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Gunboat power supply balance - Printable Version

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Gunboat power supply balance - Jinx - 07-22-2008

@chopper: yes.. i know its just about power... but what i wanted to say is - who of us can be really unbiased. - some that do not fly them at all hate BBs anyway and try to make it so that no one flies them. - those that fly them would try to make theirs not too bad - etc.

just the basic concern. - a bit like the faction based supernovas. - it didn t take long till the whole community was bickering about what supernova should be how good. - and no one will really give in.

Gunboat power supply balance - Teknikal - 07-22-2008

Just my opinion but I think if the powerplants are the same it's part of the balance.
Even now the bigger Battleships will ussually always win due to more turrets in my mind the only equalising factor is the smaller one can sustain fire longer with the same powerplant but less damage per second.

As for the gunboats I think it's the same really the powerplant being equal is what balances them against different turret numbers although maybe gunships should get a slightly lower one since they are a different class although I think the hacker gunship has a raw deal already with it's size and agility.

I'm not sure it's a great Idea to change things to much as it could lead to a lot more nerfs in the future I'll use the corsair gunboat as an example if this was brought through It would have even more of an advantage against the others and I think it would have to be equalised.

Gunboat power supply balance - Eppy - 07-22-2008

Recommend the title of this thread be changed to 'Capship Powerplant Balance', seeing as it's moved a bit beyond Gunboats. That or a topic split or something.

I've written this up using the current model sizes in this version of the mod. Revisions can be made in the betas once I have access to all of the CMPs if this is going anywhere. I'm ignoring the names of the ships as I construct this, as they have no real bearing on the ships combat effectiveness. I am instead classifying them by their model size, as this is a more accurate measure of what kind of power supply they could support. These are alphabetized as they appear in Datastorm. The Spyglass has been moved down because of its infocard. Consider moving the carrier down as well. The current Cruiser standard powerplant has become the minimum powerplant (let's face it, we all know they need a boost). Battlecruisers are now universally 3,600,000 (Liberty Assault Battlecruiser was at 4,000,000, God help us). I have not attempted to do Gunboats myself as I know relatively little about the class and don't consider myself knowledgeable enough for the task.

Note: In my opinion (cliche' phrase number one) the minimum Battleship powerplant should be 7,000,000 and maintain the intervals below, but that would just turn into an ego contest between the capship players and the fighter/bomber players again (and, worse, the faction-indie debate), so I've balanced it using the current powerplant as the standard instead of the minimum.


Light Battleships: 6,000,000-powerplant
  • Battlestar
  • Battlestar Advanced
  • Bounty Hunter Battleship
  • Osiris
Medium Battleships: 7,000,000
  • Dragon Battleship (Togo)
  • Liberty Dreadnought
  • Outcast Battleship
Heavy Battleships: 8,000,000
  • Bretonian Battleship
  • Corsair Dreadnought
  • Hacker Spyglass
  • Liberty Carrier
  • Outcast Dreadnought
Dreadnoughts: 8,500,000
  • Battlestar II (Admin-Only)
  • Corsair Dreadnought (4.82 Venator-Class Version)(Admin-Only)
  • Kusari Battleship
  • Nomad Battleship (Restricted)
  • Rheinland Battleship
  • Zoner Juggernaut

Destroyers: 1,400,000
  • Bounty Hunter Destroyer
  • Kusari Destroyer
  • Nomad Cruiser (which I expect will be replaced. It has a Nomad Gunboat hitbox...if so upgrade)
  • Talarca Cruiser
  • Zoner Destroyer
Cruisers: 1,800,000
  • Dragon Cruiser (Forward Gun)
  • Liberty Cruiser (Forward Gun)
  • Outcast Destroyer
  • Rheinland Pirate Cruiser (Consider downgrade)
Heavy Cruisers: 2,250,000
  • Bretonia Destroyer
  • Corsair Cruiser
  • Red Hessian Cruiser
  • Rheinland Cruiser
Battlecruisers: 3,600,000
  • Albatross Battlecruiser
  • Bounty Hunter Battlecruiser
  • Liberty Assault Battlecruiser
Help Revise Me. Maybe we can get a working proposal up and submit it for consideration.

Gunboat power supply balance - mjolnir - 07-22-2008

' Wrote:I'll use the corsair gunboat as an example if this was brought through It would have even more of an advantage against the others and I think it would have to be equalised.

This kind of correspond with the problem that the turrets on the other side of the ship can fire right trough it.

Fix that and you get closer to other gbs.



you should edit the post to write what are the current powersupplies.
For cruisers its 1400k, BSs 7000k

Otherwise Cruisers look fine to me.


Liberty Dread should move to the same class as Osiris (is it just me or are they the same size?)
The tiny Bretonia BS should be in one of the first two classes.

Gunboat power supply balance - Seth Karlo - 07-22-2008

Yes, this makes total sense.

The larger the GB, the larger the Power...

What about GBs with forward guns? Do they get increased power aswell?

Gunboat power supply balance - Baltar - 07-22-2008

Yes, the bigger the gunboat, the bigger power supply and regens ... BUT ... the bigger the gunboat, the slower turn radius and the bigger target.

So ... with the increase in size you GAIN power and regen capability ... but ... you LOSE maneuverability, speed and your hitbox gets bigger.

Gunboat power supply balance - Teknikal - 07-22-2008

Well I admit it does make sense for the bigger Gunboats to have more power and I dare say fixing the corsair turrets would probably be enough to balance it.

@Eppy the Spyglass is huge compared to the Bretonia Battleship and has more turrets I remember comparing it to one of the bases when I owned one I find it strange seeing it put into a lower class for powerplants It's a huge ship.

I did have a screenshot of them both together but unfortunately must have wiped it out.

Gunboat power supply balance - chopper - 07-22-2008

Jinx, there's no room for being biased when talking about power supply.
It's based only on size and mass.
It's easy to check both of these.

It's another thing when someone says that House GB's should have more turrets then pirate ones, because first ones should be superior.
There's no room for such balancing here, it's purely based on size.

It seems to me that Eppy's proposal is quite alright, except too big difference between light BS's and medium BS's.
I'd say that it should be 6,7,8,9 for 4 classes.

And I think that Liberty dread is bigger then Osiris, enough for it to be one class ahead.
It would be nice if someone could compare the size with pics.

Also, Spyglass should go to 3rd class and Brettonian BS to 2nd or maybe even stay where it is.

I'll try to do the same for GB's in a moment.

Gunboat power supply balance - Jinx - 07-22-2008

a bit of concern - a 9 million powercore enables a battleship to fire three heavy mortars at once ( 540.000 damage ) - while the light battleship will have trouble firing even one.

a tripple HM can destroy even an armoured light battleship in a single volley - when its shields are down. ( well, not really destroy - but almost. )

Gunboat power supply balance - chopper - 07-22-2008

Light GB's/Gunships - 350.000, 43k regeneration

Bounty Hunter Gunship
Kusari Gunboat
Hacker Gunship

Medium GB's - 450.000, 55k regeneration

Liberty Gunboat
IMG Gunboat
Rogue Gunboat
Scorpion Gunboat (?)
Nomad Gunboat (?)
Orca Gunboat
Dragon Gunboat (?)

Large GB's - 550.000, 67k regeneration

Corsair Gunboat
Bretonia Gunboat
Rheinland Gunboat
Kusari Explorer (?)

(?) - not sure about these.

Ready for all feedback.

Dragon GB - I'v never seen one, so I have no idea whatsoever where it should be.
I guess medium, but it could easily be sent to large as well, if it's of similar size as other large ones.

Scorpion GB - Well, it's pretty tiny, I'd normally put it in small GB class, but since it has 8 turrets, I guess medium is fine.

Nomad GB - seems Medium to me, but could be large as well. Not like anyone used it ... ever..

Kusari Explorer - I think it's big enough, but again, it might belong to Medium class easily, I'm not sure.

I tried to keep the supply for bigger ones close to what it's now, only 50k more capacity and 2k more regeneration.
It's mostly a nerf!
