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GreyHound - Printable Version

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GreyHound - Reverend Del - 07-29-2008

The pirate line is sure as hell ugly, but I like it that way. It looks scrappy which suits Rogues and Mollys just fine, it'd be nice to see the Greyhound fit in with the line as it's supposed to.

GreyHound - Stoat - 07-29-2008

I didn't know it was an import! The immersion question isn't an issue for me. I'm already suspending my disbelief by playing an RPing space shooter game, so seeing a ship I may recognise from elsewhere really isn't that much of a problem.

I'd like to see it re-textured, not replaced. That being said, it's also nice to see commonality within ship lines, and the Greyhound is waaaaaay out of place when compared to other Rogue ships.

So ignore me, I know nothing.

GreyHound - sean24 - 07-29-2008

I don't like it how the greyhound is differant from the other rouge ships, it should have a rouge skin while still maintaining the same look.

GreyHound - Teknikal - 07-29-2008

Greyhounds fine I fly it and like it. If you ask me what really needs to be done is make the Werewolf competitive.

GreyHound - Zapp - 07-29-2008

There's nothing wrong with Werewolfs. I think they're sexy:)Am I alone there?

GreyHound - Taffic - 07-29-2008

' Wrote:There's nothing wrong with Werewolfs. I think they're sexy:)Am I alone there?
YESI bloody hate them - sluggish & it blocks off half the screen

edit - Werewolfs are about as sexy as Stephen Hawkins

[Image: hawkings.gif]

GreyHound - McNeo - 07-29-2008

I think werewolf fighters are sexy too...

I remember my Helghast one well...:mellow:

GreyHound - DarthCloakedGuy - 07-29-2008

' Wrote:I hate to say this, and sound like a fascist at best? But all imports must go, they detract from the immersion and presence of Discovery. And I'm sorry to let you know, that includes the Greyhound.

Its my personal cause:D
Fellow after my own heart.

Sad to hear the Greyhound is an import. Yeah, in light of that information, it needs a new everything. Disco must be cleansed!

Shame though, all the other Rogue ships are total eyesores.

GreyHound - ivr56 - 07-30-2008

It needs a reskin for sure.

Make a rusty skin for it prehaps or the same skin as the current pirate line.
So it doesnt look alienish atleast.

GreyHound - sovereign - 07-30-2008

' Wrote:Fellow after my own heart.

Sad to hear the Greyhound is an import. Yeah, in light of that information, it needs a new everything. Disco must be cleansed!

Shame though, all the other Rogue ships are total eyesores.

Pff, you just don't appreciate art. Pirate line is neat in its own way. I like it. And have a cruiser design for it that you'll see when I get 3ds max working.