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Independent Miners Guild - pchwang - 10-05-2008

One more thing...

I understand that the BMM is hostile to the IMG ingame, but think about it this way... The BMM is an legitimate organization. Engaging those people on-sight might not play well for the IMG when they are around other civilians.

What I'm suggesting is that BMM be moved to "Unfriendly," so for instance, if you see a BMM getting pirated, you wouldn't help. The IMG is one of the organizations that broke away from a mining group and turned legitimate, so they really should not descend to the level of Mollys attacking BMM or Hessians attacking Daumann/Kruger. Instead of attacking the BMM illegally, you now fight a multi-vector war against them through competition and political pressure. I think attacking their vessels would detract from that.

Engaging only after the BMM attacks raises the IMG a level above the dehumanized business practices of the BMM, something that the IMG has strove to achieve.

Independent Miners Guild - Alexander Draconis - 10-05-2008

A fine point, and it does give the IMG a valuable moral high ground that they can use against BMM if they try to get Bretonian authorities after the Guild.

Independent Miners Guild - Dieter Schprokets - 10-05-2008

Looks awesome.

I want to start a miner.


BMM or this?

or one of each?

Independent Miners Guild - Niezck - 10-05-2008

This or dai!:)

Independent Miners Guild - beander2 - 10-05-2008

' Wrote:One more thing...

I understand that the BMM is hostile to the IMG ingame, but think about it this way... The BMM is an legitimate organization. Engaging those people on-sight might not play well for the IMG when they are around other civilians.

What I'm suggesting is that BMM be moved to "Unfriendly," so for instance, if you see a BMM getting pirated, you wouldn't help. The IMG is one of the organizations that broke away from a mining group and turned legitimate, so they really should not descend to the level of Mollys attacking BMM or Hessians attacking Daumann/Kruger. Instead of attacking the BMM illegally, you now fight a multi-vector war against them through competition and political pressure. I think attacking their vessels would detract from that.

Engaging only after the BMM attacks raises the IMG a level above the dehumanized business practices of the BMM, something that the IMG has strove to achieve.

elgato, my very strong preference is to put BMM as "unfriendly"; my concern was simply that the infocard lists them as "enemies" and our diplomacy would then be considered oorp. (That's also part of the reason I have the qualifier on "hostile" as it is.) If folks think it's within RP to list them as unfriendly, I'm all for it.

Independent Miners Guild - Orin - 10-05-2008

Definitely unfriendly. I doubt anyone would think that is ooRP.

The fact is, you can't run a [semi]lawful mining faction with open hostilities against another lawful faction. It just doesn't work, and it kills their lawful essence.

Of course... a weapons misfire or two might accidentally happen, eh?

Independent Miners Guild - beander2 - 10-06-2008

Well, nothing like people arguing with you to do what you want to do anyway! :)


Independent Miners Guild - Zelot - 10-06-2008


I really dont know why you want the Corsairs as hostile. Maybe an explanation as to your reasons why? The Corsairs are not hostile to the IMG by the NPC diplomacy.

Independent Miners Guild - Cawdor - 10-06-2008

' Wrote:Trevelyan,

I really dont know why you want the Corsairs as hostile. Maybe an explanation as to your reasons why? The Corsairs are not hostile to the IMG by the NPC diplomacy.

they are. rumors of corsairs raiding miners in the fields (like in Cambridge) are numerous. Corsairs depend on it - or at least they should.

Independent Miners Guild - beander2 - 10-06-2008

' Wrote:I really dont know why you want the Corsairs as hostile. Maybe an explanation as to your reasons why? The Corsairs are not hostile to the IMG by the NPC diplomacy.

' Wrote:they are. rumors of corsairs raiding miners in the fields (like in Cambridge) are numerous. Corsairs depend on it - or at least they should.

Zelot, another good question, but I mostly agree with Von here. Though after discussing it with an admin last night, I'd be willing to put them to "unfriendly."

Fact is, we are mortal enemies with one of their mortal enemies, the Outcasts, while being rather tolerant of another of their mortal enemies, the Hessians (who trade and resupply at Freistadt). If we have an additional base in the Omegas - which seems to be happening in 4.85 - I'd think Corsair harrassment (putting it at the "unfriendly" level) would only increase.

Edit: Corsairs changed to "unfriendly."