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Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Printable Version

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RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Venkman - 06-20-2015

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Antonio Bloodrose
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha

[Subject:]_____ Patrol reports: 18/19-06-822 A.S.

[Priority:]____ Very High
[Encryption:]__ Very High

[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]

Buongiorno mia familia

Date: 18-06-822 A.S
While we were getting back from Rheinland, signori Tomas of The Cross and I, we met one member of the Sisterhood of Dreams in Omicron Beta. We invited her to join us and head to Alpha which she accepted. Her name was Munen Musou. The subject about "the ship" was obviously hard to avoid, I tried to explain more about where and form whom did I got the ship, but Munen seemed to be not that interested and aggressive as signorina Ken. We both agreed that we don't need a tension let alone some worthless arguments between our two groups. What we need now is something that would improve our relations with the Sisterhood, something that would help us and them at the same time. I think that I have a plan for that matter. Anyway, back to the report.
Signori Tomas, as he was in his train, loaded it with fresh Maltese Cardamine. Our goal was to transport those Cardamine to Hokkaido system. Signorina Musou and I were there as escorts. Along the way we had not trouble whatsoever, we had a very pleasant conversation. Signori Tomas and Munen were discussing something rather important to their relations. As Tomas unloaded his train in Hokkaido we were on our way back to Alpha full with some Consumable good. Signorina Musou was coming back with us to Alpha where she planned to stay for a few days. I must admit that having a conversation with Munen and Tomas was noting else that pleasing.

///| Log available |\\\\

Antonio Bloodrose
Bloodrose Syndicate


Target list:

|+|-ET-Arancione Friendly - |+| Crimson Cross
~*~Munen.Musou Friendly- ~*~ Sisterhood of Dreams

Date: 19-06-822 A.S.
Today, signorina Angel and I encountered a small group of 343 in Tau 29 system. As I expected we fought the them and got pretty good results, sadly for us we were outnumbered and at the end we had to take our ships to Cali base in Tau 23 for repairs. Kusarians lost a few ships there as well...
Not so long after that, a massive Corsair fleet came to Alpha. While we had a lot of fighters and few bombers we also had one gunboat and one available dreadnought, they had more that three battleships, one gunboat and dozens of fighters. After a long and hard battle, the Outcast forces were victorious.
After that being done, our friends from Liberty came to pay us a visit, the Liberty Rogues. Signori Nathan and I accompanied one Rogue and together we went to Rheinland to "expand" the Orange Dream. We have had no troubles while flying to Rheinland. When we arrived on Malta, we decided to do one more Cardamine run, but this way we went trough Taus. Everything was good until one shiny Liberty trader popped up in Coronado, he was full will videogames. It was a shame that he didn't want to share a single game with us, for what he was punished, pity tho.
When our small convoy arrived in Texas, two more Liberty Rogue P-Transports joined us and we all transported Slaves to Malta.
Long story short, it was a very good day.


Antonio Bloodrose
Bloodrose Syndicate

RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Corile - 06-22-2015

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Nathan Bloodrose
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Niverton Base, Pennsylvania

[Subject:]_____ Pennsylvania madness.

[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ Very High

[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]


Oh my, where do I start. My sides still hurt after this. I met a few Rogues in Kepler, they were doing a blockade but having realised they plundered every possible transport and pirated every possible trader they moved on to Pennsylvania... to mine Helium for the rookies. I obviously assisted them, as I absolutely enjoy their company. We even filled a couple of freighters before it all went to hell and a massive fight broke out. Right now I'm sitting safe and sound on Niverton as the Navy and the Bounty Hunters are still storming outside. It was an amazing day though. I also left us a small shipment of Video Games on Ames, I will pick those up soon.

I love the Rogues.

Nathan Bloodrose
Bloodrose Syndicate


RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Corile - 06-23-2015

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Nathan Bloodrose
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Buffalo Base, New York

[Subject:]_____ Orange Treaty.

[Priority:]____ High
[Encryption:]__ Very High

[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]


I had an encounter with another one of the Liberty puppet masters, this time it was Nicole Hunter - the one responsible for the Lane Hackers. I was going through Ontario and passing by Cochrane when I saw her outside along with a Rogue and some cheeky *static* in a Camara. I conveniently listened on their conversation when they decided to blow the guy up, and they did. Please remind me not to ever ask that woman on a date.

After that she asked me about some of the things involving the Orange Treaty. Overall it was full of generalities and it seems like she was just trying to examine our willingness to accept the Treaty. I will keep you updated when something new pops up.

Nathan Bloodrose
Bloodrose Syndicate


Target list:
• LH~Nicole.Hunter. - Friendly - Lane Hackers
• LH~Trigger - Friendly - Lane Hackers
• LR-Highly.Accurate - Friendly - Liberty Rogues

• SirLagsalot - Neutral - Freelancer

RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Bloodrose Syndicate - 06-25-2015

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Angel Bloodrose
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha

[Subject:]_____ Space is dangerous.

[Priority:]____ Low
[Encryption:]__ Very High

[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]


The Orbital Spa and Cruise have proven today that they pilots are complete half-wits so don't hesitate extorting as much as you please from them. Just please don't ever fall for such a stupid lie like they did. Treat it as a lesson, and a bit of laughing material.

Angel Bloodrose
Bloodrose Syndicate


Target list:
• JM|-Nova.Surfer - Neutral - Junker Marauders

• OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman - Hostile - Orbital Spa and Cruise

RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Corile - 06-26-2015

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Nathan Bloodrose
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Ruiz Base, Omicron Beta

[Subject:]_____ Penance and repentance.

[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ Very High

[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]


Along with ma'am Rise - on MNS Taranis - we encountered a familiar face in Omicron Beta. A guy calling himself Handlowiec showed up the other day at Malta with Stabiline. We of course could not let such a horrible offense go without some sort of penance, so we left him with a mission. His assignment includes:

• Delivering three shipments of Cardamine to the Lane Hackers with a message that it's a gift from the Blood Roses - as well as confessing that he did wrong by bringing Stabiline into Omicron Alpha.
• Delivering 3000 boxes of tea for ma'am Rise. I have no idea what she's going to use all that for, but hey, not my cup of tea.
• Delivering 500 boxes of video games for Inquisitor Espinosa, because Cross need some sort of compensation too.

I'm convinced he can do this in about two weeks, we'll see in due time how it turns out.

Nathan Bloodrose
Bloodrose Syndicate


Target list:
• (@)-MNS-Taranis - Friendly - Bloodrose Syndicate

• [Handlowiec] - Neutral - Freelancer

RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Venkman - 07-04-2015

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Antonio Bloodrose
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha

[Subject:]_____ Patrol report: 03-07-822. A.S.

[Priority:]____ High
[Encryption:]__ Very High

[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]

Buongiorno mia familia

Yesterday signori Nathan and I made a little convoy to Rheinland. Nathan was in a Borderwolds Transport and I was in a Stork. Together we had no trouble getting there whatsoever. On our way back home we used the Taus route. In Tau 29 system one Freelancer joined us, her name was Yui Hetai. Signori Nathan and I spoke to that Freelancer, it turned out that she has some sort of a debt and that she's been living on Malta for 5 years. After we dropped workers on Malta, I decided that it would be good if I take my Orchid and be an escort to Nathan. Soon after I undocked we departed from Malta and went to Liberty. The Freelancer Yui or Yu as she said joined us as an escort as well. As we arrived to Cortez we used California jump hole. I jumped to California first, luckily Nathan didn't jump. What I found on the other side were two Hellfire Legion pilots. One was bomber and the second one was in his fighter. We had to think fast, so the wisest thing for us both was to get a rather strong and big ship such as Tridente which Nathan did. Those Hellfires are strange, they really are. The believe in some sort of a god or whatever, it's called Tea or Tae, anyway the Hellfire chased us all the way to Montezuma station in Cortez where Nathan gave them two simple options: 1) To leave nicely 2) To fight the inevitable. The reasonable man would pick the first option, but they picked the second one, which.... was bad for them. We were outnumbered, that Freelancer was lost or something, so there were only Nathan and I there. The Legion had a bomber and a two fighters. Nathan first razored that bomber, soon after that Yiu Hetai joined us, we offered him 5 mil. for each Hellfire pilot that he kills. Unfortunately he was not able to deal with any of them so Nathan again razored a Hellfire pilot and I nuked the other fighter.
As we finished the fight, Nathan switched his ship and together we went to Pennsylvania where we took some healthy workers. On the way back there was absolutely no threat. In Omicron Alpha, there was one pilot, his name was Jared Nomak. He said that he was some kind of a leader of a -Nomad paramilitary- group called Samarran Raiders. I had little knowledge of who they were and what did they actually do. Signori Nathan left after a few minutes, but I continued the conversation with that Samarran - Nomak. He was asking me things about Crimson Cross and about their fanatism as well as some other things such as do I believe in Cross. I will be uploading our conversation so you could be able to see everything. Apparently Samarrans were/are -big- thing. There is something that tells me that we will see a lot of them in the future.

Antonio Bloodrose
Bloodrose Syndicate


Target list:

[HF]-S-Sundread Hostile - [HF] - Hellfire Legion
[HF]-Thunderbolt Hostile - [HF] - Hellfire Legion
[HF]-Gamma.2 Hostile - [HF] - Hellfire Legion

(@)-MNS-Xiphias Friendly - (@) - Bloodrose Syndicate
Yui.Hentai' Friendly - Freelancer

RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Dapanji - 07-07-2015

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Luciano Palermo
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha

[Subject:]_____ Patrol report: 6-07-822

[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ Very High

[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]


I suppose it's time for my first report, so here goes. Signore Antonio asked me to accompany him on his way to smuggle a shipment of workers and cardamine into Gallia. Our flight towards there went with no incidents. However, on the way back, we were intercepted by three Unione Corse vessels. Soon enough, the situation became really tense as they were ready to destroy our ships and move on with their lives. I realized we had little to none chance of defending ourselves, considering we were outnumbered and signore Antonio was piloting a transport. Somehow, we managed to talk them into giving us a chance not to leave in escape pods. With a little bit of luck, or however you prefer calling it, the two of us safely returned to Maltese territory.

Luciano Palermo
Bloodrose Syndicate


Target list:
• (@)-ET-Virgo - Friendly - Bloodrose Syndicate

• [UC]-Demolir.5 - Hostile - Unione Corse
• [UC]-Luis.Verdun - Hostile - Unione Corse
• [UC]-Mystere - Hostile - Unione Corse

RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Venkman - 07-08-2015

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Antonio Bloodrose
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Montezuma base, Cortez

[Subject:]_____ Patrol report: 07-07-822 A.S.

[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ Very High

[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]

Buongiorno mia familia

Yesterday the Bloodroses assembled in Magellan system where we had a report that a medium sized group of Royal Navy forces are in the system. In our squad we had singori Nathan, Dino and Francesco Scollio. Signori Dino and Francesco were in bombers while Nathan and I were in fighters. Our scanners showed that a Royal fleet was somewhere near Freeport 4. The Royals had 2 Battleships, 2 fighters and a bomber. Near Freeport 4 we found one Bretonia Armed Forces pilot in a gunboat trying to deal damage to Royal's Battleship. Due to a malfunction, signori Dino Bloodrose had to dock on Mactan. Nathan and I successfully neutralized those 2 fighters and began shooting the Battleships. We lacked firepower so Nathan quickly took his gunboat that was stationed on Mactan. As it was a anti-cap gunboat we actually managed to deal some damage to one of their Battleships. Unfortunately those Battleships were too strong and we couldn't manage to deal with them alone. The smartest choice was to retreat to the Cortez system and stay on Montezuma. We are currently repairing our ships and getting ready for a new battle which I think will happen soon.

Antonio Bloodrose
Bloodrose Syndicate


Target list:
• {B}Guillotine Hostile - {B} - Gallic Royal Navy
• {B}RNS-Tonnant - Hostile- {B} - Gallic Royal Navy
• GRN|Ferdinand.Mounier - Hostilel - GRN| Gallic Royal Navy
• {B}RNS-Versailles - Hostile - {B} - Gallic Royal Navy
• GRN|Mathis:Launcelot - Hostile- GRN|- Gallic Royal Navy|

• (@)Nathan,Bloodrose -Friendly - (@) - Bloodrose Syndicate
• (@)Dino.Bloodrose - Friendly- (@) - Bloodrose Syndicate
• (@)Francesco.Scollio - Friendly- (@) - Bloodrose Syndicate
• (@)MNS-Xiphias - Friendly- (@) - Bloodrose Syndicate
• BAF|-A-HMS-Islay - Friendly- BAF|- Bretonia Armed Forces

RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Venkman - 07-10-2015

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Antonio Bloodrose
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Cali base, Tau-23

[Subject:]_____ Patrol report: 09-07-822 A.S.

[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ Very High

[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]

Buongiorno mia familia

The Gallic Royal Navy forces again gathered in Magellan system, but this time they had a lot bigger and stronger force. Fortunately we - Bloodroses had some help, the Liberty Rogues. It appeared that we had bigger number of pilots, but we lacked capital ships. Luckily, after quite some time of fighting, the Royal Navy forces were forced to retreat... we were victorious. No doubt that they will regroup and come back again and again, but we will be ready.
As the battle was over, we moved to California. There we encountered one Liberty Navy Dreadnought, he was nothing but an easy target for us as we burned him in a few seconds.
The Liberty Rogues decided to land and rest. My next stop was planet Malta. When I got there, there were two Samarran Raiders. I must admit that we had a pleasant conversation in which they offered -us- help in exchange for.... nothing, they said: - it would be an act of friendship- . I tried offering them credits for their service, I mean that is often how I treat my friends, I offer then a wealthy gift. I think that they were offended, but I must say that it was not my intention. Soon after our conversation I decided to move some Cardamine to Rheinland. Samarrans offered me their help as escorts which I of course accepted. It was all clear... no danger whatsoever, the Cardamine arrived safely on Kreuzberg. From there I loaded my transport with Black M. M. which was needed on Alletown. Getting there was not hard at all as I didn't encounter any pilot not to mention dangerous one. When I arrived on Alletown, I had room for around 4.920 whether were workers. vacationers, tourists... all kind of people. They couldn't wait to see Malta, we safely arrived there and people that were on board were more than happy to see Malta and it's nature. On the other hand, Samarran Raiders might be more than useful for our famiglia. Let's say that I have a good feeling about them.... let's see what time tells.
Later on I decided to earn some fast credits. I decided to visit Kyushu system and it's trade lanes. I only stopped two transport class vessels. First there was a Gas Miner Guild train, big one actually, he was transporting gold and some other commodities which were not as expensive as gold. I myself love gold and it's color, so I gave him an offer.... to hand over 30 units of Gold and 500.000 credits or.... you know. As I expected he chose wisely, he handed over 30 units of Gold and payed 500k S. C. The second transport that tried passing by was a Samura pilot in his transport also big one. Unfortunately his cargo was completely empty and he had no guns at all which made him an easy... easy target. He was a big arrogant, but the good thing was that I was in a good mood. I gave him an option to offer me some credits, but he refused, I wonder why.... anyway he accepted my generous offer which was - pay 2 milions or be turned into scrap - , he also chose wisely and payed 2 milion S. C.
It was a good day for Bloodroses and for me....

(SR~ log available

Antonio Bloodrose
Bloodrose Syndicate


Target list:
• {B}Guillotine Hostile - {B} - Gallic Royal Navy
• {B}RNS-Tonnant - Hostile- {B} - Gallic Royal Navy
• GRN|Ferdinand.Mounier - Hostilel - GRN| Gallic Royal Navy
• {B}RNS-Versailles - Hostile - {B} - Gallic Royal Navy
• RNS-Burgundy - Hostile - Gallic Royal Navy|
• {B}RNS-Vas.Royale - Hostile- {B}- Gallic Royal Navy|
- and few others

• (@)Nathan,Bloodrose -Friendly - (@) - Bloodrose Syndicate
• (@)Dino.Bloodrose - Friendly- (@) - Bloodrose Syndicate
• (@)Armin.Vulpe - Friendly- (@) - Bloodrose Syndicate
• LR-Mr.Nice.Guy Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-The.Hand.of.God-137Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-Borderline.Offensive Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-Inverse.Generosity Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-WorstEver.Torpedo Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-Poop.Torpedo Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-Silent.Dork Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-Born.To.Be.Mild Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-Highly.Accurate Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-Philosophy.Torpedo Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-I.Blame.My.Mother Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• Cole.Volter Friendly- Liberty Rogues

RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - King Owl - 07-14-2015

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Armin De Vulpe
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha

[Subject:]_____ Patrol report: 7/15/822 A.S to 7/15/822 A.S

[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ Very High

[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]


I am here to bring forth the activity which was done by myself form the moment when i joined the syndicate. In the begin i have been through the roof. Here is small report from the today raid done by the so called posers which are called the Core.

* The day had begun with some relative fight brought to us by the Core which was scared to bring a normal fleet and came to our land with their Warships, which to a certain extent were useless as some of the came down in flames inflicted by the snub fleet from the Nacion Maltese. We were in the upper number but in the lower side of capital class even when the Nexxar came along with us. We have manage to down their fleet with relative ease, but still loses were done on the both sides.

*On other news here is the report for the target of cardamine smuggle. As the Centaurus is at this point, it has brought 6.000 units of slaves and delivered to both Rheinland and Liberty as the selling points are into influential spaces. The crew of the Centaurus will continue the smuggle untill the 25.000 units are to be sold the their required spots and we seek to go beyond the target limit

Armin de Vulpe
Bloodrose Syndicate


Target list:
•To many to remember