RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Venkman - 06-20-2015

[Incoming Signal]
[Sender:]______ Antonio Bloodrose
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha
[Subject:]_____ Patrol reports: 18/19-06-822 A.S.
[Priority:]____ Very High
[Encryption:]__ Very High
[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]
Buongiorno mia familia
Date: 18-06-822 A.S
While we were getting back from Rheinland, signori Tomas of The Cross and I, we met one member of the Sisterhood of Dreams in Omicron Beta. We invited her to join us and head to Alpha which she accepted. Her name was Munen Musou. The subject about "the ship" was obviously hard to avoid, I tried to explain more about where and form whom did I got the ship, but Munen seemed to be not that interested and aggressive as signorina Ken. We both agreed that we don't need a tension let alone some worthless arguments between our two groups. What we need now is something that would improve our relations with the Sisterhood, something that would help us and them at the same time. I think that I have a plan for that matter. Anyway, back to the report.
Signori Tomas, as he was in his train, loaded it with fresh Maltese Cardamine. Our goal was to transport those Cardamine to Hokkaido system. Signorina Musou and I were there as escorts. Along the way we had not trouble whatsoever, we had a very pleasant conversation. Signori Tomas and Munen were discussing something rather important to their relations. As Tomas unloaded his train in Hokkaido we were on our way back to Alpha full with some Consumable good. Signorina Musou was coming back with us to Alpha where she planned to stay for a few days. I must admit that having a conversation with Munen and Tomas was noting else that pleasing.
///| Log available |\\\\
~*~Munen.Musou.: Apparently, hai. *smiles slightly*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Welcome to Maltese space, sister. Is there something we can do for you?
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Buongiorno signorina.
~*~Munen.Musou.: iie, Maltese. I'm barely patroling and thought I might pay Planet Malta and other installations a visit to see if there is ->
~*~Munen.Musou.: anything they might have to offer or they might need.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Well, our nacion always has certain needs, and always has the orange dream to spread in return...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: For example, these munitions we haul.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hai, your nacion certainly has, thankfully.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: I was trying to restart negotiations with your leader, in fact.
|+|-ET-Cappuccino: Sabina: Greetings
~*~Munen.Musou.: Konbanwa to you as well, child of Malta. *bows* *to tomas* Is that so? *looks curious*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Yes. We were stalled for awhile, but now we are ready to begin something more...serious.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: It's been too long since we worked closely together.
~*~Munen.Musou.: I see... *pays the Orchid a brief look but doesn't mention anything*
|+|-ET-Cappuccino: Sabina: I am glad our two groups have been growing closer lately
~*~Munen.Musou.: I am as well. *bows* - What would these negotians be about, if I may ask?
~*~Munen.Musou.: As you might know, so far I wasn't present to any conversations you might have had in the past...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: I am aware, yes. That's all right.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: 'Negotiations' probably isn't the most appropiate word.
~*~Munen.Musou.: If you want, we may proceed to your home. I wouldn't want to waste your precious time, hai?
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: We are interested to learn how we might help you and yours advance your goals further.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Right now, there's no agreements set between us, no list of supplies needed or targets that need suppression.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: We can proceed and talk at the same time.
~*~Munen.Musou.: I see, well that certainly is something to talk about with Hatsuyume rather than me. *bows apologetic.*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Perhaps, but all of you are important.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Besides, you might get the message to signora Hana Ken faster than the
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: We all win, yes?
|+|-ET-Cappuccino: Sabina: All of the Sisterhood are friends in my eyes.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Jumping now.
~*~Munen.Musou.: *smiles slightly and bows approving* That's good to hear, certainly.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: So what rank do you hold within the sisters of Light?
~*~Munen.Musou.: Yume. *short and simple answer*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Yume? Forgive me - I am not familiar with your structure...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Of course, Capitan.
|+|-ET-Cappuccino: It was nice meeting you Sister
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Only two ranks?
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: That simplifies things, certainly.
~*~Munen.Musou.: "Only"? Hai... there is no need for more obstructing ranks other than that. We aren't the Kusari Naval Forces...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: No, you are not.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Ranks are a sign of oppresion to begin with... the very thing we try to banish from Kusari,
~*~Munen.Musou.: Others might of course say, they are a sign of "order"... I'd disagree.
~*~Munen.Musou.: *Watches Antonio moving in "his" Orchid with a short stern look - again she doesn't say anything*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: I suppose it depends on the situation. For us, and for our Bloodrose friend here, there is sometimes a need to -
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: - have a clear chain established from 'go'.
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: *coughs*
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Signorina...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Large battles, for instance.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hai, "chain of command"... I see, but it isn't needed if you operate amongst equals, like me and my sisters.
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: You must be wondering where I got this ship... si?
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: A noble sentiment....
~*~Munen.Musou.: But as you might know, we also are rarely parts of large scale battles...due to our current situation in Kusari.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: (audibly trails off)
~*~Munen.Musou.: I already heard about you and your claims regarding this ship, Maltese. - So, iie. I am not wondering at all.
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Then I must be seeing things
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Good. I was hoping we were past this...?
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Si...
~*~Munen.Musou.: *sighs exhausted about that topic* Sadly after the recent threats of violence towards my sisterhood, I can't say I'd be past ->
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Seeing things?
~*~Munen.Musou.: this. Gomenasai. *she looks and sounds honestly regreting the current state*
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Threats, what threats signorina?
~*~Munen.Musou.: Oh, you weren't informed by your...uh... familia leading person? Apparently Hatsuyume was told, if we would persue this subjec>
~*~Munen.Musou.: *she points at Antonio's Orchid* there might be more violent reactions from your familia's side. You might understand->
~*~Munen.Musou.: that such "threats" aren't taken lightly. Especially considering which space you use to deliver your Cardamine to Liberty and
~*~Munen.Musou.: Rheinland. *she sighs* But honestly, we will se what the future brings.
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: The one who I spoke to forgot for a brief moment where she was and who were her allies...
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Signorina Ken...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: (sighs audibly)
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: I tried to explain, but she seemed a bit...
~*~Munen.Musou.: Possibly... you might understand however that we are already ina weak position in Kusari and finding a much needed vessel->
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Let's not go any further..
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: They have a right to ask about their own technology.
~*~Munen.Musou.: in someone else's possession can be quite surprising, hai?
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: What we need now... are not problems signorina.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: (clears his throat) But cooler heads have prevailed, yes?
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Indeed signori.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hai, I agree... starting by not threatening your allies with violence, I'd say would be a good start. *calm answer*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: There have been no shots exchanged, and the matter has not been advanced further.
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: *nods*
~*~Munen.Musou.: Especially if you plan to travel through their contested space on every on your routes, hai
~*~Munen.Musou.: ?
~*~Munen.Musou.: But... gomenasai. I really didn't plan to bring that topic up... once again as the time flows solutions might or might not ->
~*~Munen.Musou.: reveal themselves.
~*~Munen.Musou.: *bows apologetic*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: There is no need to be apologetic, for our part.
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Our Nation repects you and is pleased with your presence...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Let's just move on, shall we?
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: I agree signori Tomas.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hai. *nods also agreeing*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Incidentally. My name is Tomas Mendes, a capitan of the Crimson Cross. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, -
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: sister of the Dream.
~*~Munen.Musou.: As you might assume: Musou, Munen.
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Did I...? I think not. Antonio Bloodrose, at your service.
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: *bows*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Musou being your given name, yes? I understand that you list your clan or family name first, if I am not mistaken.
~*~Munen.Musou.: "Senor" *she struggles with the Maltese language* Mendes. "Senor" *agains truggling* Bloodrose. *bows*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: In some cases, I am surprised we don't do the same ourselves.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Tomas is more than enough, please.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hai, indeed. "Senor" Mendes. Munen, however, will do just fine.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: As you wish.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: So, as we were discussing - I have been appointed to be a more...full time representative to you and your sisters -
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: - by the Cross high command.
~*~Munen.Musou.: As I already tried to imply, I'm not quite the diplomatic conversational partner you are looking for, I might add. ->
~*~Munen.Musou.: I see, that will be a pleasent message for Hatsuyume. As I heard she quite enjoyed your company and conversations.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Likewise. I don't get to talk philosophy much, I'm afraid...but with her I can.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hai, she is indeed a wise inpirational person. *gleams slightly*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: As for your personal status, I'm assuming that means that only signora Ken may speak for your sisters?
~*~Munen.Musou.: So, I apologize ina dvance if I might not prove as enjoyable of a conversation partner as she did.
~*~Munen.Musou.: In large diplomatic matters, hai. I... operate on a more... practical and personal level.
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: For me, you're more enjoyable than her *speaks quietly*
~*~Munen.Musou.: *looks at antonio with an uninterpretable look*
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hai.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Arigato...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: (brightens a bit, pointedly ignoring the comment) How fortunate - we are all flesh and blood, and all have -
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: - ships, weapons, and homes to maintain...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Practical and personal is what I wish to deal with, for now. Once those basic needs are met, then we can move on to -
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: - more...conceptual matters.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: So tell me, signora Munen - what practical and personal issues do -you- have that we might be able to help you with?
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hai, indeed. Speaking of maintanence... might I ask, when we can expect Cardamine shipments - mainly to Ainu Depot - in ->
~*~Munen.Musou.: the future. As much as we try to cover that part on our own as well, we'd like to welcome the children of Malta ->
~*~Munen.Musou.: every once ina while in Kusari. *smiles*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: There were certain concerns that I needed to address on our end before I could speak with signora Ken about something -
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: - more regular concerning those shipments.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: To this point, she had wanted to move most of that with her own power, because of those concerns.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: With that said, with your escort, I can deliver a shipment right now.
~*~Munen.Musou.: I see, so that's a more diplomatic topic for Hatsuyume then, hai? *she looks slightly amued* I see, i see. - As to my personal>
~*~Munen.Musou.: needs. I actually couldn't think of any you would be able to help me with. - Hai, I would welcome that, Tomas. *regarding the>
~*~Munen.Musou.: shipment right now*
~*~Munen.Musou.: I assume "Senor" Bloodrose might accompany us? *looking at antonio*
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: It would be my pleasure signorina.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Very well. Let me exchange these munitions for the Dream, and we'll set off.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Of course.
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Excuse me for a moment as well...
~*~Munen.Musou.: Of course.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: I have no problem with the...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Ah, there he is.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Let's get moving, shall we?
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hai.
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: *engaging cruise engines*
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: *entering formation*
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hm, you fly an interesting route, Maltese.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Am I going the wrong way? Silly of me.
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: *smiles*
~*~Munen.Musou.: Potentially, the sisterhood uses a different connection to Ainu Depot.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: It occurs to me that I have not actually been into Kusari proper all that much.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Perhaps you should lead?
~*~Munen.Musou.: I see, hai. It would be a pleasure of mine.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Jumping to Omicron 80.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Next will be Tau 37, I assume you are familiar so far?
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: So earlier, when I asked of your sisterhood's needs; I was referring to anything you personally had noticed...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: (chuckles) Yes, this part I'm good with.
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Nagano next, If I am not mistaken?
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hai. *nods. Nagano.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Plotting course...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: I see. I suppose you also then have an idea of what it is you need most? Besides the Dream, of course.
~*~Munen.Musou.: The crumbling position we maintain in Kusari right now, is rather ... tiresome. *she thinks about what tomas said*
~*~Munen.Musou.: E7, in the middle
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Plotting course.
~*~Munen.Musou.: We will take the jump hole to the Rishiri system.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Very well.
~*~Munen.Musou.: And what we need... well, The Cross witnessed what we only had at out disposal in the Sigmas when we "removed" the base.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Manpower, weapons, food, The Dream... *she pauses...* ships...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: I wasn't personally there, but...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Ships, hmm.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Ah, I assumed you were maybe on one of the ships.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: I can guess that we brought most of the armour needed to break it, unless you have battleships tucked away -
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: - somewhere...
~*~Munen.Musou.: *doesn't respond*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: That's really nothing to be ashamed of, though. We enjoy an isolated, defensible position, and you are surrounded by -
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: - your enemies.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Lower middle of F5.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Where to next, signora?
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Plotting course.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Sensor contact los-
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Ah, there you are.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hai, I waited... it can get quite complicated here with all the interferences. *smiles comforting*
~*~Munen.Musou.: And hai, I agree... we are fighting windmills in Kusari...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Windmills? Perhaps a reference to an old book, yes?
~*~Munen.Musou.: The corruption is so wide-spread that it feels like while you remove one stain two tohers appear in that time.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: About a hapless knight and his sidekick...
~*~Munen.Musou.: Oh... just an old saying I caught somewhere, hai.
~*~Munen.Musou.: I assume it might originate in a book. *tries to remember where she got it from and then shrugs*
~*~Munen.Musou.: C6 upper left... but I heard you have some problems with the sisters...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Only with your...allies?
~*~Munen.Musou.: Nevermind, it were the Dragons... *sighs*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Tensions between that group and ours have risen recently.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: We've never been friends, but...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: I am assuming I have permission to dock?
~*~Munen.Musou.: So I heard... I can't say I am very pleased with the treatment the Golden Chrysanthemum movement receives as well...
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hai, of course, go ahead.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Docking now.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: You were speaking of your treatment by the Dragons?
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Ah, Sake *smiles*. Haven't got this in years.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Do you want to head back. - Hai... - but I shouldn't talk about my personal perception regarding that topic...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: All right, we'll head back.
~*~Munen.Musou.: then you better enjoy it, "Senor" Bloodrose. It certainly is one of the best.
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: *bows*
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Pleasure talking with you signorina Musou.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: I'm always interested in bits of personal opinion, about a wide variety of things.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Likewise. *bows, but it seems a bit "stiff"*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: But if it's instead a creed, or some other external obligation...I understand.
~*~Munen.Musou.: It's... just... *sighs*... you'd expect a more "equal" treatment, I suppose from an allie... let's leave it at that.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: (quietly) Indeed.
~*~Munen.Musou.: That's just my personal opinion I might add.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: That's all right. After all, you did say that you spoke as equals among all of your sisters except for signora Ken herself
~*~Munen.Musou.: Anyways, how is the situation on Planet Malta?
~*~Munen.Musou.: *clearly wants to switch the topic out of discomfort*
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: *takes a look at Tomas* Plenty of Cardamine to harvest *smiles*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: (also trying to change the topic, but beaten to the punch) Naturally.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Actually, despite some appearances our fleets are as strong as they have ever been.
~*~Munen.Musou.: "Appearances"? *sounds and looks curious, leaning a bit forward*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: There is no government on Malta at the moment besides the Crimson Cross, you see.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: It's unusual, but seems to be stable for now, and our own organization grows in power daily.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Mhm, that certainly makes you a good ally to have, I suppose. *smiles*
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: The Roses are expanding the Orange Dream as it is our number one priority.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: I'm just acknowledging that it's a very unusual arrangement, particularly for a people known for its republican cartels.
~*~Munen.Musou.: And yet you neglect Kusari for some reason, "Senor" Bloodrose? *calm statement*
~*~Munen.Musou.: I see Tomas. I assume some people might have problems with how commited the Cross leads the "nacion", hai?
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: That will be changed soon signorina, I can asure you.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: In some ways -I- have a problem with it.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: The Dream loses meaning when it becomes mandated...
~*~Munen.Musou.: Oh, I wish I could understand what that means for Planet Malta and it's population, but I'm afraid, I don't.
~*~Munen.Musou.: That's a pleasent thing to say, "Senor" Bloodrose.
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Please signorina, call me Antonio.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Antonio, it is then.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: All right, tell me this - before the Imperials fell in Kusari, did you not fight against state-mandated beliefs?
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: The code that put warrior men above all else, and in which women were property.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hm, I'd rather say I fought the "traditions" than "beliefs"... but I assume these both come close to each other.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Indeed. It's not really that different here...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Because my organization primarily speaks for Malta, everyone here is forced to acknowledge at least some of -
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: - the organization's policies and beliefs, or go against the ruling body and risk penalties or expulsion.
~*~Munen.Musou.: I see. However, as long as The Cross speaks well for Planet Malta, there shouldn't be that much of a problem - or should it?
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Much like in Imperial Kusari, this can be very harmful to a nacion, leading to revolts, revolutions, suppression, and -
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: -tyranny.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Yes, but that's justifying the means to an end - just because it works doesn't necessarily make it 'right'.
~*~Munen.Musou.: You sound quite critiqueing of your own organization... not really convinved in your own work, I mean no offense of course.
~*~Munen.Musou.: convinced*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Oh, not at all. I am a bit more...hmm, progressive?...
~*~Munen.Musou.: The difference being however that I am sure, you have only the best for the "nacion" in your mind unlike the Kusarian ->
~*~Munen.Musou.: "governments" in the past centuries...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: I believe that forcing people to join the Dream (and not just the cardamine) robs it of all meaning.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: And yes, I sincerely hope we do.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Capitans do not sit on the Crimson Council. There is much I do not see.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Huh, that's a rather... unusual approach for a Maltese. If I had the choice I would make evryone in Kusari... even Sirius make>
~*~Munen.Musou.: dream the Orange Dream... *smiles slightly dreamingly (delusional?)*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: That is our goal as well...but they need to want it, at least to me. Telling them what they want doesn't count.
~*~Munen.Musou.: The enlightment it provides is something everyone has to experience at some point.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Well, once they dreamt once, it is not really a question of "want" anymore, now is it? *smiles slightly sinister/amused*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Certainly it is. Look at the Liberty Rogues, or the Junkers, or those spoiled rich brats on Planet Manhattan who -
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: - overdose and die on cardamine every day.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: There is a difference between abusing cardamine and using it to raise yourself to another level of existence.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hai, "sacrifices" have to be made of course.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: There will always be those who reject or refuse to understand what it actually means to Dream...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: But if the choice is taken from them forcefully, then it's just brainwashing.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hai... yet there are actions you can take to make them less... reluctant.
~*~Munen.Musou.: I remember this transport captain I encountered before my time in Fuchu... he grew quite accpeting when he had to choose >
~*~Munen.Musou.: between the dream and losing his life.... *ponders* I wonder what happened to him...
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Losing his life?
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: *wonders*
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hai... you probably know how "convincing" some Nova Torpedoes can actually be, hai?
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: I do, yes.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: I wonder what the dream means to you, then...
~*~Munen.Musou.: Enlightment for everyone... something everyone has to experience and embrace of course. *looks slightly suprised that Tomas>
~*~Munen.Musou.: has to wonder about it*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Experience and embrace or die, yes?
~*~Munen.Musou.: iie... but it should be strongly encouraged.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Once our movement overthrew the current "government" *says it like there wouldn't be even the option to fail* it will
~*~Munen.Musou.: be shined upon by the dream itself and Amaterasu's life.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Children shall receive proper education on how to dream properly without being at risk.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Of course. But when you say 'do this or die', is it really enlightenment?
~*~Munen.Musou.: And the trade of the dream shall flourish in all of Kusari.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Or is it just lip service for the sake of self preservation?
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: You surely have a gift for speeches signorina *slight smile*
~*~Munen.Musou.: Does it really matter once the person in question is actually enlightnend and learned that the dream is what they always>
~*~Munen.Musou.: needed. - Thank you Antonio, Matsuda's teachings were quite educational.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: I believe it does.
~*~Munen.Musou.: I assume we have to agree to disagree then on that subject. If your child becomes sick... well, I know it's a rarity for Malta>
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Because that's the difference between having brothers and sisters dreaming towards the Light and a bunch of -
~*~Munen.Musou.: but let's just assume for the sake of it, hai?>
~*~Munen.Musou.: So your child gets sick... do you let is suffer or do you give it the neccessary medicine it needs to get better even if it>
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: - robots following you in fear of their own lives, and potentially striking back as soon as you show any sort of -
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: - weakness.
~*~Munen.Musou.: doesnt want tot ake it?
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: In that scenario, it depends on the illness and the parents involved, of course. Assuming worst case scenario, -
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: - yes, you would help your child get better.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Well, the sickness is corruption and shrouded-minds, the cure is the orange dream. The parents are we.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Metaphorically, of course. *smiles*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Indeed, metaphorically.
~*~Munen.Musou.: I guess we judge the current importance to remove this "illness" just differently at the moment.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: I think of myself more as a teacher, or a guide, rather than a parent though.
~*~Munen.Musou.: I can respect and accept your stance on that of course. *bows*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: I wish to see humanity move beyond itself more than anything.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: But we are still human, at least in part - and humans need to -choose-. Otherwise, they rebel and fear, and hate.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: (clears his throat) But yes, we can agree to disagree.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: (chuckling) And you said you wouldn't be an enjoyable chatting partner.
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Indeed she said.
(@)-ET-Horologium: Nathan: Good day.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hai. *smiles peacefully* We can. One of the gifts the Dream gave us.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Konbanwa. *at Nathan*
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Buongiorno signori
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Saludos, Bloodrose transport.
~*~Munen.Musou.: And, arigato, Tomas. I'm honred that you enjoy our talk. I tend to be... less talkative usually, I suppose.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: I am glad you emerged from your shell a bit, signora.
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: That is hard to believe in signorina *smiles*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Hmm, ion storms.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Ah... an Ion storm warning...
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: You are free to shelter here on Malta to wait them out, signora.
(@)-ET-Horologium: Nathan: Ah, and I was just about to get all this Cardie to Liberty...
~*~Munen.Musou.: Arigato, much appreciated. It would have been a close run to the next Freeport.
(@)-ET-Horologium: Nathan: Dammit.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: They will pass soon enough.
~*~Munen.Musou.: I might even be able to actually spend a bit of time on the surface for once... *ponders*
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: I enjoyed our debate, signora Munen. Perhaps we might speak of it again at some point.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Hai, of course... I'll land this vessel now then. *bows* Antonio. *smiles slightly and bows slightly*
~*~Munen.Musou.: I enjoyed it as well.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: At your leisure, then.
(@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Signorina Musou, signori Tomas, it was a pleasure talking to you *bows*
(@)-ET-Horologium: Nathan: Farewell.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Please pass the message along to signora Ken that we wish for expanded talks.
|+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Stay safe, signora.
~*~Munen.Musou.: Right. Captain of the ET-Horologium. *bows slightly*

Antonio Bloodrose
Bloodrose Syndicate
Target list:
• |+|-ET-Arancione Friendly - |+| Crimson Cross
• ~*~Munen.Musou Friendly- ~*~ Sisterhood of Dreams
Date: 19-06-822 A.S.
Today, signorina Angel and I encountered a small group of 343 in Tau 29 system. As I expected we fought the them and got pretty good results, sadly for us we were outnumbered and at the end we had to take our ships to Cali base in Tau 23 for repairs. Kusarians lost a few ships there as well...
Not so long after that, a massive Corsair fleet came to Alpha. While we had a lot of fighters and few bombers we also had one gunboat and one available dreadnought, they had more that three battleships, one gunboat and dozens of fighters. After a long and hard battle, the Outcast forces were victorious.
After that being done, our friends from Liberty came to pay us a visit, the Liberty Rogues. Signori Nathan and I accompanied one Rogue and together we went to Rheinland to "expand" the Orange Dream. We have had no troubles while flying to Rheinland. When we arrived on Malta, we decided to do one more Cardamine run, but this way we went trough Taus. Everything was good until one shiny Liberty trader popped up in Coronado, he was full will videogames. It was a shame that he didn't want to share a single game with us, for what he was punished, pity tho.
When our small convoy arrived in Texas, two more Liberty Rogue P-Transports joined us and we all transported Slaves to Malta.
Long story short, it was a very good day.
Antonio Bloodrose
Bloodrose Syndicate
RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Corile - 06-22-2015

[Incoming Signal]
[Sender:]______ Nathan Bloodrose
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Niverton Base, Pennsylvania
[Subject:]_____ Pennsylvania madness.
[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ Very High
[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]
Oh my, where do I start. My sides still hurt after this. I met a few Rogues in Kepler, they were doing a blockade but having realised they plundered every possible transport and pirated every possible trader they moved on to Pennsylvania... to mine Helium for the rookies. I obviously assisted them, as I absolutely enjoy their company. We even filled a couple of freighters before it all went to hell and a massive fight broke out. Right now I'm sitting safe and sound on Niverton as the Navy and the Bounty Hunters are still storming outside. It was an amazing day though. I also left us a small shipment of Video Games on Ames, I will pick those up soon.
I love the Rogues.
Nathan Bloodrose
Bloodrose Syndicate
RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Corile - 06-23-2015

[Incoming Signal]
[Sender:]______ Nathan Bloodrose
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Buffalo Base, New York
[Subject:]_____ Orange Treaty.
[Priority:]____ High
[Encryption:]__ Very High
[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]
I had an encounter with another one of the Liberty puppet masters, this time it was Nicole Hunter - the one responsible for the Lane Hackers. I was going through Ontario and passing by Cochrane when I saw her outside along with a Rogue and some cheeky *static* in a Camara. I conveniently listened on their conversation when they decided to blow the guy up, and they did. Please remind me not to ever ask that woman on a date.
After that she asked me about some of the things involving the Orange Treaty. Overall it was full of generalities and it seems like she was just trying to examine our willingness to accept the Treaty. I will keep you updated when something new pops up.
Nathan Bloodrose
Bloodrose Syndicate
[23.06.2015 17:36:50] SirLagsalot: Aaaand there we go.
[23.06.2015 17:36:52] SirLagsalot: A sniffer.
[23.06.2015 17:36:59] LR-Highly.Accurate: Oh, speaking of which. One of those guys.
[23.06.2015 17:37:00] SirLagsalot: You can smell them lightyears away.
[23.06.2015 17:37:08] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: You were speaking of me?
[23.06.2015 17:37:08] SirLagsalot: A sniffer who is not Maria Martinez.
[23.06.2015 17:37:12] SirLagsalot: What a sad view.
[23.06.2015 17:37:35] SirLagsalot: Looks like i've got myself a company here.
[23.06.2015 17:37:36] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: There is undeniable proudness in the way you speak about this ancient thing. And welcome.
[23.06.2015 17:37:45] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: *nods* Hello.
[23.06.2015 17:37:53] SirLagsalot: Ancient thing, eh?
[23.06.2015 17:37:57] LR-Highly.Accurate: *Nods*
[23.06.2015 17:38:22] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: How many years ago it happened? Three by our standards are ancient times, J.
[23.06.2015 17:38:37] SirLagsalot: You mean, Maria?
[23.06.2015 17:38:38] SirLagsalot: Or Moka?
[23.06.2015 17:38:45] SirLagsalot: Or, err... i kind of missed that.
[23.06.2015 17:39:14] SirLagsalot: And what the hell is that rose sign on its hull? "Its", not "his".
[23.06.2015 17:39:23] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: How nice of you.
[23.06.2015 17:39:27] SirLagsalot: Is he a flower-seller of some kind?
[23.06.2015 17:39:30] SirLagsalot: It.
[23.06.2015 17:39:41] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: *sighs*
[23.06.2015 17:40:03] SirLagsalot: Looks like i've missed some things going on in liberty.
[23.06.2015 17:40:16] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: If I did not know better I would think that you are trying to provoke our Maltese guest.
[23.06.2015 17:40:26] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: It sure as hell seems to me like that...
[23.06.2015 17:40:27] LR-Highly.Accurate: Sounds like it.
[23.06.2015 17:40:28] SirLagsalot: Oh come on.
[23.06.2015 17:40:37] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: But, well, where are my manners. I don't think we've had an opportunity to meet.
[23.06.2015 17:40:50] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Nathan Bloodrose, ma'am, I'm in charge of the Bloodrose operations in Liberty.
[23.06.2015 17:40:57] SirLagsalot: I fed Maria Martinez with my own liver. Why the hell would i consider anyone else a real Maltese after that?
[23.06.2015 17:41:20] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: Good evening, senor. Welcome at Cochrane.
[23.06.2015 17:41:21] LR-Highly.Accurate: Ehhhhhh. Right.
[23.06.2015 17:41:45] SirLagsalot: But back to where we were.
[23.06.2015 17:41:54] SirLagsalot: What -are- the flower people, again?
[23.06.2015 17:42:09] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: The Blood Roses?
[23.06.2015 17:42:12] LR-Highly.Accurate: I will mineram him if it comes to worst.
[23.06.2015 17:42:15] SirLagsalot: A-ha.
[23.06.2015 17:42:24] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Why should I bother to tell you?
[23.06.2015 17:42:26] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: Keen to try to kill SirLagsalot?
[23.06.2015 17:42:30] LR-Highly.Accurate: Yup
[23.06.2015 17:42:31] SirLagsalot: Why should you not?
[23.06.2015 17:42:32] LH~Cochrane.Interceptor: Greetings.
[23.06.2015 17:43:06] SirLagsalot: I mean, hey, we could be shooting each other the next day. It happens a lot, even with Nicole.
[23.06.2015 17:43:15] SirLagsalot: So why not getting to know each other better?
[23.06.2015 17:43:17] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: Okies. He is keeping sage distance.
[23.06.2015 17:43:23] LR-Highly.Accurate: Keep him pinned.
[23.06.2015 17:43:50] LH~Cochrane.Interceptor: How is the date going? I just arrived, so I am not briefed.
[23.06.2015 17:43:51] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: He felt threateaned. We need to lure him closer.
[23.06.2015 17:43:57] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Ms Hunter, may I visit Cochrane? My Cardamine reserves have run out on the way to Liberty.
[23.06.2015 17:44:00] SirLagsalot: Nor am i!
[23.06.2015 17:44:08] LR-Highly.Accurate: He cannot dock anywhere close. Let us try now and see what happens.
[23.06.2015 17:44:09] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: I'm sure you keep a stock on board.
[23.06.2015 17:44:11] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: Naturally, please dock.
[23.06.2015 17:44:14] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Thank you.
[23.06.2015 17:44:20] 2015-06-23 17:44:19 SMT Traffic control alert: (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose has requested to dock
[23.06.2015 17:44:37] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Wonderful.
[23.06.2015 17:44:41] SirLagsalot: Right.
[23.06.2015 17:44:49] SirLagsalot: So yeah, two questions.
[23.06.2015 17:44:53] LR-Highly.Accurate: Now then, who will give the demand that he will turn down?
[23.06.2015 17:44:54] SirLagsalot: What are the flower people.
[23.06.2015 17:45:03] SirLagsalot: Where is the Pita of the Liberty Rogues.
[23.06.2015 17:45:08] SirLagsalot: A million for each?
[23.06.2015 17:45:14] LR-Highly.Accurate: Pita?
[23.06.2015 17:45:18] SirLagsalot: Pita.
[23.06.2015 17:45:20] SirLagsalot: You know.
[23.06.2015 17:45:30] SirLagsalot: The kid of what-was-that-insane-female.
[23.06.2015 17:45:37] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: So J? I think we should proceed to the promissed date part.
[23.06.2015 17:45:43] SirLagsalot: The one who got shot, in the head.
[23.06.2015 17:45:49] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: Be ready to attack.
[23.06.2015 17:45:52] LR-Highly.Accurate: Right
[23.06.2015 17:45:53] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Aye.
[23.06.2015 17:46:01] SirLagsalot: You almost horrify me, Nicole, with all those people around
[23.06.2015 17:46:02] LH~Trigger: I am ready.
[23.06.2015 17:46:12] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: The date part is as you figured out full of bolts.
[23.06.2015 17:46:13] LR-Highly.Accurate: *Chuckles*
[23.06.2015 17:46:25] SirLagsalot: D'aww? No kisses?
[23.06.2015 17:46:29] SirLagsalot: Not even cardie?
[23.06.2015 17:46:38] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: This is the way I show my affection, true affection to you.
[23.06.2015 17:46:44] SirLagsalot: D'aww.
[23.06.2015 17:46:51] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: Free for fire.
[23.06.2015 17:46:55] LR-Highly.Accurate: Roger that.
[23.06.2015 17:46:57] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Oh, this is great.
[23.06.2015 17:47:00] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Libertonian hospitality.
[23.06.2015 17:47:05] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Let's go.
[23.06.2015 17:47:06] LH~Trigger: Weaphons ready, I am going in!
[23.06.2015 17:47:06] LH~Cochrane.Interceptor: Feel the love.
[23.06.2015 17:49:10] Death: SirLagsalot was put out of action by LR-Highly.Accurate (Mine).
[23.06.2015 17:49:14] LR-Highly.Accurate: Get smacked.
[23.06.2015 17:49:17] LR-Highly.Accurate: Freak.
[23.06.2015 17:49:18] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Hm.
[23.06.2015 17:49:19] LH~Trigger: Target down.
[23.06.2015 17:49:25] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: That went quick.
[23.06.2015 17:49:29] LH~Cochrane.Interceptor: That was invigorating.
[23.06.2015 17:49:32] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: This was long overdue.
[23.06.2015 17:49:37] LR-Highly.Accurate: That felt good.
[23.06.2015 17:49:57] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: Thank you for participation.
[23.06.2015 17:50:06] LR-Highly.Accurate: Always a pleasure to shoot him down.
[23.06.2015 17:50:10] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Ah, it's no big deal.
[23.06.2015 17:50:12] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: It was planned for a very long time to lure him to me this way.
[23.06.2015 17:50:34] 2015-06-23 17:50:33 SMT Traffic control alert: LR-Highly.Accurate has requested to dock
[23.06.2015 17:50:47] 2015-06-23 17:50:46 SMT Traffic control alert: LH~Cochrane.Interceptor has requested to dock
[23.06.2015 17:51:12] 2015-06-23 17:51:11 SMT Traffic control alert: LH~Trigger has requested to dock
[23.06.2015 17:53:52] 2015-06-23 17:53:51 SMT Traffic control alert: Trigger' has requested to dock
[23.06.2015 17:54:43] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: I have Mr J in my cargo hold ready for a mania interrogation which I will soon start.
[23.06.2015 17:54:57] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Well.
[23.06.2015 17:55:01] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: But before I depart...
[23.06.2015 17:55:26] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: I wanted to exchange several words with you, Senor Nathan.
[23.06.2015 17:55:40] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Feel free to drop the 'senor', I'm actually Libertonian by blood.
[23.06.2015 17:55:41] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: If you have time for it not, naturally.
[23.06.2015 17:55:51] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Yes, of course. I'm listening.
[23.06.2015 17:56:21] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: This can be inferred, though even Dennis Jameson liked to use this title.
[23.06.2015 17:56:27] LR-Highly.Accurate: I suppose this is not for me to hear. I will report about our little encounter to Boss. Maybe he will sick the rest of our
[23.06.2015 17:56:49] LR-Highly.Accurate: Highly Accurate wing on the guy if he ever starts mouthing off again.
[23.06.2015 17:56:55] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: Your ship is a true Camara killer.
[23.06.2015 17:57:03] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: *chuckles* Oh yes.
[23.06.2015 17:57:10] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Beautiful performance.
[23.06.2015 17:57:18] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: As per usual.
[23.06.2015 17:57:42] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: Very well. Switching to secure comms.
[23.06.2015 17:58:12] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: Nathan, I do believe you heard about the Orange Treaty, have you?
[23.06.2015 17:58:23] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: I do know that it is a thing, but not much else.
[23.06.2015 17:58:40] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: I'm not very familiar with the content of it.
[23.06.2015 18:00:36] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: I will tell you what it is.
[23.06.2015 18:02:01] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: It is primarily an attempt to fix things after the Outcast civil war and avoid unneccessary tensions between us in shared
[23.06.2015 18:02:03] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: space.
[23.06.2015 18:02:42] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: You're referring to the Contari Lance and 101st incidents, right?
[23.06.2015 18:03:23] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: It was not an incident. It was a full blown civil war which left Liberty Rogues split and Cardamine flow to Liberty
[23.06.2015 18:03:28] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: seriously endangered.
[23.06.2015 18:04:01] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: I see. Well, I was not really around in business at the time, but I did hear stories.
[23.06.2015 18:04:34] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: Contari Lance lost most of its importance these days and 101st dissolved leaving the Crimson Cross the Malteese Hegemon...
[23.06.2015 18:04:58] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Cross, between you and me, can leave their religious blabber to themselves, I want nothing with it.
[23.06.2015 18:05:20] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: I understand your reservations and I personally share them.
[23.06.2015 18:06:12] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: At the same time I do have best interest of Cardamine bussines in mind.
[23.06.2015 18:06:23] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: So do I.
[23.06.2015 18:07:02] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: In fact the core, the very basic principle of the Bloodrose Syndicate is to spread the Cardamine influence.
[23.06.2015 18:07:14] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: Which means that I do want a strong and united alliance of Outcasts, Rogues and Hackers to remain united.
[23.06.2015 18:08:09] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: Every time a new faction within Malteese or Rogues takes prominence there are some stronger or weaker tensions between the
[23.06.2015 18:08:23] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: old king and new prince, so to speak.
[23.06.2015 18:09:18] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: Sometimes they are as strong as in the case of Contari Lance and 101st, and sometimes they simply manifest as unwillingness
[23.06.2015 18:09:32] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: to participate in a greater scheme of things.
[23.06.2015 18:09:49] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Right.
[23.06.2015 18:10:12] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Well, the Bloodrose Syndicate hasn't had any problems with the Cross yet and I do hope it will remain that way.
[23.06.2015 18:11:13] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: We are debating whether to invite the Bloodrose Syndicate to the Orange Treaty. I am curious what is your leadership stance
[23.06.2015 18:11:38] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: on such development.
[23.06.2015 18:12:07] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: I believe I can safely say that whatever's in the best interest of Cardamine trade is also in the best interest of the-
[23.06.2015 18:12:10] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Blood Roses.
[23.06.2015 18:13:03] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: I was extremely busy last months with many secret Hacker projects and had not chance to analyse your Syndicate better.
[23.06.2015 18:13:29] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: I'd be happy to share any information you might need. As long as it's not classified, of course.
[23.06.2015 18:13:48] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: I do wonder whether you would be willing to trade a very small part of your freedom of operations in exchange for a voice
[23.06.2015 18:13:58] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: in the treaty as its full member.
[23.06.2015 18:14:16] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: That depends on what that small part is.
[23.06.2015 18:14:36] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: The question is in general.
[23.06.2015 18:15:10] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: That question cannot be answered in general, I'm afraid.
[23.06.2015 18:16:30] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: It is a question about your attitude.
[23.06.2015 18:17:04] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: As an example Contari Lance refused to signed the treaty just for the sake of underlining their independence
[23.06.2015 18:17:29] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: I don't think my attitude changes anything here. But I do very much value our freedom of operations.
[23.06.2015 18:17:50] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Then again, I do believe that any /specific/ issues on the matter can and will be resolved.
[23.06.2015 18:18:38] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: This is the thing I wanted to hear. The willingness to make compromises.
[23.06.2015 18:18:49] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: THank you for this information.
[23.06.2015 18:20:22] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: Meanwhile, I have a stubborn passenger to interrogate. Have a pleasant stay at Cochrane, Nathan.
[23.06.2015 18:20:36] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Of course.
[23.06.2015 18:20:42] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Thank you very much.
[23.06.2015 18:21:05] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: If it's not a problem for you, I would very much appreciate seeing the version of the Treaty that you'd like us to sign.
[23.06.2015 18:21:32] LH~Nicole.Hunter.: I will arrange it.
[23.06.2015 18:21:35] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: That way we can look over any issues that might come up and I can discuss it with our leadership.
[23.06.2015 18:21:39] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Thank you, Ms Hunter.
[23.06.2015 18:21:44] (@)-Nathan:Bloodrose: Well, farewell then.
Target list:
• LH~Nicole.Hunter. - Friendly - Lane Hackers
• LH~Trigger - Friendly - Lane Hackers
• LR-Highly.Accurate - Friendly - Liberty Rogues
• SirLagsalot - Neutral - Freelancer
RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Bloodrose Syndicate - 06-25-2015

[Incoming Signal]
[Sender:]______ Angel Bloodrose
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha
[Subject:]_____ Space is dangerous.
[Priority:]____ Low
[Encryption:]__ Very High
[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]
The Orbital Spa and Cruise have proven today that they pilots are complete half-wits so don't hesitate extorting as much as you please from them. Just please don't ever fall for such a stupid lie like they did. Treat it as a lesson, and a bit of laughing material.
Angel Bloodrose
Bloodrose Syndicate
[25.06.2015 13:21:31] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: are you bounty hunters?
[25.06.2015 13:22:08] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Yes.
[25.06.2015 13:22:32] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: want to make some credits
[25.06.2015 13:22:45] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Of course. What credits are we talking about here?
[25.06.2015 13:23:21] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: how much would be a Junker pirate in a civilian bomber
[25.06.2015 13:23:42] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: in the sigmas at the moment
[25.06.2015 13:23:53] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Well, I'm not in the sigmas, I'm in Tau-29 right now.
[25.06.2015 13:25:51] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Though I would be interested in a discussion of a possible future cooperation between us.
[25.06.2015 13:26:05] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: well your not to far, ill pay 20 mill if you come here and another 20 if you can get him in your cargo
[25.06.2015 13:26:54] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: I don't want to fly all the way there for nothing.
[25.06.2015 13:27:03] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: I need these 20 millions in advance.
[25.06.2015 13:28:06] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: well 20 I was going to give you right away
[25.06.2015 13:28:15] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Well.
[25.06.2015 13:28:23] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: he is currently in sigma-17
[25.06.2015 13:28:30] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: so its not for nothing
[25.06.2015 13:29:00] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Well then. I'll start going when I see the twenty millions on my account.
[25.06.2015 13:30:00] You have received 20.000.000 credits from OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman
[25.06.2015 13:31:00] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: Nova.surfer is his name
[25.06.2015 13:31:29] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Right, I'm on my way.
[25.06.2015 13:32:26] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: let me know when you are in contac with him because I need to make it past him
[25.06.2015 13:32:40] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Where are you going, then?
[25.06.2015 13:33:14] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: I just need to know where you are now and where you are going.
[25.06.2015 13:33:23] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: I can arrange it properly then.
[25.06.2015 13:33:26] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: stuttgart, but I suppose I can go through S-13 now that I think about it
[25.06.2015 13:34:06] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: No, hold on.
[25.06.2015 13:34:10] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: he should be right outside the game from 19 to 17
[25.06.2015 13:34:16] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: okay
[25.06.2015 13:34:22] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: I will tell you when it's clear.
[25.06.2015 13:34:24] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: gate*
[25.06.2015 13:34:32] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: kk
[25.06.2015 13:34:39] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: We'll do this properly and you will be able to laugh in his face when he will be dying.
[25.06.2015 13:35:17] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: indeed I have passengers that will enjoy the show
[25.06.2015 13:36:00] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Where are you now?
[25.06.2015 13:36:41] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: currently in sigma 19
[25.06.2015 13:36:47] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: But where exactly? Hawaii?
[25.06.2015 13:36:52] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: yes
[25.06.2015 13:36:58] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Okay, stay there until I tell you to move.
[25.06.2015 13:37:04] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: kk
[25.06.2015 13:39:44] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Well.
[25.06.2015 13:40:44] You have received 10.000.000 credits from OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman
[25.06.2015 13:40:51] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: there is a tip
[25.06.2015 13:41:07] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: rich people on these liners you see
[25.06.2015 13:42:15] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: All right, I'm in Sigma-19.
[25.06.2015 13:42:20] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: I will be running on the cloak though.
[25.06.2015 13:42:42] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: should I go through again?
[25.06.2015 13:42:44] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: No.
[25.06.2015 13:42:48] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Wait at Hawaii.
[25.06.2015 13:42:50] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: kk
[25.06.2015 13:42:54] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: I will tell you what to do.
[25.06.2015 13:43:48] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Are you at Hawaii?
[25.06.2015 13:43:50] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: yes
[25.06.2015 13:43:59] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: All right.
[25.06.2015 13:45:37] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Okay, I've jumped.
[25.06.2015 13:45:47] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Please move to the jump gate, don't jump yet.
[25.06.2015 13:45:51] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: kk
[25.06.2015 13:45:51] JM|-Nova.Surfer: hello
[25.06.2015 13:45:54] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Hey there.
[25.06.2015 13:46:06] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: When I say 'j' then jump.
[25.06.2015 13:46:12] JM|-Nova.Surfer: what you are doing here
[25.06.2015 13:46:17] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: I have a story for you.
[25.06.2015 13:46:22] JM|-Nova.Surfer: okay
[25.06.2015 13:46:24] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: An OSC transport thinks I'm a bounty hunter.
[25.06.2015 13:46:29] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: And paid me good money to kill you.
[25.06.2015 13:46:29] JM|-Nova.Surfer: okay
[25.06.2015 13:46:35] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: And he will come here in a moment.
[25.06.2015 13:46:38] JM|-Nova.Surfer: okay
[25.06.2015 13:46:42] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Wanna show him the door?
[25.06.2015 13:46:44] JM|-Nova.Surfer: okay
[25.06.2015 13:46:48] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Okay then.
[25.06.2015 13:46:50] JM|-Nova.Surfer: okay
[25.06.2015 13:46:51] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: j
[25.06.2015 13:47:03] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: roger
[25.06.2015 13:47:04] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: He's about to die.
[25.06.2015 13:47:34] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: I lied.
[25.06.2015 13:47:39] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: You are the one that's about to die.
[25.06.2015 13:47:45] JM|-Nova.Surfer: Hello there buddy.
[25.06.2015 13:47:51] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: You just got immensely fooled, my dear.
[25.06.2015 13:48:08] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Next time do some reading on who you're talking to.
[25.06.2015 13:49:24] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: well you guys are ruthless
[25.06.2015 13:49:27] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Yes, we are.
[25.06.2015 13:49:29] JM|-Nova.Surfer: Yep.
[25.06.2015 13:49:44] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Okay, so how about you pay me the other twenty millions now.
[25.06.2015 13:50:47] JM|-Nova.Surfer: You should probably do as he asks.
[25.06.2015 13:50:57] JM|-Nova.Surfer: Or she.
[25.06.2015 13:51:50] JM|-Nova.Surfer: Lets wake him up.
[25.06.2015 13:51:54] (@)-Angel:Bloodrose: Right.
[25.06.2015 13:52:53] OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman: well just take my ship its easy enough to replace
[25.06.2015 13:53:22] Death: OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman was put out of action by (@)-Angel:Bloodrose (Gun).
Target list:
• JM|-Nova.Surfer - Neutral - Junker Marauders
• OrbS&C|Lux.Liner-Cayman - Hostile - Orbital Spa and Cruise
RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Corile - 06-26-2015

[Incoming Signal]
[Sender:]______ Nathan Bloodrose
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Ruiz Base, Omicron Beta
[Subject:]_____ Penance and repentance.
[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ Very High
[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]
Along with ma'am Rise - on MNS Taranis - we encountered a familiar face in Omicron Beta. A guy calling himself Handlowiec showed up the other day at Malta with Stabiline. We of course could not let such a horrible offense go without some sort of penance, so we left him with a mission. His assignment includes:
• Delivering three shipments of Cardamine to the Lane Hackers with a message that it's a gift from the Blood Roses - as well as confessing that he did wrong by bringing Stabiline into Omicron Alpha.
• Delivering 3000 boxes of tea for ma'am Rise. I have no idea what she's going to use all that for, but hey, not my cup of tea.
• Delivering 500 boxes of video games for Inquisitor Espinosa, because Cross need some sort of compensation too.
I'm convinced he can do this in about two weeks, we'll see in due time how it turns out.
Nathan Bloodrose
Bloodrose Syndicate
[26.06.2015 19:04:34] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Hey, buddy, might holding on for a moment?
[26.06.2015 19:05:07] [Handlowiec]: No problem at all
[26.06.2015 19:05:18] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Cardamine. Not Stabiline. Good man.
[26.06.2015 19:05:24] [Handlowiec]: Is there any problem, Mate?
[26.06.2015 19:05:32] [Handlowiec]: ahhh, that
[26.06.2015 19:05:35] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: You see, I was at that incident that happened at Malta...
[26.06.2015 19:05:38] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: When was it... yesterday?
[26.06.2015 19:05:45] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Or two days back? Doesn't matter.
[26.06.2015 19:06:08] [Handlowiec]: Sorry abot that, it seems that someone make a terrible joke
[26.06.2015 19:06:22] [Handlowiec]: and I paid my lesson
[26.06.2015 19:06:23] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: You see, you kinda "angered the Spirits", which pissed off Cross and you also brought Stabiline which pissed us off.
[26.06.2015 19:07:05] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: I guess Cross doesn't mind because your ship got kind of wrecked, but the Blood Roses aren't exactly happy about what you've-
[26.06.2015 19:07:06] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: done there.
[26.06.2015 19:07:20] [Handlowiec]: Like I said - I learn my lesson
[26.06.2015 19:07:31] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: You will still need to do something for us.
[26.06.2015 19:07:37] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Hmm.
[26.06.2015 19:07:40] (@)-MNS-Taranis: Rise: Learning your lesson isn't good enough for the Roses.
[26.06.2015 19:07:41] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Where are you taking this Cardamine?
[26.06.2015 19:07:48] [Handlowiec]: I wont happen again - since I want to keep good terms with You people
[26.06.2015 19:08:40] [Handlowiec]: ok, what need to be done?
[26.06.2015 19:08:48] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Where are you taking the Cardamine?
[26.06.2015 19:08:48] (@)-MNS-Taranis: Rise: you'd like to stay in our good books?
[26.06.2015 19:09:07] (@)-MNS-Taranis: Rise: Answer the question, for starters.
[26.06.2015 19:09:21] [Handlowiec]: allight
[26.06.2015 19:09:52] [Handlowiec]: the cargo is for one of Your fellow allies
[26.06.2015 19:10:02] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Right. Which one.
[26.06.2015 19:10:09] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: System, base, owner.
[26.06.2015 19:10:15] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: I expect a short and concise answer.
[26.06.2015 19:11:00] [Handlowiec]: Magellan, Mactan
[26.06.2015 19:11:13] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Hackers...
[26.06.2015 19:11:27] (@)-MNS-Taranis: Rise: Interesting.
[26.06.2015 19:11:38] [Handlowiec]: Why is that?
[26.06.2015 19:11:42] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Okay, here's what you're going to do.
[26.06.2015 19:12:09] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: You will move three shipments of Cardamine to the Hackers and you will inform them about this situation.
[26.06.2015 19:12:18] (@)-MNS-Taranis: Rise: Hey Nathan... The Gardens Tea stock sure has been lacking as of late. *Smirks*
[26.06.2015 19:12:38] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: About how you tainted our trust with transporting Stabiline.
[26.06.2015 19:12:51] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: And then you will send the cargo manifests to me.
[26.06.2015 19:13:23] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: On the way back, as Altezza said, our tea reserves are lacking. You will bring at least three thousand boxes of tea to Malta.
[26.06.2015 19:13:27] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Send the cargo manifests to me.
[26.06.2015 19:13:38] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Then we will be all clear and the entire incident will be forgotten.
[26.06.2015 19:13:47] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Understand everything?
[26.06.2015 19:13:54] [Handlowiec]: Allright - tea, it is, anything else?
[26.06.2015 19:14:11] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Three full shipments of Cardamine to the Hackers and one shipment to Malta.
[26.06.2015 19:14:14] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: That's all.
[26.06.2015 19:14:17] (@)-MNS-Taranis: Rise: Yes, 1 more thing
[26.06.2015 19:14:28] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Oh?
[26.06.2015 19:15:07] [Handlowiec]: I'm listening
[26.06.2015 19:15:26] (@)-MNS-Taranis: Rise: I hear that our friend, the Inquisitor has an interest in video games... Why not bring a stock of 500 units to malta...
[26.06.2015 19:15:34] (@)-MNS-Taranis: ...along with that tea.
[26.06.2015 19:15:59] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Oh yeah.
[26.06.2015 19:16:07] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: She might be less pissed at you for that Stabiline.
[26.06.2015 19:16:15] [Handlowiec]: Videogames - Tea, got it
[26.06.2015 19:16:28] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: All right then.
[26.06.2015 19:16:50] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: I guess we're done here?
[26.06.2015 19:17:07] [Handlowiec]: I belive that we have an agreement
[26.06.2015 19:17:14] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Good.
[26.06.2015 19:17:29] [Handlowiec]: If there will anything else - then just give me a call
[26.06.2015 19:17:34] (@)-MNS-Taranis: Rise: Yes, were finished. Do this and your name wil be clear... and tell the Hacker, Rise Bloodrose, says Hi.
[26.06.2015 19:17:44] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Oh.
[26.06.2015 19:17:45] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Right.
[26.06.2015 19:17:47] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Speaking of.
[26.06.2015 19:17:51] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Name. What's your name, boy?
[26.06.2015 19:17:57] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: I almost forgot.
[26.06.2015 19:17:59] [Handlowiec]: Matt
[26.06.2015 19:18:08] (@)-MNS-Taranis: Rise: Hmm? Oh, yes, that would be a nice thing to know.
[26.06.2015 19:18:12] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Well, ain't that a rare one.
[26.06.2015 19:18:19] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Just "Matt"?
[26.06.2015 19:18:37] [Handlowiec]: just Matt
[26.06.2015 19:18:51] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: All right, Matt.
[26.06.2015 19:18:58] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Enjoy the rest of your day.
[26.06.2015 19:19:01] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: we're done here.
[26.06.2015 19:19:10] (@)-MNS-Taranis: Rise: Nice to meet you, Matt, Be lucky that Nathan and I were the ones to stop you, if it were any other Bloodroses, you'd
[26.06.2015 19:19:19] (@)-MNS-Taranis: ... be dead. Have a good one.
Target list:
• (@)-MNS-Taranis - Friendly - Bloodrose Syndicate
• [Handlowiec] - Neutral - Freelancer
RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Venkman - 07-04-2015

[Incoming Signal]
[Sender:]______ Antonio Bloodrose
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha
[Subject:]_____ Patrol report: 03-07-822. A.S.
[Priority:]____ High
[Encryption:]__ Very High
[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]
Buongiorno mia familia
Yesterday signori Nathan and I made a little convoy to Rheinland. Nathan was in a Borderwolds Transport and I was in a Stork. Together we had no trouble getting there whatsoever. On our way back home we used the Taus route. In Tau 29 system one Freelancer joined us, her name was Yui Hetai. Signori Nathan and I spoke to that Freelancer, it turned out that she has some sort of a debt and that she's been living on Malta for 5 years. After we dropped workers on Malta, I decided that it would be good if I take my Orchid and be an escort to Nathan. Soon after I undocked we departed from Malta and went to Liberty. The Freelancer Yui or Yu as she said joined us as an escort as well. As we arrived to Cortez we used California jump hole. I jumped to California first, luckily Nathan didn't jump. What I found on the other side were two Hellfire Legion pilots. One was bomber and the second one was in his fighter. We had to think fast, so the wisest thing for us both was to get a rather strong and big ship such as Tridente which Nathan did. Those Hellfires are strange, they really are. The believe in some sort of a god or whatever, it's called Tea or Tae, anyway the Hellfire chased us all the way to Montezuma station in Cortez where Nathan gave them two simple options: 1) To leave nicely 2) To fight the inevitable. The reasonable man would pick the first option, but they picked the second one, which.... was bad for them. We were outnumbered, that Freelancer was lost or something, so there were only Nathan and I there. The Legion had a bomber and a two fighters. Nathan first razored that bomber, soon after that Yiu Hetai joined us, we offered him 5 mil. for each Hellfire pilot that he kills. Unfortunately he was not able to deal with any of them so Nathan again razored a Hellfire pilot and I nuked the other fighter.
As we finished the fight, Nathan switched his ship and together we went to Pennsylvania where we took some healthy workers. On the way back there was absolutely no threat. In Omicron Alpha, there was one pilot, his name was Jared Nomak. He said that he was some kind of a leader of a -Nomad paramilitary- group called Samarran Raiders. I had little knowledge of who they were and what did they actually do. Signori Nathan left after a few minutes, but I continued the conversation with that Samarran - Nomak. He was asking me things about Crimson Cross and about their fanatism as well as some other things such as do I believe in Cross. I will be uploading our conversation so you could be able to see everything. Apparently Samarrans were/are -big- thing. There is something that tells me that we will see a lot of them in the future.
[03.07.2015 13:30:52] Jared.Nomak: Greetings men.
[03.07.2015 13:31:19] Jared.Nomak: If you do not know, I'm Jared Nomak.
[03.07.2015 13:31:26] Jared.Nomak: I've led something called Samarran Raiders.
[03.07.2015 13:31:32] (@)-ET-Horologium: Nathan: Okay.
[03.07.2015 13:31:47] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Samarran Raiders? Nathan, you know them?
[03.07.2015 13:31:55] (@)-ET-Horologium: Nathan: Nope.
[03.07.2015 13:31:56] Yiu.Hetai': What raiders?
[03.07.2015 13:31:57] Jared.Nomak: So, I think it wouldn't be a problem for me to reside here.
[03.07.2015 13:32:08] Jared.Nomak: You should look trough Malteese database.
[03.07.2015 13:32:16] Jared.Nomak: We were long time allies of Nacion.
[03.07.2015 13:32:25] (@)-ET-Horologium: Nathan: Okay.
[03.07.2015 13:32:26] Jared.Nomak: Sword of Maltese.
[03.07.2015 13:32:27] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: As you say
[03.07.2015 13:32:45] (@)-ET-Horologium: Nathan: Whatever you say, mate.
[03.07.2015 13:32:59] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: And where are those Raiders of yours now signori?
[03.07.2015 13:33:17] Jared.Nomak: Well. Disbanded. They're either MIA or died.
[03.07.2015 13:33:31] Death: Igori was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[03.07.2015 13:33:33] Jared.Nomak: As we were Nomad Paramilitary and human force, many hunted us.
[03.07.2015 13:33:34] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: It's said to hear that...
[03.07.2015 13:33:45] Jared.Nomak: Like, Order.
[03.07.2015 13:33:47] (@)-ET-Horologium: Nathan: Oh, another bunch of Nomad worshippers?
[03.07.2015 13:33:54] (@)-ET-Horologium: Nathan: So, like, weeaboos?
[03.07.2015 13:34:02] Jared.Nomak: Not worshippers. Paramilitary force.
[03.07.2015 13:34:13] Jared.Nomak: Well, anyway it's gone so.
[03.07.2015 13:34:20] Jared.Nomak: I will just reside here.
[03.07.2015 13:34:31] (@)-ET-Horologium: Nathan: Enjoy your time.
[03.07.2015 13:34:42] Jared.Nomak: Besides that, we've mostly helped you guys out against Corsairs, IMG or CR>
[03.07.2015 13:34:43] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Well, Nation's friends are our friends so...
[03.07.2015 13:34:47] Yiu.Hetai': Why the people do so much talk about the nomads here, met them, agressive, but heh.
[03.07.2015 13:34:52] Jared.Nomak: Good.
[03.07.2015 13:34:56] (@)-ET-Horologium: Nathan: I have to go. I'll see you folks another time.
[03.07.2015 13:35:02] Jared.Nomak: Well, agressive towards people of non interest to them.
[03.07.2015 13:35:03] Death: Christosc was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[03.07.2015 13:35:05] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Later signori.
[03.07.2015 13:35:09] Jared.Nomak: See you.
[03.07.2015 13:35:51] Yiu.Hetai': I had an interest, but they just started shooting and I had to run.
[03.07.2015 13:36:02] Jared.Nomak: Well, their interest, not yours. *laughs*
[03.07.2015 13:36:16] Jared.Nomak: You shouldn't go to places where you don't belong.
[03.07.2015 13:36:17] Yiu.Hetai': Because I do not see reason to kill them by the way.
[03.07.2015 13:36:31] Jared.Nomak: Well. They do not like tresspassers in their space.
[03.07.2015 13:36:42] Jared.Nomak: For example, I, can go there with full rewards but.
[03.07.2015 13:36:46] Jared.Nomak: Someone ordinary, not.
[03.07.2015 13:37:03] Jared.Nomak: They will mostly ignore you.
[03.07.2015 13:37:08] Jared.Nomak: If you're not in their space.
[03.07.2015 13:37:08] Yiu.Hetai': Hm, let's check it out?
[03.07.2015 13:37:13] Jared.Nomak: What?
[03.07.2015 13:37:25] Yiu.Hetai': Let's go to Nomad space...
[03.07.2015 13:37:25] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: *laughs*
[03.07.2015 13:37:32] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Yu, we do not go there
[03.07.2015 13:37:39] Jared.Nomak: Well. I have orders to shoot down non authorised people.
[03.07.2015 13:37:53] Jared.Nomak: So, I wouldn't suggest you to go there, nor I would take some stranger there.
[03.07.2015 13:38:36] Jared.Nomak: Even, some Maltese are not welcome. But, mostly, they can be there.
[03.07.2015 13:38:39] Jared.Nomak: But no need to go there.
[03.07.2015 13:38:53] Yiu.Hetai': Sounds like cowardness.
[03.07.2015 13:39:05] Jared.Nomak: I don't know. I was away for too long. When I was around with my Raiders, there was Ghosts of Razgriz.
[03.07.2015 13:39:16] Jared.Nomak: I've heard about civil war and that.
[03.07.2015 13:39:20] Jared.Nomak: It's no good.
[03.07.2015 13:39:48] Jared.Nomak: People of Malta should be united and led by non religious fanatics.
[03.07.2015 13:39:58] Jared.Nomak: Like in old days.
[03.07.2015 13:40:09] Jared.Nomak: Everyone was happy, 'sairs were blasted.
[03.07.2015 13:40:48] Yiu.Hetai': I do not take care about the politics, just want to keep some alternative to the Houses Worlds like Malta.
[03.07.2015 13:41:04] Jared.Nomak: Malta will dissapear with these politics.
[03.07.2015 13:41:10] Jared.Nomak: It already began.
[03.07.2015 13:41:30] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Nonsense...
[03.07.2015 13:41:36] Jared.Nomak: Nonsense?
[03.07.2015 13:41:38] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Si
[03.07.2015 13:41:50] Jared.Nomak: So, you think you would survive if a fleet of Corsairs would jump here?
[03.07.2015 13:41:52] Jared.Nomak: Alone?
[03.07.2015 13:41:55] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Si
[03.07.2015 13:41:56] Jared.Nomak: You'd be toasted.
[03.07.2015 13:42:03] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Do not make me laugh.
[03.07.2015 13:42:05] Jared.Nomak: Same goes for Colonial dogs.
[03.07.2015 13:42:17] Jared.Nomak: Your civil war departed unity and made you weak.
[03.07.2015 13:42:23] Jared.Nomak: Which is bad thing.
[03.07.2015 13:42:29] Jared.Nomak: That is why I came here.
[03.07.2015 13:42:29] 2015-07-03 13:42:13 SMT Traffic control alert: Wice has requested to dock
[03.07.2015 13:42:38] Jared.Nomak: Malta needs reunion.
[03.07.2015 13:42:41] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: The civil war is long over, people of Malta are now united
[03.07.2015 13:43:01] Yiu.Hetai': Also no one can tell me why do you have the war with 'sairs.
[03.07.2015 13:43:07] Jared.Nomak: Yeah, right. Led by religious fanatics.
[03.07.2015 13:43:16] Jared.Nomak: That's surely good thing.
[03.07.2015 13:43:20] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: There is nothing wrong there.
[03.07.2015 13:43:26] Jared.Nomak: If you say so.
[03.07.2015 13:43:43] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Believe me signori, Malta is getting stronger and stronger each day
[03.07.2015 13:43:55] Jared.Nomak: Well, it would be nice like that.
[03.07.2015 13:44:03] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: And about 'sairs....
[03.07.2015 13:44:06] Jared.Nomak: You know, even if we weren't Maltese, the Raiders.
[03.07.2015 13:44:08] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: They do come here often...
[03.07.2015 13:44:15] Jared.Nomak: We cared about safety of Malta.
[03.07.2015 13:44:25] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Are you saying that we don't care?
[03.07.2015 13:44:28] Jared.Nomak: K'Hara, has interest in this place.
[03.07.2015 13:44:34] Jared.Nomak: No, you got me wrong.
[03.07.2015 13:44:38] Jared.Nomak: I'm just worried.
[03.07.2015 13:44:44] Jared.Nomak: Civil war is bad thing to happen.
[03.07.2015 13:44:57] Base Moon destroyed
[03.07.2015 13:44:58] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Si, but as I said, it's long over.
[03.07.2015 13:44:59] Yiu.Hetai': And what interest K
[03.07.2015 13:45:08] Yiu.Hetai': 'Hara have here?
[03.07.2015 13:45:16] Jared.Nomak: Well. This is entrance in their world.
[03.07.2015 13:45:25] Jared.Nomak: And, home of cardamine, which is their health.
[03.07.2015 13:45:33] Jared.Nomak: With cardamine gone, they would be gone too.
[03.07.2015 13:45:46] Yiu.Hetai': But they do not attack people here.
[03.07.2015 13:45:57] Jared.Nomak: So, my job is to ensure Malta is fine. See me as ambassador.
[03.07.2015 13:46:13] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: And do you see anything wrong here signori?
[03.07.2015 13:46:24] Jared.Nomak: For now not. I was just worried about civil war.
[03.07.2015 13:46:29] Jared.Nomak: But, you say it's allright.
[03.07.2015 13:46:44] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: We are long passed that
[03.07.2015 13:46:52] Jared.Nomak: So, I've heard about you guys. Spreading the orange dream.
[03.07.2015 13:46:57] Jared.Nomak: Is the bussines going good?
[03.07.2015 13:46:58] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Si.
[03.07.2015 13:47:09] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: It's going very well
[03.07.2015 13:47:15] Jared.Nomak: Rheinland is a profit, you know. I hope you're going there too.
[03.07.2015 13:47:18] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Our familia is getting stronger
[03.07.2015 13:47:19] Yiu.Hetai': You said they are attacking guys who enters their Worlds and now you say that Malta is the part of their world?
[03.07.2015 13:47:34] Jared.Nomak: Yes. A part.
[03.07.2015 13:47:42] Jared.Nomak: Maltese and Nomads always for centuries.
[03.07.2015 13:47:45] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Liberty and Rheinland space are our main export places.
[03.07.2015 13:47:46] Jared.Nomak: Had mutual interests.
[03.07.2015 13:48:00] Jared.Nomak: Maltese grow cardamine, Nomads ensure that it's safe.
[03.07.2015 13:48:03] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: We are grateful for what they gave us.
[03.07.2015 13:48:23] Jared.Nomak: Indeed, you should be. That's why, I'm here as an ambasador.
[03.07.2015 13:48:29] Jared.Nomak: To ensure it's allright.
[03.07.2015 13:48:31] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: But as you may know, there are some who refuse to accept the gift they gave to us.
[03.07.2015 13:48:38] Jared.Nomak: Like?
[03.07.2015 13:48:46] Jared.Nomak: Who are those people?
[03.07.2015 13:48:58] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Liberty and Rheinland goverment first
[03.07.2015 13:49:06] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: As well as the Kusari
[03.07.2015 13:49:24] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Those filthy miners...
[03.07.2015 13:49:25] Jared.Nomak: Well. It's a no problem. You have Junkers in Liberty and Rheinland. They spread it good.
[03.07.2015 13:49:39] Yiu.Hetai': Kusari is the wrong place, only few gourps in Kusari using the Cardamine.
[03.07.2015 13:49:50] Jared.Nomak: Well. The Nomads demanded me to reactivate Raider organisation and push everyone who goes against orange dream.
[03.07.2015 13:49:58] Jared.Nomak: So, it's undergoing plan.
[03.07.2015 13:50:09] Jared.Nomak: Junkers, Antonio.
[03.07.2015 13:50:10] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: I guess you'd have our full support.
[03.07.2015 13:50:22] Jared.Nomak: As I know, you're mostly transports.
[03.07.2015 13:50:30] Jared.Nomak: Our job would be to secure your transports.
[03.07.2015 13:50:30] 2015-07-03 13:50:14 SMT : Yiu.Hetai' is attempting to engage cloaking device
[03.07.2015 13:50:47] Jared.Nomak: As well, push those filthy miners back to their hole, like we did earlier.
[03.07.2015 13:51:10] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: We have our escorts, but more help is always needed.
[03.07.2015 13:51:14] Jared.Nomak: So, for now, I'm trying to see if there's any Raiders alive.
[03.07.2015 13:51:22] Jared.Nomak: But, everyone's listed as MIA.
[03.07.2015 13:51:29] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Maybe I could help you signori, somehow?
[03.07.2015 13:51:54] Jared.Nomak: Well, for now not. There's our secure channel, which was idle. It's setuped in any Samarran vessel.
[03.07.2015 13:52:02] Jared.Nomak: So, I reactivated it, and now we wait.
[03.07.2015 13:52:18] Jared.Nomak: But, I will need you to be a good friend, or ally.
[03.07.2015 13:52:34] Jared.Nomak: Our mission is to ensure Malta does good.
[03.07.2015 13:52:47] Jared.Nomak: Good, glad to meet you. I'm Overlord Nomak, but call me Jared.
[03.07.2015 13:52:59] Jared.Nomak: And Antonio, Antonio Bloodrose.
[03.07.2015 13:53:04] Jared.Nomak: Heard about you fellas.
[03.07.2015 13:53:05] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: *bows*
[03.07.2015 13:53:17] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: You did?
[03.07.2015 13:53:22] Jared.Nomak: So, what do you think about Crimson Cross.
[03.07.2015 13:53:24] Jared.Nomak: Yes.
[03.07.2015 13:53:39] Jared.Nomak: 'They' said me everything i need to know.
[03.07.2015 13:53:52] Jared.Nomak: But, what I need to know is, how do you see Crimson Cross.
[03.07.2015 13:53:59] Jared.Nomak: Do you think it's good for Maltese?
[03.07.2015 13:54:03] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: -They- ? Oh, I think I know what you mean.
[03.07.2015 13:54:05] Yiu.Hetai': 'They' is Nomads?
[03.07.2015 13:54:20] Jared.Nomak: Yes. In my home, we called them like that.
[03.07.2015 13:54:23] Jared.Nomak: Or Anunnaki.
[03.07.2015 13:54:32] Jared.Nomak: But I tend to speak like Sirians.
[03.07.2015 13:54:48] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Crimoson Cross in my opinion is currently the best choise for Maltese nation, for they are good people.
[03.07.2015 13:55:02] Jared.Nomak: And, you don't mind their fanaticism?
[03.07.2015 13:55:18] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: To be honest, I don't.
[03.07.2015 13:55:21] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Do you?
[03.07.2015 13:55:59] Jared.Nomak: We, the collective, together with 'Them' are currently unsure.
[03.07.2015 13:56:07] Jared.Nomak: That's why I'm here, to see if they are good or not.
[03.07.2015 13:56:20] Jared.Nomak: Because, Maltese were warriors, not religious fanatics.
[03.07.2015 13:56:37] Jared.Nomak: And I'm here to observe.
[03.07.2015 13:56:50] Yiu.Hetai': So 'They' are could no like Corss fanatism?
[03.07.2015 13:57:09] Jared.Nomak: If it is not good for Maltese people, they won' like it.
[03.07.2015 13:57:29] Jared.Nomak: That's why, I'm here, to see how's going. Are the people satisfied and is Maltese nacion on good path.
[03.07.2015 13:57:36] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: if it was bad for people, Malta would not be strong as it is now.
[03.07.2015 13:57:52] Jared.Nomak: Maltese are important to collective. Cardamine plus loyal people.
[03.07.2015 13:58:03] Jared.Nomak: Well. Never underestimate enemies.
[03.07.2015 13:58:17] Jared.Nomak: They can always grow stronger, whenever you think you're safe.
[03.07.2015 13:58:29] Jared.Nomak: Dark times are coming.
[03.07.2015 13:58:34] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Noone is safe signori, I think you know that.
[03.07.2015 13:58:45] Jared.Nomak: Exactly, I know it from experience.
[03.07.2015 13:59:01] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: What worries me are those Gauls, I cannot stand them.
[03.07.2015 13:59:06] Yiu.Hetai': Hm, still it's a strange that they could not like their own worshipers in their wish to have Nacion stronger.
[03.07.2015 13:59:15] Jared.Nomak: So, my job is to reactivate Raiders. I hope that you don't mind us to use Malta as our home for now?
[03.07.2015 13:59:24] Moonwalker[13th]: hi
[03.07.2015 13:59:27] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Of course not signori.
[03.07.2015 13:59:33] Yiu.Hetai': Kon'nichiwa.
[03.07.2015 13:59:35] Jared.Nomak: They do like Maltese people.
[03.07.2015 13:59:44] Jared.Nomak: They only care about safety and good of Malta.
[03.07.2015 13:59:56] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: I know they do signori
[03.07.2015 14:00:07] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Buongiorno signori.
[03.07.2015 14:00:18] Jared.Nomak: And we, when we will get reorganized again, will be here, just in case.
[03.07.2015 14:00:26] Yiu.Hetai': Well, I and They wish the same at this point
[03.07.2015 14:00:28] Jared.Nomak: Those pesky 'sairs are weird.
[03.07.2015 14:00:43] Jared.Nomak: We will have to go around their space too.
[03.07.2015 14:00:46] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Just keep in mind that you can count on Syndicate's support.
[03.07.2015 14:01:06] Jared.Nomak: Of course, that's why I'm speaking with you. I need Maltese to rememer who we were.
[03.07.2015 14:01:18] Jared.Nomak: There's of course, new generations, who don't.
[03.07.2015 14:01:27] Jared.Nomak: That's why I will need to let you know, new generations.
[03.07.2015 14:01:34] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: I do not fully know who -you- are, but I will check some data.
[03.07.2015 14:01:49] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: As -you- I meant Raiders as a whole.
[03.07.2015 14:01:50] Jared.Nomak: You should search for Samarran Raiders in your databases.
[03.07.2015 14:02:04] Jared.Nomak: Ghosts of Razgriz archieves.
[03.07.2015 14:02:16] Jared.Nomak: or the 101st how you knew them.
[03.07.2015 14:02:22] Yiu.Hetai': I'll get passwords for Maltese databeses only in the next year.
[03.07.2015 14:02:32] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Ah, those archieves are hard to find, but I think I can manage.
[03.07.2015 14:02:44] Jared.Nomak: You will get all the answers.
[03.07.2015 14:02:49] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: I hope.
[03.07.2015 14:03:09] Jared.Nomak: We've led war against Order where some... agents of Maltese Nacion provided us support.
[03.07.2015 14:03:21] Jared.Nomak: Along with "believers" from Rheinland, if you get me.
[03.07.2015 14:03:30] Jared.Nomak: Those, enlightened.
[03.07.2015 14:03:30] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Are you referring to 101st?
[03.07.2015 14:03:49] Jared.Nomak: Well, some were 101st, some were just ordinary Maltese men.
[03.07.2015 14:03:54] Jared.Nomak: Serving the good for Malta.
[03.07.2015 14:04:01] Jared.Nomak: At that time, Order was a threat.
[03.07.2015 14:04:12] Jared.Nomak: Since, the Core was at dying state.
[03.07.2015 14:04:28] Jared.Nomak: And Corsairs were neutral to them, sometimes, they worked together.
[03.07.2015 14:04:32] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: I don't know what's the situation in those other deep Omicrons at the moment, but we... we received a warning that-
[03.07.2015 14:04:49] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Other threat, a new threat is at our doorstep
[03.07.2015 14:05:04] Jared.Nomak: Exactly. Again, that's why I'm here.
[03.07.2015 14:05:23] Yiu.Hetai': Core still not attack me, but they will get to know that I'm linked with Matla one day, then Omicrons will not be so safe for
[03.07.2015 14:05:25] Yiu.Hetai': me
[03.07.2015 14:05:41] Jared.Nomak: Do not worry, Malta will be safe, as you in it.
[03.07.2015 14:05:54] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: I am sure that you already know Yu, Omicrons are never safe nor they will ever be.
[03.07.2015 14:06:07] Yiu.Hetai': I know, I'm living here for 5 years.
[03.07.2015 14:06:10] Jared.Nomak: I would need syndicate to promote our organisation, and those who wish to serve something 'higher' in order to-
[03.07.2015 14:06:17] Jared.Nomak: make Malta safe, could speak with me.
[03.07.2015 14:06:29] Jared.Nomak: Not yet. Organisation is undergroing plan now.
[03.07.2015 14:06:37] Base Infinity destroyed
[03.07.2015 14:06:42] Jared.Nomak: Oh, and.
[03.07.2015 14:06:46] Jared.Nomak: What about Kusari.
[03.07.2015 14:06:46] Yiu.Hetai': Well you saying safe as for the House space, when I'm saying safe to Omicrons I do not mean the House safe.
[03.07.2015 14:06:49] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: I will speak with my -officials- about your matter signori Nomak.
[03.07.2015 14:07:12] Jared.Nomak: Good. Perhaps, there's someone older in your syndicate and will know about us.
[03.07.2015 14:07:19] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: I personally have plans for Kusarian market.
[03.07.2015 14:07:28] Jared.Nomak: Omicrons will be safe place soon, miss.
[03.07.2015 14:07:31] Jared.Nomak: That's my plan.
[03.07.2015 14:07:36] Yiu.Hetai': I can hep you with Kusari.
[03.07.2015 14:07:37] Jared.Nomak: Kusari is good market, indeed.
[03.07.2015 14:07:43] Jared.Nomak: Sisters will spread the orange.
[03.07.2015 14:07:53] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Exactly.
[03.07.2015 14:07:55] Jared.Nomak: But, pesky Dragons with their Order allies can be problem.
[03.07.2015 14:08:02] Jared.Nomak: We could, do some work there too.
[03.07.2015 14:08:28] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Blood dragons are not a problem.
[03.07.2015 14:08:43] Jared.Nomak: Never say that. They have Order behind them.
[03.07.2015 14:08:46] Yiu.Hetai': They are, they are mad people, trust me on that.
[03.07.2015 14:08:48] Jared.Nomak: They share technology.
[03.07.2015 14:08:56] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: Order is weak and so are they...
[03.07.2015 14:09:07] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: You know what happened to them...
[03.07.2015 14:09:20] Jared.Nomak: Believe me, I was here before you've flown in space, and I know what enemies can do if they want to destroy you.
[03.07.2015 14:09:29] Jared.Nomak: Keep your eyes open all time.
[03.07.2015 14:09:43] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: *frowns* They are always open
[03.07.2015 14:11:02] Jared.Nomak: Good.
[03.07.2015 14:11:10] Jared.Nomak: It was nice meeting you.
[03.07.2015 14:11:45] Jared.Nomak: I need to land now, see you around.
[03.07.2015 14:11:58] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: So long...
[03.07.2015 14:12:03] Yiu.Hetai': Good luck, it seems that you are a good man.
[03.07.2015 14:12:07] (@)-Antonio.Bloodrose: We'll be in touch, I hope.
[03.07.2015 14:12:19] Jared.Nomak: Yes, thank you. Search for Samarran Raiders, to gain answers.
[03.07.2015 14:12:22] Jared.Nomak: See you.
Antonio Bloodrose
Bloodrose Syndicate
Target list:
• [HF]-S-Sundread Hostile - [HF] - Hellfire Legion
• [HF]-Thunderbolt Hostile - [HF] - Hellfire Legion
• [HF]-Gamma.2 Hostile - [HF] - Hellfire Legion
• (@)-MNS-Xiphias Friendly - (@) - Bloodrose Syndicate
• Yui.Hentai' Friendly - Freelancer
RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Dapanji - 07-07-2015

[Incoming Signal]
[Sender:]______ Luciano Palermo
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha
[Subject:]_____ Patrol report: 6-07-822
[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ Very High
[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]
I suppose it's time for my first report, so here goes. Signore Antonio asked me to accompany him on his way to smuggle a shipment of workers and cardamine into Gallia. Our flight towards there went with no incidents. However, on the way back, we were intercepted by three Unione Corse vessels. Soon enough, the situation became really tense as they were ready to destroy our ships and move on with their lives. I realized we had little to none chance of defending ourselves, considering we were outnumbered and signore Antonio was piloting a transport. Somehow, we managed to talk them into giving us a chance not to leave in escape pods. With a little bit of luck, or however you prefer calling it, the two of us safely returned to Maltese territory.
Luciano Palermo
Bloodrose Syndicate
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: How rude.
[UC]-Demolir.5: I believe the word is "hola"
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: So, how are you doing my friend?
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Wrong
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Buongiorno it is
[UC]-Demolir.5: Eh, what?
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: As I said, Buongiorno
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: Aren't you going to answer my question, signore?
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: Or is it signorina?
[UC]-Demolir.5: Signore, I think. Your words are strange
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: Why is that?
[UC]-Demolir.5: I didn't answer your question because it was directed at a friend. I am not your friend
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: Ouch.
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: Oh, I'm sorry if I offended you. Let's try this one more time - How are you doing, signore?
[UC]-Demolir.5: I am doing fine
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Oh another one, buongiorno
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: Bonjour.
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: *Nods*
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Ah si, bonjour it is...
[UC]-Demolir.5: After all, in my sights, I have eighteen million credits
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Si?
[UC]-Mystere: *raises an eyebrow*
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: Then I must be in a need of glasses, because I don't see them.
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: Indeed.
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: I don't see eighteen either.
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: More like twenty, if you ask me.
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: So who really needs glasses here?
[UC]-Demolir.5: Any reason we shouldn't go about our business and collect?
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: I don't see any reasons for that either.
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: Taking it a bit too far, aren't we?
[UC]-Mystere: Reason or non, the audacity is amusing.
[UC]-Demolir.5: Far? Non, not us
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: *wonders* No, certanly not twenty.
[UC]-Demolir.5: You, perhaps, for risking your life coming here
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: What's to life if not taking risks?
[UC]-Demolir.5: A pity for your distributors if you cannot supply them
[UC]-Demolir.5: Ugh, this almost feels too easy
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: I find their lack of reasons... Satisfying.
[UC]-Demolir.5: Indeed, Luis
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: Good for you.
[UC]-Demolir.5: Should we ask them for final words, mon amis?
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: I vote yes.
[UC]-Mystere: Oui, why not
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Ah... I am sure that there is something that we could agree?
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: So, are you going to collect what you came for or what?
[UC]-Demolir.5: A strange choice for final words
[UC]-Demolir.5: If you insist, Palermo, we shall
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: I heard someone mentioning millions, no?
[UC]-Demolir.5: Fortunately, you're worth less
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: At least your ears work as they should.
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: Well, can't complain about that.
[UC]-Demolir.5: How about you, Virgo? Anything more to say?
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: We have some credits to offer you.
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: "Some".
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: Define this amount.
[UC]-Demolir.5: I shall not demand
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: 25 milion to be precise.
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: Hm, let me do maths...
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: In theory, that's a worthy proposal...
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: But, well, in theory.
[UC]-Mystere: Don't forget to carry the deux, monsieur.
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: The -deux- ?
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: Consirder who you are, no offence, I'm not so keen on accepting it.
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: Not sure about my companions though.
[UC]-Demolir.5: Same, Luis, but Mystere is the one who knows money the best
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: But you must admit that 25 milion Sirius credits is not a bad sum of money.
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: Of course it isn't.
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: Seems like you suddenly lost the sight of those twenty millions you were talking about, si?
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: But 18 millions and an outcast train going down in flames is, let's say, more appealing to me.
[UC]-Demolir.5: Indeed not, compared to what we might get paid. And I'd say it also covers us looking the other way in regards to the law
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: Nothing personal.
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: I think that 25 milions is better than nothing and wasting your ammo si?
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: I doubt you people are unreasonable, let's make a deal.
[UC]-Demolir.5: We're discussing your br- "offer"
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: Take your time.
(@)-ET-Virgo: *prepares credits for the transfer*
[UC]-Demolir.5: Alright, I think we've come to a ... satisfactory decision
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Si?
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: Per favore, enlighten us.
[UC]-Demolir.5: Your escort will flip a coin. If heads, we accept your generous offer and drop the cardamine. If tails, we fulfill our contract
[UC]-Demolir.5: Best two out of three, or just the once?
[UC]-Demolir.5: Decide that now
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: Once is enough.
[UC]-Demolir.5: Flip the coin then, monsieur
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: Here goes.
(@)-Luciano.Palermo tossed heads
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: Aw, come on!
[UC]-Demolir.5: Well, wasn't that fun?
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Si...
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: Can't say it wasn't.
[UC]-Mystere: Reminds me of that old D&D Hologame... One toss made the decision, though they used dice rather than coins.
[UC]-Luis.Verdun: Someone has a lucky day...
[UC]-Demolir.5: A lucky life, more alike
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Now standby... the credits are ready
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: I don't really believe in luck, but whatever you want to call it, it's fine by me.
[UC]-Demolir.5: Don't forget to rid your cargobay of the filthy cardamine
[UC]-Demolir.5: You can make it to Malta with the amount left on your bridge, I'd bet
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Now credits are going to?
[UC]-Demolir.5: Send them to Mystere. He'll distribute it as he sees fit
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Credits sent.
[UC]-Mystere: Confirmed
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: May we leave now?
[UC]-Demolir.5: Cardamine destroyed. A minor victory
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: Victory is still a victory, no?
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: No matter how minor it is.
[UC]-Demolir.5: Indeed
[UC]-Demolir.5: And yes, do leave
(@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Ciao
[UC]-Demolir.5: Don't linger around in Gallia
(@)-Luciano.Palermo: Grazie. Use your credits wisely.
[UC]-Demolir.5: Well, at least the expensive Rum on Glieze is less of a problem now ..
Target list:
• (@)-ET-Virgo - Friendly - Bloodrose Syndicate
• [UC]-Demolir.5 - Hostile - Unione Corse
• [UC]-Luis.Verdun - Hostile - Unione Corse
• [UC]-Mystere - Hostile - Unione Corse
RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Venkman - 07-08-2015

[Incoming Signal]
[Sender:]______ Antonio Bloodrose
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Montezuma base, Cortez
[Subject:]_____ Patrol report: 07-07-822 A.S.
[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ Very High
[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]
Buongiorno mia familia
Yesterday the Bloodroses assembled in Magellan system where we had a report that a medium sized group of Royal Navy forces are in the system. In our squad we had singori Nathan, Dino and Francesco Scollio. Signori Dino and Francesco were in bombers while Nathan and I were in fighters. Our scanners showed that a Royal fleet was somewhere near Freeport 4. The Royals had 2 Battleships, 2 fighters and a bomber. Near Freeport 4 we found one Bretonia Armed Forces pilot in a gunboat trying to deal damage to Royal's Battleship. Due to a malfunction, signori Dino Bloodrose had to dock on Mactan. Nathan and I successfully neutralized those 2 fighters and began shooting the Battleships. We lacked firepower so Nathan quickly took his gunboat that was stationed on Mactan. As it was a anti-cap gunboat we actually managed to deal some damage to one of their Battleships. Unfortunately those Battleships were too strong and we couldn't manage to deal with them alone. The smartest choice was to retreat to the Cortez system and stay on Montezuma. We are currently repairing our ships and getting ready for a new battle which I think will happen soon.
Antonio Bloodrose
Bloodrose Syndicate
Target list:
• {B}Guillotine Hostile - {B} - Gallic Royal Navy
• {B}RNS-Tonnant - Hostile- {B} - Gallic Royal Navy
• GRN|Ferdinand.Mounier - Hostilel - GRN| Gallic Royal Navy
• {B}RNS-Versailles - Hostile - {B} - Gallic Royal Navy
• GRN|Mathis:Launcelot - Hostile- GRN|- Gallic Royal Navy|
• (@)Nathan,Bloodrose -Friendly - (@) - Bloodrose Syndicate
• (@)Dino.Bloodrose - Friendly- (@) - Bloodrose Syndicate
• (@)Francesco.Scollio - Friendly- (@) - Bloodrose Syndicate
• (@)MNS-Xiphias - Friendly- (@) - Bloodrose Syndicate
• BAF|-A-HMS-Islay - Friendly- BAF|- Bretonia Armed Forces
RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - Venkman - 07-10-2015

[Incoming Signal]
[Sender:]______ Antonio Bloodrose
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Cali base, Tau-23
[Subject:]_____ Patrol report: 09-07-822 A.S.
[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ Very High
[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]
Buongiorno mia familia
The Gallic Royal Navy forces again gathered in Magellan system, but this time they had a lot bigger and stronger force. Fortunately we - Bloodroses had some help, the Liberty Rogues. It appeared that we had bigger number of pilots, but we lacked capital ships. Luckily, after quite some time of fighting, the Royal Navy forces were forced to retreat... we were victorious. No doubt that they will regroup and come back again and again, but we will be ready.
As the battle was over, we moved to California. There we encountered one Liberty Navy Dreadnought, he was nothing but an easy target for us as we burned him in a few seconds.
The Liberty Rogues decided to land and rest. My next stop was planet Malta. When I got there, there were two Samarran Raiders. I must admit that we had a pleasant conversation in which they offered - us- help in exchange for.... nothing, they said: - it would be an act of friendship- . I tried offering them credits for their service, I mean that is often how I treat my friends, I offer then a wealthy gift. I think that they were offended, but I must say that it was not my intention. Soon after our conversation I decided to move some Cardamine to Rheinland. Samarrans offered me their help as escorts which I of course accepted. It was all clear... no danger whatsoever, the Cardamine arrived safely on Kreuzberg. From there I loaded my transport with Black M. M. which was needed on Alletown. Getting there was not hard at all as I didn't encounter any pilot not to mention dangerous one. When I arrived on Alletown, I had room for around 4.920 whether were workers. vacationers, tourists... all kind of people. They couldn't wait to see Malta, we safely arrived there and people that were on board were more than happy to see Malta and it's nature. On the other hand, Samarran Raiders might be more than useful for our famiglia. Let's say that I have a good feeling about them.... let's see what time tells.
Later on I decided to earn some fast credits. I decided to visit Kyushu system and it's trade lanes. I only stopped two transport class vessels. First there was a Gas Miner Guild train, big one actually, he was transporting gold and some other commodities which were not as expensive as gold. I myself love gold and it's color, so I gave him an offer.... to hand over 30 units of Gold and 500.000 credits or.... you know. As I expected he chose wisely, he handed over 30 units of Gold and payed 500k S. C. The second transport that tried passing by was a Samura pilot in his transport also big one. Unfortunately his cargo was completely empty and he had no guns at all which made him an easy... easy target. He was a big arrogant, but the good thing was that I was in a good mood. I gave him an option to offer me some credits, but he refused, I wonder why.... anyway he accepted my generous offer which was - pay 2 milions or be turned into scrap - , he also chose wisely and payed 2 milion S. C.
It was a good day for Bloodroses and for me....
(SR~ log available
[09.07.2015 15:02:21] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Ah, buongiorno Samarran.
[09.07.2015 15:02:31] (@)-ET-Aquila: Nathan: Hello, again.
[09.07.2015 15:02:33] (SR~Leon.Cohen: Good afternoon, Bloodroses.
[09.07.2015 15:02:51] (@)-ET-Aquila: Nathan: Right, here we are.
[09.07.2015 15:04:57] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Nathan, I will have to check something on Malta then we'll go to Liberty ok?
[09.07.2015 15:05:13] (SR~Jared.Nomak: Oh Maltese. We meet again.
[09.07.2015 15:05:26] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Singori Nomak, pleasure to see you.
[09.07.2015 15:05:32] (SR~Leon.Cohen: *Nods* Overlord Nomak.
[09.07.2015 15:05:33] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Of course.
[09.07.2015 15:05:43] (SR~Jared.Nomak: This is my advisor, Reaver Leon Cohen.
[09.07.2015 15:06:00] (SR~Jared.Nomak: So, if you will need something, contact him if I'm not around.
[09.07.2015 15:06:04] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: *raises his eybrow* Advisor?
[09.07.2015 15:06:36] (SR~Jared.Nomak: Yes.
[09.07.2015 15:06:37] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Why do you seem to imply that we would need something from /you/?
[09.07.2015 15:06:54] (SR~Jared.Nomak: Not implying. Just want to help out Maltese whenever I can.
[09.07.2015 15:07:04] (SR~Jared.Nomak: If you do not like it, I won't offer my help.
[09.07.2015 15:08:34] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: We can handle ourselves, thank you very much.
[09.07.2015 15:09:08] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Yet, any more ecorts are more than welcome isn't that right Nathan?
[09.07.2015 15:09:27] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: And who's going to pay for it?
[09.07.2015 15:09:37] (SR~Jared.Nomak: *laughs*
[09.07.2015 15:09:38] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: The one that you speak with.
[09.07.2015 15:09:48] (SR~Jared.Nomak: Foolish Maltese.
[09.07.2015 15:09:52] (SR~Jared.Nomak: There's no paying.
[09.07.2015 15:09:57] (SR~Jared.Nomak: We were once allies.
[09.07.2015 15:10:13] (SR~Jared.Nomak: And people of Malta, the citizen are still those who we will help out.
[09.07.2015 15:10:18] (SR~Jared.Nomak: Therefore, including you.
[09.07.2015 15:10:22] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: So you're telling me that you would offer us your help for free singori Nomak?
[09.07.2015 15:10:38] (SR~Jared.Nomak: We're not mercenaries, nor Freelancers.
[09.07.2015 15:10:54] (SR~Jared.Nomak: We're Samarran Raiders. It's our duty to offer help.
[09.07.2015 15:11:02] (SR~Jared.Nomak: We've fought wars together.
[09.07.2015 15:11:20] Yui.Hetai': Well, I really like both of you Nathan and Antonio, but I will not work for free.
[09.07.2015 15:11:26] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: I must admit that I am happy to hear such things from you signori Nomak.
[09.07.2015 15:11:39] (SR~Jared.Nomak: As, I sad to the Crimson people.
[09.07.2015 15:11:47] (SR~Jared.Nomak: You could research history abit.
[09.07.2015 15:11:56] (SR~Jared.Nomak: And then, everything will be clear.
[09.07.2015 15:12:04] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Researching history doesn't make credits.
[09.07.2015 15:12:17] (SR~Jared.Nomak: Well, would help you out to know why are we here.
[09.07.2015 15:12:21] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Yu, my dear, I am more than happy to pay you for your help.
[09.07.2015 15:12:27] (SR~Jared.Nomak: And why you don't have to pay.
[09.07.2015 15:12:41] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Hm.
[09.07.2015 15:12:46] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Free escorts then?
[09.07.2015 15:12:51] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: I'm starting to like those guys.
[09.07.2015 15:12:56] (SR~Jared.Nomak: It's simple. Whenever we see Maltese transport, or vessel of any other kind, we're there to escort or make sure it's safe.
[09.07.2015 15:12:58] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Si *smiles*
[09.07.2015 15:13:14] (SR~Jared.Nomak: With all due respect, we're not boys.
[09.07.2015 15:13:33] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: One question signori Nomak.
[09.07.2015 15:13:36] (SR~Leon.Cohen: Well, I doubt that the Ghosts have left much information of their past when they disappeared, but I'm certain Malta's-
[09.07.2015 15:13:44] (SR~Leon.Cohen: archives have information on us.
[09.07.2015 15:14:03] (SR~Jared.Nomak: Exactly. You could check them.
[09.07.2015 15:14:35] (SR~Jared.Nomak: But, the truth is, if you would like to maintain this relation, like we started, tend to continue it.
[09.07.2015 15:14:43] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: What would you do for a living signori?
[09.07.2015 15:15:47] (SR~Leon.Cohen: We have our means of making ends meet, Mister Antonio. You shouldn't worry about that.
[09.07.2015 15:16:28] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: What I am trying to say, offer us help as an escorts, free escorts, won't make you any credits.
[09.07.2015 15:16:37] (SR~Jared.Nomak: I will repeat. Acts of friendship.
[09.07.2015 15:17:02] (SR~Leon.Cohen: We should be fine for the time being, regarding wealth.
[09.07.2015 15:17:23] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: If you say so singori... Cohen.
[09.07.2015 15:17:59] (SR~Jared.Nomak: Now, it's about you what you will decide. Do you need friends like us or not.
[09.07.2015 15:18:03] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Just keep in mind that Bloodroses would and can pay it's escorts.
[09.07.2015 15:18:18] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Most certanly signori Nomak.
[09.07.2015 15:18:31] (SR~Leon.Cohen: We are aware of that, we just refuse charging Maltese for our services.
[09.07.2015 15:18:47] (SR~Leon.Cohen: Considering what the Maltese have done for us in the past, it wouldn't be appropriate.
[09.07.2015 15:18:58] (SR~Jared.Nomak: Eh. We have our work. We fight for 'them'. Collective's connections, in wealthy companies supply us with credits.
[09.07.2015 15:19:33] (SR~Jared.Nomak: And, there's another thing. We force those miners and traders to pay us up.
[09.07.2015 15:19:55] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: I see... well let me demonstrate my act of friendship by offering you 100 milion credits each month in exchange of -
[09.07.2015 15:20:00] (@)-ET-Virgo: your help.
[09.07.2015 15:20:31] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: That would be -my- act of friendship signori.
[09.07.2015 15:21:24] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Would you accept my offer signori Nomak?
[09.07.2015 15:21:29] (SR~Leon.Cohen: With all due respect, we are kind of offended by you insisting on giving us money.
[09.07.2015 15:21:44] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Don't be
[09.07.2015 15:21:45] (SR~Leon.Cohen: Friendship is not something to be looked at through money.
[09.07.2015 15:22:10] (SR~Jared.Nomak: It would be more of supporting eachother.
[09.07.2015 15:22:20] (SR~Jared.Nomak: Helping out in difficult situations.
[09.07.2015 15:22:33] Yui.Hetai': Friendship is far more better with moneys, Cohen-san.
[09.07.2015 15:22:39] (SR~Jared.Nomak: Our concern is that people of Malta prosper.
[09.07.2015 15:22:48] (SR~Jared.Nomak: And stay safe.
[09.07.2015 15:22:50] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: I assure you, you will have our full support signori.
[09.07.2015 15:23:54] (SR~Leon.Cohen: Mister Hetai, I understand that people have different views on different things, but credits are the least of our concerns.
[09.07.2015 15:24:43] (SR~Leon.Cohen: But then again, it's not something I'd expect a Freelancer to understand, no offense.
[09.07.2015 15:24:59] (SR~Leon.Cohen: Everyone has their own ways of making a living.
[09.07.2015 15:25:11] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: But you cannot deny that life is after all better with credits signori Cohen.
[09.07.2015 15:25:30] (SR~Jared.Nomak: We have our sources of credits.
[09.07.2015 15:25:59] (SR~Jared.Nomak: We fight four our cause, our cause donates us with everything needed to acomplish tasks.
[09.07.2015 15:26:09] (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose: Ah, pardon me, there's something I need to urgently take care of...
[09.07.2015 15:26:12] 2015-07-09 15:25:57 SMT Traffic control alert: (@)-Nathan,Bloodrose has requested to dock
[09.07.2015 15:26:33] (SR~Jared.Nomak: Simple as that. We see Outcasts as friends and that means, no credits to be given for support.
[09.07.2015 15:26:33] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: If you say so signori.
[09.07.2015 15:26:44] (SR~Jared.Nomak: You just call us when you've got problem and that's it.
[09.07.2015 15:27:03] (SR~Jared.Nomak: It's our concern that orange dream goes safely trough Sirius. Got it?
[09.07.2015 15:27:06] Yui.Hetai': Well, will you, Raiders give me some credits for support?
[09.07.2015 15:27:20] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Si signori.
[09.07.2015 15:27:34] (SR~Jared.Nomak: Why would I give you money?
[09.07.2015 15:27:42] (SR~Jared.Nomak: if you were someone's concubine, perhaps.
[09.07.2015 15:27:47] (SR~Leon.Cohen: Mister Hetai, we're not running a charity organization here.
[09.07.2015 15:27:47] (SR~Jared.Nomak: *laughs*
[09.07.2015 15:28:14] Yui.Hetai': Well fine, forget it, you are -not- the people that I'm looking for.
[09.07.2015 15:28:32] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: Now excuse me, I will have to deal with something on Malta. As soon as I finish I will be moving Cardamine to -
[09.07.2015 15:28:37] (SR~Jared.Nomak: Of course. You search for someone to give you a job.
[09.07.2015 15:28:40] (@)-ET-Virgo: Rheinland.
[09.07.2015 15:28:44] Yui.Hetai': Bloodroses are -far- more better for me in this case.
[09.07.2015 15:28:44] (SR~Jared.Nomak: We're not those.
[09.07.2015 15:29:13] (@)-ET-Virgo: Antonio: I will talk to you later Samarrans, Yu. *nods*
Antonio Bloodrose
Bloodrose Syndicate
Target list:
• {B}Guillotine Hostile - {B} - Gallic Royal Navy
• {B}RNS-Tonnant - Hostile- {B} - Gallic Royal Navy
• GRN|Ferdinand.Mounier - Hostilel - GRN| Gallic Royal Navy
• {B}RNS-Versailles - Hostile - {B} - Gallic Royal Navy
• RNS-Burgundy - Hostile - Gallic Royal Navy|
• {B}RNS-Vas.Royale - Hostile- {B}- Gallic Royal Navy|
- and few others
• (@)Nathan,Bloodrose -Friendly - (@) - Bloodrose Syndicate
• (@)Dino.Bloodrose - Friendly- (@) - Bloodrose Syndicate
• (@)Armin.Vulpe - Friendly- (@) - Bloodrose Syndicate
• LR-Mr.Nice.Guy Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-The.Hand.of.God-137Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-Borderline.Offensive Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-Inverse.Generosity Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-WorstEver.Torpedo Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-Poop.Torpedo Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-Silent.Dork Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-Born.To.Be.Mild Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-Highly.Accurate Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-Philosophy.Torpedo Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• LR-I.Blame.My.Mother Friendly- LR- Liberty Rogues
• Cole.Volter Friendly- Liberty Rogues
RE: Bloodrose Syndicate - Message Dump - King Owl - 07-14-2015

[Incoming Signal]
[Sender:]______ Armin De Vulpe
[Recipient:]___ Bloodrose Syndicate
[Source:]______ Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha
[Subject:]_____ Patrol report: 7/15/822 A.S to 7/15/822 A.S
[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ Very High
[Connecting relays...]
[Establishing visual feed...]
I am here to bring forth the activity which was done by myself form the moment when i joined the syndicate. In the begin i have been through the roof. Here is small report from the today raid done by the so called posers which are called the Core.
* The day had begun with some relative fight brought to us by the Core which was scared to bring a normal fleet and came to our land with their Warships, which to a certain extent were useless as some of the came down in flames inflicted by the snub fleet from the Nacion Maltese. We were in the upper number but in the lower side of capital class even when the Nexxar came along with us. We have manage to down their fleet with relative ease, but still loses were done on the both sides.
*On other news here is the report for the target of cardamine smuggle. As the Centaurus is at this point, it has brought 6.000 units of slaves and delivered to both Rheinland and Liberty as the selling points are into influential spaces. The crew of the Centaurus will continue the smuggle untill the 25.000 units are to be sold the their required spots and we seek to go beyond the target limit
Armin de Vulpe
Bloodrose Syndicate
Target list:
•To many to remember