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im calling you out! - Printable Version

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im calling you out! - obnoxious1 - 10-10-2008

Think I remember spanking you a few times back in the Mechwarriors mercenaries day. Of course, Us in FWL usually spanked any clanner with ease & done so often..
If I could get the dang servers to connect.. You would have a TB20 with your name on it :D

SAE (SOB's squad in other games) has it's own Delta Force Black Hawk Down & COD4 servers, your welcome anytime, just don't get upset when we stuff ya in a body bag :P

COD4 Server :

DF,BHD Server :

im calling you out! - UFC_BULLET - 10-10-2008

Come and play Joint Operations I.C Mod , and have your ass handed to you, our server is in the novaworld european lobby, called U-F-CREW we have the best players in the world in our clan and i dont see your name there.

im calling you out! - Dab - 10-10-2008

' Wrote:Call Of Duty 4 (Retail Version)
StarCraft (Retail Version)
Command And Conqure 3 Tiberium Wars (Retail Version)
I have COD 4 for the Xbox 360, the other two for computer.

@13CK, I can take you out with guns other than a G36C in BF2.. G36C and DAO-12s both have disadvantages. RPK and G36E are the noob cannons in BF2. Thats why I rarely use the 36E and haven't even bothered unlocking the RPK.

im calling you out! - Thexare - 10-10-2008

I'm really more of a classic Doom person, as far as PC FPSes go.

Or Deus Ex.

Now, I'm not saying I'm good at them, I'm just saying they're what I play and enjoy more.

And RTS, um... I'm terrible at them, but I might play C&C Tiberian Sun with someone.


' Wrote:I'll kick your ass in chess though! =P

Pick a day.:)

im calling you out! - Dab - 10-10-2008

' Wrote:I'll kick your ass in chess though! =P
' Wrote:Pick a day.:)
I'll play winner.;)

im calling you out! - Erythnul - 10-10-2008

I accept this challenge for UT.

Oh, wait, you don't play UT. Fail.

im calling you out! - TDLdark - 10-10-2008

5 years of Halo PC. Custom, full version, and trial.
I stopped playing full about a year back when I switched computers, but now I play trial a lot since custom is full of people who play with no shields then boast when they spam snipes and one shot snipe someone.

I play as ?}T?L-??k

Edit: Hmm...special characters do not show...awww


im calling you out! - HunterZero - 10-10-2008

Well my compters are on the frits but if you want to play me add elitemarinex21 thats my Xfire

im calling you out! - Tinky57 - 10-11-2008

Yea boi its on! i will play you on starcraft (preferably tournament maps e.g. andromeda, python, athena you get the drift). Also CSS what ever map you want (apart from scoutzknifes because that's for A.D.D 14 year olds) and i can play you at COD4 but i have the cracked version so.... If you play CSS much you should play on the recoil office servers, thats where ill be 90% of my CSS time. PM me for further dets.

To UFC: I see you play JO ever played BHD?

To Thexare: Good to see another Dues Ex fan. IMO its the best gamer ever made to date.

im calling you out! - stewcool - 10-11-2008

I would snipe you to death in CoD 4 End of discussion...

*walks away*