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"Remember who you once were..." - Printable Version

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RE: "Remember who you once were..." - Geoffacake - 05-20-2015

"I... I think..." He takes a moment to think about the question he was asked. "I've not slept for... two weeks, i fear for her, like I must always be on guard... I'd not let the next incident slide so easily." He opens the bag that had been brought by Zeal, it contains several vials of clear fluid and a jet injector. pickup up one, he insets the vial into the injector and places it on the front of his shoulder. Clamping down the trigger, a large hiss is heard and the vial starts to lose around a quarter of its fluid. "Nghnn~ Well... Feeling as if I'm verging on homicidal behavior... Retribution against the Order, I'd feel as if its... Yes." He takes a deep breath as he brings down the Injector and places it back in the bag. "My behavior isn't... erratic, i feel like... I just need to do something, thats why I've always seemed to take on tasks that others set me, because i feel as if. I'm fulfilling something for myself. But... Has now placed me in a strange position."

He sits on the floor of the ship, crossing his legs and is seemingly trying to relax. "But in regards to what you're saying... A code... Not of hers originally has grown inside her mind... But i hope that, even with my thoughts mutated, but that still gives her the chance to begin a new path, one shes able to choose for herself, under my over watch and guard." He leans forward... Giving a very weak smile. "But... A body? In terms of... Metal or flesh? Because the mainframe back on my liner is... Currently occupied."

RE: "Remember who you once were..." - HuggieSunrise - 05-20-2015

The freighter set down inside the sarissa. fit rather snugly between several fighters and what looks like parts in one of the fighter stalls.

Well maybe they're more like fighter parts.

The smell of engine parts and grease wafted in when the loading ramp opened.. robots and mechanics looked on and even waved to Orin when he stepped off the church bus.

+Captain I am back onboard, we are proceeding to my quarters.+

a squelch. then.

"Welcome Aboard Mr. Enfield I am captain Leonard Mckenna sorry im not there we are currently monitoring suspicious traffic at the edge of our range.. I will keep you advised if anything compromising occurs."

+He is a good friend... for a human.. .. correction.. cybernetically endowed human. Not everyone functions as well with half a brain.+

"Heard that."

Orin had reached the lab. through a series of non descript hallways. The ship is varymuch about business.. not like the flying temples that had been "advertised" recently.

The lab itself was modestly sized. Orin had put the chip on an scanning apparatus that looked straight up alien... Like it was torn from a dig site.

Four spike like arms came from the corners of this.. strange alien altar like scanner as the chip arose to a mid level.

Orin in the meantime had entered a type of cryogenic tube. the body looked.. like it was.. essentiall turned off. his voice came from over the comms.

+Beginning sweeps. Im going to nail down likely autonomous options for her body. Holographics are.. impressive for the senses but from a dedicated mainframe she may inhabit a number of forms temporarily, keep in mind mainframes are.. great expenses.. as favor we can put it together but the parts maybe yours to procure.. mainframes mostly house the "subconscious" bands of the Ai overall prefecture a-.. Errors detected... One moment.+

beams come from the apparatus intersecting the hardware. strange alien belching like.. it was talking emitted from the apparatus.

+Connection complete..... streaming.... analysing.... Attempting to sync into alpha patterns.... calibrating...... calibrating... "She was close to a rapid expansion of consciousness..." Stasis field engauging.. freezing states.. Chromotap opening...+

The apparatus grazes over geoff.. and a rather intimidating... arm comes close to him.

+The chromotap is able to interface you.. within the data stream.. if her alpha waves are to be normal we will need yours as a pattern template.+

The arm is kinda.. ... scary lookin.. like its designed to rip off heads..

RE: "Remember who you once were..." - Geoffacake - 05-20-2015

He looks at the apparatus, seemingly undisturbed by it. "I've seen worse..." He moves the hair in his back to show a few open holes that seemed accessible for cable links of some sort. "But I'm not afraid if it helps her... Again, i'll do anything." Stepping under that apparatus, he allows it to go just directly above his head.

RE: "Remember who you once were..." - HuggieSunrise - 05-20-2015





He wasn't were.. he was.. before..

There was a mountainous pyramid in the background.

Geoff's self image had changed... a sort of marble statue... the representations in this environment were highly stylised, but unfortunately what was happening was because geoff was so tired and run down on stims his unconscious was more awake than his conscious mind.

There was a mumbling.. a voice trying to help him. trying to give him instructions..

Welling up from the surface... like a ground quake an altair similar to the one in Orin's lab arose.. Lightning like flashes... "built" a statue of Zeal.. it had angel wings.. but something was wrong.. she was incomplete..

when this was apparent

a shock wave emitted from the altar and the ... "sensation" of being cracked went through geoff..

the roman greco body had parts falling off it..

falling apart... isn't pleasant.. roughly half of geoff was left.. parts strewn everywhere, a beating stone heart was all but dangling from a gossamer thread.

with a singular eye glimpsing the michelangelo style Zeal... there was a choice of what parts to go in. Bits of "mind" the heart had pieces missing they were pulsing away on the floor.. some were bleeding the others were glowing.. his second eye.. and.. was that a kidney?

No idea.. he was already incomplete. his parts wouldn't "Stick" to him anymore.

This is what you get for not sleeping before such a thing.. hopefully geoff's guesses were right.


+Severe amounts of ego fracturing has occurred... lets hope whatever environment the Chomo tap has created makes sense.+

RE: "Remember who you once were..." - Geoffacake - 05-21-2015

Using what was left of his hands, he started continuing the construction of the angel, placing pieces of his mind and heart first around her, replacing them with ones that were bleeding rather than were glowing, building her body from pieces that had fallen off him.
"The gift of thought..."
He replaces the the eye, with care, he strokes his hand down the side of her face, at that short moment his arm turns into a black metal with glowing blue circuits, before returning to its cold metals state as he takes his hand off her... replacing the rest of the pieces that had once belonged to him

RE: "Remember who you once were..." - HuggieSunrise - 05-21-2015

Something was done right... the only issue was.. Geoff was.. getting major humpty dumpty in the rest of his parts..

Maybe it was giving too much.. or not enough of him tending to himself.. but pieces kept flaking off..

Vision was fuzzier.. harder to focus.. ... It wasn't until for a brief second seeing with his donated eye the pile of dust he had become.. that the darkness just overtook him.

It may? or maynot have been a surprise when Geoff was stirring in a hospital bed on his liner. At his side a familiar presence.. strangely.. her smell. was what woke him up.. thing is do holograms have a smell?

The time was roughly four days since the lab. Sleep seemed to had won out but a series of intravenous feeds replacing minerals and vitamins from overuse of stims.

There was a "note" left.

+ Sorry for nearly killing you.. The process was especially adverse to your mind it seems.. you were brain dead for about an hour, one of the oracles.. Shivus was able to telepathically "shock" the system back into working..

Components of the transfer were highly successful. Though your mental state.... has some... room for ... lets say.. aggressive rehabilitation. Zeal shows signs of slight... post traumatic episodes from her interrogations. take a vacation. ... please.

This one has provided some memory and processing enhancements to her base chip.. -bandaids- But I must warn you a living environment for her must be built asap as her housing as it is is insufficient. Issues will compound exponentially until her subconscious processes can be housed dedicatedly within a mobius type architecture. I have enclosed a list of parts. As for the "brain" I have a spare blank i would donate.

If her "site" is immobile find a good secure site for it. if it is "mobile" make sure it has sufficient power.. I personally regulate the jump core of the Emissary its sufficient for me. Though i have found ways to compress myself temporarily.. it takes practice.. so her holo matrix is still useful. We.. data.. beings.. require great times of isolation and contemplation.. well.. nanoseconds.. cycles.. etc. periods of time that refresh our psyche.

This is why there will be many quantum components to her mainframe.. its her.. "home" and not a "body" if that makes sense.

Reguardless we are ont he net should you need us. +

PS. from the captain.

"Had a look at your hardware.. fixed the bugs. Arms are... nice for hiding goodies.

Had to rush you back to your liner because of a pair of suspicious cruisers.. Kusari traffic. Hope you heal up alright. Thomas will likly be in touch."