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[Closed] Unlawful jobs-Red Hessian Army - Printable Version

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RE: Unlawful jobs-Red Hessian Army - Lucky Buzz - 04-23-2014

Gut-en tag,

This is the captain of the Border World Transport Corchorus.

We have completed our first round of deliveries, spread around the three houses stipulated to not arouse instant undue suspicion by flooding a market.

New Youk - departure, New Youk - arrival
New Tokyo - departure, New Tokyo - arrival
New London - departure, New London - arrival

In total 10 500 units of Blood Diamonds delivered.

Best wishes

RE: Unlawful jobs-Red Hessian Army - Junker Marauders - 04-24-2014

[Image: ZwMKn1a.png]
Greetings, we wish to work for you. We wish to sign up to all four chapters, however our involvement in chapter one will be very limited.

Name: The Junker Marauders
Group Tag: JM|-
Affiliation: Junkers

We look forward to working for you.

RE: Unlawful jobs-Red Hessian Army - Ayatolah - 04-24-2014

.....Transmission Initiated....
.....Image footage: ON.....
[Image: transmission.png]

Good Day, Hessians, You can call me Butcher, long time ago i roamed Rheinland space as part of a pirate turf... well that was time ago, i settled down somewhere in Koeln.... but it became tremendously boring, then i saw your transmission and i thought "why not"....
after gathering funds for one of those new gunships made by Borderworld (a true marvel i have to say) i decided to send an answer to your offer for all "enterpreneurs"
so, here i am:
Here's my reputation:
[Image: 10151388_10203433445417980_6749568626400951259_n.jpg]

If your guys agree, my crew and myself lend our services aboard The Wailing Butcher, Upholding the Volksrevolution by taking down every enemy of such noble movement (chapter 1)

..........Transmission Closed........

RE: Unlawful jobs-Red Hessian Army - Zayne Carrick - 04-24-2014

Transmission established...
Source: Vogtland base, Dresden system
ID: Diplomat Gotthold Ludewig

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]

Guten tag. Marauders, we've heard(sometimes ever seen) enough about you. We won't pay a single credit to your kind.
Herr "Butcher", you can start taking down enemies of Volksrevolution.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Unlawful jobs-Red Hessian Army - Ayatolah - 04-25-2014

......Transmission initiated....
......Image footage ON......
[Image: transmission.png]

Alright... there's not much movement in the Omegas, at least when i where there... but a hessian rekrut asked me to help and i followed him... that's what i found:

i awaited as the rekrut tried to reason with that miner in the most peaceful manner, the miner was asked to pay a fine and get away from omega-11 and even not spilling the cargo bay, which was plenty of uncuts, disgracefully, the miner didn't wanted to reason with your guy, instead he insisted and insisted and....

[Image: 1902885_10203442118194794_5256819450082037885_n.jpg]

personally i wasn't eager to shoot to a transport... but that nut was harder than i expected!....

Expect more in the next days, this is only the warm up for my crew who's getting used to this new ship...
.............Transmission Closed............

RE: Unlawful jobs-Red Hessian Army - Zayne Carrick - 04-27-2014

Transmission established...
Source: Vogtland base, Dresden system
ID: Diplomat Gotthold Ludewig

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]

Tag, mein herren. Payments for this week have been forwarded.
[Image: 4Gac8fY.png]

Transmission terminated.

RE: Unlawful jobs-Red Hessian Army - Vladimir Scorpius - 05-04-2014
[Image: vJ2rNNa.png][Image: 3dSZFc6.png]

01. Freital Base -> Planet Manhattan ( 3357 units )

02. Freital Base -> Planet Manhattan ( 3357 units )

03. Freital Base -> Planet Manhattan ( 3357 units )

04. Freital Base -> Planet Manhattan ( 3357 units )

05. Freital Base -> Planet Manhattan ( 3357 units )

06. Freital Base -> Planet Manhattan ( 3357 units )

07. Freital Base -> Planet Manhattan ( 3360 units )

08. Freital Base -> Planet Manhattan ( 3358 units )

09. Freital Base -> Planet Manhattan ( 3358 units )

10. Freital Base -> Planet Manhattan ( 3358 units )

11. Freital Base -> Planet Manhattan ( 3358 units )

Payment due: 73.000.000 SC
Payment destination: LH~Scorpius

RE: Unlawful jobs-Red Hessian Army - Zayne Carrick - 05-06-2014

Transmission established...
Source: Vogtland base, Dresden system
ID: Diplomat Gotthold Ludewig

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]

Guten tag, herr Scorpius. Your payment has been forwarded.
[Image: 2O28s9n.png]

Transmission terminated.

RE: Unlawful jobs-Red Hessian Army - SnakeLancerHaven - 05-06-2014

Name: The Pursuant Enigmatic Predator

[Image: 6oPQkfKHTxX5qdezl1EgCLh2F6f0S.jpg]

Callsign: }-The.P.E.P.
Affiliation: Artificial Intelligence (Primus Originated, before infection)
Loadout: Surveyor and Scraper or Sabre and Havoc as Bomber , can also be inside an Ahoudori (or BW Gunship).
Full Reputation Sheet: Usual AI ID and AI restart Reputation.

RE: Unlawful jobs-Red Hessian Army - Ayatolah - 05-06-2014

....incoming transmission....
....Image footage:ON....
[Image: transmission.png]
Hola, Volksrevolutionnaires....its properly said??... whatever... As we spoke this afternoon in Theta, i have sent an anonymous message to the Administration of Freeport 9.... here's the copy of the message sent:

I don't know if they will answer... but i'm not an amateur and i know what kind of menace represents to the movement the presence of an Elbe in the backdoor, now we just have to wait... as the message says, i also remember a conflict for similar problems with the corsairs... *smiles* in fact... i was part of that problem, jajajaj!!!... anyway if the administrator of that freeport has half-a-brain, he/she/it will take measures.
I will also tell the oberkommando that i want to pick here the transponders of my personal shuttles as i want to use them in the prosecution of targets: their identifiers are:
.....Transmission Closed.....