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Remove Omicron-81 (And buffer systems in general) - Printable Version

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RE: Remove Omicron-81 - Binski - 12-10-2013

(12-10-2013, 07:21 PM)Haste Wrote: I'm going to be silly and say the exact opposite.

I kind of like Omicron-81. The system itself is pretty bland, but it feels kind of logical that it's there. I mean, a "buffer" between the home world of the Outcasts and some 'innocent Taus' just seems right.

It improves the atmosphere.

For Tau raiding, just park your ships on Cali, that Outpost in 81, or whatever.

I do think O-81 could be shrunk down, however.

I have to agree. I'm pro space. Newer players are still in exporation mode and don't think of systems as obstacles to PvP opportunities. Not everyone playing is a veteran. Also it does take some heat off the Tau ore fields, not entirely, but a bit. Keep those systems. Disco is about space travel as well, not just pvp. Sit back, engage your cruise engines and relax for the 4 minute journey across to Tau-37. Unless you're a transport, in that case, its actually a nice long alley where if you get stopped out there there's no escape anywhere nearby, perfect for pirates.

RE: Remove Omicron-81 - aakopa - 12-10-2013

I would say these:
Omega 9
Omega 81

RE: Remove Omicron-81 - Core_One - 12-10-2013

Omega-9 - Nothing nice except asteroid field

RE: Remove Omicron-81 - Omicron - 12-14-2013

Remove Gallia
Remove Lambda
Remove Eta
Remove Omega 9
Remove Omega 47
Remove Ontario (seriously, what purpose does it serve that Alberta can't?)

RE: Remove Omicron-81 - SnakThree - 12-14-2013

(12-14-2013, 01:08 PM)Omicron Wrote: Remove Ontario (seriously, what purpose does it serve that Alberta can't?)
I would rather see Alberta removed and it's contents added to far reaches of Ontario.

RE: Remove Omicron-81 - Vendetta - 12-14-2013

(12-14-2013, 01:08 PM)Omicron Wrote: Remove Gallia
Remove Lambda
Remove Eta
Remove Omega 9
Remove Omega 47
Remove Ontario (seriously, what purpose does it serve that Alberta can't?)

All those. Gone. Do it.

RE: Remove Omicron-81 - Redon - 12-14-2013

It is the single most boring system to fly through in the entire mod. Nobody likes having to cruise an extra 70 K both ways to move between Tau-23 and Malta. The charm of that edge of space to me was always how close everything was together, while feeling far apart. And now, I bet the system has had a negative impact on Outcast activity - at least I haven't felt nearly as interested in playing my OC characters ever since.

If it needs to stay, at least shrink it down to a reasonable size (< 20K)

RE: Remove Omicron-81 - Panzer - 12-14-2013

Might be radical, but a while back I would have even postulated a map revert to beefed up FL vanilla - with all campaign-locked systems and locations reworked to fit into n MP galaxy map. Along with the new commodities, prices and select ships.

But if a disco reset back to 802ish is not possiburu - yes, I am quite sick of +1 systems that serve only the purpose of adding flight time to factions that would potentially and spontaneously fight eachother (which is good contrary to belief) - some system groups are ok, such as coronado &co or delta - they create passageways for trade and even become interest hubs. Some on the other hand are useless. Everything around Alpha mainly - why in the world can't it be like back in 1.0 where you could reach Alpha straight from theta or 37?

I'd really be all for reducing the number of systems. It's not .84 where everybody needed a guard system and there were enough players to populate the galaxy evenly.

RE: Remove Omicron-81 - Sava - 12-14-2013

Tend to agree with Panzer.
Adding new stuff just for the sake of it, encouraging players to leave well-designed vanilla systems is meh. Disco isn't overpopulated, it doesn't need +1's.

I have said this before, but... 4.86 map disappointed me (and a major part of the community, I believe).
.87 just continues it - twisting the original freelancer, killing the activity hubs, adding more flight time instead of interaction time etc.

Even that many players wouldn't like reverting to 1.0 map, I think most would agree that .85 map is way better than the current one.

RE: Remove Omicron-81 - Lonely_Ghost - 12-14-2013

(12-14-2013, 05:48 PM)Sava Wrote: I think most would agree that .85 map is way better than the current one.

I'd say, 85 was best version of Discovery mod, including map factor too.

O 81 was ok, as it was in 85-86, a check-in system, to enter Outcast's secret system with populated planet, and yards. If you don't need to fly there, Omicron 81 won't be on your place.