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Ageira Innovations - Liberty Navy Channel - Printable Version

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RE: Ageira Innovations - Liberty Navy Channel - Daniel Brock - 10-16-2014

[Image: 8m76cZL.png]

To: Vice Admiral Nathaniel Davis, The Liberty Navy

Dear Admiral Davis,

I'd like to inform you that our team is putting all their effort into the Siege Cruiser Upgrade project. The work is scheduled as follows:
  1. Forward Gun
    1. Gathering informations about the LSGM-1d "Star Lance" Heavy Particle Accelerator Cannon (HPAC). ✓
    2. Establishing maximum limits for current technology.
    3. Upgrading the HPAC according to these limits or (alternatively) inventing new technology that allows greater output.
  2. Reactor
    1. Gathering informations about the Li-ME-52 "Starburst" Fusion Reactor.
    2. Upgrading the reactor by increasing its energy output and storage capacity to meet the requirements given by the new HPAC.
Needless to say, technology of the HPAC is bound to the maximum output of the reactor and vice versa. Hence some points of the schedule will be resolved simultaneously.

Initial phase consists of gathering informations about the current status of the HPAC. Once the specifications and technical limits are known, we can proceed to the next stages. Document attached bellow is a brief overview (for non-scientific eye) of what we have managed to collect in cooperation with your External Security & Research Division. Further material is being sent to Deep Space Engineering for consulting.

Yours trully,
Daniel Brock,
R&D Department,
Ageira Innovations
[Image: 3elvXLB.png]
[Image: fZqZyxc.png]

RE: Ageira Innovations - Liberty Navy Channel - Wildkins - 10-17-2014

[Image: Duk8OTw.png]

To Ageira Innovations:

I must apologize for the lack of communication. Between my recent promotion and the war with Gallia, I have been rather busy as of late, but I see Commander Graham has done a fine job speaking for me.

I must also commend the efforts thus far of Ageira, for taking the project on so quickly. If there is anything you need, myself or the Commander will do our best to produce it for you, be it blueprints, field tests, or even a spare hull for testing - it's yours if you need it.

If you have any questions or have findings to report, I'll be monitoring this frequency.

Nathaniel Davies
Admiral, C.O. Mount Shasta
First Fleet, Liberty Navy

RE: Ageira Innovations - Liberty Navy Channel - Joesph Petrie - 10-18-2014

[Image: 62M8G7l.png]

To: Vice Admiral Nathaniel Davis, Liberty Navy Logistics Corps

Dear Mr. Davis,

This transmission is to confirm that your request has been processed and that a quantity of twenty-five (25) E3A1 rifles have been delivered to West Point Military Academy. In addition, we have also added a quantity of twenty-five (25) canted flip-up iron sights and a quantity of twenty-five (25) mid-range 4x magnification scopes for use in training and testing.

The items have been approved by the dockmaster and are being stored in cargo bay eight.


With Love,
Joesph Petrie
Director of Marketing and Manufacture
Ageira Innovations

[Image: fZqZyxc.png]

RE: Ageira Innovations - Liberty Navy Channel - Wildkins - 10-19-2014


COMM ID: Corporal Lewis Carter, 38th Training Group, WPMA
TARGET ID: Ageira Innovations
SUBJECT: Initial Testing Progress

To Joseph Petrie, et al.

Corporal Carter, 38th Training Group reporting. We've received the twenty-five times E3-A1 assault rifles, and have begun marksmanship testing. We've seen favorable results so far, a marked 22 point 38 percent increase in accuracy over the old Tachyon rifles, with the same stopping power and increased efficiency per capacitor. We'll be moving into more advanced trials later today and tomorrow, including MOUT and boarding exercises, so the Commander should have a more detailed report for you by then.

Corporal Carter out.


RE: Ageira Innovations - Liberty Navy Channel - Wildkins - 10-23-2014


COMM ID: Captain Austin Owen, C.O. 38th TG, WPMA
TARGET ID: Ageira Innovations, Liberty Navy High Command
SUBJECT: Testing Results

To Mr. Petrie of Ageira Innovations; Liberty Navy High Command:

Greetings sir. I've been informed that I should forward the results of our experiment with your E3-A1 rifles to you, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. Compared with our existing "Backblast" Tachyon rifles, we have noticed the following changes in field testing:

Energy output: +12.19%
Heat generated: -29.30% per shot
Range in meters: +250 meters
Average accuracy (%): +8.21%
Refire rate (rounds/min): +200 rounds/minute

These remarkable improvements over our past design would warrant a complete overhaul of our marine's equipment, but that of course is not my jurisdiction. I will instead ask your unit price per weapon and how many units you can reasonably supply to the Marines per month, so as to charter a plan of upgrades over time for the Marine forces, should the Admiralty agree to such a plan.

Captain Owen, out.


RE: Ageira Innovations - Liberty Navy Channel - Joesph Petrie - 11-20-2014

[Image: 62M8G7l.png]

To: Captain Austin Owen, Liberty Navy

Dear Mr. Owen,

Apologies for the delay; we've been ordering new parts and machinery for our production line, which needed a drastic overhaul in preparation for the war to come.

On the bright side, we have produced roughly 15,000 E3A1 rifles and are tooled properly to create more. We propose that the first batch of 15,000 rifles be delivered for 2,500 credits per unit, and any and all subsequent units go at 2,000 credits per rifle delivered. Additional optics can be ordered in any quantity and will be priced as accordingly:

OS-562 Open Box Holographic - 400 credits/unit
OS-360 Mid Range Chevron Scope - 600 credits
OS-120 Long Range Rifle Scope - 1000 credits

We hope these terms are satisfactory.

With Love,
Joesph Petrie
Director of Marketing and Manufacture
Ageira Innovations

[Image: fZqZyxc.png]

RE: Ageira Innovations - Liberty Navy Channel - Daniel Brock - 01-10-2015

[Image: 8m76cZL.png]

To: Vice Admiral Nathaniel Davis, The Liberty Navy
Dear Admiral Davis,

after 3 months of extensive work our engineers at Pueblo Station have made great progress in upgrading the Liberty "Archer" Siege Cruiser (LSC).


A new Heavy Particle Emitter (component of LSGM-1d Forward Gun) was designed. Prototype was constructed in our laboratories and successfully underwent multiple rigorous tests. Hull (shield) damage increased to 210.000 (105.000) /round. Power usage increased to 900.000 u/round. Core reactor was not modified, all tests were carried out using the (old) Li-ME-52 Fusion Reactor.

Detailed description:

The new Heavy Particle Emitter, codenamed X77 (Rectifier) is designed to be fully compatible with LSGM-1d Linear Particle Accelerator (massive rings on front of LSC). Stable prototype (codenamed #3) was constructed two weeks ago and underwent multiple load tests. Rectifier emits significantly larger amount of heavy particles and therefore causes larger hull/shield damage (increase by 16.7%). Our repeated laboratory tests showed variance less than 0.3%. Energy drain increased by 28.6% which is just as much as the Li-ME-52 Fusion Reactor can handle at one particle discharge. All specifications are summed up in the following interactive blueprint:

[Image: DfT3Nw9.png]

Further work:

What work awaits us? First of all the prototype must be installed onto a operational LSC in order to perform additional tests. Particularly, it is important to tune up the framework so that the prototype is fully compatible with the ship's mainframe. Further synchronization with LSC Particle Accelerator and other calibrations are crucial for flawless functioning of the gun. After this work is done we can proceed to the next stage - upgrading the Li-ME-52 Fusion Reactor.

On this occasion I'd like to ask you for a fully operational LSC at our disposal at Pueblo Station. Also, your personal visit at Pueblo Station and supervision over the installation and field tests would be very welcome.

Best regards,
Daniel Brock,
Director of Research and Development Department,
Ageira Innovations
[Image: fZqZyxc.png]