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Unlimited cloaks - bad for rp? - Printable Version

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RE: Unlimited cloaks - bad for rp? - kuvacz - 10-11-2014

(10-11-2014, 09:05 AM)Toji-Haku Wrote: ^ I believe keeping infinite cloak to Nomad and Nomad-oriented/infested factions is okay. Why? Well, Nomads are more advanced than humans yet they are have biological not metal-and-crew vessels. I wouldn't be suprised if cloak tech used by Rheinland Military (in vanillia) was partially based onto the Nomad technology.

Nomads (independants) have a very limited choice of equipment they can use, just a very few bases where they can dock (docking with "The Ravine" in Omicron 99 is still buggy) and last not least a pretty small area where they can operate.

So if you take off the advantage of infinite cloaks, why should anyone be interested in playing a nomad char (any further)?

There is already, in comparsion to pirate factions, just a small number of players that play nomad chars, if you make it even less attractive you just should remove them completely, or give them at least the right of free travel to compensate that (maybe except core worlds/house space).

All non nomad cloaks require some sort of fuel, but as most vessels/ID's have plenty of places where they can refuel, in contrast to the nomads, that's no real problem.

And yes, most (independant) nomads act like assassins, but in comparsion with their small numbers and the huge number of pirates/bounty hunters (groups), in comparsion, they still cause a lot less trouble than any other faction, and at a lot lower frequency.


RE: Unlimited cloaks - bad for rp? - Mímir - 10-11-2014

Ehem, can I just point out that this has only happened to me (cloaked mind****) by official faction K'hara and associates (yes, D9 too), before it's made into an indie vs faction problem.

If you know how to pilot a ship, and you aren't flying a cap, you can go most places in this game unscathed. You don't need a cloak for that.

RE: Unlimited cloaks - bad for rp? - SnakThree - 10-11-2014

I fly cloaked Nomad to scare humans. To make Omicrons appear like wild and dangerous place. If there was some sort of fuel I needed to get each time from stations 2-3 systems away from my place of operations, I wouldn't even bother playing Nomad anymore.

RE: Unlimited cloaks - bad for rp? - Lythrilux - 10-11-2014

Tbh I don't see the point in removing them from indies. I hate to make a generalisation here but most indie nomads play for PvP, so infinite cloaks do not inhibit their RP which consists of blowing things up.
If you find nomads uncloaking on you a problem, then get good. I love the dangerous environment where I always need to stay alert.
My only problem with nomad cloaks is that it's hard to chase people who use them. Thus, as a disadvantage, They should have a flaw which gives their presence away (which is what will be added in the Omicron update)

And I agree with what others have said: remove the infinite cloaks and you kill any reason to play a nomad.
However, I wouldn't mind losing infinite cloaks if it meant indies could use all nom caps.

RE: Unlimited cloaks - bad for rp? - Gondoros - 10-11-2014

I can't understand why indies are getting so many elbows in the ribs. Seriously, why are indies so damnable? The game is Freelancer by the way. It appears that when someone isn't rp-ing or just acting as they shouldn't be, it is always an indie. It also appears that indies, according to the majority, don't deserve as many things as officials ( not more , but as many). When a problem is in discussion, somewhere in the cloud of opinions, indies are taken down. It's happening here, happening in the discussion about perks for official factions and all over. Indies are a part of this community, accept that, don't try to change things in such a way that they will decrease in numbers. And if the goal is to have them join an official faction, well all i can say is, that a big gamble. I mean, given the fact that there aren't so many players around, wouldn't it be a good idea to please most (not all of course) of the members, instead of dividing them? Anyway, that's my 2 cents.



(10-11-2014, 10:04 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: Tbh I don't see the point in removing them from indies. I hate to make a generalisation here but most indie nomads play for PvP, so infinite cloaks do not inhibit their RP which consists of blowing things up.
If you find nomads uncloaking on you a problem, then get good. I love the dangerous environment where I always need to stay alert.
My only problem with nomad cloaks is that it's hard to chase people who use them. Thus, as a disadvantage, They should have a flaw which gives their presence away (which is what will be added in the Omicron update)

And I agree with what others have said: remove the infinite cloaks and you kill any reason to play a nomad.
However, I wouldn't mind losing infinite cloaks if it meant indies could use all nom caps.

(10-11-2014, 10:02 AM)Snak3 Wrote: I fly cloaked Nomad to scare humans. To make Omicrons appear like wild and dangerous place. If there was some sort of fuel I needed to get each time from stations 2-3 systems away from my place of operations, I wouldn't even bother playing Nomad anymore.


RE: Unlimited cloaks - bad for rp? - titanbot - 10-11-2014

(10-11-2014, 01:21 AM)Moveit56 Wrote: I've specifically told the members of the K'Hara that they shouldn't do that. If they want to RP, they should be uncloaked. Instead of suggesting that the game mechanics are changed, throw me a private message instead about it.

I'll have a word with people RPing while cloaked and see if we can get that changed

The problem is, for that we have only your word. If you'd be listened to, I am sure you wouldn't need any permanent cloaks, since you wouldn't use them, right?

If the Nomad cloak gets fixed and works like every other cloak, then there would be no more needs to just avoid Nomad players and their already-getting-old RP of controlling your character.

(10-11-2014, 01:33 AM)aerelm Wrote: This is already done for the next update. Only the official K'hara and Wild will be keeping their infinite cloaks.

(I haven't posted in the dev log about it yet because the final numbers for the nom cloak ammos are still not decided)

The problem is, the official K'Hara does this. I still believe that it'd be best if you'd take the whole "infinte cloak" concept out of the game. It'd be nice if we'd all have comparable equipment, at the end of the day. Smile



RE: Unlimited cloaks - bad for rp? - An'shur - 10-11-2014

Comparable equipment? Well, at first nomads should be OP for many reasons. And I agree with those who are for indie owned cloaks. If these cloaks won't be infinite, they should be far more effective than primitive human versions. Roleplay must override balance in every case, and inRP nomads were existent before humans even went to space. Don't nerf them more (like 200m tractor beam, what?)

RE: Unlimited cloaks - bad for rp? - titanbot - 10-11-2014

(10-11-2014, 10:41 AM)Anshur Wrote: Comparable equipment? Well, at first nomads should be OP for many reasons. And I agree with those who are for indie owned cloaks. If these cloaks won't be infinite, they should be far more effective than primitive human versions. Roleplay must override balance in every case, and inRP nomads were existent before humans even went to space. Don't nerf them more (like 200m tractor beam, what?)

Don't forget, you're playing a game. If you give potent stuff to one side and nerf the others (RP must override balance - lol'd about this one), then everyone would play Nomad. I understand you want to have a special toy just for yourself, and I respect that. But I also respect the fact that everyone around here should be equal. Pick a faction because you like the faction, not the perks that faction gives.



RE: Unlimited cloaks - bad for rp? - kuvacz - 10-11-2014

(10-11-2014, 11:11 AM)titanbot Wrote: everyone around here should be equal

Where is the equality (freedom) with all the restrictions, limitations nomads already have got? ^^

And just on a sidenote, I rarely play my nomad b/c the ones I usually meet in the area where I can legaly operate, aren't interested in RP that much, not to say "not at all", with a very few exceptions.

Most just try to make cash without any RP caused breaks, or they just see "nomad - let's shoot him" - at least if there are enough "friends" around they can teamup with to gank me, or another lone nomad.


RE: Unlimited cloaks - bad for rp? - Mímir - 10-11-2014

The problem, as I see it, is that people just ignore nomads altogether, they don't even pew them. How's that conducive to roleplay?