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Kusari Empire Licence Directory - Printable Version

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RE: Kusari Republic Licence Directory - WesternPeregrine - 06-24-2015

Sender ID: Intelligence Officer Yamada Kei, Matsue Command Center
Receiver ID: President Jonny Smirnoff, Republican Shipping
Location: Matsue Base, Hiroshima System space

[Image: FuC4sy5.jpg?1]

Konnichiwa, this is Intelligence Officer Yamada Kei, of the Kusari Naval Forces. I have been assigned to handle your request.

Your request has presented some new processes that were not envisaged on the License Directory, and provisions for reimplementation of the Section 9 of the Kusari Codex have been established. You can find more details on the Directory header. Your request has already been applied for review to this new list.

As such, the KNF find that the Republican Shipping has a good standing with Kusari, and is willing to approve your request for a Bustard Carrier permit, with an additional Jump Drive Operation permit. We would require the following conditions to be fulfilled to proceed with the finalization of the process:

- A written declaration that the Republican Shipping (and their pilots involved in the operations) have read and accepted the terms and regulations of the Section 9 of the Kusari Codex.
- A payment of a fee of 25M credits the KNF designated account for the Bustard License
- A payment of a fee of 60M credits the KNF designated account for the Jump Drive Operations license.

The account is [KNF]Heikiko.Maru - please allow a period of 24 hours after the payment and emission of the receipt (visuals of the transfer) for confirmation of reception of the fees.

Once the conditions are met, we will conclude the registry

Yamada Kei, Kusari Naval Forces

RE: Kusari Republic Licence Directory - Morigan - 06-24-2015

[Image: johnnyTb_zps6e330456.png]

To: Matsue Command Center , license departament
Encrypted: Medium
Priority: High
Subject: ''Bustard'' licence request , include Jump Device

Guten Abend , thanks for a fast reply , Yamada san , payment is made .

[Image: payment_32_zps7wbpyjh0.jpg]

With the best regards

[Image: tbFooterNew_zps6b51ddce.png]

RE: Kusari Republic Licence Directory - Nick Harrison - 08-08-2015

Incoming Transmission
Call Sign Cole Agustus Guild Co Leader Gas Miners Guild
Status Online

To: Kusari Republic Licence Directory
From: Cole Agustus
Subject: License to Haul Base Building supplies in Kusari Space.

Company Name: Gas Miners Guild
Leaders Cheng Cong, Cole Agustus
Base Of Operation Planet Miura Okinawa.

I Would like to Apply for a License To carry Base building supplies through Kusari Space.

We are currently setting up base in our Home System Of Okinawa.

It has come to my attention that carrying base building supplies in Kusari space is illegal without a license. I am not one for breaking the laws of any House System. Under the section 3-1-5 Part of the Kusari Legal Index. As we do not wish to disrespect The Democratic Republic of Kusari. I apologize for the delay in applying for this license.

I am asking to apply for the License for carrying base supplies through the house of Kuari. We would like to pay the 20 Million Credits to get this license and are waiting your response.

Cole Agustus Guild Co Leader GMG

Status Offline
End Transmission

RE: Kusari Republic Licence Directory - WesternPeregrine - 08-08-2015

Sender ID: Intelligence Officer Yamada Kei, Matsue Command Center
Receiver ID: President Jonny Smirnoff, Republican Shipping
Location: Matsue Base, Hiroshima System space

[Image: FuC4sy5.jpg?1]

I am terribly sorry for the delays on the processing. Your license is effective immediately.

Yamada Kei, Kusari Naval Forces


To Cole Augustus

Your request for transportation of base supplies for the Gas Miners Guild has been redirected to the appropriate Bases Regulation Database<br>, refer to that node for status of your request.

RE: Kusari Republic Licence Directory - The Archangels Fighter Club - 05-25-2016

Applicant Identification: {AFC}- The Archangels - Fighter Club
Applicant Affiliation: AFC ID
Ship Identification: {AFC}-Rocket.Queen[K]
Ship Class code: Bustard model Carriers
Projected main activities: The ships purpose is a online and fully accessable to the public nightclub party ship with interior suites as well for longer visits. The ship will be traveling around Kusari on it's voyage from system to system and bringing the party to the people.

More information will be presented on a public transmission across Sirius.

RE: Kusari Republic Licence Directory - Venkman - 05-26-2016

[Image: Wo0Z8q7.png]

Good day.

My name is Ana Wight and I am a Senior Director of Interspace Commerce. As an Interspace Commerce representative I would like to submit an application for a licence for: "Bustard" Carrier. The relevant info is down below.

Applicant Identification: Interspace Commerce
Applicant Affiliation: Interspace Commerce
Ship Identification: IC|Wells.Fargo
Ship Class code: Bustard model Carrier
Projected main activities: The ship will mainly be used as a mobile base. The Interspace Commerce will also use this ship as a support to our convoys from which our support crafts will be able to launch in space and neutralize the threat.

I would like to note that this ship is yet to be built, but we're looking for a Licence regardless. Our ship will be constructed on our Shipyard in Hiroshima system - The Renzu Shipyards.

I await your reply
Regards, Ana Wight

[Image: D7PfD5M.png]

RE: Kusari Republic Licence Directory - The Archangels Fighter Club - 05-27-2016

We are still eagerly awaiting your reply.
Linked transmission:

RE: Kusari Republic Licence Directory - Kusari Uchugun - 05-27-2016

[Image: comheader.png]

The Archangels Fighter Club,

Your license will be granted once we receive the fee of 25 million credits on our account [KNF]Heikiko.Maru. Please make sure we can identify the source of the payment.
Additionally, please be informed that any station owner in Kusari can request your 'public nightclub' to hold adequate distance from their installation. We also ask you to not conduct your business in the immediate vicinity of tradelanes as to not disrupt the traffic.

Office of Admiralty

Ana Wight,

We appreciate that you request a license already so far in advance. Naturally your license will be valid after we receive the 25 million credit fee on our account [KNF]Heikiko.Maru.
Your ship may then traverse Kusari freely once it is built.

Office of Admiralty

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RE: Kusari Republic Licence Directory - The Archangels Fighter Club - 05-29-2016

[Image: l3P7UWY.gif]

TO: Kusari Republic Licence Directory



[Image: suIXpwy.jpg?1]


We agree to the terms set that an owner of an installation can request us to be clear of their station.
I must say, however, that the ship does not carry heavy guns mounted on the ship but rather Zappers.
Becasue of this, we kindly ask that we may use the normal stations around to harbor in the case of a pirate attack.
Furthermore, the Rocket Queen has no intention of disrupting lanes but we would like to be using them while the ship is live and active in their work.
A denial of trade lane access allows us to be very vulnerable to attack, not to mention that the ship is slow and not agile.

We ask that you re-phrase:

Quote:We also ask you to not conduct your business in the immediate vicinity of tradelanes as to not disrupt the traffic.

Do you mean to say that we are not to stay stationary at a trade lane? Are we allowed to be at the ends and beginnings? Does this mean we are not allowed to be near any installation or trade lane?

Thank you.



RE: Kusari Republic Licence Directory - Kusari Uchugun - 06-03-2016

[Image: comheader.png]

The Archangels Fighter Club,

We apologise for expressing ourselves unclearly. Your ship is of course allowed to use all lanes in Kusari.
The specific line you quoted means that you should not open your nightclub in the direct vicinity of tradelanes to avoid creating any kind of traffic disruption.
You should keep a distance of a few klicks, but do not need to leave the vicinity of the tradelane completely.

We hope this has made our intent clear.

Office of Admiralty

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