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Sabre - Printable Version

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Sabre - Teaboy - 07-05-2006

its nicer to have all people on one server all the time though.

Sabre - msmith619 - 07-05-2006

Quote:MAJOR UPDATE: I need your help... Since this will be a discovery based TC, I need sugestions, from you, the discovery players. It will help alot...

Well, if it is suggestions you want, I suggets going to:
Discovery 4.80 features, bugs & suggestions
under Discovery Mod Discussion forums. There are 14 pages of suggestions.

Sabre - Vo - 07-05-2006

Teaboy,Jul 5 2006, 04:35 PM Wrote:its nicer to have all people on one server all the time though.

OOOKAY, teaboy... lets leave this topic alone, I'll make the mod, submit it on my own forums, and it will be totally different players.

Update/revamp: Okay, due to minor errors, I will be scraping the sabre mod, or should I say, it scraped itself.... I will instead be making a star wars themed mod. (Eat your heart out Ms. Jade)I would still appreciate your suggestions.

Sabre - Fire_Tzunami - 07-24-2006

Here's something cool, just get the mod from lancer's reactor. I think it was called Eagle skin mode (one of them) there are some that make it..... ell one makes it in green with $ signs on it, one makes it in black&red, and it looks pretty d*mn cool.