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End of the Liberty-Rheinland conflict - Printable Version

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RE: End of the Liberty-Rheinland conflict - Chuba - 10-22-2014

make all 4 houses attack gallia

RE: End of the Liberty-Rheinland conflict - GamerGirl - 10-22-2014

(10-22-2014, 08:30 PM)Chuba Wrote: make all 4 houses attack gallia
I am against this, because it would affect the roleplay my faction has with gallia. Not mentioning the other rheinland factions. If this decision would be made, then i believe it would be on a vote on the involved factions and their leaders. Not something like this. The admins want to give factions more perks, this is one we should be involved with.

RE: End of the Liberty-Rheinland conflict - Moberg - 10-22-2014

I believe that unless there is a major event that suddenly makes relations between Kusari and Rheinland move from friendly to unfriendly or even hostile, a war between the two aforementioned nations would not be very authentic, especially if the hostilities are initiated by Kusari. Their recently crippled fleet from the gallic arrival most likely makes them refrain from attacking a nation whose war machine is mostly unoccupied when the Liberty-Rhein war is over.
An important thing that could lead to a conflict within the Sigmas would be the H3 supply. Kruger getting open legal access to these fields would be a huge gain, albeit at the incredible risk of a second 80-year-war.

Personally, I'd love to have an Omega conflict, though.
Rheinland (mining) corporations could shift their focus towards the Omegas that are rich with raw resources. In order to accumulate even more wealth for the elite-class, the CEOs could bribe politicians and officers to push resolutions and actions that allow them to harness more fields, by force if it has to be. By creating a big messy pile that involves a huge amount of factions (Rheinland lawful, Bretonia lawful, Hessians, Corsairs, IMG and whatnot) that allows for a lot of interaction with many possible targets and a few twists (e.g. Daumann-Corsair secret stuff that's already going on), we can create a wild-west battlezone that stretches over a few systems.

RE: End of the Liberty-Rheinland conflict - An'shur - 10-22-2014

(10-22-2014, 07:50 PM)Alley Wrote: The problem here is that we don't have as many players as we used to have, and several people believe ending this war will put an end to the last active battlefield.

Number of players is product of buffer system, ruined game with exagerrated balance and in general experimenting on the community, Garrett's Thor is one of experiments. Roleplay retardation and lowering standards. Not only that the game is old. Ending the war would kill last active place, it is 100% correct.

(10-22-2014, 07:50 PM)Alley Wrote: Of course, ending this war means we'll create new battlefields, we're not going to leave Rheinland without a major one or two (or three? hue). Liberty would get its share as well.

[RHA] is dead, so good luck with that. *sadface*

(10-22-2014, 07:50 PM)Alley Wrote: Hessians expand further into Rheinland

Rape Rheinland more? This wouldn't motivate Rhainland lawful players to play the game, but ragequit instead. Did [RHA] RP's for destroying Pirna, overtaking Liepzig and almost taking Dresden? Give players chance to decide THEMSELVES. Many RM players finished playing disco for not seeing results of their battles. I know developers are the storytellers here. Predefined events? No for them. Players need chance to change something. Not just "Hessians took Dresden, RM pulled back", because I didn't see RM fleets retreating not Hessian ships all around Dresden. This wasn't players based result. It came from nowhere.

(10-22-2014, 07:50 PM)Alley Wrote: don't bother posting lore stuff.

When lore says something, it can't be changed. I would take rid of this way of thinking. Aimless pewpew means no reason to try more. As I said, players should have chance. Even indies. I am thinking about development approved ingame roleplay/pew events with NO one sided result. Afterall, this is ROLEPLAY server. So if players are RPing, they should have an outcome from it. But what is the opinion about indies? They don't even exist. Here is my main idea: Let lore dictate everything and disco will ide due to lack of players' effort. Give them chance and see the community RPing.

RE: End of the Liberty-Rheinland conflict - Strichev - 10-22-2014

(10-22-2014, 08:30 PM)Chuba Wrote: make all 4 houses attack gallia

Nonsense! Some people just don't want to have anything with Gallia. Forcing us all into it would be BS.

RE: End of the Liberty-Rheinland conflict - Highland Laddie - 10-22-2014

(10-22-2014, 08:39 PM)LordVipex Wrote: I believe that unless there is a major event that suddenly makes relations between Kusari and Rheinland move from friendly to unfriendly or even hostile, a war between the two aforementioned nations would not be very authentic, especially if the hostilities are initiated by Kusari. Their recently crippled fleet from the gallic arrival most likely makes them refrain from attacking a nation whose war machine is mostly unoccupied when the Liberty-Rhein war is over.
An important thing that could lead to a conflict within the Sigmas would be the H3 supply. Kruger getting open legal access to these fields would be a huge gain, albeit at the incredible risk of a second 80-year-war.

Personally, I'd love to have an Omega conflict, though.
Rheinland (mining) corporations could shift their focus towards the Omegas that are rich with raw resources. In order to accumulate even more wealth for the elite-class, the CEOs could bribe politicians and officers to push resolutions and actions that allow them to harness more fields, by force if it has to be. By creating a big messy pile that involves a huge amount of factions (Rheinland lawful, Bretonia lawful, Hessians, Corsairs, IMG and whatnot) and allows for a lot of interaction with many possible targets and a few twists (e.g. Daumann-Corsair secret stuff that's already going on), we can create a wild-west battlezone that stretches over a few systems.

I think both myself and Jack Henderson have been trying to push this idea for awhile. The key to getting this to happen will be either all factions (at least on the House side of things) governments will turn a blind eye to the corporate warfare and let things happen as they may. Or....the mining factions themselves have to have an understanding that they will settle this themselves and not rely on diplomacy and sanctions to enforce rules. The Wild West was WILD for a reason.

RE: End of the Liberty-Rheinland conflict - Highland Laddie - 10-22-2014

Quote:Rape Rheinland more? This wouldn't motivate Rhainland lawful players to play the game, but ragequit instead. Did [RHA] RP's for destroying Pirna, overtaking Liepzig and almost taking Dresden? Give players chance to decide THEMSELVES. Many RM players finished playing disco for not seeing results of their battles. I know developers are the storytellers here. Predefined events? No for them. Players need chance to change something. Not just "Hessians took Dresden, RM pulled back", because I didn't see RM fleets retreating not Hessian ships all around Dresden. This wasn't players based result. It came from nowhere.

Umm...Bretonia got hit harder quite a bit harder, if you wanna whine about it.

But I do agree that it'd be nice if there WERE more faction-led events to help determine some of these outcomes, or at lest corroborate on that with the Devs.

RE: End of the Liberty-Rheinland conflict - An'shur - 10-22-2014

(10-22-2014, 09:02 PM)Highland Laddie Wrote: Umm...Bretonia got hit harder quite a bit harder, if you wanna whine about it.

But I do agree that it'd be nice if there WERE more faction-led events to help determine some of these outcomes, or at lest corroborate on that with the Devs.

Did anyone RP'd for getting Tau 31, Leeds and Edinburg? Both Kusari - [KNF] and Gallia - GRN|? If not, then you should understand why I am whining about Rheinland. There should be no outcomes for no roleplay.

RE: End of the Liberty-Rheinland conflict - Highland Laddie - 10-22-2014

(10-22-2014, 09:06 PM)Anshur Wrote:
(10-22-2014, 09:02 PM)Highland Laddie Wrote: Umm...Bretonia got hit harder quite a bit harder, if you wanna whine about it.

But I do agree that it'd be nice if there WERE more faction-led events to help determine some of these outcomes, or at lest corroborate on that with the Devs.

Did anyone RP'd for getting Tau 31, Leeds and Edinburg? Both Kusari - [KNF] and Gallia - GRN|? If not, then you should understand why I am whining about Rheinland. There should be no outcomes for no roleplay.

Sometimes story can develop without 100% support from factions. That's kinda the role the Devs play. I'm not saying I like it, and I'm not saying everything the Devs do is golden and awesome, but I also learn to deal with it.

RE: End of the Liberty-Rheinland conflict - Laura C. - 10-22-2014

First and most important - this should be discussed with leaders of all Rheinland official factions. There was thread about perks for them and this is very good example of one of these perks. Otherwise they will once again feel that official status is useless.

Problem with ending war with Liberty is that it´s simply the best target. Why? Because it has biggest population, lot of navy players (I know, mainly caps, but still) so there is almost all the time somebody to fight with. And that´s problem in other houses, more or less. Despite there are some scenarios, Rheinland will very likely lose activity in all of them, because I don´t see any scenario which can create more activity (or at least same amount) as Lib-Rhein war...

If you want activity, you need opponents with steady activity. Show me any. If this war end, it´s not major problem for Liberty players. They have GRN as steady opponent. But Rheinland doesn´t have any in reach. Corsairs are only occasional one, Hessians have months of good activity but I doubt this would be enough? We are already enemies and it doesn´t work.

Who else? War with Bretonia? How is that better than war with Liberty? Attacking GMG? Same question. I can´t imagine that "Bretonia raids" or "Sigma raids" can replace current "Liberty raids".

EDIT: What I want to say here is in short: Sometimes what makes sense and is good decision inRP is bad decision ooRPly. And I worry this is the one of those. Look how Kusari ended when you removed their only house to house war. Inside enemies were not enough and currently they are the single house which lose their official military faction because players were not interested to play there. Then majority of unlawfuls died as well.