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4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - Printable Version

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RE: 4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - Duncan Farquar - 09-23-2013


There isn't a rephack with Hogosha, if you get a Corsair bribe the Hogosha turns neutral with dock permissions (-0.5).

Hogosha and Junkers are natural enemies, must be rephacked to forced hostile, right?

Both factions are already rephacked against eachother. Keep in mind that repninjas only take effect when you undock/relog with your character, and that might be the cause of your confusion. ~ ae

RE: 4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - Jack_Henderson - 09-23-2013


GRN = -0.75 on restart => should be: neutral-unfriendly: -0.3

GRP = -0,75 on restart IMG => should be: neutral-unfriendly: -0,3

  • Indies should not be red to GRN because that leads to a lot of lolwuttery in T23 when IMGs go "You are red! Pew!".
  • GRN patrols in T23 (pretty strong ones, 2 Gbs sometimes) patrol the mining areas. If they catch a lone IMG Hege, this one is doomed. That's not what GRN does in T23.
  • IMG has access to Gallia. But there is not way to do it if the T23 - Languedoc gate + guarding battleship is red

Just a wish, as it is in the infocards:

ALG, Gateway, Colonials => friendly, as they are our allies?

But the Gallic rep has priority because it makes interactions with neutral factions like IDF impossible. A GRN or GRP NPC spawns and everything goes collectively red. That's not a good representation of IMG's Tau diplomacy.

Restart reps toward GRN and GRP adjusted. CR is already set to +0.3, to make double bribing possible, but rest of it will not be provided via a restart and players would have to take care of it themselves. As mentioned above, restarts are not supposed to provide an "ideal" reputation sheet. ~ ae

Discovery 4.87 Bug Report - The Lane Hackers - 09-24-2013


There is no hostile rephack to Bounty Hunters Guild, while the ID should be set to hostile at least -0.7.
There is a hostile rephack to Coalition while the Coalition ID has a no-dock rephack to Lane Hackers. Both IDs should be set either to no-dock or hostile (preferably hostile).


There is a no-dock rephack to Lane Hackers while the Lane Hacker ID has a hostile rephack to Coalition. Both IDs should be set either no-dock or hostile (preferably hostile).


There is a hostile rephack to Lane Hackers while there should be no rephack at all. Lane Hackers and Blood Dragons were on friendly terms for years.


Bretonian Privateer ID has no hostile rephacks to most of the unlawful factions, such as Lane Hackers or Liberty Rogues.

Notice: I made a tool to analyse current rephacks.ini. Everyone can use it to hunt for bugs in rephacks. The tool is accessible under following link.

Fixed, and thanks for that page. ~ ae

RE: 4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - Anomander - 09-25-2013

I do not know why - but after AI restart - rep is -0,7 for Neutral
- it's troublesome for eg, Connecticut raiders (New Heaven want eat you alive)
plus there is no option to make i better.

Is that a intended move?

Also IFF stays Zonners is there no AI IFF ?

Echo: That sounds like a bug. All IDs should rephack Neutral faction to 0.0.

Fixed. ~ ae

RE: 4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - Ponge - 09-26-2013

(09-24-2013, 08:15 PM)The Lane Hackers Wrote: Notice: I made a tool to analyse current rephacks.ini. Everyone can use it to hunt for bugs in rephacks. The tool is accessible under following link.

Can you explain how it works? I get it when I select an ID, it shows the ID rephacks, this is obious; but what does it show when I select an IFF? Many factions are listed twice in the IFF part.

Other thing: in "Known issues", this is posted for update2: Various rephack fixes. Could this be detailed to see what have been fixed? Thanks.

RE: 4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - Pel - 10-01-2013

The BrGaian restart makes you red to GRN, but the ID says we can't fire on GRN.

"Recall that you have a NAP with the Gallic Royal Navy, do try to not initiate combat."

Since there is some sort of agreement between GRN and Gaians, the Gaian restart should make us neutral to them.

I don't think this is a rephack, but I haven't tested it. I could probably go kill Council to get neutral to GRN.

According to that lane.hackersoft page the rep is only -0.3 to GRN, but they were firing on me in Orkney and I was barely out of Faroe.


I opened up the BrGaian.fl and found this--

house = -0.75, ga_n_grp
house = -0.65, ga_p_grp

That explains it.

With a NAP, why?


Killing Council is an easy way to get neutral with GRN, at least with the Gaian ID.

RE: 4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - Ponge - 10-12-2013


Equipping the LPI ID does not give LPI guard rep at all. According to the other IDs, it should give +0.9 LPI guard rep. (The restart gives the guard rep, that is OK).

RE: 4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - Duvelske - 10-13-2013

All corporate factions

*Not sure if this is the right place to post, but i guess its a nice suggestion at least*

Well i was looking into the game and i noticed that several items are mostly only available within the guard systems of a house. Or if you are lucky and the faction you play for is not hostile or dont have an o docking rephack towards that faction of the station owner.

My idea was to give all corporate factions a postive guard rephack towards their own police and militairy house origins. (let it be =0 or above or maybe = -3 ) to let them be able to dock and buy some of those equipment within the house they belong to. Also corps can fly gunboats don't they need a good armor for that?

-- Edit
Well ponge why does IMG have an cau7 + 8 for sale in omega 3 (on aland) as its a mining faction like samura, gmg etc? Ok if it was in their own IMG guard system i would say ok. But its not. Point is it makes no sense those corporate factions have no docking rights towards a full negative reps towards their own house guard systems.

RE: 4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - Ponge - 10-13-2013

(10-13-2013, 01:45 PM)Duvelske Wrote: ==============
All corporate factions

*Not sure if this is the right place to post, but i guess its a nice suggestion at least*

Well i was looking into the game and i noticed that several items are mostly only available within the guard systems of a house. Or if you are lucky and the faction you play for is not hostile or dont have an o docking rephack towards that faction of the station owner.

My idea was to give all corporate factions a postive guard rephack towards their own police and militairy house origins. (let it be =0 or above or maybe = -3 ) to let them be able to dock and buy some of those equipment within the house they belong to.

What is only available in Guard systems only (BS scanner, CAU8 for example) are military stuff, so a civilian corporate pilot should not have them. What would a BATTLESHIP scanner or a CAPITAL ship armor do on a transport? They are meant for restricted military use, am I right? This is the most logical inRP answer to this I think.

RE: 4.87 Rephack Bug Reports - djordje_petrovic - 10-16-2013

Gallic junkers rephack

Gallic junker full reputation sheet harshly difer from this tech rephack sheet. It is too much of that to mention one by one case.

Gallic junker are ireparabile red to Liberty and no dock to full Rheinland. However in this repchart they can be neutral to council which is little peculiar regarding their rival RP. No rephack toward coalition is interesting though.

I am not sure if this document is accurate to 4.87 so i need clarification in PM if possible, but for sure admin to check full rephack preset.

This is Lane hacker advanced software (not know if it is legal or not Smile))) ) which shows correct values