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The Archangels Fighter Club |ABOUT US| {AFC}- |NEW! Races and Runs #19 - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Unofficial Factions and Groups (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=67) +--- Thread: The Archangels Fighter Club |ABOUT US| {AFC}- |NEW! Races and Runs #19 (/showthread.php?tid=126221) |
RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |ABOUT US| {AFC}- |NEW! Reputation Adjustments Update #10 - The Archangels Fighter Club - 05-08-2016 Hellhounds lore added: http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=136947&pid=1752271#pid1752271 RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |ABOUT US| {AFC}- |NEW! Hellhounds [1] Update #11 - The Archangels Fighter Club - 05-10-2016 ![]() Nox is a highly potent drug that originates from Planet Marseille and is illegal to trade within Gallia. "Nox" translates from Latin as "darkness" or "night", and since precise chemical designation of the substance is impossible, this name is used both officially and unofficially across Gallia. Bacteria known to be the only source of this substance are symbiotic to several relatively rare echinoderm species present in the oceans of Marseille. The bacteria are extracted from their hosts, cryogenically frozen and shipped to drug laboratories, from where the pure Nox is shipped to dealers. The bacteria do not reproduce without their host, and Nox itself cannot be synthesized chemically, being a complex combination of flunitrazepam, psilocybin and over a dozen organic components not used in chemistry or medicine. The effect of the drug also cannot be reproduced by any known drug, making Nox the highest-rated drug substance in Gallia (before the introduction of cardamine). Nox has initial time-slowing and sedative effect, shortly followed by increase of brain activity and hallucinations while the consumer's body is relaxed. In some time, the hallucinations are followed by very deep, nearly lethargic sleep lasting for 12-16 hours, after which the consumer experiences short-term amnesia. While physical dependency caused by Nox is relatively light, psychological dependency develops quickly and is very difficult to recover from. No currently accepted medical use of Nox exists, and experiments on humans that involve Nox were banned throughout Gallia over 50 years ago. [Link] With the drug war against cardamine’s orange dream raging between the Archangels and the Outcasts, nox has been claimed by The Club as the counter drug to challenge the black markets of Sirius. As a worthy contender, the drug has been adopted by The Club to undermine that Outcast’s orange monopoly and make a dent in their profits. With nox being the drug of choice in Archangel territory, The Club would have a raise in profits and funds which would advance club influence into the black market as well as towards other factions. The Club would be able to expand and have their own interests more easily realized. Weakened drug control of the Outcasts would mean larger drug profits, a rise in the exotic entertainer business, a weakened control of outcast and their allies’ hold on contested territory, and a slower transportation of slaves to the omicrons where the IMG as allies face the outcast threat. Nox is not used by the Archangels as only a commodity to barter with and influence the economic and political balance of the black market. The Club additionally takes an active recreational participation towards the drug; using it as a party drug in clubs and events as well as using it on the road in sticky situations requiring an extra limited but much needed boost. The drug may be found in club bars and nightclubs and depending on the local laws, the ease of getting the drug may be very simple or difficult. In areas where the drug is unlawful, precautions are taken to ensure the person who is asking for the usage of the drug isn't connected to the law. In these parties the drug may be taken in a separate room, off in a side booth, or in group-trips. When taking the drug, the users would need to think prior to the long sleep that will hit them, though it is not unusual to have someone on the dance floor collapse into a deep sleep. Outside of parties, the drug may be taken by an Archangels pilot either recreationally as a special relaxing ‘trip’ off into space or more likely in emergency situations. While riding, pilots might be already taking synthetic marijuana and have a buzz. In the event that the pilot would be in trouble and have several unmatched bogies on his six, the pilot could have the option of taking a stab of nox into his bloodstream to help him pilot back to save haven. In about 5 minutes the nox would start taking it’s effect and with the already evident buzz from the synthetic marijuana, the experience to the drugs amplify. Time slows down with the pilot and they are able to make faster reactions as everything around them seems to go slower and their brain runs faster. The pilot might though experience hallucinations though the whole experience would last in general from 20-30 minutes depending on how well their body can maintain running at a faster pace. After this, the body shuts down and the pilot would go unconscious either in a docking bay of a base or inside an escape pod. The Archangels do not produce their own Nox but import it from Gallia. Relations with the Union Corse were developed after first contacts with the Corse were made in the Taus. Gradually, The Club having been using synthetic marijuana befor nox, had heard rumors of a drug that is several times more powerful in effects and had been able through rumors and later good relations with the corse given access to the drug trade. The Archangels now keep ties with the Corse and aid in pushing the nox forwards into the houses of sirius. The main customers of nox that the AFC deals with are in Rheinland. As Rheinland has legalised the drug, Archangels usually do trips to Rheinland with large shipments of the drug for sales. The Club however are trying to expand into other houses and open dealership on other planets. RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |ABOUT US| {AFC}- |NEW! Nox Lore Update #12 - The Archangels Fighter Club - 05-10-2016 [img float=left]http://discoverygc.com/wiki/images/archive/4/48/20090728204454!Marijuana.jpg[/img][img float=left]http://discoverygc.com/wiki/images/archive/4/48/20121106040437!Marijuana.jpg[/img] Mary Jane - Synthetic Marijuana - AFC Lore Unfortunately, Alliance sleeper ships did not contain a single seed of [marijuana. However, in 312 AS a previously unknown pharmaceutist and drug dealer Max Cryer from New Berlin, Rheinland created a new drug from a combination of local plants and synthetic components. The effect of the new drug resembled the effect of an ancient drug found on Earth before the exodus and known only from old books and encyclopedias. Therefore pills of new drug were called "synthetic marijuana". Cryer succeeded in forming secret agreements with leading pharmaceutical companies, and marijuana powder was added to many medicines in small dozes. This resulted in 400-600% sells increase for many medicines during only two years. At the same time, Cryer started to distribute the marijuana pills as an ordinary drug. Rheinland police soon found out the origin of new drug and put a stop to its mass production. They even caught Cryer, but at court were unable to prove his guilt. In 330 AS, 10 years after trial, Max Cryer used billions he earned on drug trade to found a new phamaceutical company in Liberty, known as Cryer Pharmaceuticals. Since then, synthetic marijuana became expensive and difficult to find, but it is known for sure that its production continues on some remote places away from House borders. [Link] From the early days of the Archangels, the members have been out riding their light fighters and smoking/taking synthetic marijuana. Out on long runs through house or outer systems, the buzz from the drug would keep moral high, relaxing vibes, and keep the members longer awake to party and go wild. Taken with drinks as well, these riders would be flying intoxicated and enjoying themselves dangerously out in space while enjoying the amazing views. As the drug comes in pill form, they would take it with a swallow of booze, or open the pill from its capsule and roll up the powder inside to smoke. in clubs and bars, it is not uncommon to find it smoked in bongs. There have also been other methods in parties to sniff the drug. ‘Mary Jane’ is the most common drug in the Archangels and is used as a party drug. It keeps the pilots focused on thing or helps them relax and forget about the pressures and drama in life. The mind wanders free and fast and sometimes even travel into other ‘dimensions’ as the member goes on a ‘trip’. This widespread recreational drug can be found in clubs and bars for various entertainment purposes and has been ingrained into the culture and lifestyle of The Club. Obtaining the drug had not been easy from the beginning as there is no simple way to get the drug for recreational purposes from Cryer Pharmaceuticals. Gradually, the club has gotten 2nd hand access from different drug dealers that do regular deals in the drug market; varying from Zoners, Junkers, other Freelancers, and even Corsairs. The Archangels pay a nice buck for the drug delivered in bulk and have also continued the distribution of the drug further with their resources in private clients, bars, and clubs that the club controls. In Rheinland the Archangels are publically open in the recreational use of the drug as it is legal in the house. Outside, however, the club takes precautions in hiding the use of it though it is not rare that a pilot would be pulled over by a police officer in space and given a fine for illegal drug consumption. RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |ABOUT US| {AFC}- |NEW! Nox and Weed Lore Update #12 + 13 - The Archangels Fighter Club - 05-10-2016 ![]() The Deadly Trinity
Synthetic Marijuana - Nox - Exotic Entertainers
The Deadly Trinity is a slang phrase used by the club in relation to the three entertainment rings that the club has a hold of. The term is also used in referencing to when a party has more ‘members’ of the trinity are present it would get wilder. One element of the trinity would make the party less wild in comparison to all elements present. This may be also seen in a macro scale as well when someone is intoxicated. The Deadly Trinity in full is famously found at The Black Cherry; The Archangel’s Nightclub on Blackport 66. There the party is known to run wild and non-stop as the partiers get exposed to all ‘members’ of The Trinity. Other places may also house all elements including the traveling AFC party ships. RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |ABOUT US| {AFC}- |NEW! The Deadly Trinity Update #14 - The Archangels Fighter Club - 05-16-2016 ![]() The Colors and Recruitment to the Club "Colors" : the top rocker, middle logo, and bottom rocker placed on the back of the jacket of a club member. Top Rocker: Representing the name of the club. Middle logo: Colours; Club insignia/icon Bottom Rocker: Chapter/Territory that the member belongs to. FC: Fighter Club When applying to be a member of the club, the individual applies for a virgin application. He/she may or may not be a hangaround (but it helps). After applying, a background check is done and if satisfied the person is then placed as a prospect. When being a prospect, you carry the starting colours [V] of the club (jacket with top rocker) and are to club members viewed as belonging to the club or ‘club property’. In the initial ‘hazing’ trials, the virgin does tasks and small jobs for the club and higher ranked members. They are through their services proving themselves to be dedicated to the club.This process may be like hell for prospects but in doing so, one learns the culture of the group and it strengthens the brotherly connection. This process also weeds out the people who are not willing enough to join the club and quickly give up. In a sense it toughens the future-to-be member. While flying in space, a prospect is not permitted to have armor equipped and have low level guns; relying only on agility and skill as a pilot to survive. After a time of 2 hours in space, the prospect, after completing and surviving the process is then given membership status and given his/her colors. (while before he/she has only the bottom rocker of the chapter, he/she then gets the top and middle badge which are the name of the club and the logo in the center). Having endured so much for the colors, members live for them and often would choose to die defending them and their brothers. Once a member there is no turning back. Your in, and you can't leave after that. You're a brother. One is ranked Virgin until he/she fully equips his/her Arrow with top quality gear (ex. Cheetah Thruster, Armor, Guns, Lights, etc.) It is also possible for a member to pass this whole process to become a member of the Archangels. In race events organised by The Archangels the leader may accept or offer memberships if he is impressed by the skill of the independent racer. [For Recruitment and in depth process, click here] RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |ABOUT US| {AFC}- |NEW! Colours and Recruitment Updat #15 - The Archangels Fighter Club - 05-16-2016 Leadership and Hierarchy ![]() In the Archangels, ranks and hierarchy are not to allow used for advanced members to have better ships, but rather to showcase the person’s skill among the club members. The club therefore is competitive in nature and tries to best the others that are above. If a member has excelled in the ranks and has completed 2/3 branches of the hierarchy tree, he/she is then able to contest for becoming leader of their chapter. Leading the club is the president who controls each chapter by directing their leaders. The vice president is directly underneath him and helps the president in organising/helping. The leaders of a chapter are known as Chapter officials which may have up to 9 members under his/her wing. They are the best and most skilled and experienced members of the club and can be challenged for their position. A road captain is awarded after getting 2/3 branches completed (Fighter, Racer, Smuggler). A road captain may then challenge their chapter official for their position. The perks of being a Chapter official are the following: - Have a strong voice in chapter decisions and diplomacy. - Lead the members under the same chapter and give them special tasks to do for the chapter’s benefit. - May organize AFC events (including chapter vs chapter events) - May announce a mandatory run for their chapter. - May fly a gunboat. - May organize their own chapter’s shared ships and have their own AFC chapter bank. Obligations of Chapter Officials are: - Understand completely the full background of the AFC and their chapter’s place in the club. - Maintain and lead their chapter with good, positive activity. - Maintain good relations with allies in the Chapter’s ZOI and take care of business where needed. How to rank: 1 - Collecting Badges. 2 - Betting someone for their rank that is one higher than their own. 3 - Event rewards. RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |ABOUT US| {AFC}- |NEW! Colours + Ranks Update #15 + 16 - The Archangels Fighter Club - 07-21-2016 =Updated Blood Dragons back to previous diplo status= RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |ABOUT US| {AFC}- |NEW! Colours + Ranks Update #15 + 16 - The Archangels Fighter Club - 08-18-2016 =Junker Congress rep changed to unfriendly dockable due to recent RP= RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |ABOUT US| {AFC}- |NEW! Culture Update! #17 - The Archangels Fighter Club - 09-02-2016 Updated Culture of AFC Old below RE: The Archangels Fighter Club |ABOUT US| {AFC}- |NEW! Culture Update! #17 - The Archangels Fighter Club - 09-03-2016 Edited Badges, generic, and 1%er info Old stuff below |