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Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - Printable Version

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Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - Linkus - 08-27-2008

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Commander Hujuk, LNS Providence

I have been avoiding this for a while to see what my fellow officers thought of this only to be simply disapointed.

I ask a simple question of a Freelancer in a well known pirate vessel and am met by much hostility. My suggestion of a Rheinland spy of course goes amiss yet it is one of the most viable explanations for it all. After all, how better to prove you are not a spy by flying the ship your enemy flies?

Your identification stated Freelancer, I believe it was a Freelancer that helped bring an end to the entire Nomad war. Do not simply use your identification as an excuse to get out of situations sir as in the past your kind has done great things. Freelancers can still easily relay information that could be useful to others.

If the Navy were to check their records, they would find the Providence has recently been frankly invaluble for many situations. If they wish to strip her of her commander, so be it.

Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - Orin - 08-27-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID Recieved, Orin Hasting, Freelancer]
[Location: Unknown]

You suggest I am using my ID as a wild card? I find that rather rude. I simply brought that fact into play since you seemed to have implications that I was flying a Sabre to aid the OC/LH. Sirius law states that Freelancers cannot openly join unlawful factions. Aside from that, I stated that Freelancers choose the vessels of their choice. How exactly is this using my ID as an excuse?

Again you suggest that my being a Rheinland spy is a possibility? I'm really getting sick of this accusation.

In all respect, this commander appears to be rather paranoid. I would hardly want someone like him in a position of such power... Another issue is inevitable with someone like this.

EDIT: And you are met by hostility? I'm the one who gets a battleship straddling my ship and multiple missile salvos fired at me. You are downplaying your involvement with innocence that is non-existent.

Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - Erythnul - 08-27-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Ace Crowley]
[Comm Source: ****, New York System]

Mr. Hasting! What's up?

This is Anthony Crowley of the Liberty Rogues. I understand a certain Navy man has been stepping on your toes lately. You and me both, brother; the Providence has repeatedly proved a nuisance in the past and has prevented me and my friends from earning our keep more than once lately.

As you well know, two nights ago, I decided, in light of all the pirates, rapscallions and other cats in Liberty space, to simply go ahead and "decommission" the Providence myself. The resulting battle's made headline news; the combined Liberty Navy and Darkwing fleet was routed and destroyed with only light casualties on our side. Only one vessel escaped the Naval carnage by powering up its reactor and running away like a little girl when I gave the order to open fire on it. Can you guess which one?

I was amazed to discover that the Providence's commander hadn't been dishonorably discharged for his cowardice. It's a shame, buddy, but what can you do? I suppose the Navy's so desperate for firepower they even have to accept men that abandon their nation in, uh, its "hour of direst need".

Anyway, Mr. Hasting, the Rogues are actively hunting the Providence, and we'll do our best to put it on ice for you. That cool?

Don't let the Navy get you down. Crowley out.

[Transmission Terminated]

Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - Chipz19 - 08-27-2008

Just on a side note to this:

I've seen many navy/police independants doing a couple things wrong, and the blame always falls to the LN...any vessel (even with a navy tag) that doesn't have [LN] before it's name is NOT in the Liberty Navy, and therefore are an indie vessel working besides Liberty Law.

Just thought i'd point this mix up out.

Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - Rudo - 08-27-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: **File Corrupted**]
[Comm Source: Detroit Munitions Comms Array]

Ah, the routing of Liberty forces.

This would explain the rash overkill of [LN] fighters I had to deal with when scanning data channels in California. A single [LN] fighter approached and without warning, opened fire. I commenced self-defense, and after several passes was set to force his retreat.

Then an entire tactical wing arrived. Enough manpower to guard the entirety of Texas and guide aid convoys to beleaguered planet Houston. All focused on bringing down a single fighter with no pretense of criminal charges or due process -- just radio silence and immediate lethal force.

It worked well enough, the onrush of firepower forced me to abandon my op and scuttle my fighter despite the best efforts of a Hacker gunboat to liberate my wounded ship a few minutes later.

I've made it a point to avoid using lethal force against law enforcement personnel unless cornered, and to leave civilian traffic relatively unmolested. My operation regulations leave these details open-ended, so these parameters are personal rather than professional. Don't force me to commit to courses of action I would not stoop to as a preventative measure.

I am a criminal. I do not deny this. But there are rights and regulations to be followed when dealing with criminals. As well as rules of engagement -- appropriate personnel delegation according to threats shouldn't be ignored. Manhattan could be overrun again, while an entire division pursues a single thief with every intent of evading the engagement.

Be intelligent. I am reasonable. You have the power to limit your casua--


Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - Seth Karlo - 08-27-2008

[Transmission begins]
[Comm ID: LT Commander Seth Karlo.]
[Location: San Francisco bridge.]

I have heard a large amount of complaints against this vessel recently. If I may, I suggest -as one Dreadnought captain to another- perhaps using your fighter for regular work and bringing the Providence out if she is needed? It sounds like her missile launchers need checking anyway.

[Transmission ends]

Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - Orin - 08-27-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID Recieved, Orin Hasting, Freelancer]
[Location: Unknown]

To Mr. Crowley: Aye, I heard of that encounter and the Providence's cowardice. Now I don't intend to make this a mutual bashing of Commander Kujuk, but his actions must be adressed the right way. I have also heard that our commander here took his Dreadnought into the Badlands without fighter support or backup of any kind, stumbling across Buffalo Base (//All in good "RP" according to him). Naturally, he cannot remember the coordinates and was unable to reach any other Naval personel, but I think we can all agree that a Dreadnought flying into the heart of the Badlands unprotected is a very questionable move for a Naval commander.

As for your offer to "put him on ice" I see no reason for this. I don't condone the Rogues actions, as I don't oppose them either. But hear this, Rogue: this commander deserves fair trial and a good lawyer, not an execution.

To Mr. Karlo: Congratulations on your recovery, mate. Good to hear your feedback as well.

[Transmission Ended]

OOC to Chipz: Read the whole topic before posting please. The "LN" was an oversight that was already adressed by Vincent and corrected accordingly.

Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - Linkus - 08-27-2008

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Commander Hujuk, LNS Providence

Once more people are twisting the truth for their own purposes. Before you yell cowardice Freelancer, you should know that the Providence was requested to assist a Bretonian capital vessel that was experience trouble with pirates. Now which is more important do you think? Dying with glory and losing a Dreadnaught, 421 lives and giving the Rogues a huge victory or helping one of our closest Allies and being able to use the Dreadnaught in the future?
I think the latter wins out overall and although I was loathe to leave the battle, it was the only course of action that made sense. It turns out the Providence was indeed needed soon after to remove an Order Osiris from New York.

(// I had to go in RL and that battle was not going to be over for a while. Unless they wanted me to F1, it was the only solution.)

I consulted with my crew and we came to the conclusion that discovering where Buffalo lay was worth risking our lives for and indeed many paid the ultimate price for that endevour that failed.
(// It also makes perfect RP sense. The ship came out damaged badly and without the coordinates. Essentially nothing changes other than personal experiences for the crew. It's what a Naval should WOULD do in real life, save losing the coordinates.)

If you intend to make this simply you throwing insults at my reputation then go ahead. I have countered all your points and am dead set in my views in regards to the past events.

Incompetency in the Liberty Navy - Orin - 08-27-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID Recieved, Orin Hasting, Freelancer]
[Location: Unknown]

Thank you for clarifying the account for me. I fully understand the situation and take my previous comment back. I apologise for my unfounded assumptions.

As for the voyage into the Badlands, I still do not believe that was something a capable Naval commander would do. The loss of lives and equipment is something that cannot be overlooked.

I hope you see where I'm coming from, Commander. I do not wish our communications to become strained, I am only doing what any reasonably concerned and wrongly treated citizen would do. The fact that you have still not issued me an apology for your unjustified actions worries me. You seem to be only interested in selfishly protecting yourself.

[Transmission Ended]