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Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Printable Version

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RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - SummerMcLovin - 12-31-2013

Haste has pretty much covered it.
An example: as an Outcast, you see a GRN in Tau-23, who is your enemy? Why do I have to RP before I shoot him, enemies wouldn't talk!

You do it because the rules say so, and they do for bases as well now. For a player, whether they are a snub or a silent trader, just because they don't reply doesn't mean you can't shoot them. Just "drop your engagement notice" before shooting, same as you do for shooting player ships.

There might be a slight tweak on the wording of that rule, there might not.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Tunicle - 12-31-2013

People keep bringing up basshunters, why?, they cheated to destroy the bases.

If a stocked base is attacked there should still be time for the owner to RP, try and save it, in game or on forum.

All the ooRP seige groups, contra-RP skype allies, cheating etc. could be handled by admins, openly, if they wanted to.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Jack_Henderson - 12-31-2013

Making people rp on a rp server makes sense.
Actually, a lot.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Curios - 12-31-2013

Just bases don't make sense.
Actually, not an inch.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Lythrilux - 12-31-2013

Bases aren't the same as people.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Hawk - 12-31-2013

Also remember, even if it's not specifically in the rules, the more RP you have behind your actions, the safer you will be. Even if you follow the rules, someone may choose to report you because they are angry. If you dropped some RP in game as well as declaring an intent to attack a base on the forum, then there is almost no chance that a report against you would be processed.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Binski - 12-31-2013

I'm also curious about this. I can understand its intent, but personally believe more so its should only be faction bases that ought to be included in this protection. Perhaps it should say something more like 'an RP reason for attacking the base is necessary' than just RP over the forum in advance to its destruction. Not all players use the forum, especially new players, and they shouldn't be forbidden from building bases for that either. If you catch someone building a base, especially before its shields are up, you could easily ransom the base location on the owner. It should be in danger in the same way your ship is. The base should just be inrp and therefore fair game. That's why you have to be good to position a base right, and work hard to get its vital systems up and running, to withstand an attack.

Faction bases are pretty much permanent structures and if a bunch of indies did somehow gain the capability to destroy one without being noticed, it would be cheap. If players want to take out a major base, then RP for it would be good to have along side the action. Random independent freelancer controlled bases though should be subject to the dangers of space, let them get others in on them to work on defense platforms and shields, and building up the stages of mods to increase its strength. Fully constructed bases are practically invincible as it is, especially if kept supplied. I feel the need for RP for just any ol random base just addes yet another factor in increasing the unlikeliness of actually winning against one.

If people are complaining about their bases getting killed off early, they aren't placing them right, bases will need to be hidden to be kept secure, this would totally be the way it is in RL, which is why that same danger is what should be simulated here.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - McNeo - 12-31-2013


Write the notice of eviction post in the communication forum, but don't post it.

Get your siege fleet together, fly to the player base.

Post once you're ready.

Tab into your game and begin the siege immediately.



Alternatively, you can fly past once every ten minutes and set off the shield when nobody is looking.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Freeroamer - 01-01-2014

Fixes the Q_Q Base Destroyer Problem...

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Govedo13 - 01-01-2014

I does not like the rule not because one must RP before attacking but because it is biased and one-sided. There is no rule that regulates the RP of the base builders.There is no rule that forces the base builders to post short base history and affiliation altogether with reps with different factions.
The situation gives the option of the base builder to supply his GRN affiliated base with bretonian Corp trader and he would be ok in the rules..
If for example GRN decide to shoot the said base they do need to RP, while the owner does not need to.
The fair situation would be to require the Base owners to post short base info and full reputation list of the base, so if one finds GRN base supplied by breton trains, the base owner can face up the rule consequences.

It is really funny how one-sided is the admin team on the issue, not only that the well supplied bases are not destructable but you are up to sanction the base attackers for oorp attacks,while it is not possible to determinate what kind of attack is oorp if the base itself is oorp supplied/built. In order to make it even more ridiculous you haven't defined what counts as base attack as well.

Also the minimum lol post from alt account like "We gonna kill your base nau" is not really good RP, it is one-sided notice that is kinda useless.

Short said if the bass hunters are not ok, why the bass base builders should be ok?

Pro-tip- add amechanic that the base owners must set affiliation, remove freelancer affiliation and beg Kaz to add the common IFF rephacks to the base,the said rephacks should work like normal NPC base- if you are hostile you cannot dock.This guarantees that the bases would be inRP. Then go after the oorp base attackers.