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Catamaran - mjolnir - 09-05-2008

Well I don't know how happy you would be if you had 4 Cap 8 BHG GS with 2 missiles each parked above Kyoto 24/7.

All ships shouldn't be the same no.. far from that.. but some balance is needed.

Catamaran - Exile - 09-05-2008

If BH's did that, i'd just ignore them and go play on annother character.

Yes, i agree, some balance. But these days, everything that can kill some one is "overpowered". Thus it gets "balanced".

Catamaran - SevereTrinity - 09-05-2008

I agree, it is overpowered.

2 QCR and a cruiser... vs my lone cat.

One QCR died, the cruiser ran (due to RL issues) and the other fighter left after that.

That, just doesn't happen

Catamaran - El Nino - 09-05-2008

I had a fight with three catamarans, we had fighter support, three cruisers, and me one gunboat... we won, but I had just about as hard of work as if i were alone.... Really it's hard to hit them, you need a lot of skill to do it, so once the hitbox and width is fixed... they'll be just plain good. Something they should be.

Catamaran - Saigo.Watanabe - 09-05-2008

' Wrote:Cake? We dont need no stinkin cake, bring GC women and lots of cardamine.
I can bring both?

' Wrote:Didn't i say it, Richard, Saigo? There's always one.

To be honest, and no, i'm not saying this "Because i want to preserve "my" faction" or anything, but we might as well name the next version Nerflancer, or Balancelancer. Balancing everything, Slowering that which is fast and weakening that which is strong. Kinda ticks me off to be honest, since, if you ask me, some things need to be special.

Yes, i'm aware of the fact that "it makes pvp'ing fairer" or something simmilar. But i don't have to like it.

I dont have to like it ether? oh and tbh im getting fed up because its not just one... why cant we all just play the game and let the modders fix what They think is right and live with it? cause at the end of the day you have what you have and surely its nice to have a challange and fight something that requires skill?
your reply to this is probably but your a GC you want the cat... actually no, i want the GC bomber to come out. Now Cardi, cake and GC women will do you Tenacity?

Catamaran - dr lameos - 09-05-2008

Severe Trinity - think i was in that fight

I fought one of these cats earlier, it was 3v1 on our side. (a Bret destroyer and 2 bombers)

The fight lasted about an hour, before I (the destroyer) had to go do RL stuff - a bomber died on our side first.

But man that ship was hard to hit.

( you said about us shield running - i hope you don't mean me... i was stationary 95% of the time, moving towards you or turning around the other 5%... the other guys sometimes sheltered around me but thats not shieldrunning, just sensible tactics )

Catamaran - El Nino - 09-06-2008

They are hard oponents, perticulary hard to hit, I saw some rather new pilots mastering the tehnique with them... you simply strafe up right down left, repeat... and you're imposible to hit from afar... when your shields charge up enough you can safeley engage a cap ship with your supernova and fall back to 400m and be unhitable... It's not so much about agility, or anything, once it get's it's size a bit up, it will be among other good bombers... I'm sure developers are working hard on it,...

It is downright deadly with a skilled pilot, but so are most kusari fighters due to their small size. I remember a recent incident with a KNF VHF, I was in a sabre, sporting marsflyers 1500m/s speed, and the fight lasted almost forever, becouse i simply didn't hit often enough to deal real damage... even while he was outnumbered... Any small fighter in the right hands is supremeley dangerous. So sometimes you have to accept that you are fighting a better pilot,...

Edit: I still can keep 3 catamarans off my back in my Corsair GB.... so they are not that awfuly great....

Catamaran - Exile - 09-06-2008

That reminds me Jure, if alot of people complain about ships that can't be hit, then why don't we talk about the Wyrm? Even harder to hit than the Catamaran.

Catamaran - SevereTrinity - 09-06-2008

Yes Coriko, that was me, and had I wanted to go on more, I prolly woulda won, but you had to leave :'(

I was [Merc]Twilight there

Catamaran - McNeo - 09-06-2008

Ships that cant be hit that also have the most powerful cannon in the game, Exile.

As far as I understand it, the wyrm doesnt have the latter.

Im getting tired of seeing every mercenary flying a catamaran or its red variant. Ill be glad when the thing has been nerfed enough for people to flock away from it like they flocked away from the RavensTalon after 4.83.

Also, Marsflyer guns on a Sabre really kills the powerplant... not a good idea to face people with that kind of loadout.