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Shouldnt synthetic marijuana in Discovery be legalised by now? - Printable Version

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Shouldnt synthetic marijuana in Discovery be legalised by now? - ScornStar - 10-03-2008

' Wrote:I think synthetic marijuana is still treated as contraband by layer police in Discovery...?

Maybe it shouldnt -- because marijuana will soon be legalised because everyone realises its quite harmless and quite medicinal.

It is in fact less toxic and addictive than alcohol and smoking. The only reason alcohol is still legal is because of the alcohol lobby keeping out marijuana as a competitot product.

What do you think?
(I was just tryign to make the case for marijuana though i have noreal desire to try it.)

Some things are illegal only be cause the government can make more money but enforceing laws that go along with it being illegal.

Shouldnt synthetic marijuana in Discovery be legalised by now? - Snapp - 10-03-2008

Quote:Some things are illegal only be cause the government can make more money by enforceing laws that go along with it being illegal.

Laws need to be Enforced. --> Enforcement needs to be Funded. --> Funding comes from Taxes.

Quote:America did illegalize booze in 1919 with the 'Volstead act' & ended up being one of the biggest mistakes America ever made...all it really did was make a gigantic class of criminals out of normally law-abiding people literally overnight. (not to mention creating the type of black market that made Al Capone famous.) After about 13 years, the gov't was finally forced by intense opposition by most Americans to pass the 'Blaine act' that finally rendered the 'Volstead act' unconstitutional.

They have effectively done the exact same thing with maryjane. Only they will NEVER legalize weed unless the "people" stand up and demand it by marching to the capitol by the tens of thousands. And anyone who's ever smoked it knows: forget about the capitol, when your high you dont wanna march to the the dang kitchen unless theres something sweet or something to eat in it. Which is why i think they made it illegal, they knew the people would never accually "DO" anything about it.

They did it with alchohol and it got them riots in the streets.
They did it to maryjane and nothing happened, cept thier budget got bigger.

Nowdays it has nothing to do with anything but MONEY/TAXES and control.

They legalized booze and cigarettes so they can tax them. (its no coincidence they go well together)

They make weed illegal because its "high" goes against everything that perpetuates the money machine known as our economy.

If your smoking weed:
you DONT wanna fight, cause trouble, beat your wife, or abuse your kids and end up in jail giving them a reason to ask for more prison funding.
you DONT wanna go get a loan you can never repay to buy a house or car you dont really need causing the current financial crisis.
you DONT wanna drink or goto bars or public events and smoke cigs like a freight train sending them more money from all the various taxes.
you DONT wanna drive and buy gas and kill people cuz your drunk ass tried to drive when you KNOW you shouldnt which creates tax funded programs.

If your smoking weed you DONT wanna do anything but sit at home, mind your own buisness and "not" contribute to the inward and stedily growing flow of money. All of which is "bad" to a country that is fueled by gas guzzlers, alchohol, greed, and taxes.

my 2 cents

Shouldnt synthetic marijuana in Discovery be legalised by now? - Marburg - 10-03-2008

' Wrote:They have effectively done the exact same thing with maryjane.
Just a minor sticking point: The effect of criminalizing booze & weed is the same, you create 'criminals' out of thin air, so I agree with ya that far.

Illegalizing alcohol took a constitutional amendment, but illegalizing weed was done in a much more sinister way:

'The Marijuana Tax Act' of 1937 was rammed through congress using Anslingers devil weed propaganda, & it outlawed pot on the federal level.

In a nutshell it worked like this: In order to legally posess, transport or sell marijuana, you had to purchase tax stamps from the federal gov' long as you did that, you were pefectly legit.

Problem was, that the feds never allowed the tax stamps to be distributed, & thereby forced all weed to be illegal no matter how conciencious a weed smoker tried to be.

One of the many conditions to recieving a stamp was to bring it with you, but people learned real quick not to do that, after a large number of other people were arrested for possesing pot without a stamp.

Shouldnt synthetic marijuana in Discovery be legalised by now? - centauri5pirate - 10-03-2008



Rather strange, me saying this. I used to be a heavy smoker, but now it's a rarity. But I do drink like a fish. Almost every day. Probably 'cause it's legal and pot isn't and I'm too old to risk getting locked in a cage.

BUT.... if it was legal, you could bet your a$$ I'd be getting a pack of Panama Reds with my 30 pack of Bud Light at the store every other day. :cool:

Shouldnt synthetic marijuana in Discovery be legalised by now? - pchwang - 10-03-2008


Beer is the living proof that God loves us and cares for us.

- Benjamin Franklin, one of America's Founding Fathers.

Shouldnt synthetic marijuana in Discovery be legalised by now? - bluntpencil2001 - 10-04-2008

God made malaria too, apparently. Doesn't really endear him to me.

I will give my old opinion on booze and marijuana.

Booze is like pot, but for grown ups.

Shouldnt synthetic marijuana in Discovery be legalised by now? - Jacob S. - 10-04-2008

Legalize it in California, its all potheads there anyways. (If it is legalized there I will create a constantly high hippy character)

Shouldnt synthetic marijuana in Discovery be legalised by now? - Marburg - 10-04-2008

Accually, considering the current advancement of genetic science, & the advances that Sirius would make in that area up to the current timeline...what would one (if one were so inclined) have to do to plausably introduce 'terran-style' mj into the Sirius economy?

Synth pot is fine for what it is, but why not have a group of Cambridge botanical brainiacs rebuild the plant from the DNA up?

I assume the idea has been pitched before & shot down, but I've never seen it in a thread.

Seems simple enough to have some book smart scientists (who just may be looking to get rich on the side) build a canabanoid & splice it into some plant that can be easily grown in multiple types of environments in multiple systems.

These bookworms might even know some people who know some people that know a group of other people a couple of systems away that, (with their charming mix of hippy optimisim & biker gang pragmatisim) could help the brainiacs with distribution & muscle

...Just thinking out loud:mellow:

Shouldnt synthetic marijuana in Discovery be legalised by now? - JakeSG - 10-04-2008

' Wrote:I think synthetic marijuana is still treated as contraband by layer police in Discovery...?

Maybe it shouldnt -- because marijuana will soon be legalised because everyone realises its quite harmless and quite medicinal.

It is in fact less toxic and addictive than alcohol and smoking. The only reason alcohol is still legal is because of the alcohol lobby keeping out marijuana as a competitot product.

What do you think?
(I was just tryign to make the case for marijuana though i have noreal desire to try it.)

You'll find that in the real world, Cannabis has over four times more tar than cigarettes, and that the halucinogenic effects have a habit of causing some rather bad mishaps. So say goodbye to your lungs.

Shouldnt synthetic marijuana in Discovery be legalised by now? - Marburg - 10-04-2008

' Wrote:You'll find that in the real world, Cannabis has over four times more tar than cigarettes, and that the halucinogenic effects have a habit of causing some rather bad mishaps. So say goodbye to your lungs.
I'll give you the thing about alot of tar, but A) tar is not addictive & B) THC is not a halucinogen
The danger of smoking stands no matter if you smoke cigaretts, pot, or the fibers of a berber rug.

Try again:P

::edit- & by the way, I know a person might be tempted to say "but, but, they classify it as a mild psychoactive!" But 'they' also classify it as a 'Schedule 1 drug' that puts it in the same class as PCP, heroin, & LSD.

To compare, Methamphetimine is a 'Schedule 2 drug' along with morphine & methadone, so if it can be proven that crank is less dangerous than pot I'll start to belive the halucinogenic stuff::