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Bounty on transport - Printable Version

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RE: Bounty on transport - Binski - 12-18-2013

(12-18-2013, 05:03 PM)Jobe Wrote: Sorry to jump in on this.

How do these individual bounties work? Can I just find it him destroy him? Or does there have to be some sort of RP interaction first like..

Jobe: Hold it right there Easy.Rider! I've got a Wanted! paper for you!
Easy.Rider: I'm not stopping for no one!
Jobe: Well, we'll see about that!
**Death: Easy.Rider was killed by Jobe (Gun)**

Excuse my RP, I'm still learning this! Tongue

//First allow to link the most updated Bounty Hunting Rules for you.

In this case I was pirating so its only claimable by unlawful or neutral parties. Meaning no BHG or lawful group can claim. If you're a freelancer/mercenary or member of an unlawful faction, as long as its not a violation of your ID you should be good to go. Typically a player should register first with a little bit of information. Just let me know who you work for, if it seems sketchy I can ask for a screenshot of your rep to verify you can claim. However if you want to send it with the screens of the kill thats ok too, but if you break the rules during the kill its on your own accord.

Finally, YES for God's sakes, you must RP, even the simplest RP, but its a bare minimum requirement.

"Hey XXXXX, there's a bounty on your head, and I mean to claim it! Prepare to die!"

That should be sufficient, however its always better for both parties, even the bountied party, if you spice it up a little. Use your imagination! What you posted is definitely how a lot of bounties go, nothing wrong with that.

"Oh, and the Argo says hello" is what I'd like to see in there too. Doesn't have to be in the kill shot but if you can prove you got it in the conversation before the kill, that fulfills the other part of the bounty.

Adding something like that helps extend the RP aspect of the player to player encounter when it comes to a bounty. I'm sure the conversation spawned from that will be not bad RP if you roll with it.