go up at some point soon.

They're making a point out of making SC as taxing as possible because PC fanboys get boners when they get told they are super special and their hardware sooooo much better compared to console fanboys Big Grin

He's not right, minimum is 4GB of ram.

Here is another website confirming it as well:

RE: About a Gaming PC - Oorn - 08-26-2013

(08-26-2013, 06:22 PM)Anaximander Wrote: Ye it is, also Gov is right you might as well just run out and grab some DDR3 RAM now while its dirt cheap, it will come in handy and prices are going to go up at some point soon.

They're making a point out of making SC as taxing as possible because PC fanboys get boners when they get told they are super special and their hardware sooooo much better compared to console fanboys Big Grin

RAM is easiest thing to add later on, and I can't think of any game that is out right now where having 16G instead of 8G would make any difference.
And about SC, nobody really knows what would we need to run it. From what I've seen so far they don't really care about optimisation, we don't know how good will Cryengine handle the game, and their obsesion with visual candy is troubing to me. I wouldn't expect ANYTHING you could buy right runing this game max setings 60 fps.

So, about CPUs.
For gaming I know only 3 things where having i7 over i5 would make noticable difference: X3, Supreme commander, PS2 emulation. So I recomend i5. And don't bother thinking about haswell/ivy bridge thing, difference between them is negligable for PC.

GPU wise, it all depends on budget. ATI/Nvidia is not really big deal. History wise, ATI had better bang for buck, while nvidia had better driver support. Right now I would tell they are almost even, with ATI a little ahead.

128 gig SSD would be quite nice, but not critical.

And don't pick cheapest PSU (power suply unit). It's almost as if all budget gaming PC articles intentionally forget about them. I personally know people who had their whole PC devastated because they picked cheapest PSU.

Sooooo, what budget are we exactly dealing with here?

RE: About a Gaming PC - Anaximander - 08-26-2013

Ye the RAM isn't crucial at the moment, but it's a sensible thing to spend money on right now.

DDR4 is going to hit the streets at some point this year, and RAM producers currently produce DDR3 sticks at low costs. When they step up DDR4 production, they'll scale down DDR3 production and thus the price on the DDR3 sticks goes up. Same thing happened with the last generation of RAM.

Right now prices on DDR3 are super low, but they won't stay that way, i.e. you might as well grab a bucket of DDR3 sticks now when they are dirt cheap and you are in the market for an upgrade anyways.

EDIT: What ilce said is true, they were even cheaper last year. Prices have gone up a bit already.

RE: About a Gaming PC - lIceColon - 08-26-2013

in hong kong, a stick 8gb of ddr3 was around $30 december 2012. now it is $60 X(

RE: About a Gaming PC - Govedo13 - 08-26-2013

Just wait 3-4 months I bet on 80-100$ while the the new DDR4 would come at the 100-120$. The parts manufacturers do the same shit over and over again- they made it when DDR2 was replaced by DDR3 and when DDR1 was replaced by DDR2.

RE: About a Gaming PC - Abuzar - 08-27-2013

Well I got RAM DDR3 quiet costly here its like 1Gb 20$ . After Converting the Cash.
And about GPU I spent some time Visiting the market people Said i should use Nividia. Don't Worry i wont pick Cheapest PSU i have already a very good one, So when i buy new pc why would i saved 100$ for a cheap part of PC. I would go for the Better one.

And About Cache i think i should spend some time reading what is necessary in a PC. Dont have Knowledge after RAM,HDD,Processors a little bit and GPU.

RE: About a Gaming PC - Abuzar - 08-27-2013

You guys Gave me So much information Which i barely understand lol. Recommend me Any web link where i can read about it and go for a better PC. my range is 100k like 1.3k$. Thing is When i buy single part of PC it cost me too much but when i buy a Combined one it costs less. So First of all i aint going for a branded PC. because all is Fixed in it so i would like each part info what to mount or not.

Alright i am gonna look for info which i can get myself. Your help will be Appreciated. Thanks alot

RE: About a Gaming PC - Balaerus - 08-27-2013

(08-27-2013, 12:17 PM)Alphonse Josse Wrote: You guys Gave me So much information Which i barely understand lol. Recommend me Any web link where i can read about it and go for a better PC. my range is 100k like 1.3k$. Thing is When i buy single part of PC it cost me too much but when i buy a Combined one it costs less. So First of all i aint going for a branded PC. because all is Fixed in it so i would like each part info what to mount or not.

Alright i am gonna look for info which i can get myself. Your help will be Appreciated. Thanks alot

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