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Urgent Message to Tinker's Haven - Printable Version

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RE: Urgent Message to Tinker's Haven - Price_ - 01-23-2015

**Incoming Transmission**
Location: Unknown
Identification: Isaac Shaw

[Image: EEKW0Nz.jpg?1]

Holy cow guys, we got hella lucky here we just drifted close enough to Sparta Station that they were able to pull us in.

But these guys ain't got anything for us here, they are clearly not fitted to handle this mess.

I'd send more information but we're still trying to asses everything here, just send it all to Sparta.
Hopefully I can get some of this stuff at least thinking about working again.

RE: Urgent Message to Tinker's Haven - FynnMcScrap - 01-23-2015

<<< source : T&T/Ambulance_1 >>>

Copy that, La_Amistad.
Incoming, EtA about 15 minutes.

We have enough supplies to ceep you safe till the convoy reaches you,
but we are full up to the brim with stuff, so we will have to unload quickly.

Both Paramedic Officers are getting ready, thanks for the signal.

RE: Urgent Message to Tinker's Haven - Price_ - 01-27-2015

**Incoming Transmission**
Location: Freeport-15
Identification: Isaac Shaw

[Image: EEKW0Nz.jpg?1]

Holy cow guys.

I want to personally thank each and every one of you.
The repair crews have made it out here, and towed me down to Freeport-15.
Life support is completely stable now and the engines seem to be nearing complete functionality again,
our weapon systems are slowly beginning to come back online,
it looks like we will be able to leave in a day or two.

I'm till not entirely sure what that thing in Bay 10 is but the Zoners here seem to think I should contact the Order...
I don't know when I will be able to return to Liberty.
From talking with some of the Zoners out here it seems it was the Nomads that are to blame for the attack,
which worries me because that means this artifact is likely Nomad as well...

Again I want to think you for all of the support you were able to bring me,
and I promise, once I think it is safe to return to Liberty I will buy a round for the entire Haven.

I will keep you updated as to my status when I can,
but I don't want you guys getting dragged into whatever it is I've found.

RE: Urgent Message to Tinker's Haven - FynnMcScrap - 01-27-2015

Fynn here, good to hear that all went well, Isaac.

Well, you are a customer. So don´t wonder and still think nicely about us when the bill has been calculated and reaches you. *laughs*

Don´t worry, we will keep silent about that thing, even if Im curious as well.
But we definitively have no intent on or interest in crossing the Order. No sense in getting fanatics interested in your cargo, eh ?

I have another tip for you : even if it´s not the Order or TAZ, there is somebody who might have an Interest in the thing or at least be able to tell you more about it.
And with one of his ships near, serving as a mobile hospital for the Paramedics we sent you there is an easy way to contact him without raising flags everywhere :
Why not contact Doc Holliday from Med Force Enterprises ? He´s an Expert on that stuff as far as I know.

Till then : Im calling the TugBoat back, we need her here. But the repair ship is still there, and so is the Ambulance. If you need any supplies call us, and we will pack a Serenity and deliver.

Safe travels, to you and your crew.

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