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Xeno Pulse cannon - Doom - 08-18-2008

' Wrote:2000 shield damage, 20 hull damage, 0.5 refire, 550 range, 600 m/s speed? Sounds like something the xenos would come up with.
speed must me 700

Xeno Pulse cannon - chopper - 08-18-2008

0.5 refire + 2000 damage? Excuse me but.. Why would anyone use them?
Black widows do more shield damage per second then this.
Why would anyone ever mount these?

I'd say some 2500-3000 shield damage, 1.0 refire, if you want it to be different.

Xeno Pulse cannon - Tenacity - 08-18-2008

Quote:speed must me 700

No, it mustnt.

Very few factions have the 'advantage' of equal speed on their own weapons and the shield busters available to them. It isnt that hard to use weapon groupings.

Xeno Pulse cannon - Jinx - 08-18-2008

well, the xenos are allowed in RP to use advanced debs, not improved ones, cause they only raid detroit and not pueblo though.

so - whats the RP about them wanting to develope their own if they can easily get the advanced ones?

for balance purpose, keep in mind that a shield breaker should not be better than the corsairs shield blasters, cause they are supposed to be the best ones, with the best experience in that field of weapontypes.

a weapon with like 2000 or more shield damage, no matter what refire would be close to a gunhardpoint mounted inferno. - while not being as effective, - mounting two of those would strip most fighters 50% shield. - mount 4 and its more effective than 4 coladas, cause you just need 1 hit of your weapons to strip any fighter shield. - naturally, coladas can do the same, sort of - but they are supposed to be the best there are.

i think for balance purpose, i d suggest to place the advanced debs on a xeno base, label them stolen debilitators ( copy paste the original and alter the ID card, but leave the stats ) - and make it so that the text says that those are stolen from ageira convoys.

but in the end it comes down to what everyone wants, i guess - like the supernovas.... instead of copy paste a successful model, we re getting into a balance nightmare, cause everyone wants a bigger share - instead of only their own look and ID - along with identical stats.

Xeno Pulse cannon - Tenacity - 08-18-2008

Quote:a weapon with like 2000 or more shield damage, no matter what refire would be close to a gunhardpoint mounted inferno. - while not being as effective, - mounting two of those would strip most fighters 50% shield. - mount 4 and its more effective than 4 coladas, cause you just need 1 hit of your weapons to strip any fighter shield. - naturally, coladas can do the same, sort of - but they are supposed to be the best there are.

Doesnt the fighter/bomber inferno cannon do 20k shield though? 2k isnt even close to 'nearing that'

Xeno Pulse cannon - Jinx - 08-18-2008

i hate to bring up the "xenos are not exactly the genious faction" argument. - but whats closer to our understanding of xeno RP. - that they use stolen stuff? - or that they develop and derive new stuff from stolen stuff?

i dont wanne say they are lazy bums with no technical understanding. - but they sure are not comparable to the corsairs and the outcasts.

right now, i m just a bit confused why there is a problem with using advanced debs at all.... why do the xenos want their own pulse gun? - not even the BHG has their own pulse gun or hessians - or other much larger organizations.

Xeno Pulse cannon - El Nino - 08-18-2008

Well Coloadas deal 4k per second, Xeno Pulse cannon would only do 1k at 0.5 refire rate... That's hardly a contest... One can take down cruiser shields, the other cannot even take down transport shields...

I Say up the xeno gun to 1.0 refire rate, and keep everything else the same... oh yes the 700m/s speed. It would be far from overpowered, as just about any other shield buster does more damage, while at the same time It's a nice weapon that has character...

Xeno Pulse cannon - Muleo - 08-18-2008

I agree with jinx here, Xenos steal the debs they need, XA pull off regular 'burglaries' of Detroit to get their guns. Furthermore, the suntigers and black widows do so much damage, and they're particle weapons so against most people (who use champion/graviton shields) they get a damage bonus. All this means they don't need a shield buster of their own. TBH, if a xeno shield buster was made, and the stats weren't favorable compared to normal debs (for example if the xeno shield buster was made 600m/s), most people would just continue to use debs.

Xeno Pulse cannon - mjolnir - 08-18-2008

' Wrote:i d suggest to place the advanced debs on a xeno base, label them stolen debilitators ( copy paste the original and alter the ID card, but leave the stats ) - and make it so that the text says that those are stolen from ageira convoys.

Yep, nothing more fancy is needed.

And the damage per shot (no matter refire) makes huge difference just like jinx said. Even with 4 coladas you still need at least 3 hits to down a shield (and you also need 4 weapon slots for them), you also need to be poiting/aiming at the target for some time.

If you introduce some huge damage/1.00 or less gun you can dodge much longer and just fire the 1-2 shot to down the shield.

Xeno Pulse cannon - Jihadjoe - 08-18-2008

Although I'd like to see Xeno's with more options in terms of weapons from a selfish perspective, I really don't think it suits the roleplay for them that much. We can get shieldbusters already (as mule said we RP doing raids on detroit to get 'em) and debs are frankly perfectly suited to out cause.
I think the idea of just having nicked debs with a slightly altered infocard is perfect.