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Top 10 tips for traders - Printable Version

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Top 10 tips for traders - MrCynical - 09-19-2008

' Wrote:11. Remember this is a RolePlaying server and dying is not a very good way to play that role. After you don't pay and a pirate blows up your ship and assuming you make it to your escape pod there is nothing to stop said pirate from blowing you your escape pod out of spite. Showing a little fear and respect will go a long way toward earning the respect of both the pirate and the player.

True, but I think that point has been done to death already in warnings from admins about OOC behaviour by traders.

Top 10 tips for traders - Coin - 09-20-2008

' Wrote:11. Remember this is a RolePlaying server and dying is not a very good way to play that role.


Top 10 tips for traders - Bjorn - 09-20-2008

12. Do not fly trough Guard systems, because owner has all rights to kill you in it. We from SCRA are tired that every training we get one trader passign 52 and thinking him untouchable. Dont do it, we shoot mosty on sight.

Top 10 tips for traders - AceofSpades - 09-20-2008

Also traders, Transport turrets aren't the best ones out there! Make some RP out of it, but many turrets are as good or better (Lacking range but hitting harder).

Train Turret Level 4 is 2.0 Refire with 900 hull/450 shield damage

The alternatives:

Tizona del Cid turret (corsair).. 4.0 refire with low hull/700 shield damage

Salmanaca turret (corsair) ...... 4.0 refire with 489 hull/245 shield

Skyblast B turret (gmg)........... 8.33 refire with 220 hull/110 shield

Wyrm turret (outcast).............. 4.0 refire with 318/159 damage (better range)

Buckshot turret (bounty hunter). 4.0 refire with 390/195 damage (better range)

Adv. Debilitator (civilian)............ 4.0 refire with low/500 damage

Look, omg! A RP opportunity that will give pirates/police quite the surprise! Get out there traders, RP a bit more and along the way blow away that harassing bomber!

Top 10 tips for traders - MrCynical - 09-22-2008

' Wrote:Look, omg! A RP opportunity that will give pirates/police quite the surprise! Get out there traders, RP a bit more and along the way blow away that harassing bomber!

Speaking from personal experience, Transport Turret Lv4s are quite capable of causing a single pirate in a bomber quite enough headache to be going on with:P

Top 10 tips for traders - angrydee - 10-18-2008

Just pay

Top 10 tips for traders - Tenacity - 10-18-2008

I have one tip that covers all 10 of yours:

1. Get a smuggler ID and dont ever let the pirates see you.

oh, and @ AceofSpades - transport turrets do 1800 DPS (damage per second) to the target's hull. Salamancas (next highest) do around 1900 something - so you're gaining a little over 100 DPS to hull and 50 to shield. If you go with shieldbusters your ability to damage hull is severely diminished at the cost of draining shields faster.

Shield hitboxes are larger than hull hitboxes, so shields are easy to take down even without shieldbusters. Shieldbusters are really only beneficial to people going against capships or transports.

Now, one of the main disadvantages to using 'fighter' turrets over transport turrets - as you pointed out - is lack of range. However, there's one other large disadvantage which you overlooked or forgot to mention - fighter turrets generally have a projectile speed of something like 500-700 meters per second. Transport turrets have a projectile speed of (I think) 1400 meters per second. That means the 'shot' travels to it's target twice as fast, which makes it much easier to hit a dodging opponent as well as making it harder for them to dodge.

Sometimes a little more damage isnt always the best choice - here you're trying to get a few hundred damage per second extra, but are sacraficing accuracy and range. Any bomber pilot can easily stay 600-700 meters away from you due to higher speed and manuverability - and at that range you cannot hit them with fighter turrets, but they can easily attack you with supernova cannons or mini razors/infernos as you are a much less manuverable and much larger target.

Top 10 tips for traders - jpo - 10-18-2008

' Wrote:11. Remember this is a RolePlaying server and dying is not a very good way to play that role. After you don't pay and a pirate blows up your ship and assuming you make it to your escape pod there is nothing to stop said pirate from blowing you your escape pod out of spite. Showing a little fear and respect will go a long way toward earning the respect of both the pirate and the player.


and no pirate in his right mind would try to pirate a billionare either. the end result would be death for certain. you might pirate one copy of windows, but you sure as hell aint carjacking bill gates, period.

you have to rp around little idiosynchrocies like that on BOTH SIDES of the fence.

Top 10 tips for traders - Capt. Henry Morgan - 10-24-2008

' Wrote:Just pay

To "Just pay" isn't always in RP. I fly a Container Transport, which is capable of going toe-to-toe with just about anything short of a full capital ship. With a Mk 8 armor upgrade, I can even hold my own against a bomber for a short time. (not for long, though) I often run gate/lane parts up to the Gate Construction Site in the Taus, so heavy armor is perfectly in RP, considering I'm running Kusari caps and fighters the whole way up there.

I usually try to fight my way out of piracy, and I succeed about half the time. If I find I've overestimated my chances, I surrender and throw myself on the pirates mercy. Sometimes I get killed, sometimes I pay double. No matter what happens, though, it's in RP. The only OoRP thing I do is, should I escape or kill the pirate, pay pirates who give me good RP half their original demand.

Top 10 tips for traders - zeinstruktor - 10-25-2008

Quote:Just pay

My bomber and a Lux Liner got into a little scuffle, unluckily I had no shieldbuster equipped. Took a while and some significant damage to my hull to finally down it. Never underestimate Transport Turrets.