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Devil's Punchbowl Pub | Thabit Station - Printable Version

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RE: Devil's Punchbowl Pub | Thabit Station - Thallia Thorn - 06-12-2015

She sips her tea, looking into the bottom of the cup. "Bio-neural computing units? Hmm, that won't do. Well, it would but not for the multi-tasking complexity you're looking for. A good base to work off though. SSL and LPI's are a neat trick..." She turns around her she sits, looking intently around the bar. Her tone looses her nervousness as she speaks whilst looking around. "Forgive a girl for not taking you at your word, I understand your need for secrecy but you could have just asked instead of deciding to kidnap me... anyway..."

She turns back to look at Axisdeus with a slight smile. "You mentioned payment, and you mentioned conditions. As to the conditions, if you want me to be able to construct this AI I'm going to need to gather specific materials and hardware. Lexi and I would prefer to get them ourselves. As to the payment... what can you offer?"

TAVIA reborn - axisdeus - 06-12-2015

Axisdeus put the cup on the table and continued. "Is not what we can offer. The simple answer to this would be cold cash. If that is what you're into, it can be solved, unless you want as much as needed to buy a small station. For anything else, you should put your desires on the table. See what can we do about those, meet half-way?!" He straightens his posture and follows. "As for gathering materials...don't get me wrong, but how will I ever know you'll return once you fly out of here? Well, I think I'll have to take your word on that and hope for the best. After all, I think I need to show a bit of faith in you and give you the freedom I promised. Still, I'd want to help with that. I got some former smugglers in my bunch here and they've been itching for some runs." Axisdeus picks up the tea cup once again and before taking another sip he adds. "Your move now!"

RE: Devil's Punchbowl Pub | Thabit Station - Thallia Thorn - 06-13-2015

"Well, you've done most of the work yourselves so really it's just wrapping up your colleagues progress. For the time your 'taking' I'd usually ask for 40 million as consulting fees, and that's assuming access to all previous work on the project. I'd also like access in and out of the system on all three of my vessels, and the work would go alot quicker if I was still allowed contact with Cryer and colleagues in Sirius. Do not worry, they will not hear of what's taking place. You have my word. You can trust me, Lexi would throw a fit if I didn't keep my word and once she nearly killed me... I'd rather not repeat that!"

"That being said, I'd be willing to reduce this fee for help with a certain project of my own. I'll level with you, as you've finally leveled with me. What brought us through Mu in particularly was an unusual photonic disturbance Lexi had detected. We have been working for some time on getting the external holo-emitters to work on the 'Solace', but ran into some issues on the matter. We were planning to analyse this disturbance and apply any results we found, though you arrived before we had the opportunity. If your organisation is willing to assist me with that project, I'd be happy to lower the consulting rates accordingly."

Thallia had finished her tea, and glanced up at the bar. "Think on it whilst I get that coffee..." She walked up to the petit blonde and asked for a latte in the largest mug they could offer. When she returned, she cradled the drink in both hands and took a slurp. She grinned with some froth on her top lip. "Pawn to E4, your move."

Deals - axisdeus - 06-13-2015

Axisdeus almost spilled his cup as Thallia finished spewing out terms after terms... "It seems I've been the one fooled from the beginning...well, I guess I deserved that." He laid the empty cup down, drew a big breath and started bit by bit. "Well, 40 millions is...doable, let's say. You'll have the data at your disposal to make use of it as you see fit. Still, you said something of a project of yours, what exactly is this project, I need more specific details. Concerning your vessels being allowed around here, that question I'll have to forward it, as I am not the big dog around here. In any case, I'll need details on type of ships, identifications, designations and what-not. You know, formalities." Axisdeus smirks as he started toying with the empty cup, then continued. "And now the tricky request...your contacts. I'll need Intel on them and why are they relevant for the process. If all clears up, you'll be unhindered to pass Comms to them using Thabit's relays, of course, the location will not make it through."

RE: Devil's Punchbowl Pub | Thabit Station - Thallia Thorn - 06-13-2015

"No one's fooled you... I like to know i'm being well treated by those who kidnap me." She grins playfully. "In terms of this project in return all I'm asking for is the freedom to travel Omicron space and analyse any unusual phenomena. This data would be used to calibrate and refine the Solace's cloaking set up until it is functional. Simple on your side. No trouble at all I'd imagine." Her tone revealed a passionate side to the otherwise shy Thallia, almost forgetting the circumstances she was in.

"I've only two ships. You've already seen the Solace, the little Anki parked up in the hanger..." She frowns a little. "I hope no ones touching it. That would annoy Lexi no end, she likes her privacy, so to speak." Thallia takes a long gulp of her coffee. "The other is a Bison transport called 'The Aceso'. I believe my need for it on this project is self-evident. I use it to acquire the supplies needed for various projects, and it is configured to be compatible to Lexi's protocols. It is also Cryer registered."

She shifts uncomfortably in her seat as she considers her next words, blushing every so slightly. "I...ur... owe my parents a visit. They are staff on Cryer's facility in Cambridge, considering the documentation required to work there they'll be easy enough to track down for you I'm sure. The others are potential suppliers, ones I've used previously in building Lexi. They don't ask questions, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to create Lexi without the Bretonian government being all over it."

TAVIA reborn - axisdeus - 06-14-2015

"A cloaking device..." said Axisdeus with a certain glare on his face. Something on that look made you think he knew more on the subject that met the eye. "Anyways, your freedom will be unhindered, but not totally. I still need to have someone hold your hand around here. There are areas that are off limit and that's that." Axisdeus pulled himself closer to the table. "So, no nosing around in the Wall of Seth nebulae, for other locations, like 92 or Minor, you'll be escorted. Omicron 100 is off limits." He leaned back in his seat. "And, I'd like to get to know these providers of yours, how do they feel about 'terrorist organizations' ?"

RE: Devil's Punchbowl Pub | Thabit Station - Tarator - 07-29-2015

Looking exhausted, Thrawn enters the bar, and sits at the nearest table while throwing a glance at the bartender "Whiskey.... with ice." lighting a cig, he looks around the almost empty bar, seeing no familiar faces he takes a look at his watch while waiting.

RE: Devil's Punchbowl Pub | Thabit Station - axisdeus - 07-29-2015

Jason just came from the engineering level accompanied by Kane. Nice chap, not so tall, good looking, wearing his flight-suit even if he disliked flying."Oh, come on in, Isaac! Don't tell me you haven't stepped in the Devil's soup yet..." said Jason, laughing."You know, there's no better place to talk than this spot right here..." Jason followed in the cool shade of the bar and approached the table Thrwan was sitting at and sketched a greeting gesture. He proceeded to take a seat and made a swift sign for Isaac to accompany him "See this fellow here, William?" He leaned against the table. "This fellow here has an idea of a lifetime!"

RE: Devil's Punchbowl Pub | Thabit Station - Ryujin - 07-29-2015

Kane seemed distracted . He was looking around and took some time until he fixed his eyes on Thrawn. "Hello. " said he very casually and immediately regretted it . He recognized that Thrawn was a superior officer and mumbled panicked "ugh...sir..".

RE: Devil's Punchbowl Pub | Thabit Station - axisdeus - 07-30-2015

So, I was having a word with this fellow here and he told me some interesting stuff , guess about what...our Minefields...he reckons that more and more people are slipping through because the filed is A. Drifting apart and B. Going dry, with each mine that blows up, it gets thinned. He figured this out while patrolling the area when ordered to do so... Jason slams against his seat with an almost stupid grin on his face, gesturing the obviousness of this idea in a comic fashion. Think about it! Said Jason while repeatedly touching his temples with the index fingers. We seriously need to have a look into this...This guy here has more under that engineer skull of his than he let's out. I'm inclined to approve this. You should hear him out as well...