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Discussion: I cant seem to find any reason to continue playing after loosing... - Printable Version

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RE: Discussion: I cant seem to find any reason to continue playing after loosing... - Sciamach - 01-03-2015

Gotta agree with Spazzy here.

You broke the rules.

-Thats the truth of it; accept it.-

RE: Discussion: I cant seem to find any reason to continue playing after loosing... - Chuba - 01-03-2015


RE: Discussion: I cant seem to find any reason to continue playing after loosing... - Sylvie557 - 01-03-2015

I pretty much agree with others said, you knew you were gonna get in trouble for this just didn't think the punishment was gonna be that bad which is probably why the admins did such a severe punishment. If you want to stay you will get over it, if you don't want to though don't force yourself as it will just lead to more problems down the line. Best bet, take a few days off and then decide.

RE: Discussion: I cant seem to find any reason to continue playing after loosing... - Lythrilux - 01-03-2015

What Spazzy said. Furthermore, you were hardly humble in your sanction thread, and trying to turn it into a public discussion is not a good idea.

RE: Discussion: I cant seem to find any reason to continue playing after loosing... - Gondoros - 01-03-2015

Starting over is great...sometimes....maybe.......for a while.......freeing.......not always........nuff said.
On a serious note, some guys nailed it here. you knew what you were doing, thought you'd get a slap maybe, outcome wars harsher ( wayyy harsher) and now you're pissed. You can always start over, which can be indeed quite freeing in some ways. Good luck to you.

RE: Discussion: I cant seem to find any reason to continue playing after loosing... - Mímir - 01-03-2015

Starting over is the most fun, for me anyways.

You get to experience the game from new angles, and if you can settle with a snub you can get a fully outfitted AU8 VHF in one day by doing random escort jobs for noobs, stealing ammo in conn (where people are also often kind enough to donate towards your AU8 after pews), light piracy and so on.

It's when you start over from scratch without any help, contacts or commitments that you realize the fun potential Discovery has as a multiplayer game with random people from all walks of life. That is especially true when you start over in a snub, where you have to rely on roleplay, cooperation (and theft) to earn credits.

Have fun!

RE: Discussion: I cant seem to find any reason to continue playing after loosing... - St.Denis - 01-03-2015

From what I gather this isn't the first Sanction you have received. Your last one was also, I believe, for a major infraction of the Rules.

You have been a Member of this Community long enough to know what is expected of its Players. The Admins allow people to come back after being banned and I would suggest that they expect those people to learn their lesson and behave. I am sure that they will be tolerant, of those people, if they commit minor infractions but somebody who then commits a major infraction, again, should expect a harder slap. In this case it appears that is what they have done.

In your posts on this subject and also in the Shoutbox you never seemed to show any remorse. Did you expect the Admins to actually show any leniency seeing as you appeared to not be sorry?

A mature person would accept his punishment, pick himself up and endeavour to learn from his mistakes and improve.

I believe that you have other ships of which some are Capital Ships. If this indeed the case you aren't as destitute as you are suggesting.

This Thread is probably aimed at the Community to gauge their 'feelings' about you and whether they want you back. I believe people can change and if you can play this Game in a 'good spirit' then please carry on and become a better player in this Community.

At the end of the day it is a decision that you will have to make. Don't make it in haste, take a few days to mull it over. What ever decision you make, Good Luck.

RE: Discussion: I cant seem to find any reason to continue playing after loosing... - Cashew - 01-03-2015

Apply for trading factions, some of them can provide you with a ship.

RP as different factions than what you did before, then it won't seem so much of a pain.

Job done.

RE: Discussion: I cant seem to find any reason to continue playing after loosing... - Black Widow - 01-03-2015

community opinion on the whole thing accepted, I dont know what I will do now. But I have to take this beating as I deserved. Full loss of ships for being a little pr!ck. Sorry to all that I hurt in this mess including the base owner....

But people need to realise I am not a malicious player nor do I mean harm to anyone on the server, the server itself or the happy equilibrium everyone enjoys here. I only mean well

RE: Discussion: I cant seem to find any reason to continue playing after loosing... - Wesker - 01-03-2015

(01-03-2015, 05:57 AM)Black Widow Wrote: all my most important ships:, ships that took me 6 months to build inRP and work?

What do I do, do I leave now I have lost everything or do I stay ? If I stay I cant seem to find the motivation to regain what I have lost so what do I do ??

Looking for some advice on this not on the reason I lost my ships but why I should stay, is it really worth putting in another 6 months of effort to get back what I have lost?

I read that Black Widow and I'm going to support you if it took you that long and you did that much for the community, its ridiculous that guy would double cross you. And permanent banning you for metagaming to kill a backstabber is unjust in my opinion. If you need credits I can help. - HMS-ENTERPRISE