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ADMIN help needed -- Power plant missing - Printable Version

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RE: ADMIN help needed -- Power plant missing - Peyer - 03-30-2014

I'm another person with this problem. I docked a ship on PoB, sold all commodities and when I wanted to undock it was impossible due to missing power plant. I wasn't kicked from game or something like that.
Character name: IMG|Stan_Piotrovsky[R]

Done. -M.A

RE: ADMIN help needed -- Power plant missing - Widow - 03-30-2014

Fixed the ships here.

All additional posts about the missing power cores can be dropped in this thread:

RE: ADMIN help needed -- Power plant missing - farmerman - 03-30-2014

In any case, if you could tell me which player bases these happened on for data collection and analysis, it would be great.

RE: ADMIN help needed -- Power plant missing - Snozzz - 03-30-2014

i went to try [*USI*]Albert.Lea[M]

and sure enough everything was fine and she launched

i went and supplied the base again
you guessed
more problems
not the engine
the scanner
all guns bar one
all cargo pods
the most unusual losses
an unmounted scanner
an unmounted sheild
these are the first pieces of unmounted equipment to be taken i think
checkimg stock of adv deep scanner i find
no extra (false) entry for adv deep scanner
checkimg stock of white cargo pod i find
no extra entries

based on those 2 examples (they where involved in all previous occurances)
the only error commodity is the engine ( at least as ive been able to pin down, we do have 313 items atm so ...)
being logged in or disconnecting do not seem to be factors, i have not observed any patern regarding them
i believe i have sold goods on to the base in all occuraces
equipment that has been 'confiscated' by the base has included
cargo pods, red, blue, white
light, heavy, transport shields
all scanner types except battleship which has not been tested
Enhanced and standard thrusters
CE-Ta engine mk2

equipment that has not been affected
ID Universal
armour grade mk 8
batts and botts

all other items are untested

so back to the Pelican
logged that in and sold the original fitted engine to the base
checked stock and found
146(3) CE-Ta emgine mk I, 161(1) CE-Ra engine mk I
again the engine originaly fitted is a seperate item to the spare

i have yet to test the Pelican (name, Central.Scrutiniser) to see if i can induce the (lets give it a name) 'Pob equipment confiscation bug' to manifest.. will report back when i have

PS i was able to mount a scanner from stock and launch so no help needed this time

PPS this did also effect [*USI*]Clarksville[S] but there is no problem there atm. no other ships have reported problems as yet

PPPS for those that wanted to know this occured at Emlenton Storage & Exports , in Penn.

RE: ADMIN help needed -- Power plant missing - Snozzz - 03-30-2014

Well I used the Pelican to supply the base.
And I managed to induce the 'Pob equipment confiscation bug'
equipment confiscated
all weapons and countermeasure dropper
light transport shield
adv deep scanner
Freelancer ID

this occurred on the 4th run to supply
I had expected trouble and was prepared so had spares of all lost equipment to allow me to carry on supplying and identify the critical event !

at first the base needed more than a single hold full and it accepted the first load in whole.
Then it was only needing a part load. I had brought a full load and in swift fashion dropped random sized chunks on till it took no more.
Then I just kept very rapidly clicking sell for a single unit to cram it all in.
I observed that I received the stock limit reached message before the stock limit had been reached ! and that it then continued to accept more single units.

I checked and found all my weapons CD and CM had been ‘confiscated’.
So I repeated and confirmed.

I then repeated and confirmed with an Eagle (another ship whos engine had been sold onto the base) all guns and thrusters confiscated.

So. I wondered what would happen if I tried to repeat it using a Sunburst, which has no engine.
I was able to repeat the effect
equipment confiscated
all weapons that the base would allow purchase of
notably the light mining arrays were not confiscated, the base was set to not purchase them and all equipment confiscated was set to allow purchase by the base

So the confiscation trigger is, speed clicking the sell button

if the engine duplication is linked, is not clear

if all PoBs exhibit this behaviour is untested

Only items the base has been set to purchase seem to be affected.
Setting to block purchase negates the confiscation

the effect possibly could be abused

The commodity and equipment dealers on the base, in the case of Emlenton are extremely laggy. We are not sure if the lag is due to this ‘bug’ or the large amount of items we stock (300+), we suspect the later but have no reference point. If you have base dealer lag (or have experienced it somewhere) I would like to hear any information you can share.

currently I have no ships stuck and as admin on Emlenton I believe I can correct any further trouble or avoid it by purchase blocking. Thought there has been 1 case of a fully equipped ship being denied launch due to a perceived absence of powerplant.

I have to consider the effect removing an affected item from the bases stock list may towards eliminating the losses. Shall do this for my next experiment

RE: ADMIN help needed -- Power plant missing - Snozzz - 03-31-2014

Took my Pelican to PSD base to test it. Lucky I did, as I arrived it was within a hairs breath of dieing for want of RA. Anyway I wasn’t able to replicate the effect there.

Then I went back to Emlenton and tested if I could have a non standard engine confiscated (the XV-690 Engine Mk I)
I found it would confiscate this engine and generate a duplicate stock entry for it too.
so this affects all engine types

then I removed all engines from Emlenton bar the XV-690 Engine Mk I. I mounted a CT type and tested. The XV-690 was confiscated though not mounted, but the mounted CT remained.

so I then removed all engines from the Emlenton stock list. And tried again.
The first thing I noticed was the dealer lag had gone.

When tested the engine did not get confiscated. Though all other equipment types the base would confiscate were. These will have to be removed from the stock list I think to totally eliminate the effect. I will test that next though it may take sometime.

RE: ADMIN help needed -- Power plant missing - Snozzz - 03-31-2014

Ok more experiments.
Changed all confiscated type equipment to sell only and removed all engines from the stock list. When tested the base confiscated an unmounted engine and then refused to recognise that the ship had one and denied launch. No other equipment was confiscated
so this can happen regardless of base settings. But only happens on some bases. I think they may be bases where an engine has been sold onto them already but cannot test this

edit and the dealer lag is back too
edit 2 i cant find any engines in stock list

RE: ADMIN help needed -- Power plant missing - Snozzz - 04-02-2014

see also