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Where are the Nomad Battleships? - Printable Version

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RE: Where are the Nomad Battleships? - Ponge - 11-12-2013

(11-12-2013, 09:46 AM)Saronsen Wrote: Good luck getting a cloak without PoBs

As you see I still hope PoBs will be brought back. Do you happen to have some insider info on this?

RE: Where are the Nomad Battleships? - AeternusDoleo - 11-12-2013

(11-11-2013, 09:20 PM)Walligig Wrote: The only place I have seen Nomad Battleships is in Alaska. It's been a while sense my last visit to that system so I don't know if they are still there.

They aren't, and were never meant to be there in the first place. 's what happens when you assign a battleship NPC classified as a fighter at d19...

I suppose it'll be time to get the vs Nomad NPC missions ready - so players can pew them at leisure.

RE: Where are the Nomad Battleships? - Syrus - 11-12-2013

Since their drops are needed for cloaks they should be available in some way or another.
Also dropping what's needed when shot and all...

RE: Where are the Nomad Battleships? - Ponge - 11-12-2013

vs nomad NPC missions...
Sounds good to me, though battleships would not be a leisure to kill I think.
Would be nice to implement it into update 5.