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Liberty Naval Warship Coordination Office - Printable Version

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RE: Liberty Naval Warship Coordination Office - rainth345 - 07-15-2013

*****Incoming Transmission*****
[Image: Texas1.png]
COMM ID: Captain Remus Sius
TARGET ID: Vice Admiral Winchester; Admiral Ben; Captain John Howard
SUBJECT: Registration

Attention to the aforementioned personnel:

Vice Admiral Winchester,

I have already received your messages regarding your ideas about assisting in the "re-organization" efforts... Rest assured, your suggestions are highly noted.

Thank you for formally registering.


Admiral John Ben,

Thank you for registering with us. I have received the specifications of your ship. You will be now added to the secure channels.

I look forward to working with you.


Captain John Howard,

I am glad more of the Secondary Fleet Core officers have stepped up; hopefully, others will follow suit. I have not received the specifications of your ship... Kindly send them to me on private channels...

You will be also added to the 'secure' channels.


That is all, gents.
For Freedom and Justice,
Captain Remus Sius

*****Transmission Terminated*****

RE: Liberty Naval Warship Coordination Office - rainth345 - 07-19-2013

**************************RELAYING TRANSMISSION**************************

*****Incoming Transmission*****
[Image: Texas1.png]
COMM ID: Captain Remus Sius
TARGET ID: Other LNS Captains
SUBJECT: Registration


Signing up with us does not bring any disadvantages...

In fact, it will bring more advantages and benefits if all of you will work and coordinate with each other...

We can share battle-tactics, strategies, equipment loadouts, and the likes...

I can also listen to any complaints, suggestions, and any other concerns about anything related to the affairs of Liberty Naval Jurisdiction and they will answered swiftly, and without delay.

Success is achieved, not by one man alone, but of people helping each other.
For Freedom and Justice,
Captain Remus Sius

*****Transmission Terminated*****

RE: Liberty Naval Warship Coordination Office - Apollon - 07-21-2013


COMM ID: Rachael Jensen
TARGET ID: Captain Remus Sius
SUBJECT: Assignation

Captain Sius.

In Order to Keep our Forces Coordinated and Organized, I am Willing to Assign here and Contact you, I will be Uploading the Data in a Moment, if you ever need help with Coordination and Organizing the Fleets, I am your Man, *Ahem* I mean your Girl..The Nebraska, Has been Recently assigned to the 27th Fleet under my Command

:::Uploading Data:::

Identification: Liberty navy
Name: 27th|LNS-Nebraska
Warship class: Liberty Assault Battlecruiser
Name of CO: Rachael Jensen
S-KYP3 comms ID: Ghost.Radical

::Big Grinata uploaded:::[/indent]

I Hope this will Affect on Coordinating our Forces and Organizing them against our Enemies

For Liberty, For the Republic

Jensen out.


RE: Liberty Naval Warship Coordination Office - rainth345 - 07-22-2013

*****Incoming Transmission*****
[Image: Texas1.png]
COMM ID: Captain Remus Sius
TARGET ID: Commander Rachael Jensen
SUBJECT: Registration


Efforts to organize the secondary fleet have already been underway... but I still thank you for registering with us.

I will still need the specifications of your ship. Please send them as soon as possible.

I'm curious... are you... in anyway related to Lieutenant William Jensen?
For Freedom and Justice,
Captain Remus Sius

*****Transmission Terminated*****

RE: Liberty Naval Warship Coordination Office - Apollon - 07-22-2013


COMM ID: Rachael Jensen
TARGET ID: Captain Remus Sius
SUBJECT: Assignation

Captain Sius.

Ohh..Right, I apologize Captain
I am Sending the Equipment Data Right now

:::Uploading Data:::

  • 6x Cruiser Turrets
  • 2x Cerbrus Cruiser Turrets
  • 2x Light Mortars
  • 1x Basic Battleship Flak Turrets
  • 2x Battleship Primary Turrets
  • Train Cruise Distrupter
  • Enh.Countermeasure Dropper

  • Cruiser Positron Shield
  • Capital Ship Thruster

Armor Enhancements: Capital Armor Upgrade VI

::Big Grinata uploaded:::

Ohh.....and about William, Yes He is my Brother, We were in the same Division in the Same Academy, He Decided to join the Primary Fleet, But i wasn't Ready yet to that.

anyway, Here's what you need Captain...

For Liberty, For the Republic

Jensen out.


RE: Liberty Naval Warship Coordination Office - rainth345 - 08-01-2013

**************************RELAYING TRANSMISSION**************************

RE: Liberty Naval Warship Coordination Office - Skeptic Jester - 08-02-2013

Identification: Liberty Navy.
Name: LNS-Pataskala
Warship class: Liberty Seige Cruiser
Name of CO: Jack MacTavish
S-KYP3 comms ID: SpadezTheAce

RE: Liberty Naval Warship Coordination Office - rainth345 - 08-03-2013

*****Incoming Transmission*****
[Image: Texas1.png]
COMM ID: Captain Remus Sius
TARGET ID: Captain Jack MacTavish
SUBJECT: Registration


I must express my gratitude in registering with us. I was worried that the others did not get the message.

I will now add you to the private channels.

For Freedom and Justice,
Captain Remus Sius

*****Transmission Terminated*****

RE: Liberty Naval Warship Coordination Office - Katt Horizon - 08-04-2013

[.Incoming Transmission.]
[Image: avatar_18832.jpg?dateline=1374482711]
ID: Vice Admiral, Cobalt Horizon, 41st Naval Task Force
Pilot ID: CCH1 |Naval ID: Echo 5-1.

Target ID: Captain Remus Sius
[.Transmission Start.]

Greetings, Captain Remus, Vice Admiral Cobalt Horizon of the 41st, responding to your call, alas i don't think we have ever met, but that only create's an opportunity to make a friend of a kind, none the less data is as you have requested.

Identification: 41st Task Force - Liberty Navy.
Name: 41st|LNSC-Horizon
Warship class: Liberty Siege Cruiser
Name of CO: Vice Admiral, Cobalt Horizon.
S-KYP3 comms ID: -No Comms ID At this Time-

you should receive the mechanic's data very shortly.

Best of Luck to you and safe travels.
-Cobalt Horizon, End of Transmission.
[.End Transmission.]

RE: Liberty Naval Warship Coordination Office - rainth345 - 08-05-2013

*****Incoming Transmission*****
[Image: Texas1.png]
COMM ID: Captain Remus Sius
TARGET ID: Vice Admiral Cobalt Horizon
SUBJECT: Registration

Vice Admiral,

I have received the 'Mechanic's Report' and I personally give you my thanks in sending it right away after your initial registration.

Please try to acquire a S-KYP 3 communications ID as soon as possible to connect to the established network of the Office.

For Freedom and Justice,
Captain Remus Sius

*****Transmission Terminated*****