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What's wrong with mining? - Printable Version

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What's wrong with mining? - Turkish - 08-14-2008

I'm with Tenacity on this one <strike>Chopper</strike>Mjolnir, hauling and smelting scrap metal is a primary income for the Junkers. I think it would be OORP for them to target NPC convoys for profit, especially when Junkers teeter on the edge of acceptance in the houses.

What's wrong with mining? - McNeo - 08-14-2008

Where's Chopper in this...?

Im also glad that mining there is profitable, now make the rest of the bases around the fields profitable!

What's wrong with mining? - Blodo - 08-14-2008

' Wrote:You know when I accidentally passed by last time... I saw Liberty Cruiser, COrsair GBs and 2 transports.... all happily mining together.. talking about new games coming out, what's the best capship etc....

so basically same thing as Harris-McDuff
EDIT: And just so you know there are many places where junkers can earn A LOT of money by some well chosen piracy. (of NPCs)

You shoot the pods on transport hauling goods that are sold for 1000 a piece just next door. No problem to earn 2-3 mil per 15 minutes.. while having fun instead of shooting rocks around...
Say, wouldn't that be the time when the 522nd brought all those Liberty caps over to Bornholm? >_> I was about to tell RHA to start manning the bombers, but the caps seemed to have left soon after the 522nd was flamed to death. So the Harris disease infected it only for a few weeks, the illness has passed and all is fine now.

That field really isn't that lucrative btw... considering one barrel spawns about 20 or so scrap metal, you'll be making roughly the same amount of money as trading on a good trade route.

What's wrong with mining? - Tenacity - 08-14-2008

Quote:Say, wouldn't that be the time when the 522nd brought all those Liberty caps over to Bornholm? >_> I was about to tell RHA to start manning the bombers, but the caps seemed to have left soon after the 522nd was flamed to death. So the Harris disease infected it only for a few weeks, the illness has passed and all is fine now.

Here's the deal - we (the junkers at bornholme) were working in league with the 522nd to help them establish their fleet. The harvesters were involved as well - basically we provided raw material (metal) which the harvesters used to construct ships (fighters and bombers) that the 522nd would use in their campaign against liberty.

The 522nd fell apart, however, so all the RP we invested into that (very little of which was available to the 'public eye' at the time) just kind of dissapeared and fell through the cracks. It was actually quite fun for a while, and gave us all something unconventional to do - everyone working together for a greater purpose and all.

Quote:That field really isn't that lucrative btw... considering one barrel spawns about 20 or so scrap metal, you'll be making roughly the same amount of money as trading on a good trade route.

When trading, we have to deal with pirates. Most pirates wont attack a junker, but that's no assurance. Still, it is -more- within a junker's character to sit in a scrap field all day long mining than it is to start hauling goods all over the place.

Just because we arent making 150 million credits an hour like those idiot powertraders in kusari doesnt mean it isnt worthwhile. In the scrapfield there are generally no threats, you can chat with other salvagers there to pass the time, and shooting those 'barrels' keeps you busy and occupied, whereas trading gets very boring, very fast.

Still, using your example - if a barrel at bornholme spawns 20 units of scrapmetal, thats worth 10,000 credits right there. Take that as a 'noob' player - much of my intent when creating the junker's union was to find a way to help out new players in getting established, while also teaching them how to RP.

Now, do you think it's easier running 3-4 tough missions in a starflier for 10,000 credits, or shooting a barrel and docking?

That scrap field brought the junker faction to life, killing it off is going to do the same to the rest of us - the only thing you'll have left is powertraders or cardamine smugglers.

What's wrong with mining? - Blodo - 08-14-2008

Well, I'm actually defending that field since I believe it's fine the way it is. It's the only area really worth mining in right now, and it honestly definitely should not get nerfed one bit.

What's wrong with mining? - chopper - 08-14-2008

I wish ALL fields were like that. IMG should do something too, you know?
Miners life simply isn't worth living, since it's more boring then trading it should at least pay better.
Also, mining requires protection and stuff like that, since ships are stuck in asteroid fields = easy target for any pirate.
I think it would enhance roleplay a lot.
I'v suggested this a zillion times at least, but here it goes again.

Up the metal/mineral buying/selling prices by some 500-1000. Traders will still earn the same amount of cash, while Miners would be able to earn money with mining.
Also, Trader's cargo will cost a lot more, and they will be more careful with "Oh kill me i dont care ill respawn" stuff.

What's wrong with mining? - El Nino - 08-14-2008

All fields are not like that, becouse all that mining lags the server...

Mining should be made as profitable as trading considering you have a 1k cargo hold, anything higher trading is more profitable anything lower mining is more profitable... That's the way I see things...

I'll go and conduct a test on O15's profitability, I did calculate way back that it's twice as profitable as anything else becouse drops are twice as rich,... at a good price... I've forgot how fast is mining actually... I'll do that...

And that "kill me I dont care" has to stop!

What's wrong with mining? - n00bl3t - 08-14-2008

' Wrote:it's the only place in sirius where junkers can actually make a decent profit junking... be glad we're not all running diamond-niobium routes.

You know why there are no Junkers in Kusari? Hogosha.

It would be OORP for you to do diamond/niobium in the first place.

What's wrong with mining? - mjolnir - 08-14-2008

' Wrote:That wont happen, it's very OORP behavior and exploits NPC cargo without altering your rep. Why are you trying to force us into doing something OORP when we have (or had) a completely RP solution to our monetary problems that fit with the faction we play?

How is that OORP? They turn red to you... and the escorting fighters stay and try to kill you... so you need to kill them in the end.

Junker NPCs all around Sirius are trying to rob you off your cargo. Point is to do that where nobody is looking and destroy the evidence - so not in house system and not when heavy patrols are around.

Also as a Junker you are SUPPOSED to be red to all house corporations.

Now you telling me that "mining" INDEFINITE scrap metal by shooting rocks right on the outside of a base to sell it for 5 times the price anywhere in sirius is completely RP? Oh well...

What's wrong with mining? - me_b_kevin - 08-14-2008

i think all the asteroid fields should drop atleast something. the majority of them don't yield anything from popping the rocks.

i know there are some fields that are way out in bumble that could have some nice drops since they aren't close to anything