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Planets: How to encorporate them more into gameplay - Printable Version

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RE: Planets: How to encorporate them more into gameplay - Highland Laddie - 12-16-2013

Why not make freighter-only dockable ports like on Leeds on planets where mining is part of the RP (even on unpopulated ones). dock at a "mining town" and can buy different Ores?

Downside - takes away from the necessity of miners/cooperative play for getting Ores

Upside - the freighter-only dock option means that nobody is going to be "scoring big" unless they are playing cooperatively with freighters and transports in order to tender a large number of materials.

So, you eliminate one kind of cooperative dependency...but create opportunities for another.

These bases could also pay decent prices for things like Drill bits, Mining Machinery, Robotics, etc. to help establish economy.

I would eliminate "Food" as a mineable resource. Seems kinda absurd unless you're actually flying along the planet zapping up cows and wildlife and then tractoring in their dead carcasses, which also seems like a silly means of production.

RE: Planets: How to encorporate them more into gameplay - Vipera Berus - 12-16-2013

(12-16-2013, 04:51 PM)Highland Laddie Wrote: I would eliminate "Food" as a mineable resource. Seems kinda absurd unless you're actually flying along the planet zapping up cows and wildlife and then tractoring in their dead carcasses, which also seems like a silly means of production.

This reminded me of the people who claim to have been taken up into spaceships and probed - I trust you aren't trying to get that sort of alien added to FL.

RE: Planets: How to encorporate them more into gameplay - Binski - 12-16-2013

(12-12-2013, 02:30 PM)Curios Wrote: I'd instead reduce the amount of mining fields and Trade routes instead.

I disagree. I still feel like this is space, and you should be able to think like a space trader/miner. Meaning, you should have the option of skimming over your charts and selecting an ore field you prefer for the reason it may be far removed or secluded. You should always have the option of minimizing your risk against possible pirate attacks and base your tactics according to the level of risk you can endure.

If you're a transport and ship ore it doesnt take long to find the common mining spots or areas you'll be able to buy. Same goes if you're a pirate of miners, just work at it a few days and you figure out all of the frequented ore fields and know the areas to be around when seeking other players.

(12-16-2013, 04:51 PM)Highland Laddie Wrote: I would eliminate "Food" as a mineable resource. Seems kinda absurd unless you're actually flying along the planet zapping up cows and wildlife and then tractoring in their dead carcasses, which also seems like a silly means of production.

I thought about that, but figured it would be cool for something like planet curacau or a Gaia, have 'agricultural' planets for synth foods or farmers alliance, and instead of 'mining turrets' maybe have 'food extraction beams' or whatever so food corps could actually extract food from a farm planet. Curacoa is mostly water, why not introduce a 'fish' commodity and let ships scoop up fish from orbit. Other than that you may not be scooping up cows, but why not grain or vegitables?

This way planets are the interactive medium and other groups, other than just miners, can extract resources from the environment in order to sell for higher profit.

It would also change things if 'food rations' was just 'food units' which could be extracted by a farming ship. They would be the same units required for player bases. Meaning you could buy food, or simply send out a ship to a nearby planet to skim the surface for some food. The same is true for water and oxygen in some places. In theory, in certain systems, one that sells alloy, with a habitable planet, one could maintain a base just from the natural resources available in that system, or at least close neighbouring systems. Maybe this could help make maintainging POB's a little easier.

RE: Planets: How to encorporate them more into gameplay - Fluffyball - 01-21-2015

Sorry for necromancy, but this threat is too interesting to be lost in the past. Really!

RE: Planets: How to encorporate them more into gameplay - SnakeLancerHaven - 01-21-2015

Maybe the surveying module would have a second use now ^^ instead of just surveying Jump Locations, you'd be surveying Planets, I say go for it.

RE: Planets: How to encorporate them more into gameplay - Highland Laddie - 01-21-2015

(12-16-2013, 04:51 PM)Highland Laddie Wrote: Why not make freighter-only dockable ports like on Leeds on planets where mining is part of the RP (even on unpopulated ones). dock at a "mining town" and can buy different Ores?

Downside - takes away from the necessity of miners/cooperative play for getting Ores

Upside - the freighter-only dock option means that nobody is going to be "scoring big" unless they are playing cooperatively with freighters and transports in order to tender a large number of materials.

So, you eliminate one kind of cooperative dependency...but create opportunities for another.

These bases could also pay decent prices for things like Drill bits, Mining Machinery, Robotics, etc. to help establish economy.

I would eliminate "Food" as a mineable resource. Seems kinda absurd unless you're actually flying along the planet zapping up cows and wildlife and then tractoring in their dead carcasses, which also seems like a silly means of production.

Such a good idea, I'll post it twice.

RE: Planets: How to encorporate them more into gameplay - Shizune - 01-23-2015

Just noting something her really quick..

Quote:Planet Olympus would also be ideal for adding platinum or Nobium to. All of a sudden you'd have reason to establish a far out base to extract a distant, but valuable and rare substance.

Planet Olympus is being deleted in the next update as it was just a decoration put in Omicron 90 by Treewyrm to make the system look nicer, nothing more, nothing less.

However I can see abuse coming from this thing, say like, a bunch of indies suddenly building bases in guard systems, shared systems, nomad home places that would just piss people off to begin with.

More over there will be the new planet bombing squads, because we all know that if I yell: "Hey a base needs to be destroyed!", about 30 people and their grandmother will log to just siege it, regardless of RP, reason or why, introducing planet is like introducing super targets to bombing squads, because we all know a few things, if it's a small thing to logically get ships down onto the planet, then even a lone bomber could destroy the docking post and/or mooring point for ships.

Also if we were speaking logically, it'd take years for a person to put a station up and land onto a planet, a station makes more logical sense because those are taken care of in real time, but taking care of a planet is an entire other story, I can think of a lot of things one would need to deal with...

Cooping with terrain, weather, seismic activity, volcanic terrain, wild life/natives, spacial bodies impacting the planet which would require a shield being put up, radar to watch for enemies or incoming objects that might destroy the base or the orbiting right, hostile warships/attack squads sent to destroy the base for whatever reasons, aliens (yes I'm looking at the AI's and Nomad's) attacking, what the gravity is, what the air is like and if its livable, if there is stable supply lines to the base that won't be cut off, if its cost effective and you'll make back what you used market wise, and we can't forget about our own crew either, what they need to survive, safety (equipment and weapons) ships and what they need, even vehicles that can coop with the planet itself.

OORP wise, the location, time needed, players need is just not that great and many would jump seeing a weakness, now if the planet stuff got reinforcements sure, but lets look at this from that stand point, this would open the door to tons of more planet lockers as I like to call them, players/factions that just move in and take over the planet for no actual reason other then to own it and lock it down from everyone else, kinda like jump hole blocking bases. Another thing is people will start building bases/taking over planets that they should not, IE: Going into Omicron 99 and taking over those planets when their already established in lore for another faction (K'Hara wise) or going into Alabama and taking that planet over when already most of the Xeno population lives on it.

I don't think its crazy no, I love the idea, but the major thing we could see if putting this in, is abuse and people crying wolf for a very good reason, enough that the admin's/dev's would need to possibly even put up a whole new rule set just for this, and do a check list of what planets can and cannot be used. Because I mean, I rather not see a core mining base in orbit of the Order home planet, or a Rheinland mining ops on Pittsburgh moon or even heck, a Xeno mining crew working deep in Omicron Iota's planets.

And one other thing. Gas Giants. I mean come on, even EVE did this, it works for orbiting command centers to be in orbit of the planet and just 'planet dive' to get the resource (useful abet deadly however) but it's possible. Or hell, make different stations for say, ring mining, because even some NPC stations existed solely for that, say like the one in Kyushu near the Gas Giant, it existed solely for the ring mining of that gas giant, or lets use that one colossal planet in Gallia and its rings, one gains access to that and they'd be set for the rest of their disco life

Edit: I'm starting to fall asleep while typing this, so there will be typing mistakes

RE: Planets: How to encorporate them more into gameplay - Binski - 01-23-2015

Well when I first wrote this Olympus had a long future ahead of it. It was more so an example of spicing things up, and adding a reason to move the action around to places that are otherwise explored once and ignored, or seldom seen.

When it came to food, I think I was leaning towards an ID like Planetform being able to somehow 'generate' food stuffs, it wouldn't really be 'mining' food but a similar process to 'extract' food from orbit.

The only other idea I had was to maybe add a player constructed docking ring, basically making most planets that aren't volcanic or gas giants viable for possible 'player owned planets', and planet bases. That way, the planet gets some value, and people can fight over who gets to control whole planets. It wouldn't be necessarily dictated by the presence of NPC bases and still be subject to all territorial rules, so what you can get away with depends on where its at, and your own 'diplomacy'.

But honestly if a base popped up in O-90 by Olympus, the battle to both protect and destroy it sounds like an epic set up to me, so people that get annoyed by such things should ask themselves why they play. Especially if there were something valuable out there to protect, instead of it being over a matter of 'principles'.

Either way, as I'm sure I've said before, anything to spice up planet 'strategic' value I think would be an added fun factor, even just to observe since I'm done my base building days myself. I hope people still encourage something.