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remove regens - Printable Version

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RE: remove regens - Trogdor - 03-05-2014

I would like to see them removed and replaced with ship systems that manage hull/shield repairs over time. Something similar to EvE, where you build your ship such that it either has a 'shield tank' or a 'hull tank'. Except, the repairs over time should probably not be as powerful as in that game.

Failing that, I would like to at least see bots/bats removed as a tradeable item. They should only be a representation of the capacity of the ship's crew to make repairs to the hull and shield. Once depleted, the crew has no more available materials to patch the hull, or cannot shunt any more energy from the ship's powercore to the shields without damaging either system.

I don't like having them as a commodity, ubiquitous to all of Sirius, and the same ones can be used to repair anything from the smallest fighter to the largest capital ship. And also, that you can just throw this stuff out into space and other ships can somehow hoover it up and get it installed into their ship in the middle of a fight and have it work. They feel less like a sci-fi device and more like a magical potion in this way.

I didn't vote on the poll because I don't want regens removed outright.

RE: remove regens - Lythrilux - 03-05-2014

The problem with this suggestion, is that it'd work nicely (or not so nicely?) with the smaller ship classes: Snubs.
However, as you go up in ship class, the suggest works less and less for the improvement of gameplay; Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battlecruisers and Battleships would benefit horribly from a 'nerf' such as this. Whilst snubs would retain their survivability because they're are small, bigger ship classes would suffer horribly in fights. Even more so against the smaller ship classes.

RE: remove regens - Savas - 03-05-2014

Stop asking for stuff to be temoved...

RE: remove regens - EisenSeele - 03-05-2014

If you want to remove cap bot passing to snubs, then just remove snub regens :| It's ridiculous that snubs carry enough bots to re-make the entire mass of the ship several times over anyway.

Actually, having the only means of ship repair for snubs be docking either on a base or a DM would make carriers actually useful.

RE: remove regens - SkyNet - 03-05-2014

(03-05-2014, 06:30 PM)Savas Wrote: Stop asking for stuff to be temoved...


Indeed, we lost already enough.
For variety they could add repair turrets for repair ships. Then they would make some sense.
Or maybe a "Damage Repair Team" as commodity which repairs the hull of caps slowly. That would be awesome.

RE: remove regens - Savas - 03-05-2014

Skynet Wrote:removed*

iPhones are not very good for forum posting.

RE: remove regens - Savannah - 03-10-2014

Well, it's an old and a good idea actually. Why? It would stop all sorts of bot feeds from caps to snubs and between caps. Implementation? Equivalent increase of hull points. Shield is a tricker thing to balance though, since bold increasing of the shield capacity to its bat equivalent value would actually increase the ship's overall defenses. Otherwise, hull strength could be increased to bats equivalent instead, which would slightly increase ship's overall survivability too (since hull isn't succeptible to EMP weapons), although the difference is small. But after all, bats are rather minor thing to big ships compared to bots, so this issue isn't of much significance.

So what's the difference between no bots-more hull big ships and as they are now?

First, it's that big ships wouldn't be able to trade bots anymore (imho bot transfer is a negative thing).

Second, repair ships would have to be fitted with repair guns instead of a hilarious bot and bat amount (which is nothing new either). While repair ship's hull strength would need to be increased, it wouldn't be nowhere near repair ship current survivability (which is, again in my opinion, vastly overrated even though repair ships are potentially snacable). There is a caveat though which may be either negative to the balance or problematic to implement. To act as a usable repair asset, repair ships should be able to perform repair at high speed (that is, equipped with high negative damage weapons). But that would make them able to repair snubs too fast. Potential ways to avoid this problem could be either very slow repair turret projectile velocity (which would hinder repairs for smaller capitals as well, which is undesired), or to make repair beam projectiles act differently to ships of different classes (and that is probably either impossible or unstable in implementation, and at any rate, problematic). So the issue of repairing isn't that straightforward.

Third, there is an issue of instant kills. For example, an instant killable ship with bots isn't the same as the same ship with more hull strength without bots. How much is it really an issue? First of all, fighters and bombers are out of question, but we weren't talking about them anyway. Freighters? Given their low bot/bat amount and overall behavior, including their vulnerability to snacs, they should probably be left as they are together with snubs, that is, with bots and bats. Transports? They tend to have quite strong hull, especially with at least AU8, so they are not even double snacable to instant death. Heavy Mortars? Not always instant either, as well as it's a rather rare circumstance anyway. I would say, transports could be rebalanced with bot/bats removal. Gunboats? They are supposed to use at least AU8 and usually much better armor upgrades. How much are they succeptible to instant kills? Lightest gunboats with low armor upgrade can be dual snaced, as well as mortared by battleships, heavy mortars may cause instants even for some heavier boats with lesser armor upgrades. How often does it happen? Overall, considerably rare compared to everything else. I would say, bots/bats on gunboats could be removed with equivalent hull increase without a significant balance change. Cruisers? Instant kills without armor or some really bad armor can be possible by heavy mortars, but that's not a real issue. Battleships are not one-shot killable. So it's hardly a balance change to remove bots/bats from cruisers and battleships either.

So what does it all mean? It means that, while there are some issues, removing bots/bats from everything bigger than snubs and freighters wouldn't make much unbalance but would prevent all these botfeeds, especially by caps to snubs. Also, I beleive absense of bots would increase overall immersion and satisfaction, because after all, bots/bats are ... lulzy.

So yes, I vote for yes. Remove bots/bats from bigger ships in favour of equivalent for bots+bats hull stregth increase