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Google Chrome - Printable Version

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Google Chrome - Jazz - 09-03-2008

I dunno, its being slower than my Mozilla. it dosent have a toolbar. It dosent look as nice. and as far as I can tell, it has fewer plugins.

Google Chrome - Skysurfer - 09-03-2008

Used it. Tea Timer popped up saying it ran something I did not tell it to do. Ran Spybot and found one new spyware program. Another way Google's trying to watch us all.
Nothing personal, but I'll stick with Firefox. :|

Google Chrome - Dopamino - 09-03-2008

Google being able to see every single thing I do on the internet? No thank you!

Google Chrome - Fletcher - 09-03-2008

I just saw the Google Chrome on BBC News 24, bribed probably for 'extra' advertisement. But I'll give it a go tomorrow when I'm bothered to get off my FFXII.

If this thing does track all I do, no thank you. I like my privacy. If they can see what I do, how long before someone 'cracks' the program so hackers or government can see what YOU do.

Google Chrome - Dopamino - 09-03-2008

Pff, Google is already selling that info to the highest bidder.

Edit: Oh my holy rolfcopter, I just found this.
[Image: 2821783957_b4633f072e_o.png]

Epuck phail of massiv pruporshuns!

Google Chrome - Ximen_Benitez - 09-03-2008

@Dop, do it with out the S in https, works fine.

... over reaction much? Onoz! Google is going to find out where people live and start a mass murdering campaign!

Google Chrome - Eppy - 09-03-2008

So far it seems a, among other things, itself...but I like it so far. Very fast and minimalistic.

Google Chrome - Monk - 09-03-2008 is the least of my worries...Many American ISPs already do massive data mining anyway. Why? Because you do not own your access to the Internet. The ISPs, who built the networks, own the infrastructure privately. Be grateful that many of our governments don't already use it against us in assuming we are all terrorists. In America we are lucky that recent legislation did not pass that would've allowed the FBI to open an investigation on you w/o any probable cause. At least we still have access to just about anything still...tho...not sure how long that will last.

Google Chrome - Virus - 09-03-2008

As much as I like Google, I can't support a monopoly, which they'll soon have on everything! . . . Just wait until they start making OSs. . .

I'll stick with Firefox, I already support Google enough. (Gmail, Google Search, etc.) They can live without me using their browser, and I think its ugly.

Google Chrome - uspatriotsf - 09-03-2008

Im trying the IE8 Beta right now too. So far Im liking it. I'll give chrome a go as well. Im not a big firefox fan. Then again I am the resident Microsoft whore.