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Kusari Parliamentary Elections - Autumn 821 A.S. - Printable Version

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RE: Kusari Parliamentary Elections - Autumn 821 A.S. - Geolog - 10-21-2014

Sapporo Station, Head Quarters for Samura Helium-3 extraction and processing facility, administered by veteran of Samura transporting convoys Ken'ichi Nagatomo, the head of Nagatomo family and it's oldest member. Due to the years he spent in Samura and partially Kusari politics he often gave advices to his numerous children, in a way helped create their personalities in lines of traditional Kusarian with sense of heritage and honor, and would hopefully give them to his grandchildren in the coming times as well.

Even though not a very old man Ken'ichi has decided to step down from his old career at the helm of the transport ship and give it to the younger generations he had no intentions about leaving Samura. Knowledge gained during his career he thought would better served on position of an advisor or manager of a certain business. Thus he applied for administrator position of a Samura stations and waited for his 5 minutes. Not long did he wait before the Samura Board of Directors recognized his accomplishments within Samura and offered him the position on Sapporo Station as the last stop in the long lasting career. Ken'ichi accepted the position and decided to justify their trust in him by noting less than outstanding management of the station he was appointed to.

Several years have passed since his appointment to the administrator position and ever since his presence there Helium-3 production has always, slowly but steadily, been going up. With new business plans and proposals the future seamed bright or so it seamed. With the new government put in place instead of an Emperor, the way of life within Kusari went from good to bad in short time. Heritage and honor were left a side or pushed under the carper, greedy and power hungry politicians rose up and Kusari people got the worst of it, the pressure from all sides.

Ken'ichi wasn't pleased with ousting of the Emperor and instituting a so called democratic government in his place, more to the point he was in rage even though being and old man and very patient. He spent most of his life in Imperial Kusari, loyaly serving the Empire and the Emperor, the Kusari people and Samura and if it was up to him he wouldn't let it all go to waste. Thus he was looking forward to so called elections to make his mark on history and light one more candle for Emperor future return to Kusari.

Since there were plenty of election offices opened on Sapporo Station there was no need to fire up the old Puraido, the Geisha Yacht. Ken'ichi proceeded from his office towards the comerce district where one of the closest voting offices was set up and give his vote in person. Once behind the curtains he sat down on the chair and initialized his card into the voting machine. There were five parties in the parliamentary run and without much rethinking he selected the ''Kusari Reformation Party'' and confirmed the vote. Ken'ichi knew that Reformists were be the only one still true to the Kusari heritage, honor and way of life and that they were the only one able to bring back the Emperor that people loved so much.

Recently promoted to Director of Interstellar Assets position within Samura Heavy Industries, Yuto Nagatomo had his hands full with employing new Kusari youth and managing Samura off world assets as overseer. To put it mildly, a demanding position.

Being the oldest son of Ken'ichi Nagatomo, Yuto had big shoos to fill. Thus he looked to his father as his role model to which he aspired to become one day.

With the present working office on Shinjuku Station, Yuto had only but to walk to the voting presidium. Once there there was little doubt about which party to chose. It was the party that would bring the old way back, the one which was fruitful for Kusari during the centuries. Yuto selected ''Kusari Reformation Party'' on the screen of the voting machine and confirmed the vote. While exiting the presidium he smiled a bit and inside hoped for the best.

Many problems made their way into Kusari lately, the coup, increasing pirate activity, foreign threats at the doorstep. Ryouichi Nagatomo was puzzled as to how he could help his homeland get through that difficult period.

While attending the school and college on Planet Kyushu, Ryouichi was parallelly attending the school for martial arts as well as course for learning to pilot small space vessels such as fighter, bomber as well as gunboat class.

While in the youth period Ryouichi often wondered what would he do with his life after finishing his educations. Some of his good friends, gained during the school and college years, recommended that it might be a good idea to join the Kusari Naval Forces, due to his skills in space combat while on the other hand others suggested that he should join the ranks of Kusari secret intelligence organisation. He gave a lot of thought to those advices. On the other hand his older brother Yuto suggested joining the ranks of Samura and defending the traditional life of Kusari.

Samura was facing many enemies, both inside and outside of Kusari. While being undetermined what next to do, Ryouichi remembered his father's teachings that family and honor come ahead of the personal needs of the individual. Thus he decided to join Samura Heavy Industries and even though he wasn't interested in being the captain of a transport ship he was very much interested in being a pilot in the security division and clearing the Kusari space of all the threats that might arise to both Samura and Kusari, whether they were domestic or foreign.

Today, Ryouichi has risen in rank within Samura security division all the way up to Deputy Director of Security right behind the famous Director Hideo Matsumoto. Even though in high position and being needed in the office, he often flew his security ships, escorted Samura convoys during their trade mission throughout Sirius sector.

Never to much interested in politics, Ryouichi was wondering as to which party he should give his vote to. He was thinking about democrats because offered something new, but he also though with the installation of government the Kusari has grown week and subjected to house of Gallia. Because if it was up to him Kusari would never back down from a fight and every war could be won if waged properly, with wisdom.

The Exiled Emperor showed in the Bretonia and Taus that he was willing to fight for his people and not subjugate to the stronger opponent. That was the positive thing in Ryouichi's eyes and he respected Emperor's determination and honor towards Kusari people greatly. It was the thing that in the end determined his political orientation on the following elections.

With the election underway and at the time being in Nagano system, Ryouichi decided to make a quick stop on the planet Tomioka and finish his civil duty towards Kusari. He started his descent on the planet and touched down in the capital city. Voting office was close by the landing pads and the process was to be a short one. Once at the voting terminal Ryouichi voted for ''Kusari Reformation Party'' and exited the office. Later on he finished the needed business on the planet and took up an escort shift for the Samura convoy that was about to depart from the planet.

Being one of the older transport captains with years of experience behind him, Hiroto Matsuyama was for some time captaining the experimental supertransport. Having a great responsibility on his shoulders he wasn't about to make a rookie mistake and dishonor Samura.

He felt the same about the current situation within Kusari. Certain people making rookie mistake and discarding everything that was behind them for the their selfish needs without regards for the rest of the people they would swear to protect.

While being on the Osaka Storage Facility and station crew reloading the cargo between the station and the experimental supertransport, Hiroto decided that voting for the right party will change things for the better. During the free time he went over to the voting office and voted for the ''Kusari Reformation Party'', the party that would bring old glory to the house of Kusari and put it in rightful place within Sirius.

//PS: I'll add more text to those 4 char's role play once I have more time and inspiration. For now I hope that's enough.

RE: Kusari Parliamentary Elections - Autumn 821 A.S. - farmerman - 10-22-2014

Ichiro Takahashi took a deep breath of the sea air as he approached the designated voting place along the northern edge of the Ishizuki Plateau, home to the newest Samura installations on the planet. He hobbled into the building on his cane, for once not complaining about the pavement or floor (which nonetheless were far better in his day). At his side was Takao Hiyashi, a young Samura pilot who hoped to follow in Ichiro's corporate footsteps, but for now just followed in his literal footprints.

"Takao!" Ichiro said, "Did I ever tell you about Planet Junyo back when I was your age?"

"Yes, sir," Takao answered, "many times. Many many times."

"These new buildings are still pretty nice though," he said, "almost as good as yesteryear's. It helped that I told the builders to study the architecture of the olden days, I'm sure."

As the two waited their respective turns behind a mass of orange jumpsuits, Takao asked, "Do you think we need the Emperor back, sir?"

Ichiro rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Not entirely sure, this last one was too young and brash. Maybe a new one, who has some life experience, hai? I am hoping the Kusari Reformation Party will find us a better one. I hear there are still plenty of potential candidates with the right genetics out there."

"What do you think of that Ame Party?" Takao asked. Ichiro just hit him with his cane in response. At that point it was time for them to vote, and each walked up to their respective booths to cast their vote.

Ichiro Takahashi thus voted for the Kusari Reformation Party, while thinking about how local elections were a lot better in the old days.

Takao Hiyashi, on the other hand, decided to cast his vote for the SUPERIOR AMEPARTY!!!, in hopes that Tohoku would be reclaimed for Kusari and more bakas would be killed. He didn't plan to tell Ichiro though.

* * *

Meanwhile, Hitoshi Fujiyama was hard at work on Shinjuku Station. Being the Director of Business Administration, he always had a lot to do. As such, he voted quickly via neuralnet, casting a vote for the Kusari Reformation Party.

* * *

It was dim on Planet Kurile, as it always was given that it was located within a wisp of the Edge Nebula. Kiyoshi Sato headed toward the polling place on the platform in which he was currently staying. Normally he would ship Kurile's Alien Organisms back to Kusari, but he and his crew had the week off. He surely liked that and wanted to get this voting out of the way early.

Dismayed that the Kusari Integrity Party had once again failed to raise enough support to make a Parliament run, he decided to cast a vote for the Kusari Reformation Party.

RE: Kusari Parliamentary Elections - Autumn 821 A.S. - Mirdynn - 10-22-2014

Konnichiwa my name is Aiko Yashida, i'm the CEO of the Yashida Holding.

I went to the election office with my whole familiy exept for my daughter who had to solve some problems on planet kyushu.

The weeks before the election i prepared well on who i'd like to vote. As i voted last time for those i'd better like to see dead. I voted for a gouvernment i rather hated.

In those weeks i did allot of research on the different political parties in Kusari.

Democratic Party of Kusari:

These were certainly not those on who i would vote! Did not like the republicans in my childhood as well.

Kusari Reformation Party

This one was a doubt case. I don't get the idea of people like the old ways while new ones can open new technologies or even a better life. I do am a big fan of the imprial idea.


Ok what the hell is this even, this does not even fit within the politics. I would even consider taking him to a special institution.

People's Party of Kusari
-People's Republic

Hell no! All the money i worked that hard for would go to those who do not work! Ok communism is a good system but it does not work in the current state of social crises.

New-Kusari Alliance

This seems alright. They're democratic and even nationalist! I love this! The idea of nationlising sigma's. This could give Kusari ultimate power. Then they can decide by themself who get's H-Fuel and who not, or even rice the prices and earn so much that the Republic can just buy the rest of sirius.

As i did so much research i was certain on who i had to vote! I voted for the nationalists: N-KA

RE: Kusari Parliamentary Elections - Autumn 821 A.S. - Stuffz - 10-25-2014

Ishikawa Hideaki, currently rear-admiral of the Kusari Naval Forces, stepped into the election office on another rainy day on New Tokyo. It felt like only a month ago that the last election had been held, even though the next one was actually long overdue.
So much has happened since then and yet it seems like the government has done so little.
Had he been wrong with placing his trust into that particular party? He was not sure. However, looking at all the other options on the ballot, there really was nothing else to vote for.

And so Ishikawa again put his vote towards the Democratic Party of Kusari.
With the hope to have made the right choice he walked out into the rain again.


Kawamura Amaya, officer of the Naval Forces, was her usual cheerful self when she entered the election office on New Tokyo. She gave the rear admiral a smile as he walked out, but he seemed too lost in his thoughts to notice.
She shrugged and proceeded to the voting cabin. Since the Sunrise party would not participate in this election she had trouble finding the right party to vote for.

For a moment she considered just drawing a big smiley face onto the ballot. But in the end she decided otherwise and casted her vote for the Democratic Party of Kusari. They had done an alright job of governing the house for the last period, it would probably be alright if they get another turn.

And with that she left the election office again, thinking about the more important parts of life. Like the party she was attending that night.

RE: Kusari Parliamentary Elections - Autumn 821 A.S. - The Republic of Kusari - 10-27-2014

[Image: kuhead.png]

With the stroke of the midnight, the Autumn elections of the Kusari Parliament ended, and the voting systems closed their accesses.

In the next few days, the new Parliamentary composition will be announced.

RE: Kusari Parliamentary Elections - Autumn 821 A.S. - The Republic of Kusari - 10-28-2014

[Image: kuhead.png]

With a participation of 75% (21 out of 36 voters), the Autumn elections have given the following results:

Kusari Reformation Party - 9 - 42.9%
New-Kusari Alliance - 6 - 28.6%
Democratic Party of Kusari - 4 - 19%
People's Party of Kusari - 1 - 4.8%

Total votes counted: 21 votes
Invalid votes: 1