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Battleship Scanners, 250 Mil for 4k of extra cargo range - Printable Version

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RE: Battleship Scanners, 250 Mil for 4k of extra cargo range - Lythrilux - 02-14-2015

I feel shipcompat made this scanner useless. Remove shipcompat.

RE: Battleship Scanners, 250 Mil for 4k of extra cargo range - Fluffyball - 02-14-2015

The most overpriced trinket in the Disco universe. Yay.

RE: Battleship Scanners, 250 Mil for 4k of extra cargo range - Stoner_Steve - 02-14-2015

(02-14-2015, 12:50 AM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: The stats now are a little lulzy for a prcie that that is... enormously higher than the standard equipment.

However, the experiments have proven that giving the BS scanner a significant advantage in scanning distance was used by traders to circumvent interaction with pirates. And that is detrimental for the game.

It would not feel like soooo overpriced, if it at least had +1k distance, or even +2. For the large transports it makes no difference, as they turn so slowly, and caps would have that little moment when the enemy snubs cannot yet see it.

(02-14-2015, 12:58 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: I feel shipcompat made this scanner useless. Remove shipcompat.

(02-14-2015, 12:32 AM)Hidamari Wrote: anything that isnt a combat capital ship of cruiser class and up should get 0% core recharge for mounting one.

and then it should get its stats back to how they were before.

Personally I do agree that transports shouldn't be allowed/able to mount battleship scanners, for what ever reason you choose (avoiding interaction, realism, etc). That being said I believe that's one of those "its not going to change don't get your hopes up" type deals.

I believe Jacks layout is most reasonable. Again, personally I paid for an expensive scanner because it was best on the market, and now its a fancy cargo scanner, some sort of bonus should be allowed given its vast expense, otherwise I would like to see the price brought down within the closer to the price of the other scanners given how similar the battleship scanner is to them.

RE: Battleship Scanners, 250 Mil for 4k of extra cargo range - Binski - 02-14-2015

(02-14-2015, 01:18 AM)Captain_Nemo Wrote: Personally I do agree that transports shouldn't be allowed/able to mount battleship scanners, for what ever reason you choose (avoiding interaction, realism, etc). That being said I believe that's one of those "its not going to change don't get your hopes up" type deals.

I believe Jacks layout is most reasonable. Again, personally I paid for an expensive scanner because it was best on the market, and now its a fancy cargo scanner, some sort of bonus should be allowed given its vast expense, otherwise I would like to see the price brought down within the closer to the price of the other scanners given how similar the battleship scanner is to them.

Yeah but with all due respect, even when range was 25k, and no nerf, it was a viable goal for anyone to make the money and use one, and having one made you equal to anyone else using one for whatever advantage, be it avoiding pirates, or in my case, as the pirate, seeking traders. It never ruined my experience to go up against a trader or GB with one, as I used one myself and evened the odds. I think its a little harsh to say they shouldn't go on anything but battleships or battlecruisers etc. Besides, most people that feel that way really got their wish, there is no major advantage to the BS scanner, except +3k cargo range or whatever. Not very ground breaking for 250 million, which is enough to buy a cruiser. So now no one can avoid anyone or find anyone in just an equal a manner, yay! Honestly everyone complaining one way or the other, I'm still in favor of people dealing in game, inrp, than supporting nerfs to take away their enemy's advantage, claiming it ruined RP or was bad for the server. Not everyone sees it that way, and I haven't met anyone so far that has come to me complaining they left the server because they got detected further out and got ambushed. Anyone complaining they'd leave because other people were using the longer range is just trying to oorp'ly solve their own problem. If the infocard had been worded slightly different, those pirates or traders would have just saved to buy them too, and all wind up in the same situation we are in now. Except now we're all 15k vs 15k (max), instead of 25k vs 25k. There was a time you could get a 9k advantage over someone using a deep scanner with the BS scanner, good for finding traders, smugglers, pirates, as much as avoiding them. Face up to the fact people don't try to solve the problem in game, because its easier to complain to the admins.

RE: Battleship Scanners, 250 Mil for 4k of extra cargo range - NoMe - 02-14-2015

250 millions, i would like to have a decent scaner! a sort of thing who allow me to show my ennemys.

*tested* differents scans

ok for bs scan with 25km range cargo range 8 km or 10

RE: Battleship Scanners, 250 Mil for 4k of extra cargo range - Crossroads - 02-14-2015

Refund those who bought the scanner before the nerf.

RE: Battleship Scanners, 250 Mil for 4k of extra cargo range - Haste - 02-14-2015

Battleship Scanners are luxury items. They're not supposed to be even remotely decent value-for-money. It's somewhat interesting to see people moan about these things so much, considering BS scanners used to have no advantages over any other scanner in the game at all - for years. People still bought them.

RE: Battleship Scanners, 250 Mil for 4k of extra cargo range - Outro - 02-14-2015

Apart from being able to scan cargo and armor from 6k I don't see much sense in using Battleship Scanner. You can always check equipment of your enemy from 9.8k by switching subtargets. I do it all the time.

RE: Battleship Scanners, 250 Mil for 4k of extra cargo range - Thyrzul - 02-14-2015

(02-14-2015, 01:08 AM)Toris James Gray Wrote: The most overpriced trinket in the Disco universe. Yay.

You still need to learn a lot, young Padawan. You haven't met the Shukensha yet, have you?