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A good transport/freighter for pirating - Printable Version

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RE: A good transport/freighter for pirating - Fluffyball - 10-01-2014

(10-01-2014, 06:21 AM)Badperson Wrote: As the title says, I'm kinda looking for a good transport or freighter to pirate with, excluding the Percheron (...)
I think this answers your question, Moriarty. Smile

RE: A good transport/freighter for pirating - Sciamach - 10-01-2014

Serenity, BWT, Ptrans

take yer pick, they're all rather good ships when setup properly

RE: A good transport/freighter for pirating - VinitS - 10-01-2014

Raba Transport.

RE: A good transport/freighter for pirating - Lythrilux - 10-01-2014

(10-01-2014, 11:06 AM)VinitS Wrote: Raba Transport.

Raba and salvager have no CD. They're only effective if you have a CDer.

RE: A good transport/freighter for pirating - t0l - 10-01-2014

Pirate Transport.

RE: A good transport/freighter for pirating - Badperson - 10-01-2014

Now I am wondering if the Bison is any good for piracy if you have a CDer....

RE: A good transport/freighter for pirating - t0l - 10-01-2014

Agile, smaller transports are better for piracy as you have the movement advantage + CD.

RE: A good transport/freighter for pirating - Shalo - 10-01-2014

The most obvious is Pirate Train with Cau5 or higher, because of good cargo and exelent firepower.
there is also Pirate train with bigger cargo but no CD. but most traders will see it and be soo scared that won't try to run.
My advice is one of those and buy Large cloak to be mega ninja pirate.

RE: A good transport/freighter for pirating - Binski - 10-01-2014

the real question sir, is:

is there a ship people have listed that you have not already tried in the last 3 weeks?

most of what people have suggested, you've tried, and not been satisfied with. What you gotta do is make a bunch of these ships and KEEP them so you can alternate when you get sick of one, not just fork out cash to keep swapping on the same character. if u don't have the account manager, i suggest get it, cuz it seems you need the ability to have more ships to select from at any given time! no one playing this game flies one ship only (except me?) else they'd go insane (which i am already).

You know my opinion on the best transport to pirate in Wink there's nothing wrong with any of the ships you've tried. If anything though, I think the Percheron suited you best.

RE: A good transport/freighter for pirating - Badperson - 10-01-2014

(10-01-2014, 04:30 PM)TheUnforgiven Wrote: the real question sir, is:

is there a ship people have listed that you have not already tried in the last 3 weeks?

most of what people have suggested, you've tried, and not been satisfied with. What you gotta do is make a bunch of these ships and KEEP them so you can alternate when you get sick of one, not just fork out cash to keep swapping on the same character. if u don't have the account manager, i suggest get it, cuz it seems you need the ability to have more ships to select from at any given time! no one playing this game flies one ship only (except me?) else they'd go insane (which i am already).

You know my opinion on the best transport to pirate in Wink there's nothing wrong with any of the ships you've tried. If anything though, I think the Percheron suited you best.

Yeah, I guess I'll go back to the Percheron or maybe try some of the freighters.

Also I think that message was a little more suited for PM ehehe