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Where is this "Ravine" ? - Printable Version

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Where is this "Ravine" ? - n00bl3t - 08-10-2008

What's the Raven's Talon look like?

(I'm guessing since it has Raven like the claw in it's name, it looks similar?)

Where is this "Ravine" ? - Boss - 08-10-2008

[Image: SW_ravanstalon.png]

Where is this "Ravine" ? - weylin - 08-10-2008


[Image: 2vbk36a.jpg]


Seriously... I jumped to every friking base, looked at the wiki... am I missing somthing????

Where is this "Ravine" ? - n00bl3t - 08-10-2008

Doesn't exist in the mod.

Where is this "Ravine" ? - Drake - 08-10-2008

That's not in-game, that's a fairly recent model created by Tenacity (I think). But, it's an import (from somewhere, I dunno), so it's unlikely to be added (if I remember correctly).

Where is this "Ravine" ? - weylin - 08-10-2008


wait... whats this thing against imports?

Its a cool ship! I want to fly it!!!!

Where is this "Ravine" ? - n00bl3t - 08-10-2008


wait... whats this thing against imports?

Its a cool ship! I want to fly it!!!!

Basically, we hate the =CR=. And all other imports. (Jokes.):P

Edit: Why are the =CR= imports?

Where is this "Ravine" ? - weylin - 08-10-2008

please import that ship i sooo want to fly it...

looks like a bomber...

it could go along with the two ships of the same style,
the slipstream lt fighter, the raven claw VHF... and then that cool one

then you could have a whole faction based off the design or somthing