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Wiki - Feedback Thread - Klaw117 - 08-04-2008

Looks really nice! I'll try to get some pictures of ships, but they'll be screenshots from the server, and not against a white background.

Wiki - Feedback Thread - chovynz - 08-04-2008

' Wrote:Looks really nice! I'll try to get some pictures of ships, but they'll be screenshots from the server, and not against a white background.
Actually if possible (so that we dont waste your time and others) it might be better to wait for the renders.
I would like the screenies to be consistent and if we DO end up with renders later, I'll be replacing any screenshotted pics on there.

Go ahead if you still want to, I'm just letting you know what I'm intending on doing.
And that I'm willing to wait for as long as necessary to get those renders.
Because only one person is doing the Renders (AFAIK), I might end up learning how to do it myself to help out.
But for now I'm content to wait.

Wiki - Feedback Thread - Klaw117 - 08-05-2008

I decided to update the Ship Equipment page instead. I just finished doing the Class 1 Guns. I still got a long way to go though...

Wiki - Feedback Thread - BaconSoda - 08-05-2008

As per the NPC Faction's page, I think you just need to add in LWB to Rheinland Unlawfuls, and then put an Astrix beside it because we have a guard system (Saar).

An individual page for the LWB can wait, really, I just kind of want to be recognized as an NPC faction....

EDIT: I hate to be disrupting, but I registered and added them myself. If this was wrong, I apologize wholeheartedly, and would like to say that I will probably never enter the account again. Sorry again, if that was bad...

Wiki - Feedback Thread - Blodo - 08-05-2008

Maybe this will help with further ship editing:

Wiki - Feedback Thread - looqas - 08-06-2008

Good job Hyung and other's who have made tremendous effort.

I have a slight concern I'd like to discuss here (not about ships, I've been adding links to them. Thanks a lot!) I put it in the Wiki discussion but I feel that it drowns there. I think we need to make decision about the naming convention of systems, planet names, station and base names etc. Should we always use Ronneburg_Base and Glasgow_Station or just Ronneburg and Glasgow.

I noticed that Sirius Sector is pretty high up in the listings with 10 hits. We do have a page named Sirius, which is the same thing, so I think we need to have one of those "Sirius Sector redirects here" things seen in wikipedia on Sirius page. I unfortunately don't know how to make it so. On the naming convention I'm short of out of touch. All the system's should be named Dresden System, Hamburg System etc. Always ending with a system. I see a lot of links to just Dresden or Dublin or Hamburg. Also New York System is named only as New York. I) think we need to either rename the systems or make a lot of redirections. The same problem is in Red Hessians going to RHA intro (which I think is wrong).

Wiki - Feedback Thread - chovynz - 08-06-2008

' Wrote:Maybe this will help with further ship editing:

I dont know if this is allowed.
Is it possible to have an orgasm by looking at text? I'll remove this comment if asked.:D

Good work Blodo. Thats exactly what we need.
One thing I was thinking about was haveing a background colour associated with Various faction. Your infobox would allow that, quite easily.

One possibility is red for criminals, grey or cream for neutrals, and green for lawfuls.


Orange for Outcasts, Brown for Corsairs, Blue for LSF / LN, Forest Green for RM, and so on.
This way it would easily and quickly distinguish visually who owns and has access to what.

' Wrote:Good job Hyung and other's who have made tremendous effort.

I have a slight concern I'd like to discuss here (not about ships, I've been adding links to them. Thanks a lot!) I put it in the Wiki discussion but I feel that it drowns there. I think we need to make decision about the naming convention of systems, planet names, station and base names etc. Should we always use Ronneburg_Base and Glasgow_Station or just Ronneburg and Glasgow.

My preference is to use the full title and I think the bases and stations should have "Base" and "Station". However about the Systems see below.

Quote:I noticed that Sirius Sector is pretty high up in the listings with 10 hits. We do have a page named Sirius, which is the same thing, so I think we need to have one of those "Sirius Sector redirects here" things seen in wikipedia on Sirius page. I unfortunately don't know how to make it so.

Done it already/:)

Quote:On the naming convention I'm short of out of touch. All the system's should be named Dresden System, Hamburg System etc. Always ending with a system. I see a lot of links to just Dresden or Dublin or Hamburg. Also New York System is named only as New York. I) think we need to either rename the systems or make a lot of redirections. The same problem is in Red Hessians going to RHA intro (which I think is wrong).
Yes, that has been my concern as well - and its not just the things you have mentioned - its also in ships, weapons, CD's and basically everything related to FL. I've noticed that people tend to use shorthand for systems and bases, when they actually have proper names e.g. Cambridge Research Facility. We can't just drop off "Facility". Likewise I feel that we shouldn't drop of "Planet" New London, or New London "System". IMHO, they are proper nouns and so shouldn't be left or cut off.

However many infocards and peoples writing styles lead them to saying just New York. Which is also fine. In that case what I have done already is set up a redirect to "New York". But we do need to choose which way we are going to follow. Originally I wanted to just use "New York System", because there are many system which have a main planet named the same. Case in point Planet New Berlin, and New Berlin System.

However since rethinking the situation I think New Berlin can safely refer to the system without people misunderstanding. Planet New Berlin should remain as it is.

And so we end up with:

Planet New Berlin, New Berlin, Rheinland. IMHO, this is just acceptable.

Planet New Berlin, New Berlin System, Rheinland. would be better, but many people dont use that last "System" bit, and it looks weird when in large block of text. E.g.: System added by me.

"The final chapter began in the sixth century AS, when an enterprising, well-armed Liberty freelancer named Jim Bown made his way to Omicron Gamma System. He brought various Consumer Goods to trade, but the Corsairs could offer little but Artifacts. A year later, he returned. Those trinkets were all the rage with the elite of Planet Manhattan. He saw a great business opportunity if they could set up a viable trade route to Liberty. The Corsairs were on their way. They grew rapidly in size and sophistication as they built up the Artifact trade.

The primary smuggling route goes north to Sigma-19 System, where Artifacts are traded with the Hogosha aboard Luxury Liner Hawaii. The Corsairs have also opened up a route into Rheinland via Yanagi Junker base in Sigma-13 System and in the west the Corsairs invaded Bretonia in order to reach the Junker's Trafalgar base in New London System. "

After seeing large block of text with many system names in them i changed my mind. Now I think it is sufficient to say New York, instead of New York system. In light of this I changed the existing systems to just, "New York" and set up a redirect from "New York System" to "New York", hoping that people would follow this precedent.

And you are correct in that we need to decide which way we are going for.

Redirect are easy to set up. Just create a new page and put #redirect [[the page you want to go to]]. e.g. the New York redirect is
Page: New York System
Data: #redirect [[New York]]

Another Issue:

By the way, anyone know who Rick19011 is? He has deleted massive amounts of info. When I first saw it i was pretty angry as that is months of work just gone. But then I thought maybe he has an idea to do something with that info? Don't flame him, but here is his User talk page so that you guys can keep aware of whats going on. His changes can be reverted so don't worry. If this continues though I'm going to ask Igiss to protect the whole freaking wiki, OR to block Rick.

Wiki - Feedback Thread - looqas - 08-06-2008

I don't know who that Rick character is. But that's a bit alarming.

On the naming convention. I'm ok with people using Omega-5 instead of Omega-5 system in text, but I'd like to see the name of the page that Omega-5 link to a page named Omega-5_System. We could at least try to strive for unity in naming of the wiki-pages. The same thing goes to bases and planets etc.

What I propose is for the wiki page-names (to think of few)

I know it's a big task to rename the pages, but before wiki gets too big it's easier to do now. I don't know how to do, but I'm willing to lend a hand in helping if someone can teach me to do it. My wiki-skills are pretty basic and copy-catted from others.

Also we seem to be missing couple of very basic about FL concepts like Jump_Hole, Jump_Gate etc.

Wiki - Feedback Thread - chovynz - 08-06-2008

Ok, That sounds fair enough. I'll change the redirects back to System and ask people to follow that convention then. The title pages should be the full name, but people can use the short version for texts.

One thing though, about the Tau, sigma, omega, omicrons... I have been deleteing the "-" bit: e.g. "Omega 53", instead of "Omega-53". I don't know if this is a good idea or not, but I can fix that up too if need be. Basically until now, I feel like I've been the one directing and guiding the Wiki precedents and to date we have had little discussion on it. Many other people say "just do what you want" but I dont like that idea as we have LOTS of people and LOTS of informations to put in. Lots of potential for inconsistency.

Jump holes and stuff. They'll get there eventually:)feel free to put them in if you can find info on them.

About the Red Hessian => Red Hessian Army, I think you are correct and that was my mistake in redirecting it to there. I can fix that if you like. We don't have anything set up for the Red Hessians yet and I thought sending them to the Player faction was a good idea. Perhaps it isn't.

Wiki - Feedback Thread - chovynz - 08-06-2008

Edited. Sorry:)