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RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION THREAD & Char/Ship Creation Info - ShadowWalker - 10-21-2014

Character Name: Shadow Walker (27)
Character Description: I guess you could say up to where I am now i would be considered a retired 1%er you name it i have probably Ran it but one day i was chilling in bar when i overheard this zoner talking a bought seting up shop in Omega-9 i thought that fool is mad so i caped my drink and walked over and i asked him if he was out of his fracing mind but to make a long boring story much shorter i now fly for his group [Star] i still kept my maps and a very fast arrow but now the buzz is gone I NEED IT BACK i hear you race so if this goes south (as in i dont make the cut) atlest let me race i move big heavy cargotrans all day long at night i fell used and cranky i go to peen system to get in a couple laps but no one races.
Why you want to join: to learn and race
Name Your Arrow: Burning.Shadow
S.K.Y.P.E. name: you have it already
Do you know how to do a barrel roll?: i hate to say this but no,but im wiling to learn
Anything more that will make you a more valuable member to the club?: im an ex smuggler and i can pick up where i left off if need be
Are you friends with any cops?: hell no


1) Have you ever been sanction before: no
2) Have you read the lore so that if I ask you a question you could reply in your own words?: yes and if need be i can read it again

RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION THREAD & Char/Ship Creation Info - The Archangels Fighter Club - 10-22-2014

[Image: ZnqM2h0.png?1]

@ Shadow

Shadow.... Is that a nickname or is that real?
In any-case seems you got a little history behind you.... but hey hey damn it.... keep it down about the smuggling!
That's good though that you're interested in that field of work... good payment there for a job well done and there is always something to move under the radar. You know how grumpy some people tend to be right?

Ugh it can drive someone insane.... who really cares anyway about some cargo business? Apparently a few actually.

You wana learn to race too huh? They say practice makes perfect so you'll get a lot of that around here for sure.

Anyway so looking through it all... I like you... I'd just like to meet you in person first before going any further. You will soon be visited by some guys... please dont feel threatened by them. They will just take yeah to my office. A few more questions.

You're doing good, kid. I'll see you shortly.
~Funny Sunny.

RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION THREAD & Char/Ship Creation Info - The Archangels Fighter Club - 10-22-2014

After your review we have decided to give you a little job to do.
Well first off.. congrats and get your jacket and arrow ready. You are to set off on your 2 hours trial phase.

We would like you to go to Crete and get some artifacts loaded on your Arrow. Make your way to Malta and drop some at the mooring docks there. Bonus points if you get a Outcast to see you do it and get him mad.

After then with the rest of the stuff you are to go through Rheinland and drop the rest at Beaumont Station. Oh and if a cop sees you and starts to chase you and you get away then more bonus points for that.

Think you can handle it?
Name the ship: NAME[V]
We will see how well you do.
Begin when ready and good luck.

PS: get the screens for the proof that you completed the assignment.

RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION THREAD & Char/Ship Creation Info - Bojangles - 11-25-2014

[Image: Val2.jpg]
Character Name:
Valmar Alderson

Character Description:

From his rough appearance and crude demeanor, you would never suspect that Valmar was born into privilege. The firstborn to loving parents on California Minor, it was clear that Valmar was a special child. He was walking and talking early, he even potty trained himself. He excelled in primary school and took an active interest in sports. He was a charismatic child, drawing the interest and affection of adults and other children. As his younger brother, Seth, grew older, Valmar did everything he could to include him in his life. Over the years the two grew to be inseparable.

Seth was quite different than Valmar. He was serious and brooding, often worried about the affairs of adults. He was prone to emotional outbursts and tantrums, even into his teens. At first, Valmar had been protective of his little brother. The other kids picked on him, or they simply tolerated him after Val had set a few of them straight. By the time they were teenagers, the three years between them didn't mean a thing as far as size. Seth was tall and broad, and he didn't need defending anymore except from himself. As a young man, Valmar's little brother was getting into fights and slumming it with the lower class kids.

Val had managed to keep a close watch on Seth throughout their years together in school, but soon it was time to move on. With his primary schooling completed with good marks and a lot of recommendations, he had a choice of several universities. Valmar had always shown a predisposition for science, so he chose to go to Manhattan to study molecular physics with idealistic views of changing the universe with a new kind of clean energy. He threw himself into his studies, and despite his natural intelligence he was constantly falling behind. He lived and breathed science for the next year in Manhattan, while things were growing more and more out of control back in California.

Seth had fallen in with a bad crowd. He had always enjoyed racing, but Valmar had never been much good at it. Seth had always loved being better than Val at something, of having his own place of pride. Now, he was gambling and doing dangerous races through minefields and against the flow of traffic in active trade lanes. When word came of his collision, Valmar was crushed. He quit university and returned to California.

The next few years were the hardest of his life. Seth had been severely injured in the crash, losing the use of the left side of his body and much of his mental faculties. Valmar insisted on caring for his brother himself, though often Seth simply stared silently or did not remember him. When he did speak, he spoke of ship engine specifications and race strategies. Often, he called for a drink or a hit of synthweed and would shut down if refused. More and more, Valmar plied his brother with these things, until he had developed a healthy appetite for them himself.

Things got brighter after that. Valmar drank and got high every day. He picked fights and flew dangerously and brought back stories and vids so he could feel a part of it. It was starting to feel like old times again, but Seth was getting worse. His moments of clarity became fewer and farther between until he died. Valmar's desire for things to bond with his brother over had become his own desires. His brother's burdens had become his own, and now he was alone.

Now, Valmar has a chip on his shoulder and a bottomless desire for anything that makes him feel alive. He drifts from system to system doing freelance jobs, often finding himself doing the dirty work that others can't or won't. Being from a wealthy background, Val isn't as motivated by money as he is by excitement and a good story to tell. He's tried to run with Rogues and Xenos, but they expected him to care about things.

Why you want to join:

"I hear you're a brotherhood. I had a brother once... We had respect for each other, watched each other's backs. We kept each other out of trouble, or we got into trouble together. We put our brotherhood above all else, even when it meant making sacrifices. I'd like to have that again some day.

And I've got this old Arrow here. It needs some love, but I'd like to give racing a shot."

Name Your Arrow:

S.K.Y.P.E. name:
You've already got it. Smile

Do you know how to do a barrel roll?:

"I usually fly something with a little more firepower and a lot more hull between me and the other guy, but I know a thing or two about racing. It's just been a while"

// I need a lot of flight practice and general game practice, I've spent most of my time running transports.

Anything more that will make you a more valuable member to the club?:
"I mind my own business."

//Unfortunately not. :\

Are you friends with any cops?:

"I don't have any friends."


1) Have you ever been sanction before. If so, why and have you learned from this?
No, I have not.

2) Have you read the lore so that if I ask you a question you could reply in your own words?
I have read quite a bit of lore, but there is a lot to know so I still have a lot of reading ahead of me. If you mean the faction lore, I did read that pretty thoroughly.

RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION THREAD & Char/Ship Creation Info - The Archangels Fighter Club - 11-25-2014

[Image: ZnqM2h0.png?1]


First of all we are all very sorry for your brother. I see he meant a lot to you. It must have been hard huh?

Well it seems the life on the edge has grown on you though. That's how it usually works around here. Either enjoy like or die enjoying it. Seems like something your brother followed and you picked up on it.

Addicting... isn't it?

Anyway, seems like you'll fit right in.

Take your jacket on the way out. Oh and one other thing. Your little assignment for the 2 hour trial.

I'll keep it broad and simple for you.
Bring me back a good story to tell and write it in the message dump channel.

I look forward to hearing it.

Good luck.
~Funny Sunny

RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION THREAD & Char/Ship Creation Info - Bojangles - 11-25-2014

"It's hard, but now I'm harder. When I'd head out on a run I was always after something to bring back for my brother. I was always holding something back. I could never let go of things like he could, but I guess he didn't give me a choice in the end. Now, I don't hold back anymore. I don't need to. I've got nothing to lose that I don't mind getting rid of."

Val took the jacket in his hands and looked it over before slipping it on. He couldn't see himself, but it felt right.

"A story? Sure, I'm always good for a story."

RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION THREAD & Char/Ship Creation Info - Stoner_Steve - 12-23-2014

Character Name:
Barny Ruble

Character Description:

Barny Ruble is a 25 year old Cardimine addict. Originally working aboard the .:j:.Yabba.Dabba.Doo as a third shift scrapper, mainly focused in flight control removal (You know, control surfaces, thrusters, engines, etc). After getting caught for the umpteenth time trying to set aside scrap for himself Barny was left with a very defined choice from the Skipper; get thrown out of the airlock, or find another job. Taking his savings, and the scrap that they didn't see he set aside Barny was able to outfit an arrow to enter into races out of the Battleship Hood earning himself a reputation. But after a bad deal with some molly's he found himself again trying to start a new life, this time on Barrier Gate Station.

Why you want to join:

Given that returning to Dublin is kinda out of the question, and the minor fact I have a lead foot, I need to find someone else to race against.

Name Your Arrow:
Daily Derby

S.K.Y.P.E. name:
you have it

Do you know how to do a barrel roll?:

Obviously, I mean you've been to the Dublin Race Track right?

Anything more that will make you a more valuable member to the club?:
Not that would make me valuable, perhaps more of a liability

Are you friends with any cops?:

You wish


1) Have you ever been sanction before. If so, why and have you learned from this?
2) Have you read the lore so that if I ask you a question you could reply in your own words?
Within Reason

RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION THREAD & Char/Ship Creation Info - The Archangels Fighter Club - 12-24-2014

[Image: ZnqM2h0.png?1]

@Barny Ruble

So you got some experience on how a ship works in terms of mechanics. Taking a few apart can help you learn a lot, right? I see you have been in some rough situations but thats no big. I'm curious to see what reputation you actually have from the race rings down in Dublin.
Anyway the only concern I have is that Cardimin addiction on yours... We dont like to be... how shall we put this... put on a leash by the outcasts by their drugs. We could fix you up some stabaline though... and have you heard on Nox? Its quite the competition to the famous Cardamine.

Tell you what, your in but fix that little issue you got eh? Get some pills to get you back to shape. But hey, I'm not saying don't take any drugs at all. That would cruel!

Anyway, I'd like to see how you preform out there. Get yourself set up and get out there for the test session. report back also when you've fixed the issue with that cardi addiction of yours.


RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION THREAD & Char/Ship Creation Info - nOmnomnOm - 01-07-2015

@Barny Ruble
I must have been a little high when I replied to you last time and I seem to have not been clear on what the little job I want you to do...

Speaking of which the nox business is quite nice this time of year. I'd like you to take a freightor with no armor down to Gallia and fetch a batch and see for yourself how it attracts your fancy. Bonus points will be given if you sell some on the way to your sell point ( New Berlin has a population that lives the stuff).

Now remember you are flying with no armor so ty not to get caught eh? Would be tough luck if you do... Though I would pay say... 10 million to get another report of someone making a getaway like that. FYI Nox is legal in rheinland. i bet you would love it there eh? Haha!


RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION THREAD & Char/Ship Creation Info - Shaggy - 01-11-2015

Character Name:
Marco Toretto

Character Description:

Well let's get this over with... I was born on Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma System, where I grew up in the roughest streets, the towns and streets I lived on were dirty, smelly, old, was not a very nice place to live. I was always running away from the "Law" and people that were trying to keep the peace on Crete. The people that were trying to keep the Empire together. My life from a young age was bad, the older I got the more wise I got, the more knowledge about smuggling, running I gathered. I managed to steal one of the Corsair Fighter Crafts when I turned 16 and got of Planet Crete and escape Omicron Gamma and got to the near-by system known as Omicron 41. When I reached Omicron 41, I thought id hang low for a few weeks to let the Corsairs forget about me and forget about the craft I stole. Having no parents or siblings, I was always alone with no one to look after me. I had to look after myself living on the streets of Crete. I know how to survive and I am good at escaping from the law. While smuggling in tight and hostile places.

Why you want to join:

I wish to join The Archangels Fighter Club, because I can escape from Planet Crete, feel safe and have a new start, I am very skilled at escaping, I can smuggle and sneak, I am also teaching myself to fighting, but do not let this underestimate you. I am good at what I do.

Name Your Arrow:
I wish to name my Arrow by my last name. Toretto

S.K.Y.P.E. name:

Do you know how to do a barrel roll?:

Barrell Roll, that was one of the first things I learned to do *Laughs*
Anything more that will make you a more valuable member to the club?:
I am good at escaping from anyone and everyone, so im guessing this makes me a good racer *Laughs* I am always up for making money.

Are you friends with any cops?:

Cops, no way, if I were, I think I would try something like steal there doughnuts or something.


1) Have you ever been sanction before. If so, why and have you learned from this?

2) Have you read the lore so that if I ask you a question you could reply in your own words?
I have