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Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - Printable Version

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RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - jakub963 - 03-19-2014

Msyu, noticing the rising hostility, steps in front of Saya to try defuse the situation.

"Ah, Ne Ne, Saya-san. There is no need for that. I met the person before so the isn't any danger, i assure you."

Without looking at the man, she hands him the fan she was clutching a few moments ago. It seems unnaturally heavy for a fan. Definitely not practical to use it for cooling oneself.

"*sighs* We are meeting an important person even if its in a bar. We need to mind our manners."

RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - Noraim - 03-20-2014

The guard that stepped forth previously, was angered by Saya's foolishness beyond words.

"You enter our home, and have the audacity to display such insolence ? How dare you..ungrateful little-.." his words cut short as the agent extended his arm infront of the guard, signaling him to stand down, knowing Msyu will resolve the missunderstanding.

The Dragon guard then approached to take away Msyu's fan, politely bowing his head to her gesture of acknowledging the rules before his piercing gaze turned to Saya in expectance of either another taunt, or her compliance.

The majority of the crowd around the scene went awkwardly silent as they observed the unfolding ordeal, the look in their eyes gave away swift retribution should anyone disturb their peace and tamper with their volatile state of mind.

"Try to understand we're not here for you to act all dramatic. You're in friendly territory. Not trusting your brothers will only decay to an eventual political fall-out if this is how you choose to act in a diplomatic position. Act accordingly and don't ruin these fine people's night." the agent blatantly added, by pointing out the dousens of eyes fixed upon them.

RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - Drakaisyl - 03-23-2014

" If you were something more than JUST a guard I might would listen. But YOU will never know what it is to be commanded around your entire live just because the circumstance that you are a woman. Nothing else counts but this. " Saya says icy. "Only way YOU can seperate me from my katana is,when Iam dead. However I will lay it aside,when your "Commander Grey" asks me as your boss I will hand it over to him.But I won#t give it to any security or whatsoever.If you wan,you can follow us and have a look." Saya replied,making clear that this was the edge what she was willing to do. The other people didn't care for her and she looked into the eyes of thee guard.

RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - Noraim - 03-23-2014

Cobalt covered his face with his palm "This is just ridiculous.." his words devoid of any shard of hope left for this situation.

The guards by the door took a hostile stance as to either intimidate the troublemaker to cooperate or leave. Meanwhile, the crowd around them began to stir, the majority of the pilots seeing this foolish act as a poor mockery to their name, in need to be rectified.

All in all, it turned from bad to worse, despite the fact that not many knew this event was closely watched.

A split moment before anyone could make the situation escalate any further, the door to the booth behind the two angry guards gently slid open. An eerie silence swept across the previously infuriated crowd as they all seemed to peer towards that general direction along with the guards and the agent.

Liara stepped out, pacing lightly in her traditional kimono, a sight not even Cobalt witnessed before, according to the look in his eyes. Her lips did not part for even a word as she came to stand between the two guards, inspecting Msyu and Saya, then turning to the guard who intended to deprive them of their weapons.

Once again, she said not a word, the guard turning to face her aswell "Appologies, Liara-sama. One of these pests refuses to cooperate. I will not allow them to carry weapo-.." the man then stopped talking as Liara adressed him "If you truly think they'll even as much as think of trying anything with those weapons while on this base, then you must think very poorly of your duty here, and more importantly, of me. I'll make sure to let my father know about that." she spat the words out like poison before snatching the confiscated fan from the guard and tossing it back to Msyu.

The woman turned one last time for a brief moment to look at the Chrysanthemums before returning inside the booth. Agent Cobalt moved to follow her while motioning for Msyu and Saya to join them, the guards now back at their posts and idle towards the girls' pressence.

The mere sight of Liara and her displeased voice tone seemed to tame the crowd as they all returned to their drinks and whatnot the moment she stepped out.

RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - jakub963 - 03-25-2014

Msyu followed Liara back into the booth. After about a minute of silent standing, she bows down.

"I... I apologize for my sister..." she straightens up "...she is stubborn but she means it well. There is a reason why she acts in this manner."

Hey eyes wander across the booth, examining it until finally settling back on Liara again.

"I am sorry."

Msyu sighs, waiting for a reaction from Liara as well as Saya getting into the booth. She waits standing, awkward silence filling the booth once again. Its obvious that this meeting isn't going according to her plan.

RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - Noraim - 04-11-2014

Liara proceeded back to her seat with her agent standing up by her side like a bloodhound, with a stern military posture. She nods in reply to Msyu, while motioning for her and her sister to take a seat.

"A vengeful heart is something anyone can acquire. However, being humble when it is required shows greater strength of spirit and self-control in my eyes. That being said, I did not call for you here so I can teach her humility." she spoke with cold comfidence while at the same time shifting her gaze towards Saya, her eyes ment no disrespect despite the bluntness of her statement.

"Frankly, I'm glad you two are still in one piece. How was your trip ?" she inquired with a kinder tone this time while eyeing them both a few times, then snapping her fingers at a waiter that happened by their booth. The young man seemed to know what that was for, as he returns several minutes later with a plate holding several cups and two pots, one with warm sake and the other, filled with steaming, freshly made mint tea.

RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - jakub963 - 04-11-2014

"Uneventful luckily. Sleep is a wonderful thing. I can't say that I visit these parts regularly but our maps update in fixed intervals thanks to data exchange between our ships. This time, autopilot did a better job than me."

Msyu takes a seat, noticeably calmer thanks to Liara's speech. To make herself comfortable while still maintaining a formal posture, she puts the previously confiscated fan on the table while watching Liara's reaction.

The fan makes a thud as she lays it down, inconsistent with expected weight and materials used for a common fan even though this one seems heavily decorated.

"Do you think that man even noticed what was handed to him? "
she adds with a chuckle.

RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - Noraim - 04-11-2014

Liara listened to Msyu whilst pouring herself a cup of sake. At the same time she gestured for her and Saya to grab a drink aswell.

"He noticed, no doubt. But I honestly don't think he paid much attention." she stated before taking a sip of her drink and casting a quick glance towards the fan, then back at Msyu "What type ? Up close, or from afar ?" she inquired, hinting she might have a vague idea what sort of item rests on the table.

All the while, Liara's agent turned to the side for a few brief moments, exchanging words with someone via his comm. He then leaned over to whisper something towards her. She listened intently, while at the same time her gaze, and part of her attention also resided with her guests, nodding lightly before the man returned to his usual pose.

RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - jakub963 - 04-11-2014

Msyu smiled hearing Liara's reaction. She knew what was up.

"This particular one is for up close. You open it and pull it apart it makes sort of like rapier. It's not made of fabric but rather a great number of individual threads. This allows the solid blade segments rearrange in lock into one long blade and... "

Is obvious that Msyu likes this particular subject. She explains with great enthusiasm, keeping the conversation one-sided for longer than one would consider polite. Nevertheless, she obviously enjoys herself.

"... so even today most people keep their guard low unless they see something that looks like a weapon. Because of that it could be used both offensively and defensively even though it lacks sturdiness. It was actually quite widespread some years ago. Oh, and... It's actually quite a new design. Made by a sister that took liking in traditional ways of fighting. You know, like bows and swords. She was trying to adjust them to be usable even in our Era. They have some flaws but work surprisingly well... "

Even though some might find it interesting, Msyu eventually gets to the point where it's difficult to keep up with her.

"... newer members, particularly the less careful ones caused incidents with these though so we returned to conventional conceal-able weapons. Personally, I still like these kind of things. I have an collection of my own. "

Finally taking a break, Msyu takes a deep breath and pours herself a cup of tea. Taking a sip afterwards.

RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - Noraim - 04-14-2014

Liara nods while listening intently to what she was going on about. Several moments before Msyu finally stopped talking, Cobalt would turn his gaze towards her with a quirked eyebrow, puzzled and possibly annoyed, yet remaining silent, his gaze eventualy turning to Liara as the Chrysanthemum finished what she had to say.

The Commander took another sip of her drink as Msyu finished, her gaze meeting her agent's as she did so before looking back at the guest. "Well, you surely know more about the matter than the rest of us in the room combined. However, I must ask: Is it purely out of your rare passion for unusual weapons, that you've come to know this much ? Or was it necessity that taught you what you know ?"